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Survivor Cagayan (2 Viewers)

Really bad game play by so many of the folks early on. The move for one of the Captains at

the beginning of the game would have been to pick themselves. Even if Jeff didn't allow it, would have won them over with their tribe.
Totally disagree. Could have sent them to redemption island, like the first pick last season, but definitely don't want to call yourself the

weakest player on day one.
There is no Redemption Island this season
They didnt know that yet.
You sure about that?

Baloney Sandwich said:
Henry Ford said:
Baloney Sandwich said:
Henry Ford said:
"Baloney <br /> Sandwich" said:
Really bad game play by so many of the folks early on. The move for one of the Captains at

the beginning of the game would have been to pick themselves. Even if Jeff didn't allow it, would have won them over with their tribe.
Totally disagree. Could have sent them to redemption island, like the first pick lastseason, but definitely don't want to call yourself the

weakest player on day one.
There is no Redemption Island this season
They didntknow that yet.
You sure about that?
Nope. But they were relieved when Probst said it didn't mean the "weakest" person was out of the game or the tribe.

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Bottomfeeder Sports said:
So casting found a bunch of people with impressive sounding job titles that along with having physical appearances that wouldn't allow them to fit in with any "in crowd" and decided they were the "smart" crowd? The "brains"?
I think the shows producers are coming off a tad racist here.

Bottomfeeder Sports said:
So casting found a bunch of people with impressive sounding job titles that along with having physical appearances that wouldn't allow them to fit in with any "in crowd" and decided they were the "smart" crowd? The "brains"?
I think the shows producers are coming off a tad racist here.
na, its a stereotypical characterization on all races, not sure race should be part of the discussion. All the brawn "look" like tough people, sure they can be smart for TV purposes they are labeled tough.

It's incredible that one person can point and direct, but not lift a finger, to build a shelter that collapses, then single handedly lose an immunity challenge, then dump out all the rice at camp, and somehow isn't deemed the person that these people want out of their tribe. I don't know if that's a statement on David and Garrett, or if J'Tia is truly invincible.

It's incredible that one person can point and direct, but not lift a finger, to build a shelter that collapses, then single handedly lose an immunity challenge, then dump out all the rice at camp, and somehow isn't deemed the person that these people want out of their tribe. I don't know if that's a statement on David and Garrett, or if J'Tia is truly invincible.
People are playing for "down the road" which i dont think is a very good stategy in week 1. You need to win comps at first, not worry about who might screw you over day 28...

Also, do lawyers ever do well on this show? It seems like they can argue in their own mind and make any decision seem correct. Kass told David that she wanted J-Tia out. It didn't happen and then she bonded with Garrett and Spencer. Then J-Tia loses the challenge all by herself (slowest swimmer and can't do a puzzle) and then dumps the rice, showing her to be the person you want to be in an alliance with and the other girl says she wants to talk to people other than Kass about strategy. Then what does Kass do? She votes with J-Tia and the accountant and acts like it was the right move. Crazy. For all the dumb moves so far, she is at the top. She has never had to worry about getting voted off and then sides with the one person who actually threatened her?

Bottomfeeder Sports said:
So casting found a bunch of people with impressive sounding job titles that along with having physical appearances that wouldn't allow them to fit in with any "in crowd" and decided they were the "smart" crowd? The "brains"?
From what I've heard, the 3 tribes thing was decided on after casting was finished. Casting director looked at the final 18 picked and realized they could shoehorn them all into groups. A couple of stretches to make it work 6-6-6

It's incredible that one person can point and direct, but not lift a finger, to build a shelter that collapses, then single handedly lose an immunity challenge, then dump out all the rice at camp, and somehow isn't deemed the person that these people want out of their tribe. I don't know if that's a statement on David and Garrett, or if J'Tia is truly invincible.
There have been rice-dumpers in previous seasons, and more often than not, getting rid of all the rice because you're the next to go actually buys you a few more days.

Henry Ford said:
Baloney Sandwich said:
Henry Ford said:
Baloney Sandwich said:
Really bad game play by so many of the folks early on. The move for one of the Captains at

the beginning of the game would have been to pick themselves. Even if Jeff didn't allow it, would have won them over with their tribe.
Totally disagree. Could have sent them to redemption island, like the first pick last season, but definitely don't want to call yourself theweakest player on day one.
There is no Redemption Island this season
They didnt know that yet.
You have knowledge of this or are you just guessing?

NaOnka survived like 4 episodes past when she dumped out all the food and buried all the cooking supplies and fruit in the jungle. She was never voted out, she had to quit to leave the game.

Henry Ford said:
Baloney Sandwich said:
Henry Ford said:
Baloney Sandwich said:
Really bad game play by so many of the folks early on. The move for one of the Captains at

the beginning of the game would have been to pick themselves. Even if Jeff didn't allow it, would have won them over with their tribe.
Totally disagree. Could have sent them to redemption island, like the first pick last season, but definitely don't want to call yourself theweakest player on day one.
There is no Redemption Island this season
They didnt know that yet.
You have knowledge of this or are you just guessing?
I'm just guessing. That's usually the part where Probst says "HII and Redemption Island are in play this season" or something.

Gooooooood lord what a mess.

I already can't stand the guy cop (Tony?). I was hoping someone was going to come around the corner to see him worshiping the HII.

Sarah, the other cop, has potential to go far. She seems to have the whole package.

Gooooooood lord what a mess.

I already can't stand the guy cop (Tony?). I was hoping someone was going to come around the corner to see him worshiping the HII.

Sarah, the other cop, has potential to go far. She seems to have the whole package.
Yeah. I didn't really understand where he was going with that.

"I'm going to hide this thing away so no one finds out I have it." [puts it around his neck] "I'm the king of the jungle! HAHAHAHAHA!"

You could say the same thing about a Golf Major and Survivor: "you can't win the Major/Survivor in the first round/pre-merge, but you sure can lose it"

After second immunity challenge last night: Oh, J'Tia is getting Voted out.

After Open Forum: Nope, Garrett blew it, they are going to blindside him.

After Rice dumping: Well, J'Tia just saved Garrett, she has to go

After Tribal: Wow, Garrett said enough dumb things to get himself voted off,

I feel sorry for Spencer because he seems smart enough that he might have had a chance if his tribe didn't handicap his position in the game.

If I'm in the Brains tribe I'm grabbing the remainder of the rice when I get back from tribal. J'Tia won't be eating anymore of that rice, not 1 grain. The only way she get's to eat rice is if I get voted out or she whips my ###. Other than that she better go find a coconut or learn to fish.

From Garrett's Bio:

"Why I'll Be Sole Survivor: Dedicated 2,000 hours in preparing for the strategic, social, and physical elements of Survivor. Did everything from 50 hours of yoga, to over-analyzing every episode, to mastering slide puzzles to ready myself. I essentially devoted my entire life to preparing for this adventure for the previous six months."

Then leaves the idol at camp... wow.

From Garrett's Bio:

"Why I'll Be Sole Survivor: Dedicated 2,000 hours in preparing for the strategic, social, and physical elements of Survivor. Did everything from 50 hours of yoga, to over-analyzing every episode, to mastering slide puzzles to ready myself. I essentially devoted my entire life to preparing for this adventure for the previous six months."

Then leaves the idol at camp... wow.
I doubt Garrett would of used the idol, even if he did take it to tribal.

What happens if someone else goes through his stuff and keeps it. Is that legit?

From Garrett's Bio:

"Why I'll Be Sole Survivor: Dedicated 2,000 hours in preparing for the strategic, social, and physical elements of Survivor. Did everything from 50 hours of yoga, to over-analyzing every episode, to mastering slide puzzles to ready myself. I essentially devoted my entire life to preparing for this adventure for the previous six months."

Then leaves the idol at camp... wow.
I doubt Garrett would of used the idol, even if he did take it to tribal.

What happens if someone else goes through his stuff and keeps it. Is that legit?
I'm pretty sure that's against the rules but they can go through his stuff to find out he has it. They just can't keep it. I'm still saying he decided to quit but they forced the tribe to go to TC for tv.

From Garrett's Bio:

"Why I'll Be Sole Survivor: Dedicated 2,000 hours in preparing for the strategic, social, and physical elements of Survivor. Did everything from 50 hours of yoga, to over-analyzing every episode, to mastering slide puzzles to ready myself. I essentially devoted my entire life to preparing for this adventure for the previous six months."

Then leaves the idol at camp... wow.
Gotta love "devoting your life" to Survivor and then not having fun 3 days into the game.

From Garrett's Bio:

"Why I'll Be Sole Survivor: Dedicated 2,000 hours in preparing for the strategic, social, and physical elements of Survivor. Did everything from 50 hours of yoga, to over-analyzing every episode, to mastering slide puzzles to ready myself. I essentially devoted my entire life to preparing for this adventure for the previous six months."

Then leaves the idol at camp... wow.
Gotta love "devoting your life" to Survivor and then not having fun 3 days into the game.
sorta off topic but that guy is gay right.. I think this is the first season where there have been two gays

From Garrett's Bio:

"Why I'll Be Sole Survivor: Dedicated 2,000 hours in preparing for the strategic, social, and physical elements of Survivor. Did everything from 50 hours of yoga, to over-analyzing every episode, to mastering slide puzzles to ready myself. I essentially devoted my entire life to preparing for this adventure for the previous six months."

Then leaves the idol at camp... wow.
Gotta love "devoting your life" to Survivor and then not having fun 3 days into the game.
I also love coming into a game where you are going to be starving with no body fat. Uh, Hello!!! He should have been porking up before the game so he had something to live off of. He then would a) have more energy b) not be seen as as much of a threat and c) not be gourging on the limited food the tribe has making the rest of the tribe hate him.

Garrett = one of the dumbest players of all time

From Garrett's Bio:

"Why I'll Be Sole Survivor: Dedicated 2,000 hours in preparing for the strategic, social, and physical elements of Survivor. Did everything from 50 hours of yoga, to over-analyzing every episode, to mastering slide puzzles to ready myself. I essentially devoted my entire life to preparing for this adventure for the previous six months."

Then leaves the idol at camp... wow.
Gotta love "devoting your life" to Survivor and then not having fun 3 days into the game.
sorta off topic but that guy is gay right.. I think this is the first season where there have been two gays
Couple more years and the entire cast will be gay. It will be against the law otherwise.....

Henry Ford said:
Baloney Sandwich said:
Henry Ford said:
Baloney Sandwich said:
Really bad game play by so many of the folks early on. The move for one of the Captains at

the beginning of the game would have been to pick themselves. Even if Jeff didn't allow it, would have won them over with their tribe.
Totally disagree. Could have sent them to redemption island, like the first pick last season, but definitely don't want to call yourself theweakest player on day one.
There is no Redemption Island this season
They didnt know that yet.
What someone smart should have figured out though is they only had 18 contestants. No way they were going to eliminate 3 right off the bat, they wouldn't have enough left for a tribal an episode. So, the options would seem to be Redeption, an immediate challenge for reward/send 1 home, tribe switch. I think you could reasonably make a case that the Captains should have been nominating their best players.

The "brains" tribe is completely absurd. President of the worst franchise in US pro sports. Some meathead pro poker player. Ex-cheerleader! who is now an accountant. Whatever the hell J'Tai claims to be, I'm sure it only takes about 5 minutes in person to realize she's an unhinged moron. And this kid who's the economics major.. I read his bio and his personal inspiration is Mitt Romney.

Well, whatever, I'm mildly entertained, and will enjoy watching these geniuses starve..
Not really, but close. But despite that he was able to convince the city of Miami to gift his franchise $600+ million. That's certainly something.

yeah Morgan is all natural and smarter than the whole "brains" tribe put together. GB her

Love how they threw out the "IQ" for those jerks too, like that means anything
130 is only 1, 1.5 standard deviations above the mean. That's not all that smart.

yeah Morgan is all natural and smarter than the whole "brains" tribe put together. GB her

Love how they threw out the "IQ" for those jerks too, like that means anything
130 is only 1, 1.5 standard deviations above the mean. That's not all that smart.
130 is the 98th percentile, the top 2%. It's the cutoff for Mensa. They used to call 130+ "genius", but now it's just "superior" or "very superior" on most scales. Many IQ tests don't have a classification higher than 130+.

Would you guys still watch this show if it was all men? After the terrible end to last night I realized the eye candy is one of the last things keeping me interested.

yeah Morgan is all natural and smarter than the whole "brains" tribe put together. GB her

Love how they threw out the "IQ" for those jerks too, like that means anything
130 is only 1, 1.5 standard deviations above the mean. That's not all that smart.
130 is the 98th percentile, the top 2%. It's the cutoff for Mensa. They used to call 130+ "genius", but now it's just "superior" or "very superior" on most scales. Many IQ tests don't have a classification higher than 130+.
The tests are supposed to have an average of 100 with a standard deviation of 15. However, when you consider the different tests and the inflation of scores over time, the range of the median is more like 95-110 with varying standard deviations. The tests generally don't have categories above that because they're not designed to test people on that end of the spectrum.

And calling the top 2% genius was absurd. There aren't 1500 geniuses at the average NFL game.

That puzzle J'Tia screwed up has been on the show many times. I don't think she realized that the pieces rotated like gears. How is that possible?

The brawn tribe is perfectly setup for the group challenges. To have everyone relatively fit and have a good puzzle solver is a perfect combo.

In the previews for next week it looks like

Tony tells that he is a cop to the other cop.
Jtia did something I never remembered before in a Survivor. Was useless in the physical part of the challenge (she did nothing), blew a huge lead in the puzzle portion, blew up at camp dumping the food, and still survived.

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