I never had this where I grew up, which is only like 20 minutes from where I currently live. When we moved to this town, the kids in October did this thing called "Booing." Basically your kids' friends (grammar school age) ring the doorbell, leave a bag of candy, and run off. It's basically ring and run with candy. In around 3rd grade it starts to get competitive--doorbell rings in the evening in our house and the girls all assume they've been Boo'd, and so they all come running and burst out the front door to try and catch the booer. Last night was my first time at the helm, driving while Mrs. O passed out the bags to the kids, gave me directions, and we repeatedly deployed and picked up the two older O kids. During the mad dash back into the car, I'm pretty sure a couple times I had the wheels rolling before 8 year old had the door shut. You start developing next level strategies on where to deploy the kids and where to wait for pickup; which side of the street; how to shut down in-vehicle lighting to maintain anonymity. Etc.
We weren't caught once. We're undefeated.
This a thing in your town?
We weren't caught once. We're undefeated.
This a thing in your town?