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Capella’s Open House thread (1 Viewer)


We are selling our house and my realtor isn’t available Saturday. So I asked if I could hold my own open house and after a few seconds of uncomfortable silence she said “yea...I don’t see why not”. 

So I need to know what to do. I already plan to have soft, non-threatening music playing over the tv and my wife will bake cookies before she takes off. I think I will have a pencil in my ear and a giant clipboard to make it look like we have a lot going on. Also thinking of constantly being on the phone too saying things like “yea it’s real busy here” and “wow this is going to go fast”. Maybe texting a lot and saying things like “I can’t get back to all these people” under my breath but loud enough that people can hear.

Any other ideas/shtick? 

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Generally a bad idea. People will ask you stuff you don't necessarily want to reveal, but the realtor won't even know the answer.

We are selling our house and my realtor isn’t available Saturday. So I asked if I could hold my own open house and after a few seconds of uncomfortable silence she said “yea...I don’t see why not”. 

So I need to know what to do. I already plan to have soft, non-threatening music playing over the tv and my wife will bake cookies before she takes off. I think I will have a pencil in my ear and a giant clipboard to make it look like we have a lot going on. Also thinking of constantly being on the phone too saying things like “yea it’s real busy here” and “wow this is going to go fast”. Maybe texting a lot and saying things like “I can’t get back to all these people” under my breath but loud enough that people can hear.

Any other ideas/shtick? 
Not sure about the USA but I sold my house last year was told by my realtor that it was related to insurance.  Realtors have insurance. If someone has an injury at your house it would be your homeowner insurance as opposed to the realtors.  My realtor advised I never let anyone in the house without a realtor present (so no curious passers-by).

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Not sure about the USA but I sold my house last year was told by my realtor that it was related to insurance.  Realtors have insurance. If someone has an injury at your house it would be your homeowner insurance as opposed to the realtors.  My realtor advised I never let anyone in the house without a realtor present (so no curious passers-by).
I’ve already done this 5-6 times. That’s a good point though. 

Honestly, see if a few friends can hang out/drop by to pose as potential buyers who are interested.  Especially for the first hour.  Makes the place seem "hot."


I sold a house for a friend and he wanted to do the open house.

Its fine however reason i would typically not recommend is homeowners or buyer may say something dumb or give off a vibe that make the opposite party feel that the buying process may become more difficult possibly leading to a non offer.

To your question 

Don't follow anyone around but be available if they have any questions.

If someone says your kitchen could use updating, just say ok.

Hand out fliers if you have.

Have them sign in.

On that sign in sheet write in names and numbers of 10 fictitious names to show lots of people are already there

I sold a house for a friend and he wanted to do the open house.

Its fine however reason i would typically not recommend is homeowners or buyer may say something dumb or give off a vibe that make the opposite party feel that the buying process may become more difficult possibly leading to a non offer.

To your question 

Don't follow anyone around but be available if they have any questions.

If someone says your kitchen could use updating, just say ok.

Hand out fliers if you have.

Have them sign in.

On that sign in sheet write in names and numbers of 10 fictitious names to show lots of people are already there
Great, thanks. :thumbup:  

I will but I can talk pretty intelligently. Everything is already on the form that needs to be. 
No offense intended, but houses are weird sales. I probably lost a few potential buyers because I wouldn't shut up, even tho the realtor was glaring at me. 

If not too late, plant flowers outside.

Also, have fresh cut flowers in a vase on the table.

Take down the huge FSU flag on your front lawn.

tell people everything is imported from fanciful locations like if they say they like a countertop tell them it was imported from tunisia if they like a paint color tell them the paint was imported from azerbaijan if they like a couch tell them it was imported straight from a lone peak in switzerland and if they hate something then tell them it was imported from cleveland and they will understand and respect you take that to the bank bromigo 

Why can't she get another agent to do it? That's done all the time.   

People are going to rail on your house if they think you are an agent. Lol.  

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I once did a combo open house/garage sale. Advertised the garage sale in the local rag and CL. Amazing traffic.

The eventual buyer was also a garage saler.

On the plus side you can bust all the snooping neighbors who will expect you to be gone.  

😲 Oh Capella...I didn’t expect...good to see you. House looks nice. Anyway...We’ll catch you later.”

Because I want to do it. 
Good luck.  It creeps buyers out when the seller is in the house at a showing or open house.  Makes them feel real uncomfortable.  With you in the home, they will only picture the home with you in it, and not the home they want to make it into.

Good luck.  It creeps buyers out when the seller is in the house at a showing or open house.  Makes them feel real uncomfortable.  With you in the home, they will only picture the home with you in it, and not the home they want to make it into.
People do FSBO all the time. 

Go to someone else's open house.  Steal all of the business cards.   Put them on the counter in your house, so it looks like you're getting a lot of action on it.   Prime at least half of a sign-in sheet with a bunch of fake names.

Oh, and one thing I've learned for real...empty your medicine cabinets.   People actually go to open houses just to look for prescription drugs.   

Oh, and one thing I've learned for real...empty your medicine cabinets.   People actually go to open houses just to look for prescription drugs.   
this is true.  Take anything that you value out of your home or lock it up.

and the national average is they net 18% less.     Shouldn't be a big deal if you're doing this just once.  You're not helping helping yourself. It's a deterrent to buyers.  
 I don't disagree with you necessarily but I think hes fine if hes professional and courteous.  For the most part the house would sell itself. 

 If it were me I would bring some humor into it anyone that walks in I would proclaim.... full disclosure I am the home owner so please don't make fun of the large gnome collection in the bedroom that belongs to my wife and the chalk outline of the dead body in the backyard I've been told by the local authorities that they will be here to clean it up tomorrow morning.  Please take a cookie and feel free to ask any questions

 In doing so you can show agents and buyers that you're personable any maybe reasonable to work with and  If you have some moxie it wouldn't surprise me if an agent or to try to recruit you into getting your realestate license

 I don't disagree with you necessarily but I think hes fine if hes professional and courteous.  For the most part the house would sell itself. 

 If it were me I would bring some humor into it anyone that walks in I would proclaim.... full disclosure I am the home owner so please don't make fun of the large gnome collection in the bedroom that belongs to my wife and the chalk outline of the dead body in the backyard I've been told by the local authorities that they will be here to clean it up tomorrow morning.  Please take a cookie and feel free to ask any questions

 In doing so you can show agents and buyers that you're personable any maybe reasonable to work with and  If you have some moxie it wouldn't surprise me if an agent or to try to recruit you into getting your realestate license
He'll be fine for sure.   Full disclosure upfront  is a must IMO.

When people ask questions, answer with very long stories.  "Was this kitchen counter always here or was it added later?"     "That counter?  Well to answer that you have to understand how my our family raised four boys in a small town of ................................."  

My wife has one of those sign things with the letters. So I got that out of the way the other day. 





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