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10th Annual Chess Tournament: Joffer wins 1st place (1 Viewer)

Yep - that was a definite blunder on my part with the bishop/queen fork.  Thanks for being sauced and missing it.   I also think early on moving my knight to d5 instead of b4 was a mistake.  It really hemmed my development on that side and made me defend, desperately, for 35 moves.  Getting my bishop off the back line on move 30 was a celebration in and of itself.   :lol:


Edit:  Sand defeats Woz.  

Tim - here's the game:

[Event "Playing on Chess Time"]
[Site "ChessTime"]
[Date "2022.04.22"]
[Round "1"]
[White "wozzow "]
[Black "Sand101"]
[Result "0-1"]

1. e4 d6
2. d4 Nf6
3. Nc3 c6
4. Nf3 Qa5
5. e5 dxe5
6. dxe5 Nd5
7. Bd2 Qc7
8. Bc4 e6
9. O-O Be7
10. Re1 Qb6
11. b3 Bc5
12. Qe2 Nxc3
13. Bxc3 Nd7
14. a4 a5
15. Rad1 Bb4
16. Bxb4 Qxb4
17. Qe3 O-O
18. Qf4 Nb6
19. Re4 Nxc4
20. Rxc4 Qe7
21. Rd6 Rd8
22. Rxd8+ Qxd8
23. Rd4 Qe7
24. Qg5 f6
25. exf6 Qxf6
26. Qxf6 gxf6
27. Rd8+ Kf7
28. Nd2 b5
29. h4 Kg6
30. Ne4 Bb7
31. Rxa8 Bxa8
32. Nd6 bxa4
33. bxa4 c5
34. Nc4 Bc6
35. Nb6 Kf5
36. c3 Kg4
37. g3 Kf3
38. Kf1 f5
39. Nc4 Bxa4
40. Nxa5 f4
41. gxf4 Kxf4
42. Nb7 Bb5+
43. Ke1 c4
44. Nd6 Ba6
45. Ke2 Kg4
46. Ke3 Kxh4
47. Ke4 Kg4
48. f3+ Kg5
49. Ke5 h5
50. Nf7+ Kh4
51. Kxe6 Kg3
52. Kf5 Bb7
53. Ne5 Bxf3
54. Nxf3 Kxf3
55. Kg5 Ke3
56. Kxh5 Kd3
57. Kg4 Kxc3
58. Kf3 Kd2
59. Ke4 c3
60. Kd4 c2
61. Kc4 c1=Q+
62. Kb3 Qc8
63. Ka3 Qb8
64. Ka4 Kc3
65. Ka5 Kc4
66. Ka6 Kc5
67. Ka5 Qa8# 0-1 
So I had a chance to look at this game. And I’m sad to say, for @Zow, that he has a winning position. The mistake was made on move 21. Instead of bringing his rook from d1-d6, all white has to do is move his other rook from c4 to d4. The double rooks control the d file, Black has that terrible bad bishop and can no longer trade rooks. Black is doomed. 

Even after this mistake, white still has the advantage. On move 24, instead of Qg5, white should retreat his Queen to D2. Again control the D file and have a commanding position. 
The next move, e x f6, is catastrophic for white because the entire key to white’s position is that pawn on e5. It keeps blacks bishop trapped. 

After this, both of you played the endgame very well. White should lose this position but played it pretty tough and forced black to find the right moves again and again which he did. One small criticism for white- 50. Nf7+ Should be 50. Ne4+. You needed to get the knight  closer to the h pawn; it’s your only chance. But you played a good endgame nonetheless. 
Sand you started off terribly but a good middlegame and great endgame! Well done both of you. 

So I had a chance to look at this game. And I’m sad to say, for @Zow, that he has a winning position. The mistake was made on move 21. Instead of bringing his rook from d1-d6, all white has to do is move his other rook from c4 to d4. The double rooks control the d file, Black has that terrible bad bishop and can no longer trade rooks. Black is doomed. 

Even after this mistake, white still has the advantage. On move 24, instead of Qg5, white should retreat his Queen to D2. Again control the D file and have a commanding position. 
The next move, e x f6, is catastrophic for white because the entire key to white’s position is that pawn on e5. It keeps blacks bishop trapped. 

After this, both of you played the endgame very well. White should lose this position but played it pretty tough and forced black to find the right moves again and again which he did. One small criticism for white- 50. Nf7+ Should be 50. Ne4+. You needed to get the knight  closer to the h pawn; it’s your only chance. But you played a good endgame nonetheless. 
Sand you started off terribly but a good middlegame and great endgame! Well done both of you. 
As usual when I look at a game what I think we're my blunders weren't and what I thought we decent moves were blunders. 

Also, I'm usually pretty ####e at early, middle, and endgames so this is a step up!

So I had a chance to look at this game. And I’m sad to say, for @Zow, that he has a winning position. The mistake was made on move 21. Instead of bringing his rook from d1-d6, all white has to do is move his other rook from c4 to d4. The double rooks control the d file, Black has that terrible bad bishop and can no longer trade rooks. Black is doomed. 

Even after this mistake, white still has the advantage. On move 24, instead of Qg5, white should retreat his Queen to D2. Again control the D file and have a commanding position. 
The next move, e x f6, is catastrophic for white because the entire key to white’s position is that pawn on e5. It keeps blacks bishop trapped. 

After this, both of you played the endgame very well. White should lose this position but played it pretty tough and forced black to find the right moves again and again which he did. One small criticism for white- 50. Nf7+ Should be 50. Ne4+. You needed to get the knight  closer to the h pawn; it’s your only chance. But you played a good endgame nonetheless. 
Sand you started off terribly but a good middlegame and great endgame! Well done both of you. 
Yeah I thought about the move 50 move as you stated. 

Wish I could recall the other two moves you reference but… :bag:  

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AAABatteries said:
@timschochet - just confirming that I'm supposed to be black.  Dez was white in his first game and I was black.  I don't really care but just confirming this is correct.

ETA - I can lose equally well as white or black - I'm kind of ambidextrous that way.
@timschochet - if I don’t hear from you by tonight we’ll just proceed 

Round 2 updates? 
Cash beats Sand.  He made one mistake, but the engine says otherwise he played damn near flawless.  I  made one mistake at the end when it counted and that's all it took. 

I'm really trying to get better here.  So, Tim, joffer, what should I work on here?

[Event "Playing on Chess Time"]
[Site "ChessTime"]
[Date "2022.04.28"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Sand101"]
[Black "cashman88"]
[Result "0-1"]

1. d4 d5
2. Bf4 Bf5
3. e3 a6
4. c4 dxc4
5. Bxc4 e6
6. Nf3 h6
7. Nbd2 Nf6
8. Qb3 b5
9. Bd3 Bxd3
10. Qxd3 Bd6
11. Bxd6 cxd6
12. Rc1 O-O
13. O-O Nbd7
14. Rfe1 d5
15. Nb3 Nb6
16. Nc5 Nc4
17. b3 Nd6
18. Ne5 Qa5
19. Qe2 Ra7
20. Nc6 Qb6
21. Nxa7 Qxa7
22. f3 Nd7
23. Nxd7 Qxd7
24. Red1 Rc8
25. Qd2 Rxc1
26. Rxc1 Nf5
27. Qc3 Qe7
28. Qc8+ Kh7
29. Qc2 Kg8
30. Qd3 Qd8
31. Qe2 h5
32. Qf2 h4
33. b4 h3
34. g3 Nd6
35. Qf1 Nc4
36. Rc3 Qe7
37. a3 Qf6
38. g4 Qh6
39. Kf2 e5
40. dxe5 d4
41. Rd3 Nxe3
42. Qg1 Ng2
43. Qd1 Qf4
44. Kg1 Nh4
45. Qe2 g5
46. Qf2 Qc1+
47. Qf1 Qf4
48. Qxh3 Qxe5
49. Qf1 Ng6
50. Kh1 Nf4
51. Rd2 Qe3
52. Qf2 Qxa3
53. Rxd4 Qa1+
54. Qg1 Qxg1+
55. Kxg1 Ne2+
56. Kf2 Nxd4
57. Ke3 Nc2+
58. Ke4 Kg7
59. Kd5 Nxb4+
60. Kc5 Nd3+
61. Kb6 b4 0-1 

Cash beats Sand.  He made one mistake, but the engine says otherwise he played damn near flawless.  I  made one mistake at the end when it counted and that's all it took. 

I'm really trying to get better here.  So, Tim, joffer, what should I work on here?

[Event "Playing on Chess Time"]
[Site "ChessTime"]
[Date "2022.04.28"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Sand101"]
[Black "cashman88"]
[Result "0-1"]

1. d4 d5
2. Bf4 Bf5
3. e3 a6
4. c4 dxc4
5. Bxc4 e6
6. Nf3 h6
7. Nbd2 Nf6
8. Qb3 b5
9. Bd3 Bxd3
10. Qxd3 Bd6
11. Bxd6 cxd6
12. Rc1 O-O
13. O-O Nbd7
14. Rfe1 d5
15. Nb3 Nb6
16. Nc5 Nc4
17. b3 Nd6
18. Ne5 Qa5
19. Qe2 Ra7
20. Nc6 Qb6
21. Nxa7 Qxa7
22. f3 Nd7
23. Nxd7 Qxd7
24. Red1 Rc8
25. Qd2 Rxc1
26. Rxc1 Nf5
27. Qc3 Qe7
28. Qc8+ Kh7
29. Qc2 Kg8
30. Qd3 Qd8
31. Qe2 h5
32. Qf2 h4
33. b4 h3
34. g3 Nd6
35. Qf1 Nc4
36. Rc3 Qe7
37. a3 Qf6
38. g4 Qh6
39. Kf2 e5
40. dxe5 d4
41. Rd3 Nxe3
42. Qg1 Ng2
43. Qd1 Qf4
44. Kg1 Nh4
45. Qe2 g5
46. Qf2 Qc1+
47. Qf1 Qf4
48. Qxh3 Qxe5
49. Qf1 Ng6
50. Kh1 Nf4
51. Rd2 Qe3
52. Qf2 Qxa3
53. Rxd4 Qa1+
54. Qg1 Qxg1+
55. Kxg1 Ne2+
56. Kf2 Nxd4
57. Ke3 Nc2+
58. Ke4 Kg7
59. Kd5 Nxb4+
60. Kc5 Nd3+
61. Kb6 b4 0-1 
Around move 24 is where you lost your advantage IMO.  should’ve pushed the advantage on the open file more and gone after the a pawn,  six moves in a row with your queen starting around move 27?  not sure what the goal was there.

Around move 24 is where you lost your advantage IMO.  should’ve pushed the advantage on the open file more and gone after the a pawn,  six moves in a row with your queen starting around move 27?  not sure what the goal was there.
The engine really didn't really like going after the a pawn.  Seems like the biggest strategic error I made was not pushing the e pawn move 46.  Missing the late game fork playing at 2am probably wasn't the best idea, either.

Fact is, though, after move 19 Cash played an incredible game.  Kudos there, for sure.  I hope I get a rematch down the line here.

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Juxtatrot beats Woz. Tried the albin counter gambit and he fended it off nicely then I straight blundered and that was it. 


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