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Broncos Marshall loses endoresment deal for anthem snub (2 Viewers)

Sure, he protests lord knows what exactly, perceived inequity I guess, and then he goes out and commits black on black crime by launching himself at Cam Newton's head.

not your smartest move there Brandon.  Regardless of your intentions, you should know that companies aren't going to keep a spokesperson who possibly offends their client base.

I don't agree with their firing him, but it's their right every bit as much as kneeling was his right. 

Sure, he protests lord knows what exactly, perceived inequity I guess, and then he goes out and commits black on black crime by launching himself at Cam Newton's head.
To be fair, he'd launch himself at white QBs too.  But the refs would have thrown the flag.  

He is dealing with the loss of income and not whining about it.  He voiced his opinion.  Those of you outraged by it, grow up!  We live in a country where free speech is a right.  

His right to protest, Company's right to drop him. 

It's America in a nutshell, perfect. I'm not against the player but they need to know this is likely the end result. I hope it's worth it to them because you can do a lot more social justice with money in hand and then using that money to start non profit organizations that will work as a team or force for the cause...these folks need better advisers. 

He is dealing with the loss of income and not whining about it.  He voiced his opinion.  Those of you outraged by it, grow up!  We live in a country where free speech is a right.  
we live in a country where the government cannot block your right to speak,

but employers can and often do.

The nfl just needs to tell their crew not to air the kneels just like they don't air people who storm the field.

He is dealing with the loss of income and not whining about it.  He voiced his opinion.  Those of you outraged by it, grow up!  We live in a country where free speech is a right.  
Doesn't seem to be much outrage in this thread.  Kap took the brunt by being first, everyone else seems to just be followers. 

The nfl just needs to tell their crew not to air the kneels just like they don't air people who storm the field.
This.  They shouldn't televise it, and the sports programs shouldn't even mention it. They're looking for attention now.  The Seahawks are actually promoting their upcoming antics tomorrow. Just begging for attention. If the media stops giving it to them, it'll go away.

This.  They shouldn't televise it, and the sports programs shouldn't even mention it. They're looking for attention now.  The Seahawks are actually promoting their upcoming antics tomorrow. Just begging for attention. If the media stops giving it to them, it'll go away.
Of course they're looking for attention. They're protesting to raise awareness of what they see as a serious problem.

... these folks need better advisers. 
Kinda makes me wonder how this all started. Ferguson was August 2014, but no players were doing this during the 2014 or 2015 seasons (correct?).

When was the switch flipped, and who flipped it? Kaepernick may or may not have thought this up on his own. But of he didn't ... who put it in his ear. Have activists been bending agents' and athlete's ears lately? Anything similar going on in MLB, NBA, or NHL? Assuming some college football players have been doing it, but not getting national coverage.

They're protesting to raise awareness of what they see as a serious problem.
There's no more awareness to be raised, IMHO. There's no issue any longer with people not knowing what happens. It's now onto the "changing minds" stage.

How best to change minds, I do not know. What Kaep and others are doing seems to lead to people digging in harder to their current mindsets, though.

I heard a report on a radio show that  Kaepernick's girlfriend told him if he didn't do something to bring attention to BLM then they were through

Kinda makes me wonder how this all started. Ferguson was August 2014, but no players were doing this during the 2014 or 2015 seasons (correct?).

When was the switch flipped, and who flipped it? Kaepernick may or may not have thought this up on his own. But of he didn't ... who put it in his ear. Have activists been bending agents' and athlete's ears lately? Anything similar going on in MLB, NBA, or NHL? Assuming some college football players have been doing it, but not getting national coverage.
I think it's assumed that it's Kaep's girlfriend that got in his ear.

Marshall has the right to protest

The credit union has the right to drop him

People have the right to boycott or patronize the credit union


Kinda makes me wonder how this all started. Ferguson was August 2014, but no players were doing this during the 2014 or 2015 seasons (correct?).

When was the switch flipped, and who flipped it? Kaepernick may or may not have thought this up on his own. But of he didn't ... who put it in his ear. Have activists been bending agents' and athlete's ears lately? Anything similar going on in MLB, NBA, or NHL? Assuming some college football players have been doing it, but not getting national coverage.
Lol at the "NHL"....National Honkey League.  NTTAWWT.

Considering it is a credit union largely serving people from an Air Force base, it's a no-brainer business decision.

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from Mike Evans Hollywood Report

Shocking but true Nessa Diab is a Hot Hip Hop morning DJ at Hot 97 in San Francisco, a Berkeley Grad, who admits being a dogmatic Black Lives Matters supporter and she is engaged to 49er Colin Kaepernick. Is it true that she threatened to break-up with him if he didn’t use his position to help BLM? And as we know, he did what he was told. Talk about being whipped!

One of my favorite conservative talking points is "this was already happening before so why the protest now?  Who's agenda are they advancing."

Another is "there's enough awareness, so this is just attention seeking"

Slavery, separate but equal, back of the bus, and lunch counters were already happening well before people stood up about it. 

Discrimination against gays was hidden, then people knew about, and despite positive change it still exists. The bigots have simply changed their tune from "that's disgusting and ungodly and illegal" to "I'm not biased, but you don't have to throw it in my face."

Protest makes people uncomfortable. That's the point. And athletes have a long proud tradition of protesting to raise awareness of social and civil rights issues. Which is a great thing. Because if I didn't stand up for the Pledge at an NFL game only the 8 people sitting around me would know, and no one would ask why. When star athletes do it, millions see it and, partially because of the discomfort, think about it. When protests make people uncomfortable, some get angry, dig in, and celebrate the loss of endorsements or employment or reputation or life. But some opinions change, and a dialogue gets going

This.  They shouldn't televise it, and the sports programs shouldn't even mention it. They're looking for attention now.  The Seahawks are actually promoting their upcoming antics tomorrow. Just begging for attention. If the media stops giving it to them, it'll go away.
Which would confirm one of points Kap and the Seahawk players are making, that racism and discrimination against blacks still exists and the establishment is trying to silence their freedom of expression (by silently protesting the National Anthem).

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Considering it is a credit union largely serving people from an Air Force base, it's a no-brainer business decision.
Wait, people in the military take offense to this?

No way, unpossible! In fact, a military poster here asked 11 of his military friends and the majority were supportive of this action  :rolleyes:

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Considering it is a credit union largely serving people from an Air Force base, it's a no-brainer business decision.
My thoughts exactly. Given the company this was a lock to happen.

As it is, it's been weeks of various players doing this, and America continues to prove them right. Comments on social media and the social narrative put out by the MSM continues to be about the individual players instead of the issues that caused them to act.

Brandon Marshall decided to join Kaepernick in protesting during the national anthem Thursday night. Air Academy Credit Union, for whom Marshall has been a spokesperson for five months, promptly fired him.  Good for them. Maybe this nonsense will stop if these guys know there are financial consequences.

He knew he could lose endorsements before he even did it and decided to do it anyway.

I love this schtick of multi millionaire athletes protesting inequity and discrimination 
Well, to be fair, it was the financial elite in America that fomented the Revolution due to taxation without representation.

They could have just kept their mouths shut and considered how much better they had it too.

On one hand, I empathize with these guys because I think I'd be frustrated too if I was black in America.

But OTOH, I'm confused by the timing because it SEEMS like the justice system has done what it was supposed to vis the higher profile cops vs black people cases.

Regardless I can understand the frustration and the feeling of "I have to do something." But I question if this is the right something to do.

Well, to be fair, it was the financial elite in America that fomented the Revolution due to taxation without representation.

They could have just kept their mouths shut and considered how much better they had it too.
Of course the rich rallied here, duh...

They were paying the most taxes - to a country across the ocean nonetheless. They got together and then rallied the minions to fight their war and lower their taxes.

Brandon Marshall decided to join Kaepernick in protesting during the national anthem Thursday night. Air Academy Credit Union, for whom Marshall has been a spokesperson for five months, promptly fired him.  Good for them. Maybe this nonsense will stop if these guys know there are financial consequences.

I respect Marshall for taking a stance for something he believes in.

I also respect his sponsor for doing the same.

Of course the rich rallied here, duh...

They were paying the most taxes - to a country across the ocean nonetheless. They got together and then rallied the minions to fight their war and lower their taxes.
I'll just assume you actually did get the point and are just making a joke here.

This.  They shouldn't televise it, and the sports programs shouldn't even mention it. They're looking for attention now.  The Seahawks are actually promoting their upcoming antics tomorrow. Just begging for attention. If the media stops giving it to them, it'll go away.
Hooray for censorship! 

Marshall has the right to protest

The credit union has the right to drop him

People have the right to boycott or patronize the credit union

Nothing else really needs to be said, but you have to know the Networks will cover every player that so much as sneezes during the Anthem tomorrow.

they are broadcasting a football game, not a protest..  :shrug:
They are broadcasting an entertainment package which includes football. At this moment, people are entertained by players' actions during the anthem.

It makes sense to avoid showing fans trespassing onto the field so as to not promote behavior that can lead to actual harm and injury. That notion does not apply to players kneeling during the anthem.

But OTOH, I'm confused by the timing because it SEEMS like the justice system has done what it was supposed to vis the higher profile cops vs black people cases.
True, but those are the high profile ones because they are caught on video. People need to be aware that this kind of thing (not often murders, but certainly profiling, abuse, harassment, and civil rights violations) are not just happening once in a while. It happens every day in every city. 

The justice system can deal with high profile incidents after they happens. Growing awareness of the problem, and eventual broad public condemnation, is what it will take to eliminate these practices before they happen. 

Considering athletes are one of the only groups that routinely have the attention of the average citizen, this type of protest may be the most effective thing hey can do

I'm tired of hearing about it because a) I don't give a #### if someone wants to stand, kneel or do a back flip during the national anthem and b) whenever I hear an announcer talking about it while I'm trying to watch football it elicits the same reaction from as as does someone talking about politics in a Spencer Ware thread.

I'm sympathetic to the cause and understand these players have a platform in which their message will actually be received but I'm selfish and feel entitled to politics free football.


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