No info here, I just need to rant a little.
By all accounts, Chicago has made very reasonable offers and Benson just sits at home expecting them to give in and pay him more than Rivers got at #4 last year, though Rivers was a huge outlier, and more than the #3 this year.
Not only has he not graciously accepted the millions of dollars being offered to him and gotten on his knees to thank God for his luck and sudden fortune, he is not even negotiating with the team.
Now I have no problem with a man trying to get every dollar he deserves - not in "real world" business and not in sports buisness. But this level of selfishness and greed makes me sick to my stomache.
I hope this SOB gets into a car crash and has a career ending injury before he ever sees a penny. F*k him.

Yikes! Bears fan or something?!
I blame players like Benson, but not for the same reasons you do. I blame players (and owners, for that matter) for letting AGENTS play as prominent a role in the game as they currently do. Why don't more players look at examples like Ray Allen in the NBA (negotiating his own rookie contract) and realize that they could get themselves a 10.....20......30+ percent "raise" if they just K.I.S.S. and cut the agent out of the process all-together?!
I'm not saying that's the way to go for most players, as the Wonderlic scores will attest to that!

I'm just saying that SMART players could make as much/more money by handling basic rookie contract negotiations themselves. Not only that, but they would pocket more cash while costing their team less money, giving their team more of a chance to compete for a title with the extra cap room.
Is that to easy/logical?!
I don't blame agents like Rosenhaus. He's just a smart businessman. I DO, however, blame players and owners for letting agents such as Rosenhaus serve as parasites and hangers-on with the game itself....pocketing huge sums of cash at, ultimately, the fans it is we who are covering for all those skyrocketing contracts and such every year. :(