The $10 bonus gets added incrementally as you play. I'm an FD regular and have joined $12 worth of leagues since adding the $25 and a tic under $5 of the bonus is in my account. It was the first time I deposited funds despite having a positive balance from last years free roll fun.
Btw DD, I haven't read this thread beyond a quick scan and whatever the whining is I avoided it, BUT this is a
great offer. Many thanks to you and Joe for putting this together. Fan Duel is a blast. Being an FBG subscriber also saved me $10 at MyFantasyLeague, so this was pretty much like being offered money with an FBG subscription and being forced to have more fun. You just forgot to add free beer.
There's definite strategies worth working through at Fan Duel and I trust you, Jeff and Heath will figure things out, but for the newbs here, let me say avoiding the 2000 entry $1 contests with big payouts is the first step to building your account. Okay fine, maybe dabble with $1 a week lotto style, but focus on the smaller contests. Given the depth of information provided with a subscription here, be happy to slowly build your account. It isn't sexy but it makes the most sense, can be a ton of fun, and gives you the best chance to not feel the need to add more funds because you want to try again.
I'll offer one more thing most of you who look closely will see soon enough. They have leagues called 50/50s. The payout is kind of funny. In a 20 teamer, the top ten finishers take the bottom ten's money. 1st place wins the same as tenth place. So a $10 20 teamer pays out like this:
1st - $18.00
2nd - $18.00
3rd - $18.00
4th - $18.00
5th - $18.00
6th - $18.00
7th - $18.00
8th - $18.00
9th - $18.00
10th - $18.00
Yep, you risk ten to win 8, but how hard is it to finish top 10? I didn't keep track last year but I'd guess I was top half 80 percent of the time. $5 50 team 50/50s pay $9 to the top 25. I like playing against 50 better than playing against 20 because the bigger league offers more chances for knuckleheads to join, thus making the top half easier. The stakes can go up if this all seems like nickel and dimes. I won $90 (actually $40) in a handful of $50 50/50s at the end of last season.
My advice is pay attention to your payouts, understand your risk/reward/probabilities, take advantage of the insider information here and build conservatively. I've loved these type of contests since USA Today ran one back in the late 80s early 90s. Picking a fresh lineup from all players is a fun way to keep FF fresh week to week.
Good luck everyone.