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Cavalier Crypto 101 (1 Viewer)

Hey, anytime you can take $100 and turn it into $36, $200 and turn it into $72, or $300 and turn it into $108, you just have to pull the trigger.  And trigger I pulled.   :moneybag:
I love now one of them has lost 92% :lmao:  Really feels like now is the time to buy. 

I think about how terrible this is doing at least once a day. 
I don't at all but just looked at the spreadsheet for the first time in about 3 weeks, wow.

I still can't get over that January 31 call by the OP, it was pretty much the start of it going negative here.  I know he didn't expect it to happen but had that deadline gone into the first week of February, there may have been some others that would have bailed on it.   Ballsy proposition in hindsight by the OP

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Sorry if it has been a while, been swamped!! I've been in development of FantasyCoin42, details soon to come. I'll give you guys first crack at the ICO.

I'm not posting this to be a #### either, there is a life lesson when it comes to investments, and hopefully anyone who reads this post has that message drilled home... 

99 out 100, when you start seeing stuff like this, you're at the top of a bubble. (Easy money, huge gains, you don't understand) - these statements are absolutely poison, please remember that. 
:lmao:  pretty sure every one in here would rather light 300 dollars on fire to roast marshmallows then invest with you. 

:lmao:  pretty sure every one in here would rather light 300 dollars on fire to roast marshmallows then invest with you. 
Listen bro, not sure where I asked anyone to invest anything? Nor would I ever want to handle anyone's money outside of my own :shrug:

Highlighting a statement, that in retrospect was 1,000% accurate. Luckily, it only cost everyone a few hundred dollars, and it is something they should take with them as a lesson. 

Not surprised that you chose "roasting marshmallows" as your punchline. 

Listen bro, not sure where I asked anyone to invest anything? Nor would I ever want to handle anyone's money outside of my own :shrug:

Highlighting a statement, that in retrospect was 1,000% accurate. Luckily, it only cost everyone a few hundred dollars, and it is something they should take with them as a lesson. 

Not surprised that you chose "roasting marshmallows" as your punchline. 
You were telling them something they already knew. You were basically that guy that went to casino watched everyone gamble and kept whispering in their ears "You are going to lose all your money" then on the ride home you won't shut up about how right you were. 

In reality all every one wanted was to take some money, have a good time and if they got really lucky make some money and if they lost oh well. It is incredible you fail to see this. 

You were telling them something they already knew. You were basically that guy that went to casino watched everyone gamble and kept whispering in their ears "You are going to lose all your money" then on the ride home you won't shut up about how right you were. 

In reality all every one wanted was to take some money, have a good time and if they got really lucky make some money and if they lost oh well. It is incredible you fail to see this. 
Knowing they were going to lose money was a given, although, from your statements, it sounds like you're an expert in that field. 

The purpose of the post was to highlight surefire signs of guaranteed losses; "not understanding, huge gains, easy money" in conjunction with each other.

For someone who works in education (?), comprehension (or lack thereof) should be something you emphasize self-improvement. 

Knowing they were going to lose money was a given, although, from your statements, it sounds like you're an expert in that field. 

The purpose of the post was to highlight surefire signs of guaranteed losses; "not understanding, huge gains, easy money" in conjunction with each other.

For someone who works in education (?), comprehension (or lack thereof) should be something you emphasize self-improvement. 
It is truly amazing how the concept of fun money can continue to fly right over your head. Good luck. 

You were telling them something they already knew. You were basically that guy that went to casino watched everyone gamble and kept whispering in their ears "You are going to lose all your money" then on the ride home you won't shut up about how right you were. 

“Hopefully they learned a lesson” :lmao:  

You were telling them something they already knew. You were basically that guy that went to casino watched everyone gamble and kept whispering in their ears "You are going to lose all your money" then on the ride home you won't shut up about how right you were. 

In reality all every one wanted was to take some money, have a good time and if they got really lucky make some money and if they lost oh well. It is incredible you fail to see this. 
Don't get me started on the lottery!!~!@~@

p.s. Can anyone explain how something can be "1000% accurate?" I can see something / someone being 1000% dooshtastic, but I can't wrap my brain around being 1000% accurate.

Getzlaf15 said:
We were up 200% after the first month.
I feel like that is right around the corner again. You can’t hold DeepBrainChain down at -89% forever.  

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I tried to read their white paper ...quite unsuccessfully I will add.  

ETA:  I will say that a guy named "spooklordpoo" had some pretty convincing arguments for it earlier this year on reddit.    

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24 HR Change


So what's the deal with crypto anyway? Is there no foreseeable future in digital currency? Any good articles about what happened to it and where it's going?

I just bought $2k of ETH for $450.   Lots of uncertainties in the short term, bit still believe there is a future and it will get here sooner than expected.  

Think we'll end up with eth futures markets and an eth ETF after the dust settles.  Also got an email from Uphold saying bitcoin/ether would not be considered securities.  


-Interesting reading here

I'm an attorney practicing in this area and let me tell you, this is huge. Read the speech if you have time. It basically says that even if something is issued as a security, it can over time morph into something that isn't. This is huge for a lot of coins out there that may be securities at the moment, but are working towards becoming a working token. My favorite para:

In discussing a token being an investment contract:

But this also points the way to when a digital asset transaction may no longer represent a security offering. If the network on which the token or coin is to function is sufficiently decentralized – where purchasers would no longer reasonably expect a person or group to carry out essential managerial or entrepreneurial efforts – the assets may not represent an investment contract. Moreover, when the efforts of the third party are no longer a key factor for determining the enterprise’s success, material information asymmetries recede. As a network becomes truly decentralized, the ability to identify an issuer or promoter to make the requisite disclosures becomes difficult, and less meaningful.
This is basically saying that at a certain point, tokens are no longer tokens. What the point in will still rely on the facts and circumstances, but this is huge for the crypto space.

-Full statement here: https://www.sec.gov/news/speech/speech-hinman-061418

People keep acting like this #### is over.  The ride never ends!  

Think we'll end up with eth futures markets and an eth ETF after the dust settles.  Also got an email from Uphold saying bitcoin/ether would not be considered securities.  


-Interesting reading here

I'm an attorney practicing in this area and let me tell you, this is huge. Read the speech if you have time. It basically says that even if something is issued as a security, it can over time morph into something that isn't. This is huge for a lot of coins out there that may be securities at the moment, but are working towards becoming a working token. My favorite para:

In discussing a token being an investment contract:

This is basically saying that at a certain point, tokens are no longer tokens. What the point in will still rely on the facts and circumstances, but this is huge for the crypto space.

-Full statement here: https://www.sec.gov/news/speech/speech-hinman-061418

People keep acting like this #### is over.  The ride never ends!  
I have no idea what you mean by huge for the crypto space. What does not being a security mean? No regulation? By huge do you mean it makes it a better investment or that they may realize their true potential as a way to transact goods (which IMHO kind of removes the point of it being an investment in the same way that the dollar isn’t really an investment). 

I have no idea what you mean by huge for the crypto space. What does not being a security mean? No regulation? By huge do you mean it makes it a better investment or that they may realize their true potential as a way to transact goods (which IMHO kind of removes the point of it being an investment in the same way that the dollar isn’t really an investment). 
It means that the regulatory picture is beginning to clear up and open the door for institutional investment.  Once compliance is clearly defined a lot of mainstreet/wallstreet money will be on its way.  It may not be for a few years but I do think we'll eventually hit critical mass and see the floodgates open.  

We're facing a global financial crisis unlike anything the world has ever seen.  But crypto will last long after fiat systems fail.  That was the whole point.  It's already happening in Venezuela, Iran, Africa etc. 

ren hoek said:
It means that the regulatory picture is beginning to clear up and open the door for institutional investment.  Once compliance is clearly defined a lot of mainstreet/wallstreet money will be on its way.  It may not be for a few years but I do think we'll eventually hit critical mass and see the floodgates open.  

We're facing a global financial crisis unlike anything the world has ever seen.  But crypto will last long after fiat systems fail.  That was the whole point.  It's already happening in Venezuela, Iran, Africa etc. 
Wow at the last paragraph. Sounds like it came out of a conspiracy theorist handbook. Sorry, but I’m not sure your response helps me understand why money will just start pouring in now and this global financial crisis that crypto will save us from. I guess I’m looking for something more concrete as to why this ruling will open the door. 

ren hoek said:
. But crypto will last long after fiat systems fail.  That was the whole point.  It's already happening in Venezuela, Iran, Africa etc. 
There will always be fiat systems that will be safer investments than crypto.   

Wow at the last paragraph. Sounds like it came out of a conspiracy theorist handbook. Sorry, but I’m not sure your response helps me understand why money will just start pouring in now and this global financial crisis that crypto will save us from. I guess I’m looking for something more concrete as to why this ruling will open the door. 
It's essentially the same thesis the gold bugs have been parroting for decades.  They may eventually be right, but I wouldn't put a high probability on it.

fully SEC regulated crypto exchange is coming. Hope that change things at least a little. 


(disclosure: I’m invested in one of those exchanges).
This is a bit of my confusion. Above, it’s stated than tokens/coins being considered not securities is how big money will start to flow in but now this is an exchange to trade securities (it states that in the article). I still think what you are doing, investing in the exchanges is what is an actual investment. It’s like buying Visa and hoping they gain enough volume to make a solid profit. The whole investing on the hope that it replaces the dollar is crazy. If it doesn’t and all people around the world get paid in their fiat currencies like today then the token value should be meaningless outside of the miners who are like employees of the block chain. Whether bitcoin is 10k or 10, it should be the same value at the beginning and end of the transaction if the transaction is as fast as a credit card or debit card now. Investing in the “dollar bill” seems silly compared to investing in the guy who says I’ll send that to the seller for X%. You appear to be doing the latter which is what I would do. 

This is a bit of my confusion. Above, it’s stated than tokens/coins being considered not securities is how big money will start to flow in but now this is an exchange to trade securities (it states that in the article). I still think what you are doing, investing in the exchanges is what is an actual investment. It’s like buying Visa and hoping they gain enough volume to make a solid profit. The whole investing on the hope that it replaces the dollar is crazy. If it doesn’t and all people around the world get paid in their fiat currencies like today then the token value should be meaningless outside of the miners who are like employees of the block chain. Whether bitcoin is 10k or 10, it should be the same value at the beginning and end of the transaction if the transaction is as fast as a credit card or debit card now. Investing in the “dollar bill” seems silly compared to investing in the guy who says I’ll send that to the seller for X%. You appear to be doing the latter which is what I would do. 
If all goes to plan, it will be like buying NYSE or Nasdaq at its start.

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If all goes to plan, it will be like buying NYSE or Nasdaq at its start.
Got it, because you aren’t the block chain itself. Not sure I’m fully behind that. To me if a crypto currency is truly successful it holds intrinsic value like a dollar bill or it’s just the middleware for an alternative payment. What I mean by that is either it takes over for failing currencies (not sure I see that in any substantial country), becomes a traveling currency (avoid exchange fees) or becomes a competitor to Visa (smart contracts, etc.).

Not sure I’d invest in just a Nasdaq for tokens or coins. Again, I see them being valuable enough to pay miners/the people doing the work for transactions but that’s a percent of the transaction. I just don’t think a store of value as an investment makes sense because then the coin isn’t doing what it was meant to do and there aren’t enough transactions to support that value. It’s like all the Monopoly money in the world being an investment even though no one uses for real stuff.

Got it, because you aren’t the block chain itself. Not sure I’m fully behind that. To me if a crypto currency is truly successful it holds intrinsic value like a dollar bill or it’s just the middleware for an alternative payment. What I mean by that is either it takes over for failing currencies (not sure I see that in any substantial country), becomes a traveling currency (avoid exchange fees) or becomes a competitor to Visa (smart contracts, etc.).

Not sure I’d invest in just a Nasdaq for tokens or coins. Again, I see them being valuable enough to pay miners/the people doing the work for transactions but that’s a percent of the transaction. I just don’t think a store of value as an investment makes sense because then the coin isn’t doing what it was meant to do and there aren’t enough transactions to support that value. It’s like all the Monopoly money in the world being an investment even though no one uses for real stuff.
:no: not exactly

The trading happens on the blockchain. 


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