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​ 👨🏻‍🦳👩🏾 ​ 2020 Vice Presidential Debate - October 7 - 9:00PM ET (1 Viewer)

Sinn Fein

When? 9 to 10:30 p.m. ET Wednesday. (You can listen to the debate on NPR, and we'll have a livestream video online.)

Where? The University of Utah, Salt Lake City.

The university offered a lottery for fewer than 100 students to represent the campus inside the debate site. The school stressed that attendees will be spaced out and that face masks will be required.

Who's moderating? Susan Page, Washington Bureau chief, USA Today.

What's the format? The debate will be divided into nine 10-minute sections. Each candidate will have two minutes to respond to the opening question in each segment.

Topics? Page hasn't released a list of topics.

I actually think this could be the main event - in terms of a real policy debate and compare/contrast the different approaches each side will take.  I think both Pence and Harris will be strong debaters for their respective positions.

Plexiglass will separate Vice President Pence and Sen. Kamala Harris of California, the Democratic nominee, during their vice presidential debate on Wednesday.

That's a precaution as a result of a cluster of coronavirus cases from the White House affecting President Trump and a number of aides and associates.

Pence has tested negative for the virus, but his proximity to others — including at a Rose Garden ceremony on Sept. 26 — has raised concerns about his health status and potential for spreading the virus to others. Pence worked from home in recent days.

The use of a plexiglass divider was requested by the campaign of Harris and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, and the Commission on Presidential Debates agreed to the change. A Pence spokeswoman reportedly mocked the plexiglass, calling it a "fortress." The divider follows a request from the Biden campaign to sit Harris and Pence farther apart, Politico reported.

Plexiglass will separate Vice President Pence and Sen. Kamala Harris of California, the Democratic nominee, during their vice presidential debate on Wednesday.

That's a precaution as a result of a cluster of coronavirus cases from the White House affecting President Trump and a number of aides and associates.

Pence has tested negative for the virus, but his proximity to others — including at a Rose Garden ceremony on Sept. 26 — has raised concerns about his health status and potential for spreading the virus to others. Pence worked from home in recent days.

The use of a plexiglass divider was requested by the campaign of Harris and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, and the Commission on Presidential Debates agreed to the change. A Pence spokeswoman reportedly mocked the plexiglass, calling it a "fortress." The divider follows a request from the Biden campaign to sit Harris and Pence farther apart, Politico reported.
Continued positive cases from the initial event and they still resort to this stuff to downplay it.  This debate shouldn't even be taking place as he should be quarantined. 

Personally - I think the Plexiglas is an opportunistic prop that the Dems are using to keep COVID at the forefront - as opposed to a legitimate preventative measure.

But, given that I think it is a recommended device from the Covid task-force - it won't play well for Pence to complain, and just reinforces the Administration's response.

Continued positive cases from the initial event and they still resort to this stuff to downplay it.  This debate shouldn't even be taking place as he should be quarantined. 
I sort of agree - and maybe a Zoom debate could have worked.

But, given the abject failures of the Presidential debate - I am looking forward to seeing this one play out.  There is also a non-zero chance this is the last debate of the election cycle.

Vice President Pence is requesting that no plexiglass dividers be placed on his side of the stage at Wednesday night’s vice-presidential debate, after an announcement Monday by the Commission on Presidential Debates that dividers had been agreed to as a safety measure to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Marc Short, the vice president’s chief of staff, said the vice president’s team does not view plexiglass dividers as medically necessary, given other safety measures at the debate, including a 12-foot distance between Pence and Sen. Kamala D. Harris (D-Calif.) and daily testing of both candidates.

The commission and the Biden campaign both said Tuesday they understood that the Pence team was in agreement with the notion of plexiglass barriers. But the Pence team suggested they did not want any such dividers around the vice president, regardless of what Harris does.

“If she wants it, she’s more than welcome to surround herself with plexiglass if that makes her feel more comfortable,” Short said. “It’s not needed.”

The issue was expected to come up for discussion at a meeting between the two campaigns and the commission later Tuesday.

The dispute plays into a larger clash of messages between the Trump and Biden campaigns. Trump argues that the coronavirus has largely been conquered and there is no need for burdensome restrictions; Biden’s campaign is based largely on a critique of the president’s handling of the pandemic. For both sides, plexiglass dividers could be seen as a symbol of the continued threat posed by the virus.

As to the debate: Biden/Harris have rather significant leads in most polls, as I understand it.  So it seems to me that Harris' focus should be to come across as presidential ...someone ready to step in, if it comes to that.  I'd love to see her play attack dog on Trump/Pence, and that might be more the norm for the VP debate.  But given the numerous speculations about Biden's age, she and the ticket might be better served if she works to show her presidential chops.  And hopefully she'll answer the questions.  I hate the way Pence will never provide answers but instead dance around every issue.

Plenty of ammo to calmly and presidentially attack Pence. He’s not the type to raise his voice, so both are concurrently possible. Looking forward to this one. 

Plenty of ammo to calmly and presidentially attack Pence. He’s not the type to raise his voice, so both are concurrently possible. Looking forward to this one. 
"Mr. Vice President, do you condemn white supremacists??  :popcorn:  

As to the debate: Biden/Harris have rather significant leads in most polls, as I understand it.  So it seems to me that Harris' focus should be to come across as presidential ...someone ready to step in, if it comes to that.  I'd love to see her play attack dog on Trump/Pence, and that might be more the norm for the VP debate.  But given the numerous speculations about Biden's age, she and the ticket might be better served if she works to show her presidential chops.  And hopefully she'll answer the questions.  I hate the way Pence will never provide answers but instead dance around every issue.
For sure..good chance Biden will not make it a full term.  Harris needs to come off as if she were POTUS.

Not a fan of Harris but come on man if Biden wins he will be 82 by the end of his first term.  Right now Biden is playing with house money as life expectancy for males in the US is 76.  So she will need to come off as if she were POTUS.

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Not a fan of Harris but come on man if Biden wins he will be 82 by the end of his first term.  Right now Biden is playing with house money as life expectancy for males in the US is 76.  So she will need to come off as if she were POTUS.
We seem to be drifting into some wishcasting in here. 

Not a fan of Harris but come on man if Biden wins he will be 82 by the end of his first term.  Right now Biden is playing with house money as life expectancy for males in the US is 76.  So she will need to come off as if she were POTUS.
Plus also three year difference between two candidates one of whom is morbidly obese and dealing with the long term unknown effects of coronavirus. I think If I were Kamala I'd be hoping Pence goes there. She will have an answer for that garbage. Also the Trump campaign is already cratering with the elderly. 

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Plus also three year difference between two candidates one of whom is morbidly obese and dealing with the long term unknown effects of coronavirus. I think If I were Kamala I'd be hoping Pence goes there. She will have an answer for that garbage. Also the Trump campaign is already cratering with the elderly. 
Really do not care about Trump.  Talkin bout the Biden-Harris ticket.

I will be shocked if she doesn’t destroy him.

if I were her, I might even have a closing line of “the result tonight is not mike pence’s fault - his boss sent him out to defend the indefensible”

I will be shocked if she doesn’t destroy him.

if I were her, I might even have a closing line of “the result tonight is not mike pence’s fault - his boss sent him out to defend the indefensible”
Yeah I think so. I think he'll be doing a lot of shaking his head and doing the being disappointed look. But he's not a schmuck, he will be prepared and he will get his shots in. He'll lie a lot to do it because of course he will.  

I will be shocked if she doesn’t destroy him.

if I were her, I might even have a closing line of “the result tonight is not mike pence’s fault - his boss sent him out to defend the indefensible”
Actually, a clever ploy would be for Harris to continually emphasize "your boss."  Pence has been obedient to a fault.  Painting him as a clear subordinate lessens his standing.  This will be reinforced by his rather passive demeanor and his unwillingness to directly answer questions.

I think there's a chance there could be a perceived role reversal from the POTUS debate the other night in which Harris will be seen as the aggressor attacking an older person.  Unfair as it is...confident and aggressive women aren't always viewed as positively as men exhibiting the same traits. I'd bet my bottom dollar that the word "arrogant" or a derivation will be used ad nauseum to describe Harris post debate by the Trump/Right Media.

Harris should win this hands down....I hope they advise her not to spike the football and do a dance......but to be magnanimous.  It would play better to the voting public and give her opposition less ammo.  

I think there's a chance there could be a perceived role reversal from the POTUS debate the other night in which Harris will be seen as the aggressor attacking an older person.  Unfair as it is...confident and aggressive women aren't always viewed as positively as men exhibiting the same traits. I'd bet my bottom dollar that the word "arrogant" or a derivation will be used ad nauseum to describe Harris post debate by the Trump/Right Media.

Harris should win this hands down....I hope they advise her not to spike the football and do a dance......but to be magnanimous.  It would play better to the voting public and give her opposition less ammo.  
Rays/Yanks takes priority here. I'll watch the highlights later.

I think there's a chance there could be a perceived role reversal from the POTUS debate the other night in which Harris will be seen as the aggressor attacking an older person.  Unfair as it is...confident and aggressive women aren't always viewed as positively as men exhibiting the same traits. I'd bet my bottom dollar that the word "arrogant" or a derivation will be used ad nauseum to describe Harris post debate by the Trump/Right Media.

Harris should win this hands down....I hope they advise her not to spike the football and do a dance......but to be magnanimous.  It would play better to the voting public and give her opposition less ammo.  
Agree about how she'll get characterized. Disagree that there will be anything like a clear "winner." Pence aint Trump.

Harris is horrible at debating, and campaigning and governing judging by how she did in the primaries.  This is going to be embarrassing for her, almost feel bad.

Agree about how she'll get characterized. Disagree that there will be anything like a clear "winner." Pence aint Trump.
Harris is better than Tim Kaine.  I don't dislike Mike Pence and find him to be pretty Presidential in demeanor and look. He doesn't have the "bull in the china shop" elan that Trump has that enables him to do better in debates than he should. He also has the unfortunate job of defending Donald Trump.....and that's a tough sell for anyone.   Pence will be on D all night and not have the ability to generate points or enthusiasm.  Harris needs too not press to hard.  

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Kamala came out punching.  Pence looks like he's sucking on a lemon.....but she didn't QUITE answer the question.  


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