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Cedric Benson (1 Viewer)


No info here, I just need to rant a little.By all accounts, Chicago has made very reasonable offers and Benson just sits at home expecting them to give in and pay him more than Rivers got at #4 last year, though Rivers was a huge outlier, and more than the #3 this year.Not only has he not graciously accepted the millions of dollars being offered to him and gotten on his knees to thank God for his luck and sudden fortune, he is not even negotiating with the team.Now I have no problem with a man trying to get every dollar he deserves - not in "real world" business and not in sports buisness. But this level of selfishness and greed makes me sick to my stomache.I hope this SOB gets into a car crash and has a career ending injury before he ever sees a penny. F*k him.

I hold no ill regard to Benson. Hopefully he negotiates a contract he is happy with and is never a holdout. I get sick of the guys that sign a contract and then hold out while under contract.

Just passed on him at 5.01 in a dynasty league.. too many visions of Curtis Enis and Rashaan Salaam dancing in my head.

:pilingon:I wonder if he is crying about not getting enough money like he cried on draft day when he didn't like how people were comparing him to Ricky..:/pilingon:

17 mill is a lot of money!I hope they haze the %$@% out of him!

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you should really save some of the blame for AJ Smith and the Chargers for giving Rivers that ridiculous contract last year. Heck, I suppose you could blame Eli Manning for his refusal to play in San Diego as well.

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You gotta wonder what he's thinking when proven studs like Edgerrin James and Shaun Alexander can't even find a team to pay a 2nd round pick for them. Who will pay him if the Bears won't?

You gotta wonder what he's thinking when proven studs like Edgerrin James and Shaun Alexander can't even find a team to pay a 2nd round pick for them. Who will pay him if the Bears won't?
I think that is part of the reason why he wants to get as much guaranteed money as possible right now. Stud RBs that hit free agency aren't getting the huge contracts that players at other positions are getting these days.
Hey huckyoda, it's just a game, man. Climb off the ledge.
Dont worry, the only ledge I am climbing on to is one where Cedric is standing...so I can push him off! :yes:
I'm not sure, but I think we like to take a nicer tone around here...
This is purely speculation, but I supsect that Cedric won't read this thread and, as a result, probably won't take much offense.
btw, Adrian Peterson has played well in camp so far. As long as Benson remains unsigned, Peterson has some decent sleeper potential.

I refused to take Cedric in any fantasy league the minute I saw him :cry: at the draft.He's a brat and, oh, by the way, has a better football player ahead of him on the depth chart right now anyway.

I refused to take Cedric in any fantasy league the minute I saw him :cry: at the draft.

He's a brat and, oh, by the way, has a better football player ahead of him on the depth chart right now anyway.
When it's all said and done, Benson will have better career numbers than any RB taken in the same rookie class.
You gotta wonder what he's thinking when proven studs like Edgerrin James and Shaun Alexander can't even find a team to pay a 2nd round pick for them. Who will pay him if the Bears won't?
I think that is part of the reason why he wants to get as much guaranteed money as possible right now. Stud RBs that hit free agency aren't getting the huge contracts that players at other positions are getting these days.
Good point. Guess I'm just surprised he'd take the risk of Chicago pulling their offer from the table.
I took T. Jones in the 13th round and am happy. If Benson doesn't sign or signs later on in the year, he won't be a starter until late in the season if at all this year. That makes Jones a great late round draft pick up!

I took T. Jones in the 13th round and am happy. If Benson doesn't sign or signs later on in the year, he won't be a starter until late in the season if at all this year. That makes Jones a great late round draft pick up!
If Benson signs, he plays, and more than likely, he starts before week 3. The Bears didn't waste a top 5 pick on a guy to sit the bench for most of the year.
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No info here, I just need to rant a little.By all accounts, Chicago has made very reasonable offers and Benson just sits at home expecting them to give in and pay him more than Rivers got at #4 last year, though Rivers was a huge outlier, and more than the #3 this year.Not only has he not graciously accepted the millions of dollars being offered to him and gotten on his knees to thank God for his luck and sudden fortune, he is not even negotiating with the team.Now I have no problem with a man trying to get every dollar he deserves - not in "real world" business and not in sports buisness. But this level of selfishness and greed makes me sick to my stomache.I hope this SOB gets into a car crash and has a career ending injury before he ever sees a penny. F*k him.
:shock: Yikes! Bears fan or something?!I blame players like Benson, but not for the same reasons you do. I blame players (and owners, for that matter) for letting AGENTS play as prominent a role in the game as they currently do. Why don't more players look at examples like Ray Allen in the NBA (negotiating his own rookie contract) and realize that they could get themselves a 10.....20......30+ percent "raise" if they just K.I.S.S. and cut the agent out of the process all-together?! I'm not saying that's the way to go for most players, as the Wonderlic scores will attest to that! :rolleyes: I'm just saying that SMART players could make as much/more money by handling basic rookie contract negotiations themselves. Not only that, but they would pocket more cash while costing their team less money, giving their team more of a chance to compete for a title with the extra cap room.Is that to easy/logical?! I don't blame agents like Rosenhaus. He's just a smart businessman. I DO, however, blame players and owners for letting agents such as Rosenhaus serve as parasites and hangers-on with the game itself....pocketing huge sums of cash at, ultimately, the fans expense....as it is we who are covering for all those skyrocketing contracts and such every year. :(
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I took T. Jones in the 13th round and am happy. If Benson doesn't sign or signs later on in the year, he won't be a starter until late in the season if at all this year. That makes Jones a great late round draft pick up!
If Benson signs, he plays, and more than likely, he starts before week 3. The Bears didn't waste a top 5 pick on a guy to sit the bench for most of the year.
It is clear that you have a very high opinion on Benson. But, I don't think you are giving T.Jones enough credit here. He's played well enough to earn the starting spot and Benson will have a ton of catching up to do if he hopes to take it from him as early as week 3 of the season.I think he'll play, but don't think he'll start until mid-season or Jones gets injured. Coaches won't want to reward a player for holding out as long as he did.

17 mill is a lot of money!

I hope they haze the #### out of him!
Rank the Texas Longhorns RB's from the last 8 years or so. Where does Benson rank? I wasn't really that impressed with him in college. He's going to have to rush for 120 yards on 11 carries :excited: in order to get the watered down hazing from his teammates.
I took T. Jones in the 13th round and am happy. If Benson doesn't sign or signs later on in the year, he won't be a starter until late in the season if at all this year. That makes Jones a great late round draft pick up!
If Benson signs, he plays, and more than likely, he starts before week 3. The Bears didn't waste a top 5 pick on a guy to sit the bench for most of the year.
It is clear that you have a very high opinion on Benson. But, I don't think you are giving T.Jones enough credit here. He's played well enough to earn the starting spot and Benson will have a ton of catching up to do if he hopes to take it from him as early as week 3 of the season.I think he'll play, but don't think he'll start until mid-season or Jones gets injured. Coaches won't want to reward a player for holding out as long as he did.
With no passing game, teams will put 8 in the box and TJ isn't a move the pile runner. The fans will be screaming for Benson by week 3 or 4, and they will get their wish, IMO.
You think CHI is second guessing sending A-Train packing now...:rolleyes:The Bears brought this on themselves. They had a successful power RB who was a team guy & sucked it up when Lovie dumped all over him last season, then shut his mouth & did his job when T Jones got hurt, leading the team to the majority of its few wins, then shut his mouth & went back to the bench when Jones returned.They could have kept Thomas at a fraction of what they're offering Benson, and they could have had M Williams in the fold besides.The grass is always greener...And the Bears are always the Bears...

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If Benson signs, he plays, and more than likely, he starts before week 3. The Bears didn't waste a top 5 pick on a guy to sit the bench for most of the year.

I disagree. I think he gets brought along slowly.

I would happily sig bet that TJ has better fantasy points at end of year.

I took T. Jones in the 13th round and am happy. If Benson doesn't sign or signs later on in the year, he won't be a starter until late in the season if at all this year. That makes Jones a great late round draft pick up!
If Benson signs, he plays, and more than likely, he starts before week 3. The Bears didn't waste a top 5 pick on a guy to sit the bench for most of the year.
It is clear that you have a very high opinion on Benson. But, I don't think you are giving T.Jones enough credit here. He's played well enough to earn the starting spot and Benson will have a ton of catching up to do if he hopes to take it from him as early as week 3 of the season.I think he'll play, but don't think he'll start until mid-season or Jones gets injured. Coaches won't want to reward a player for holding out as long as he did.
With no passing game, teams will put 8 in the box and TJ isn't a move the pile runner. The fans will be screaming for Benson by week 3 or 4, and they will get their wish, IMO.
The Bears started Jonathan Quinn and Craig Krenzel at QB last year with Bobby Wade and David Terrell as their top 2 WRs, yet Thomas Jones still produced.They have a quality offensive line in place, and Muhammad is a monster upgrade over what they had last year and one of the best blocking WRs in the league. Hutchinson, Blake, and Orton really aren't that much worse than Grossman (what's he ever done?).

The Bears passing game will certainly not be a strength, but there is enough talent on the team to help Jones be a productive RB.

He's a brat and, oh, by the way, has a better football player ahead of him on the depth chart right now anyway.

agreed - t jones was a great runnign back in college, ditto for benson

t jones looks good this year buy jones looks good in the beginnign of the season every year then gets hurt. personally i would stay away from any bear back this year without grossman.

as of now benson is being too greedy - he is jeopardizing his rookie year with this holdout

no way does he get the money rivers got last year. Situation is so different

If Eli didn't ##### about playing for san diego he would have most likely been the number 1 pick. but it was the giants claim that they wanted mannign that made negotiations interesting. PHillip rivers might have ended up as the top overall pick if the chargers couldn't cleverly blackmail the giants into giving up another 1st round pick and rivers fore ELI. San diego got the guy they wanted anyway! Rivers was ill in college he complete 70 % of his passes or some #### wth no good wideouts whatsover

sucked it up when Lovie dumped all over him last seasonThey could have kept Thomas at a fraction of what they're offering Benson
#1 :link: to Lovie Smith ever dumping on A-Train?#2: A-Train would not have re-signed in Chicago. It was not an option.
I took T. Jones in the 13th round and am happy. If Benson doesn't sign or signs later on in the year, he won't be a starter until late in the season if at all this year. That makes Jones a great late round draft pick up!
If Benson signs, he plays, and more than likely, he starts before week 3. The Bears didn't waste a top 5 pick on a guy to sit the bench for most of the year.
It is clear that you have a very high opinion on Benson. But, I don't think you are giving T.Jones enough credit here. He's played well enough to earn the starting spot and Benson will have a ton of catching up to do if he hopes to take it from him as early as week 3 of the season.I think he'll play, but don't think he'll start until mid-season or Jones gets injured. Coaches won't want to reward a player for holding out as long as he did.
With no passing game, teams will put 8 in the box and TJ isn't a move the pile runner. The fans will be screaming for Benson by week 3 or 4, and they will get their wish, IMO.
The Bears started Jonathan Quinn and Craig Krenzel at QB last year with Bobby Wade and David Terrell as their top 2 WRs, yet Thomas Jones still produced.They have a quality offensive line in place, and Muhammad is a monster upgrade over what they had last year and one of the best blocking WRs in the league. Hutchinson, Blake, and Orton really aren't that much worse than Grossman (what's he ever done?).

The Bears passing game will certainly not be a strength, but there is enough talent on the team to help Jones be a productive RB.
The FANS will want Benson playing, and will get him. The chants of Cedric, Cedric, Cedric will be too much for the Bear brass to keep him on the bench past week 3 or 4. I'll also say it again, Benson is the better RB, especially between the tackles.
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I took T. Jones in the 13th round and am happy. If Benson doesn't sign or signs later on in the year, he won't be a starter until late in the season if at all this year. That makes Jones a great late round draft pick up!
If Benson signs, he plays, and more than likely, he starts before week 3. The Bears didn't waste a top 5 pick on a guy to sit the bench for most of the year.
It is clear that you have a very high opinion on Benson. But, I don't think you are giving T.Jones enough credit here. He's played well enough to earn the starting spot and Benson will have a ton of catching up to do if he hopes to take it from him as early as week 3 of the season.I think he'll play, but don't think he'll start until mid-season or Jones gets injured. Coaches won't want to reward a player for holding out as long as he did.
With no passing game, teams will put 8 in the box and TJ isn't a move the pile runner. The fans will be screaming for Benson by week 3 or 4, and they will get their wish, IMO.
The Bears started Jonathan Quinn and Craig Krenzel at QB last year with Bobby Wade and David Terrell as their top 2 WRs, yet Thomas Jones still produced.They have a quality offensive line in place, and Muhammad is a monster upgrade over what they had last year and one of the best blocking WRs in the league. Hutchinson, Blake, and Orton really aren't that much worse than Grossman (what's he ever done?).

The Bears passing game will certainly not be a strength, but there is enough talent on the team to help Jones be a productive RB.
The FANS will want Benson playing, and will get him. The chants of Cedric, Cedric, Cedric will be too much for the Bear brass to keep him on the bench past week 3 or 4.
funny. I live in Chicago, and most fans here are disgusted with Cedric Benson for this holdout. I seriously doubt they'll be chanting his name a month from now.
well t jones did have 4 tds with grossman at the help in 3 games and, ready for this, 1 td in 10 games with the other shihty qbs.last game of they doesn't count it was against 2nd stringers (the packers already had the 3rd see)not i dont think jones can produce. If he was the sole running back he is a shoe in for a 1000 yards and 6-7 tds. I just see benson coming in and being, not all that is hoped for but still a contributor and no way jones stays healthy/out of the doghouse all year

I took T. Jones in the 13th round and am happy. If Benson doesn't sign or signs later on in the year, he won't be a starter until late in the season if at all this year. That makes Jones a great late round draft pick up!
If Benson signs, he plays, and more than likely, he starts before week 3. The Bears didn't waste a top 5 pick on a guy to sit the bench for most of the year.
It is clear that you have a very high opinion on Benson. But, I don't think you are giving T.Jones enough credit here. He's played well enough to earn the starting spot and Benson will have a ton of catching up to do if he hopes to take it from him as early as week 3 of the season.I think he'll play, but don't think he'll start until mid-season or Jones gets injured. Coaches won't want to reward a player for holding out as long as he did.
With no passing game, teams will put 8 in the box and TJ isn't a move the pile runner. The fans will be screaming for Benson by week 3 or 4, and they will get their wish, IMO.
The Bears started Jonathan Quinn and Craig Krenzel at QB last year with Bobby Wade and David Terrell as their top 2 WRs, yet Thomas Jones still produced.They have a quality offensive line in place, and Muhammad is a monster upgrade over what they had last year and one of the best blocking WRs in the league. Hutchinson, Blake, and Orton really aren't that much worse than Grossman (what's he ever done?).

The Bears passing game will certainly not be a strength, but there is enough talent on the team to help Jones be a productive RB.
The FANS will want Benson playing, and will get him. The chants of Cedric, Cedric, Cedric will be too much for the Bear brass to keep him on the bench past week 3 or 4.
funny. I live in Chicago, and most fans here are disgusted with Cedric Benson for this holdout. I seriously doubt they'll be chanting his name a month from now.
The "real" fans will have a short memory. The only memory they will have will be that their beloved Bears selected him top 5. That's when you will hear the Cedric chants.
sucked it up when Lovie dumped all over him last seasonThey could have kept Thomas at a fraction of what they're offering Benson
#1 :link: to Lovie Smith ever dumping on A-Train?#2: A-Train would not have re-signed in Chicago. It was not an option.
Lovie named T Jones the starter a soon as he signed with CHI. Jones hadn't even stepped on the field & Lovie was gushing all over how he had found his RB to run the Rams' O in CHI. There was plenty of documentation last year. Find it yourself.You don't think Thomas wouldn't have resigned with CHI if they offered him say 1/3rd of the contract they are offering Benson, and told Thomas they were now committed to a power running game & he'd get a fair shot at the job?
No info here, I just need to rant a little.

By all accounts, Chicago has made very reasonable offers and Benson just sits at home expecting them to give in and pay him more than Rivers got at #4 last year, though Rivers was a huge outlier, and more than the #3 this year.

Not only has he not graciously accepted the millions of dollars being offered to him and gotten on his knees to thank God for his luck and sudden fortune, he is not even negotiating with the team.

Now I have no problem with a man trying to get every dollar he deserves - not in "real world" business and not in sports buisness. But this level of selfishness and greed makes me sick to my stomache.

I hope this SOB gets into a car crash and has a career ending injury before he ever sees a penny. F*k him.
:shock: Yikes! Bears fan or something?!

I blame players like Benson, but not for the same reasons you do. I blame players (and owners, for that matter) for letting AGENTS play as prominent a role in the game as they currently do. Why don't more players look at examples like Ray Allen in the NBA (negotiating his own rookie contract) and realize that they could get themselves a 10.....20......30+ percent "raise" if they just K.I.S.S. and cut the agent out of the process all-together?!

I'm not saying that's the way to go for most players, as the Wonderlic scores will attest to that! :rolleyes: I'm just saying that SMART players could make as much/more money by handling basic rookie contract negotiations themselves. Not only that, but they would pocket more cash while costing their team less money, giving their team more of a chance to compete for a title with the extra cap room.

Is that to easy/logical?!

I don't blame agents like Rosenhaus. He's just a smart businessman. I DO, however, blame players and owners for letting agents such as Rosenhaus serve as parasites and hangers-on with the game itself....pocketing huge sums of cash at, ultimately, the fans expense....as it is we who are covering for all those skyrocketing contracts and such every year. :(
I was under the impression that agents only get around 4% of the total deal.
sucked it up when Lovie dumped all over him last seasonThey could have kept Thomas at a fraction of what they're offering Benson
#1 :link: to Lovie Smith ever dumping on A-Train?#2: A-Train would not have re-signed in Chicago. It was not an option.
Lovie named T Jones the starter a soon as he signed with CHI. Jones hadn't even stepped on the field & Lovie was gushing all over how he had found his RB to run the Rams' O in CHI. There was plenty of documentation last year. Find it yourself.You don't think Thomas wouldn't have resigned with CHI if they offered him say 1/3rd of the contract they are offering Benson, and told Thomas they were now committed to a power running game & he'd get a fair shot at the job?
Pumping up Thomas Jones != "dumping all over Anthony Thomas"Anthony Thomas is not worth 1/3 of the contract they are offering Benson so that never would have happened. I like Anthony Thomas a lot but he's not much more than average NFL RB.
The "real" fans will have a short memory. The only memory they will have will be that their beloved Bears selected him top 5. That's when you will hear the Cedric chants.
With the way the NFL is, I don't blame Benson at all. This will likely be the only long term contract he signs. If he's great, the Bears will just franchise him thereafter. Then he turns 28 and is thought to be "too old".

Anthony Thomas is not worth 1/3 of the contract they are offering Benson so that never would have happened. I like Anthony Thomas a lot but he's not much more than average NFL RB.
Anthony Thomas is worth a hell of a lot more than Benson right now, isn't he? He's suiting up.Thomas was hamstrung by playing on Jauron teams - they were so pathetically unimaginative on offense that we actually could call the plays before they went off - literally. He still performed well given being hamstrung by such poor offensive play calling & vanilla blocking schemes. To see a guy his size with his burst lead me to believe that he was a cut above average every time I saw him play.
Word on the street is one of Bensons 'people' is in his ear and his agent is just rolling his eyes. The Bears arent entirely blameless in this either, they apparently lowballed their first offer and made it an extra-long contract to boot. That certainly didnt make the waters any calmer.

Anthony Thomas is not worth 1/3 of the contract they are offering Benson so that never would have happened. I like Anthony Thomas a lot but he's not much more than average NFL RB.
Anthony Thomas is worth a hell of a lot more than Benson right now, isn't he? He's suiting up.Thomas was hamstrung by playing on Jauron teams - they were so pathetically unimaginative on offense that we actually could call the plays before they went off - literally. He still performed well given being hamstrung by such poor offensive play calling & vanilla blocking schemes. To see a guy his size with his burst lead me to believe that he was a cut above average every time I saw him play.
then how come no NFL teams were interested in signing him once he hit free agency? IIRC, he sat out there for awhile before Parcells brought him in, and some think he's in danger of being cut in Dallas.Above average RBs should probably make more than $600,000 on the open market.
:shock: Yikes! Bears fan or something?!I blame players like Benson, but not for the same reasons you do. I blame players (and owners, for that matter) for letting AGENTS play as prominent a role in the game as they currently do. Why don't more players look at examples like Ray Allen in the NBA (negotiating his own rookie contract) and realize that they could get themselves a 10.....20......30+ percent "raise" if they just K.I.S.S. and cut the agent out of the process all-together?! I'm not saying that's the way to go for most players, as the Wonderlic scores will attest to that! :rolleyes: I'm just saying that SMART players could make as much/more money by handling basic rookie contract negotiations themselves. Not only that, but they would pocket more cash while costing their team less money, giving their team more of a chance to compete for a title with the extra cap room.Is that to easy/logical?! I don't blame agents like Rosenhaus. He's just a smart businessman. I DO, however, blame players and owners for letting agents such as Rosenhaus serve as parasites and hangers-on with the game itself....pocketing huge sums of cash at, ultimately, the fans expense....as it is we who are covering for all those skyrocketing contracts and such every year. :(
I was under the impression that agents only get around 4% of the total deal.
Chase,I stand corrected on the percentages. Only 4 percent? That shocks me...although I'm sure that's not all agents are making on the deal. There's gotta be more than 4 percent in there for them.....somewhere. ;) http://www.andelman.com/ARTICLES/sportsagents-gallery.htmlI guess my overall point though remains the same. Whether or not a player negotiates $10 million with an agent or $9.6 million on their own, they get paid the same exact money. That's also an extra $400K the team would have to either sign other players, or $1/ticket less they would have to charge in ticket prices for a regular season home game (50,000 seat stadium x 8 home games). It might not work when you are negotiating your second/third contracts unless you are intelligent player! However, most of the rookie contracts are:1. Proportional increases from last season's compensation for the same level of pick, and 2. Proportional given what people are signing for above and below you in the draft.Wouldn't it be AWESOME though to see a "Ronnie Brown" negotiate his own deal at #2, then have the agent for a "Braylon Edwards" try to justify to the Browns why his guy is worth more at #3 overall than the #2 overall pick?! :yes:

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