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1-10...How Good Are You At Shooting Stuff Into a Trash Can?... (2 Viewers)

How Good Are You...?

  • 1-so bad I don't even try anymore.....even if no one is around

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2-I haven't made one since middle school

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3-Sheldon from Big Bang Theory would probably work me

    Votes: 3 2.8%
  • 4- I would be much higher but I get "fouled" on my first shot almost every time....but the second at

    Votes: 6 5.6%
  • 5-pretty much guarantee 1 out of every 2 is going down

    Votes: 9 8.4%
  • 6- I'm really probably a 4 or 5....but I lie... a lot

    Votes: 12 11.2%
  • 7-I think I am really an 8 or 9...and will try to bet anybody around me that I will drain it no matt

    Votes: 16 15.0%
  • 8-does anybody know any hard games...?

    Votes: 24 22.4%
  • 9-I'm pretty much the Steph Curry of launching #### into the trash can

    Votes: 21 19.6%
  • 10- if all the baby seals/whales/ ocean life in the world needed saving on one single recycle bin/tr

    Votes: 16 15.0%

  • Total voters

Stinkin Ref

IBL Representative
I have always considered myself one of the best athletes I know ? .....and I should be waaaaaaaay better at this....


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Awesome pole. 

I'm probably moderate to average, but I think I'm above average. 

We used to have a joke at the gym that anybody that said they stunk at basketball but could stick the three really stunk at basketball, all around. 

Just food for thought.  

I'm horrible.  That doesn't stop me.  And I've taken to "leaving the ball where it lies"; at home, in public, wherever.  If sidewalks are okay landing places for cigarette butts, they're fine for 2/3 finished bottles of mountain dew.

I voted 8.

Scouting report

-Great range.

-Excellent compensation for trash aerodynamics ie: light candy wrapper vs balled up tin foil. Makes the necessary adjustments

-Superior arc and touch

-Can shoot with either hand

-Sometimes overconfident and will miss a slam dunk

I'm horrible.  That doesn't stop me.  And I've taken to "leaving the ball where it lies"; at home, in public, wherever.  If sidewalks are okay landing places for cigarette butts, they're fine for 2/3 finished bottles of mountain dew.
CHEATING. That remaining 3rd of the Mtn Dew gives an unfair weight advantage. You should probably vote yourself a 1 to be safe.

squarely a 7;

Some days I am on fire and can't miss a thing... other days I am embarrassingly off.   Having a proper projectile that flies true and weighs enough is helpful.

Back in the day I was a 9 or 10 while killing time in the North Atlantic.  I had a collection of tape balls, about the size of golf balls, and a "court" that was about 15 feet long, where I would shoot into a small trash can mounted on a door (like the item on the left side of the pic).

Nowadays, I'm about a 6.  I attribute most of the drop off on inferior projectiles.

ETA: I can also nail 30 foot putts on office carpet.

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Was at a legit 9 when I was younger.  Now I'm probably about a 7.  No joke, my trashcan shooting skills have diminished with age.  :shrug:  

I have always considered myself one of the best athletes I know ? .....and I should be waaaaaaaay better at this....

I have done extensive research on this subject and found that empircally based on my anecdotes trashcan basketball and real basketball have a 99.87% inverse relation to one another, statistically.

ETA: I am a solid 7 in trash can basketball, which fits my model perfectly.

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Give me something like a nicely packed, semi-damp clump of paper towels and my mid-range jumper is deadly. Good from about 18 feet no problem. 

Mister CIA said:
Back in the day I was a 9 or 10 while killing time in the North Atlantic.  I had a collection of tape balls, about the size of golf balls, and a "court" that was about 15 feet long, where I would shoot into a small trash can mounted on a door (like the item on the left side of the pic).

Nowadays, I'm about a 6.  I attribute most of the drop off on inferior projectiles.

ETA: I can also nail 30 foot putts on office carpet.
indeed - my scores for myself were for my peak at each (trash & cards). shaky ol man now.

my best trash shot skill is being able to instantly adjust heft & arc to pot my quarry no matter the density, shape & bunchability of the discarded material.

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I'm a solid 8.  I hit a walking shot with a paper towel into the copy room trash can from 12 feet every time I walk back from the bathroom.  I miss maybe 1x per 20 shots or so.  

REAL basketball I'm a solid 1.  I can't make a layup.  I'm horrible.  I do way better when the "basket" is below me.  

Vanilla Guerrilla said:
I'm horrible.  That doesn't stop me.  And I've taken to "leaving the ball where it lies"; at home, in public, wherever.  If sidewalks are okay landing places for cigarette butts, they're fine for 2/3 finished bottles of mountain dew.
Totally off topic, but you reminded me of this classic line from Happy Gilmore:

He has to play the ball as it lies. I had to hit off Frankenstein's fat foot!

I probably hit 3/10, but just can't resist throwing.

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have you guys seen daredevil and that guy named bullseye where he can bounce stuff off of walls and kill people well when i shoot for the garbage can i am just like that it usually hits a wall and then someone in the head so basically what i am saying is maybe a 1 take that to the bank brohans

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perfect 10

I havnt missed since 3rd grade

we have an office league and im always the captain with first pick

when i put on my kneepads and sweatbands you better get the #### outta my way.

Went with an 8.  I try a lot of shots with high degrees of difficulty to keep my skills sharp.

I shoot left handed now just to keep it mildly interesting.

Had a teacher in 7th grade, Mr. Clements, he had one of the great apple asses of all times.  Totally pear-shaped dude.  he got tired of us constantly going for the wastepaper basket shot. A bunch of us had probably taken it too far.  One day he sees me loading up the shot.  He warned me that if I missed he would suspend me thinking that such would discourage the shot.  I stepped even further back, took the shot and drained it. he suspended me anyhow explaining he meant don't shoot.  I took the position that I took him up on his deal.  we liked each other, he and I.

Man, overshot with gum wrapper again, this time hit the wall and fell into the gap between the can and the corner

ive got a case of the yips right now 

probably about a 9 on trash can offense, my stroke is tight. but my defense is also getting better. just yesterday, Judy from Accounting tried to throw the rest of her sandwich away, but I swatted it into the wall and told her to get that weak stuff outta here.

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probably about a 9 on trash can offense, my stroke is tight. but my defense is also getting better. just yesterday, Judy from Accounting tried to throw the rest of her sandwich away, but I swatted it into the wall and told her to get that weak stuff outta here.
Replete with requisite finger wagging I'm sure.

I have found that with my college age son and daughter having somewhat returned to our home for quarantine .....beer pong has upped my trash can shooting game a couple notches....


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