I think I do. Per the tweet, he is pretty clear that he intends to have an "increase in readiness beyond normal readiness"* when it comes to Jewish people. I don't know how to interpret that other than him as saying that he sees significant tension between himself and jewish people. He then references the theory of a rather controversial religious group called the Black Hebrew Israelites. In short, The Black Hebrew Israelites assert that they (black people) are actually the true descendants of the Hebrews referenced in the bible.** Kanye clearly must be referencing this movement/belief/group and associating himself with it because, in context, it's probably the only rational way that he can say that he is Jewish. Which then leads to the interpretation that a reader can't call his tweet anti-Semitic because he's saying he's Jewish to begin with. I'll make no comment as to whether his tweet is then, as a whole, logical and rational or just the rantings of somebody dealing with a mental health issue.
*This is the definition of "going defcon 3." Kanye appears to errantly write "death con" and I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that he wasn't actually planning to cause "death" but just got the term wrong.
** The movement has been heavily criticized by the Southern Poverty Law Center for its racist undertones as well as by general historians for simply lacking a factual foundation for its claims.