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Bears WR Mark Bradley released (1 Viewer)



Didn't see a thread. There was a time when this guy probably merited a thread. Are they really down to just 4 receivers?

Tommie Harris is right with one of his comments... they really should have gave him his release before the season started to at lesat have a job this season. His chances of signing with a team and actually contributing this season are now slim to none.

Seems like a few teams still need WRs this season. Altho if you cant make the bears as a WR, I cant imagine how much value he has outside of the arena league.

Tommie Harris is right with one of his comments... they really should have gave him his release before the season started to at lesat have a job this season. His chances of signing with a team and actually contributing this season are now slim to none.
I don't feel bad in the least... The guy had a starting job handed to him multiple times and blew his chance each time. Just another kid who flashes talent, but can't stay healthy and put a solid all around game together.

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