For those of us who are curious but won't go through a hundred pages, can we get a cliffs notes?
Just read two plus two forums on a regular basis to truly see some of the ugly side of pro poker players and what degens they are. It's fascinating.
Chris Moneymaker makes a 20k bet and loses.
Bookie involved can't collect and starts making some noise.
Moneymaker ("MM") posts a thread stating he didn't pay because he was aware this bookie was basically free rolling and owed lots of people money.
One of the people owed money was Asanni on a thousand dollar hockey bet. Asanni entered thread, worked out a payment plan with the guy.
Others came forward and knew this bookie didn't pay out bets.
MM didn't think it was right to pay his bet if the bookie wasn't paying others, MM received proof from bookie off line that the bookie does have the money to pay off bets and he's not a free roller.
MM decides he will pay him. Then something happened in the past few days where now he feels he shouldn't pay the debt once again. Not sure why exactly.
That's where we are at today.
Bookie also clearly dodged Assanis collection efforts multiple times.