Thank you for providing your opinion on the new Fantasy Football league homepage. We know change like this can initially be unsettling. However, ultimately, we believe you'll find this new page delivers an experience that far supersedes the old version. That’s because we listened to you and adjusted the homepage based on your comments and suggestions. Depending on your feedback, we may make more adjustments, so please bear with us.
We want you to experience the new homepage and become accustomed to it. So please take some time to thoroughly investigate and use the new layout. If afterwards, you still feel the old version is more your speed, you can access it by using the following instructions:
1. Click the “settings” icon next to the “Player Name” search box in the top right portion of the page.
2. From the “settings” page, click the “Look & Feel” tab to display a list of features you can change.
3. Locate the “League Homepage View” item at the bottom of this list, and click the drop-down menu to toggle between “default” and “classic” options.
4. Click “OK”. Now go back to the league homepage, and you will see the version you selected.
Thank you for continuing to make your Fantasy destination. Please reply to this email should you have additional concerns or more details to provide for updating your question.
Have a great season,
Commish McGarnagle
That's what they sent me. Basically, the Classic toggle is buried beneath list of 25 customizable background colors.
Outside of background colors, there's pretty much nothing to configure on the home page of the new "Default" page.
My guess is they retire Classic in a year, as most providers do.
The Classis isn't as customizable as it once was, but it's better than the new view.
On the new view, the top third of my screen (any browser) is just blank space. Then the giant header image I can't shrink. Then nonsensical content including a FEED that shows all our league stories back to the year 2000, making for a looooooooooong scroll.
Very poor design, IMO, but complaining doesn't help.
One of my biggest beefs still about the 2012 changes is the Change Team dropdown is longer than my screen, so I need to position my scroll befor selecting it and then scroll my screen to see all the teams. Plus, the Drag and Drop lineup mnagement is surely teh suck, especially on smaller devices. On any platform (especially the smaller devices), Check and Submit is a better format for managing lineups than Drag and Drop. Drag and Drop is all about the zazz. It looks good in a presentation to the powers, but it is a nuisance. I hate it. Argh!