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Cable News Host Said He'd Love To Change Constitution To Allow More Than Two Presidential Terms (1 Viewer)

Joe Bryant

Staff member
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This struck me as interesting today.

It feels like one of those things where the same headline is read completely different depending on the source and your perspective.

For lots of people who are opposed to Trump, they see MSNBC and the writer is saying he'd love to be able to elect President Obama two more times, then this is ok. 

For the same people, if this had been on FOX they'd likely have different feelings if the writer had said he'd love to re-elect President Trump more than once. 

It's a good reminder (to myself mostly) to try and be objective. 

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It's an opinion piece. An opinion of a left leaning media personality. What's your point? It's not like Obama or Trump pushing for more term limits.

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Trump is the perfect example of why exceeding two terms would be a horrible idea. His budget proposal that came out yesterday was horrific. And what he has done to the country in terms of division hasn't been seen since the civil war. Half of the country hates the other half because of this guy. Bypassing congress to try to force through his wall Is a perfect example of a guy trying to grab all of the power and bypass the other branches of government. If a guy like that were given 12 or 16 years, he could literally change our country into one run by a dictator.

Obviously I’m not a fan of Trump, but I’ve always been sort of open to this idea. FDR was one of our greatest Presidents, and it seems to me that the 8 year limitation was made out of spite to stop a future FDR. Yet it is arguable that if Roosevelt did not win in 1940, the Allies lose World War II- that’s how crucial his 3rd term was. 

Prior to FDR, nobody ever ran for a third term, but it wasn’t law, it was tradition. It’s not a bad tradition but conceivably there might be an exception such as 1940 again. Trump is not that exception, but somebody else might come along. 

It's an opinion piece. An opinion of a left leaning media personality. What's your point? It's not like Obama or Trump pushing for more term limits.
It's a pretty minor point but it's mostly a reminder to myself to be objective.

The same headline of "Cable News Host Would Love To Change Constitution To Allow More Than Two Terms" may have very different meanings depending on the president.

I read the headline and thought "Here's a Trump for dictatator story". Reading the story, I thought, "Aw, no worries. It's for Obama".

Reality is my opinion on changing the Constitution to allow more than two terms shouldn't be affected by who it is. But if I'm honest, it is.

And that's something I need to try and be more objective about. 

It's a pretty minor point but it's mostly a reminder to myself to be objective.

The same headline of "Cable News Host Would Love To Change Constitution To Allow More Than Two Terms" may have very different meanings depending on the president.

I read the headline and thought "Here's a Trump for dictatator story". Reading the story, I thought, "Aw, no worries. It's for Obama".

Reality is my opinion on changing the Constitution to allow more than two terms shouldn't be affected by who it is. But if I'm honest, it is.

And that's something I need to try and be more objective about. 
Also... I don’t recall that extending term limits was even in any discussion during Obama’s presidency. 

That fact that it is being discussed in this presidency should be very concerning. 

I read the headline and thought "Here's a Trump for dictatator story".
Dictators don’t fight to get re-elected. They cancel elections, or fix them by being the only candidate. 

Even if Trump were allowed to run for President over and over again, and did so successfully, he would still not be a dictator, not so long as the American people kept choosing him through a free election process. 

Also... I don’t recall that extending term limits was even in any discussion during Obama’s presidency. 

That fact that it is being discussed in this presidency should be very concerning. 
I know many people that wanted to extend Obama a third term.  Especially after they saw the two options we had to replace him.

For lots of people who are opposed to Trump, they see MSNBC and the writer is saying he'd love to be able to elect President Obama two more times, then this is ok. 
I find it appalling. Don’t break democratic institutions to combat someone who is doing the same. 

Also... I don’t recall that extending term limits was even in any discussion during Obama’s presidency. 

That fact that it is being discussed in this presidency should be very concerning. 
Exactly my point. 

If MSNBC had run that story four years ago advocating for an Obama third term, would you have seen it as very concerning? 

I am in favor of shortening the president's limit to a half term
Not sure if you’re being sarcastic but this is an awful idea. 

One of the biggest problems with a 4 year term is that it makes it hard to negotiate with other countries, because if they don’t like what we’re offering, they simply decide to wait us out and see who gets elected next time. This is especially true during the second 4 years; it weakens us overseas. 

I know many people that wanted to extend Obama a third term.  Especially after they saw the two options we had to replace him.
I think without a doubt Obama would have won again. I don't think he would have wanted to stay in the job though, it has to feel like such a relief to be out of office. 

Not sure if you’re being sarcastic but this is an awful idea. 

One of the biggest problems with a 4 year term is that it makes it hard to negotiate with other countries, because if they don’t like what we’re offering, they simply decide to wait us out and see who gets elected next time. This is especially true during the second 4 years; it weakens us overseas. 
Yes it was a lame attempt at a joke

I think without a doubt Obama would have won again. I don't think he would have wanted to stay in the job though, it has to feel like such a relief to be out of office. 
Agreed (based on his interview on Letterman's Netflix show) also Michelle would have been a bit unhappy with him.

FDR was certainly one of the greatest Presidents in American history, for the reasons mentioned above and more. However put me squarely in the camp of supporting the 2 term limit. Even Rome turned from a Republic into an Empire, complete with Emperors. We don't need that here. No one is greater than the office, or the country. 

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FDR was certainly one of the greatest Presidents in American history, for the reasons mentioned above and more. However put me squarely in the camp of supporting the 2 term limit. Even Rome turned from a Republic into an Empire, complete with Emperors. We don't need that here. No one is greater than the office, or the country. 
I agree and given his legacy, we often forget FDR was not always the most loved President. He had many many enemies and did a lot to stretch the power of President in potentially harmful ways. 

I agree and given his legacy, we often forget FDR was not always the most loved President. He had many many enemies and did a lot to stretch the power of President in potentially harmful ways. 
He did, but not nearly as much as Eisenhower and LBJ, both of whom performed within the 2 limit rules. All of Roosevelt’s enlargement of Presidential powers occurred during his first 2 terms anyhow. 

Exactly my point. 

If MSNBC had run that story four years ago advocating for an Obama third term, would you have seen it as very concerning? 
The talking heads and some of the hosts on MSNBC did discuss an Obama third term, or amending the Constitution to allow that, but it didn't get any attention at the time, as it wasn't realistic given Republican control of both houses.

Dictators don’t fight to get re-elected. They cancel elections, or fix them by being the only candidate. 

Even if Trump were allowed to run for President over and over again, and did so successfully, he would still not be a dictator, not so long as the American people kept choosing him through a free election process. 
There is no free election process. The electoral college is anti-democratic.  If there was a free election process Hillary would be slow walking us to the right but wouldnt look like a clown doing it.

The current setup in the US is no longer democratic. Wyoming votes have 65 times the power of a California vote. A minority of people elected the Senate majority that stole a Supreme court seat and then gor a majority. The same majority that continues to serve it's own needs to the detriment of this country. A minority of people helped a party hold Congress due to gerrymandering. And it's a minority by tens of millions. 

So everything we got that limits access to power has to be deployed and it ain't much between us and a banana republic. 

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I dont care if Bernie wins and is the best thing since sliced bread. I wouldnt want him or anyone else to have more than two terms.

1 four year term would be fine with me.  That way maybe some work would actually get done instead of campaigning the day after the election. 

Here we go...

This struck me as interesting today.

It feels like one of those things where the same headline is read completely different depending on the source and your perspective.

For lots of people who are opposed to Trump, they see MSNBC and the writer is saying he'd love to be able to elect President Obama two more times, then this is ok. 

For the same people, if this had been on FOX they'd likely have different feelings if the writer had said he'd love to re-elect President Trump more than once. 

It's a good reminder (to myself mostly) to try and be objective. 
I can't speak for "lots of people" but I'd oppose it the same either way.  

There is no free election process. The electoral college is anti-democratic.  If there was a free election process Hillary would be slow walking us to the right but wouldnt look like a clown doing it.

The current setup in the US is no longer democratic. Wyoming votes have 65 times the power of a California vote. A minority of people elected the Senate majority that stole a Supreme court seat and then gor a majority. The same majority that continues to serve it's own needs to the detriment of this country. A minority of people helped a party hold Congress due to gerrymandering. And it's a minority by tens of millions. 

So everything we got that limits access to power has to be deployed and it ain't much between us and a banana republic. 
The US has never been a pure democracy and I hope it never becomes one.

Interesting. I like the idea (I think) of not having to run for re-election. 

Has this ever been considered seriously? 
Not really. The problem with not being re-elected is that the President becomes a lame duck the first day he starts serving. Much easier for the opposition to run out the clock if they know it will be for only four years, as opposed to a possible eight.

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Trump is the perfect example of why exceeding two terms would be a horrible idea. His budget proposal that came out yesterday was horrific. 
Congress is going to treat that budget as they do all the others submitted from administrations - tear it up and generate something that they want to pass.

I dont care if Bernie wins and is the best thing since sliced bread. I wouldnt want him or anyone else to have more than two terms.
If he won the next three elections and served out his third term, he'd leave office at age 91.

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