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Best home defense weapons that are NOT firearms? (1 Viewer)


Whatcha got?

Anything creative?

Dogs, knives, baseball bats, moat with alligators, etc....what else?


Answer the door with it tucked like the dude in “Silence of the Lambs” welcome them in for some tea. 

Serious answer: A dog like our 90 pound German Shepherd. Ours is a sweet boy and might not even do anything to somebody who broke in when we weren't home, but I have zero doubt he would defend us if somebody tried to hurt somebody in the family. But given his bark and the way he looks staring out the window, nobody would.

Some nice big booming fireworks that my lovely redneck friends made.  May as well be grenades

Signs out front with pictures of MLK.

Sit out front with a couple kegs offering free beer.

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saw an ad a few days ago for a super bright flashlight and part of the sales pitch was that a blindingly bright setting could be used for self defense.  thought hmmm....

Yeah I've got cougars in my area so for hikes I got some super powerful bear spray. $40 a canister. 

Stuff will knock you on your ### from 35 ft away.
My ### after a big bowl of vegetarian chili is far more effective and would send looters retreating in fear.

Yeah I've got cougars in my area so for hikes I got some super powerful bear spray. $40 a canister. 

Stuff will knock you on your ### from 35 ft away.
You must be the mac daddy if you need bear spray to fend off the cougars.  

Is it a good idea to blast pepper spray indoors?  I would think you'd get it too along with the intruder.

Dress up as a preacher
Your wife can be a nun
Your 4 adopted kids are all part of make-a-wish foundation
Your dog has 2 legs and is blind

If you steal from this family, you are going straight to hell

Is it a good idea to blast pepper spray indoors?  I would think you'd get it too along with the intruder.
I got a can once, and sprayed it out the garage door... had to leave the garage. Definitely a "you get it too" thing. Wasp spray is probably a lot better.

In the United States, more blunt force trauma injuries resulting from domestic assaults are attributed to blows from a fireplace poker than any other weapon.  Just sayin'. Go with what works.

Is it a good idea to blast pepper spray indoors?  I would think you'd get it too along with the intruder.
From someone who has been pepper sprayed twice, you don't want that #### inside.  

To answer the question "How did you get pepper sprayed twice??", one time was over a buddies house when I was like 20.  Everyone was super drunk and my buddy had a bottle of it and "accidentally" sprayed it in the room. Hit me directly in the face and caused everyone else to choke and cough like crazy in the room.  Everyone had to abandon the house and I had to rinse my eyes with warm water for a long time. Second time, my old man had a flashlight that doubled as a pepper spray dispenser. Probably bought that crap at the local flea market where he would get all his other weird things like this. I was trying to use it to look at his hot water tank that was giving him trouble and pushed the dispense button thinking it was the on off switch.  Not a direct blast, but right next to my head in a pretty confined area.  Once again choking, snotting, coughing.. was horrible. Who creates a flash light that has a button IN THE EXACT SPOT YOU WOULD EXPECT THE ON OFF TO BE THAT ACTUALLY DISPENSES A SPRAY OF DEATH???

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From someone who has been pepper sprayed twice, you don't want that #### inside.  

To answer the question "Who did you get pepper sprayed twice??", one time was over a buddies house when I was like 20.  Everyone was super drunk and my buddy had a bottle of it and "accidentally" sprayed it in the room. Hit me directly in the face and caused everyone else to choke and cough like crazy in the room.  Everyone had to abandon the house and I had to rinse my eyes with warm water for a long time. Second time, my old man had a flashlight that doubled as a pepper spray dispenser. Probably bought that crap at the local flea market where he would get all his other weird things like this. I was trying to use it to look at his hot water tank that was giving him trouble and pushed the dispense button thinking it was the on off switch.  Not a direct blast, but right next to my head in a pretty confined area.  Once again choking, snotting, coughing.. was horrible. Who creates a flash light that has a button IN THE EXACT SPOT YOU WOULD EXPECT THE ON OFF TO BE THAT ACTUALLY DISPENSES A SPRAY OF DEATH???
Keep getting sprayed and build up a tolerance. Intruders won't stand a chance.

Mel Gibson. You lose his sniper skills without the gun but he’s still very deadly in a fist fight.

I would assume a wood baseball batt with nails driven through it would do some damage. Weakness is it could get stuck on someone or something so you would want a back up weapon like a knife.


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