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Assisted Tackles (1 Viewer)


In yesterday's KC and Atlanta game only 7 assisted tackles were given out for the whole game :( (this is based on stats located at NFL.com). In contrast, 23 assisted tackles were given out in the Jacksonville and Indy game. People might want to think twice about starting some of their players at KC., Washington, or St. Louis.

Here are some more numbers. Below are the total and assisted numbers for yesterday's games.STL vs Miami 113 (47 assisted)NO vs Oak 116 (22 assisted)Dallas vs. GB 109 (23 assisted)Seattle vs AZ 104 (18 assisted)Jets vs NE 135 (46 assisted)AT vs KC 98 (7 assisted)Jack vs Indy 132 (23 assisted)Philly vs. Browns 109 (6 assisted)SD vs Carolina 111 (22 assisted)Bears vs TB 106 (23 assisted)Lions vs NYG 131 (32 assisted)Ten vs. Minn 99 (16 assisted)It appears that KC and Cleveland are very stingy :thumbdown: with the assisted tackles. On the other hand, Miami, NE and NY are very generous. :) It would be very interesting to track this during the course of the season. I feel KC, Washington, St. Louis and Cleveland would give out the least amount of assisted tackles.

Well... I'm game... :2cents:

I've always felt some locations were better than others at giving tackle stats, and it is probably because of the recording of assists. So after pouring over the past 7 weeks of NFL stats, here is my rough analysis and results.

First, I figure that one has to take into account the number of plays an opposing team runs since that is directly proportial to the amount of tackles available. Some of the plays, however, never results in tackles (incompletions). So I took the number of plays and subtracted the number of incompletions to give a total number of possible tackle opportunities. Not surprising, this number was pretty close to the total tackle numbers. In future renditions, if I have time for them, I figure I should subtract interceptions and Tds too... but anyhow, taking the possible plays where a tackle is possible I then compared that to the total number of assists which gives a percentage of plays that are scored with an assist. Then sorted by locations the games are played, and took the average. (btw, cleveland vs philly was a very low assist total for cleveland games)

Here is what I found, listing the location and % of plays that had assists recorded (worst locations = lowest %)

at Atl: 8%

at StL: 9%
at KC: 13%
at Ariz: 16%
at Dal: 19%
at Jck: 19%
at Wash: 21%
at Chi: 22%
at NO: 24%
at Minn: 26%
at Phil: 26%
at Car: 27%
at Ind: 29%
at SF: 29%
at Clev: 29%
at NYG: 29%
at Bal: 31%
at SD: 31%
at TB: 32%
at Oak: 32%
at Cin: 32%
at Den: 34%
at GB: 34%
at Sea: 35%
at Det: 35%
at Jets: 37%
at Pitt: 39%
at Hou: 41%
at Tenn: 44%
at Buf: 46%
at NE: 52%
at Mia: 54%Which does match up with some of my feelings about places that seemed to be better tackle spots than others. However, the above is only the past 7 weeks and is a rough layout, missing the INTs and TDs. But it could be useful in deep IDP starter leagues, making a choice from the 9-11th starters. Just remember to play those stud IDPs anywhere, since they can still get the primary tackles that are more related to the opposing teams plays than any statistical tendancy. (ie. more plays = more tackles available, though not necessary more assists available as seen from above)


Kevin W.

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Thanks! I had a feeling more than a "gut" feeling about this statistical category. This will be quite helpful as we make our way through the season. We need to think "twice" about starting our players in certain locations.

This is true, locaton matters. I heard some years ago that the local sports writers give tackles and assists. If this is the case, it may not be the same person doing it from game to game or season to season. Some teams are definatley generous with t/a. I would be cautious on how much you put into this, with that said it is a fact . I did a breakdown a couple of years ago and if memory serves New England and Baltimore were two of the more generous. I just tried to find the file on my computer, but it must have been deleted. Man I bet I had 20-30 hours invested in that! :wall: Anyway great insight! :thumbup:

This reminds me of a game back in 87/88, right in there. I had KC MLB Dino Hackett, I think this was a Thanksgiving day game vs Detroit, can't recall, anyway the game was televised and I was tracking Hackett. I had him with 4-5 solos and 3-4 assists. The USA Today credited him with something like 10-11 solos and 4-5 assists. :shock: I don't know what game the person scoring was watching, but it sure was a pleasant surprise :D A buddy of mine in our league watched the game with me couldn't beleive either! I was playing him that week so he didn't think it was as funny as I did.


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