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Daughter's math homework (1 Viewer)

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Learned it in 7th grade....never forgot it
Let's go with this:Please


My Dear

Aunt Sally

Multiplication and division are to be done at the same time from left to right. If you leave "My" on its own line, you may be inclined to multiply from left to right and then divide from left to right. Same thing with addition and subtraction.


3 * 4 / 2 * 3

Multiplying and dividing from left to right, we get:

3 * 4 / 2 * 3

12 / 2 * 3

6 * 3


Multiplying from left to right and then dividing left to right, we get:

3 * 4 / 2 * 3

12 / 2 * 3

12 / 6


Gather around peoples....

In mathematics, another word for "negative" is "opposite".  Thus, -5 should be thought of as "the oppositive of 5" which means -5^2 is "the opposite of 5^2".
:goodposting: This is the best explanation...I am a math teacher and need to put this through the heads of kids every year. The TI calculator series does it the same way (ie. -5^2=-25). I go through this with kids and ask them what negative 5 squared is and they tell me 25...then I have them type it in and they say their calculator is broken. The easiest way to explain it is just the way Clayton explained it.
I'm on Clayton's side, but I don't think that explanation resolves the ambiguity.The opposite of five squared can be read as:

(The opposite of five) squared


The opposite of (five squared).

Just writing it out as a sentence doesn't solve the problem of where the implied parentheses should go.
A negative in front of whatever means the opposite of whatever.-5 is the opposite of 5

-X is the opposite of X

-chair is the opposite of chair

-5^2 is the opposite of 5^2

Quite frankly, it bothers me when folks start to turn to Google and Microsoft when looking to definitions of how we should interpret -5^2. That may sound arrogant, but I hope we can all agree that the established mathematical world community should be the one to turn to in times of confusion like this.

Standardized notation and the order of operations are something that mathematicians don't want to debate. We won't mind educating folks, but after that it starts to become :wall: for us.

If someone chooses not to accept the accepted definition, well, okay. I'm guessing they don't have a very high Erdos number.

Seems that some folks have gained some insight from this thread. Love when that happens on our boards.


It's an order of operations thing.

(-5)^2 is said as "Negative five squared"

-5^2 is said as "The negative of five squared" and as such, you square it first and then negate.
Yes. We've established that that's the right answer today. Do you remember, though, that that was not taught that way back when we were in school?
I went through the same school system as you Smoo in the Peg and I didn't learn it this way. It was BEDMAS. I had it ingrained into my head. I always said I would never use any of this stuff in the real world and so far I am pretty much correct in thinking that. Now I find out out not only do I not need to use it but it is wrong? WTF? :hot: :hot: Bracket





I went to school in Vancouver. But that's neither here nor there. I learned the same order of operations as you. Our point is that -5 isn't an operation, it's a number.
Your order of operations has "Equation"? That makes no sense.
Canadian math.
Actually just a guy that clearly hasn't taken math in a long time. :bag: I think it was supposed to be exponent not equation. labor = labour

defence = defense

offence = offense

case of beer = two four

check = cheque

couch = chesterfield

Canadian english

7-x^2=?This poses a question. If x is 2, what is the answer? Is it 3? or is it 10? It's clearly 3 and few would argue with that because they see the minus sign as subtraction and not a negative X. What about -x^2+x^2 =?Using the identities, you can rearrange the equation as: x^2-x^2=?because : -a+b=b-a.Now, if you extrapolate that out, you can only come to the conclusion that:-x^2+x^2=x^2-x^2 therefore(x)^2 - (x)^2 = ZERO.therefore -x^2 has to equal -(x)^2, according to some of the most basic mathematic principles any of us should've learned. Associative distribution? I forget, but maybe Shick! can help me out with the name of those things.

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I will say this is another reason a lot of people hate math teachers.
Because we point out mistakes? :unsure:
I can't argue the point. I've seen math teachers make students feel small. Not saying that you've done that here, but I've seen it happen. The biggest change I underwent as an educator was putting a stop to being judgmental with regard to my students abilities. Some of them suck at math. Its just a fact. I don't think less of them because of it. There are things I don't do so well.
Gather around peoples....

In mathematics, another word for "negative" is "opposite". Thus, -5 should be thought of as "the oppositive of 5" which means -5^2 is "the opposite of 5^2".
:goodposting: This is the best explanation...I am a math teacher and need to put this through the heads of kids every year. The TI calculator series does it the same way (ie. -5^2=-25). I go through this with kids and ask them what negative 5 squared is and they tell me 25...then I have them type it in and they say their calculator is broken. The easiest way to explain it is just the way Clayton explained it.
I'm on Clayton's side, but I don't think that explanation resolves the ambiguity.The opposite of five squared can be read as:

(The opposite of five) squared


The opposite of (five squared).

Just writing it out as a sentence doesn't solve the problem of where the implied parentheses should go.
A negative in front of whatever means the opposite of whatever.-5 is the opposite of 5

-X is the opposite of X

-chair is the opposite of chair

-5^2 is the opposite of 5^2
This is not correct.- 4 + 5^2

is not the opposite of

4 + 5^2.

-4 + 5^2 is 21, but the opposite of 4 + 5^2 is -29.

High school math teacher here.I really think the best way to see this is to put a zero in front of the operation like suggested earlier in the tread.If you can agree that 0 - 5^2 is the same as -5^2, then -25 is the only possible answer. Another way to think about it. There is a rule that allows us to change subtraction to addition by "adding the opposite". So, if I have 0 - 5^2, I could change this to addition by making the problem 0 + -5^2, which again is the same as -5^2.edit spelling

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It's an order of operations thing.

(-5)^2 is said as "Negative five squared"

-5^2 is said as "The negative of five squared" and as such, you square it first and then negate.
Yes. We've established that that's the right answer today. Do you remember, though, that that was not taught that way back when we were in school?
I went through the same school system as you Smoo in the Peg and I didn't learn it this way. It was BEDMAS. I had it ingrained into my head. I always said I would never use any of this stuff in the real world and so far I am pretty much correct in thinking that. Now I find out out not only do I not need to use it but it is wrong? WTF? :hot: :hot: Bracket





I went to school in Vancouver. But that's neither here nor there. I learned the same order of operations as you. Our point is that -5 isn't an operation, it's a number.
Your order of operations has "Equation"? That makes no sense.
Canadian math.
Actually just a guy that clearly hasn't taken math in a long time. :bag: I think it was supposed to be exponent not equation. labor = labour

defence = defense

offence = offense

case of beer = two four Carton or Slab (Depending on where you were born)

check = cheque

couch = chesterfieldLounge or Lounge chair

Canadian Australian english
Almost the same. :thumbup:
Quite frankly, it bothers me when folks start to turn to Google and Microsoft when looking to definitions of how we should interpret -5^2.
Well, Wikipedia and PlanetMath were useless. What this comes down to is whether the "-" is treated as an operator or as part of the number. If it's an operator, it is subordinate to the exponentiation. If it is part of the number, the exponent operates over the whole "-5" as a defined value.Where does one look for the answer to whether the "-" is treated as an operator or as part of a number?

Excel and TI-85 give contrary answers. Several people searched the 'Net, and one person came up with the "Dr. Math" column that said to use parentheses (which seems to be good advice) since the expression was otherwise ambiguous.

I will say this is another reason a lot of people hate math teachers.
Because we point out mistakes? :unsure:
I can't argue the point. I've seen math teachers make students feel small. Not saying that you've done that here, but I've seen it happen. The biggest change I underwent as an educator was putting a stop to being judgmental with regard to my students abilities. Some of them suck at math. Its just a fact. I don't think less of them because of it. There are things I don't do so well.
I'm sure I did, but seeing as I'm an exeducator it's OK for me to be judgmental.
If you can agree that 0 - 5^2 is the same as -5^2, then -25 is the only possible answer.
This is an elegant way to view the problem. FYI. If you input =0-5^2 into a cell in Excel you will get the proper answer of -25.I can see myself using this idea in class.
Gather around peoples....

In mathematics, another word for "negative" is "opposite".  Thus, -5 should be thought of as "the oppositive of 5" which means -5^2 is "the opposite of 5^2".
:goodposting: This is the best explanation...I am a math teacher and need to put this through the heads of kids every year. The TI calculator series does it the same way (ie. -5^2=-25). I go through this with kids and ask them what negative 5 squared is and they tell me 25...then I have them type it in and they say their calculator is broken. The easiest way to explain it is just the way Clayton explained it.
I'm on Clayton's side, but I don't think that explanation resolves the ambiguity.The opposite of five squared can be read as:

(The opposite of five) squared


The opposite of (five squared).

Just writing it out as a sentence doesn't solve the problem of where the implied parentheses should go.
A negative in front of whatever means the opposite of whatever.-5 is the opposite of 5

-X is the opposite of X

-chair is the opposite of chair

-5^2 is the opposite of 5^2
This is not correct.- 4 + 5^2

is not the opposite of

4 + 5^2.

-4 + 5^2 is 21, but the opposite of 4 + 5^2 is -29.
A negative in front of whatever term means the opposite of whatever term.In that problem, the negative is in front of the 4. The 5^2 is a different term as it is separated by the addition sign.

Yes, I'm rusty with my explanations. :shrug:

Where does one look for the answer to whether the "-" is treated as an operator or as part of a number?
We're right here, dude. :hey:
You're a hater. Negative numbers have as much right to individual identity as positive numbers. You're like a medieval land baron, forcing negative numbers to take the identity of their positive overlords. Or like some Third Reich demon lining up all the negative numbers to be branded with their negative operators for easy sorting into numerical Auschwitz.This kind of anti-negative bigotry will not be tolerated.

-5 is a self-contained unit and shall be afforded all of the rights and privileges of its positive brethren. Down with you, bourgeois pig, the proletariat are rising.

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Where does one look for the answer to whether the "-" is treated as an operator or as part of a number?
We're right here, dude. :hey:
You're a hater. Negative numbers have as much right to individual identity as positive numbers. You're like a medieval land baron, forcing negative numbers to take the identity of their positive overlords. Or like some Third Reich demon lining up all the negative numbers to be branded with their negative operators for easy sorting into numerical Auschwitz.This kind of anti-negative bigotry will not be tolerated.

-5 is a self-contained unit and shall be afforded all of the rights and privileges of its positive brethren. Down with you, bourgeois pig, the proletariat are rising.
Power to the negatives!
Where does one look for the answer to whether the "-" is treated as an operator or as part of a number?
We're right here, dude. :hey:
You're a hater. Negative numbers have as much right to individual identity as positive numbers. You're like a medieval land baron, forcing negative numbers to take the identity of their positive overlords. Or like some Third Reich demon lining up all the negative numbers to be branded with their negative operators for easy sorting into numerical Auschwitz.This kind of anti-negative bigotry will not be tolerated.

-5 is a self-contained unit and shall be afforded all of the rights and privileges of its positive brethren. Down with you, bourgeois pig, the proletariat are rising.
Power to the negatives!
I have a dream!
Where does one look for the answer to whether the "-" is treated as an operator or as part of a number?
We're right here, dude. :hey:
I appreciate your and Clayton's input into the situation. Despite the fact that I'm not convinced it's the logical way to approach it, I'll concede that it is the standard based on the opinions of many math teachers here and hopefully I'll remember that in the future. I doubt it'll make a difference because 1) I'm not a teacher and 2) I always use parenthesis to avoid confusion.
You're a hater. Negative numbers have as much right to individual identity as positive numbers. You're like a medieval land baron, forcing negative numbers to take the identity of their positive overlords. Or like some Third Reich demon lining up all the negative numbers to be branded with their negative operators for easy sorting into numerical Auschwitz.

This kind of anti-negative bigotry will not be tolerated.

-5 is a self-contained unit and shall be afforded all of the rights and privileges of its positive brethren. Down with you, bourgeois pig, the proletariat are rising.
Gather around peoples....

In mathematics, another word for "negative" is "opposite". Thus, -5 should be thought of as "the oppositive of 5" which means -5^2 is "the opposite of 5^2".
I must say, I have never thought of it like this. I will admit to this too....... My daughter had both problems right the first time, but as I was checking it over last night, I told her they were wrong. She questioned me a little bit, but was confused, and changed them.

When I got home from work today I faced one angry daughter as she got them both marked wrong, and those were the only 2 she had wrong.

:bag: :bag: :bag:

Awesome discussion here tonight, and I'm learning a lot. I am going to make sure to have her read some of this stuff too.


I haven't read the entire thread, but it seems that the mathematicians have determined the answer to be -25, which is contrary to what I thought. After reading the first few pages of "old math" (me) vs. "new math", I checked with my 8th grade honor student. He has been taught -5^2 = -5 * -5 = 25. I've been thinking in computer terms so long that that is how I interpret all math problems, how a computer would. If I put this code into a program it returns 25. However, if I change it to 0-5^2 it returns -25. The question to me then is, does "negative x" always mean "zero minus x"?

Its not about being right or wrong. Its about agreeing on a proper syntax so that we can clearly communicate mathematical ideas to each other without confusion.
Hence the argument for parentheses.(-5)^2


Neither of those is ambiguous.

-5^2, however, can cause five pages worth of confusion.
:goodposting: If it had been written like -(5²) it would have made it a hell of a lot clearer to me.

For those saying the parentheses make it more clear, I am 100% in agreement.

It's an order of operations thing.

(-5)^2 is said as "Negative five squared"

-5^2 is said as "The negative of five squared" and as such, you square it first and then negate.
Yes. We've established that that's the right answer today. Do you remember, though, that that was not taught that way back when we were in school?
Absolutely. What a stupid change to the rules. That was supposed to be the beauty of math. It follows rules. Change is bad. :rant:
If you can agree that 0 - 5^2 is the same as -5^2, then -25 is the only possible answer. 
This is an elegant way to view the problem. FYI. If you input =0-5^2 into a cell in Excel you will get the proper answer of -25.I can see myself using this idea in class.
But wait a minute!^2 means to multiply the base number by itself. Here, the base number is -5, or if you prefer (0-5). So, when you add the 0- in front of it you should get: (0-5) * (0-5) = 25. Otherwise, you are changing the equation.

If you put (0-5)^2 in excel you get 25, the same as you do when you enter -5^2. By changing -5^2 to 0-5^2 you are changing the equation. You are not multiplying -5 * -5 you are multiplying 5*5 then subtracting it from 0. That's a different equation altogether.

Gather around peoples....

In mathematics, another word for "negative" is "opposite".  Thus, -5 should be thought of as "the oppositive of 5" which means -5^2 is "the opposite of 5^2".
I must say, I have never thought of it like this. I will admit to this too....... My daughter had both problems right the first time, but as I was checking it over last night, I told her they were wrong. She questioned me a little bit, but was confused, and changed them.

When I got home from work today I faced one angry daughter as she got them both marked wrong, and those were the only 2 she had wrong.

:bag: :bag: :bag:

Awesome discussion here tonight, and I'm learning a lot. I am going to make sure to have her read some of this stuff too.

I understand what he's saying there, but if the person meant to write negative five squared, that doesn't answer the question because the negative sign isn't meant to be the opposite of 5^2, but rather the opposite of five, squared.Maybe that's a good way to look at it. If you need a comma to convey your true meaning if you were saying it to someone, you need parentheses to show that...but if you read it without a comma (ie. the opposite of five squared) then you have to find out what 5 squared is first before you take the opposite.

So to me, a math equation doesn't have commas (parentheses) unless they are explicitly stated. So -5² + 4 x 2³ = is read "the opposite of five squared plus four times two to the third" and you apply the order of operations to how that is read.

Its not about being right or wrong. Its about agreeing on a proper syntax so that we can clearly communicate mathematical ideas to each other without confusion.
Hence the argument for parentheses.(-5)^2


Neither of those is ambiguous.

-5^2, however, can cause five pages worth of confusion.
:goodposting: If it had been written like -(5²) it would have made it a hell of a lot clearer to me.

For those saying the parentheses make it more clear, I am 100% in agreement.
Were there any like this: (-5)^2?
Where does one look for the answer to whether the "-" is treated as an operator or as part of a number?
We're right here, dude. :hey:
You're a hater. Negative numbers have as much right to individual identity as positive numbers. You're like a medieval land baron, forcing negative numbers to take the identity of their positive overlords. Or like some Third Reich demon lining up all the negative numbers to be branded with their negative operators for easy sorting into numerical Auschwitz.This kind of anti-negative bigotry will not be tolerated.

-5 is a self-contained unit and shall be afforded all of the rights and privileges of its positive brethren. Down with you, bourgeois pig, the proletariat are rising.
As the founding father of the negative post club, I can comfortably say you're barking up the wrong tree.
Where does one look for the answer to whether the "-" is treated as an operator or as part of a number?
We're right here, dude. :hey:
You're a hater. Negative numbers have as much right to individual identity as positive numbers. You're like a medieval land baron, forcing negative numbers to take the identity of their positive overlords. Or like some Third Reich demon lining up all the negative numbers to be branded with their negative operators for easy sorting into numerical Auschwitz.This kind of anti-negative bigotry will not be tolerated.

-5 is a self-contained unit and shall be afforded all of the rights and privileges of its positive brethren. Down with you, bourgeois pig, the proletariat are rising.
I hope this doesn't come out wrong, but I have never loved you as much as I love you now.
^2 means to multiply the base number by itself. Here, the base number is -5, or if you prefer (0-5). So, when you add the 0- in front of it you should get: (0-5) * (0-5) = 25. Otherwise, you are changing the equation.
The base number is 5. You do the squaring before you do the negativing since exponents have priority over multiplication. (The negative sign means to multiply by negative one. You do this after exponentializing, not before.) (I'm making up words left and right here.)
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Gather around peoples....

In mathematics, another word for "negative" is "opposite".  Thus, -5 should be thought of as "the oppositive of 5" which means -5^2 is "the opposite of 5^2".
I must say, I have never thought of it like this. I will admit to this too....... My daughter had both problems right the first time, but as I was checking it over last night, I told her they were wrong. She questioned me a little bit, but was confused, and changed them.

When I got home from work today I faced one angry daughter as she got them both marked wrong, and those were the only 2 she had wrong.

:bag: :bag: :bag:
:lmao: MrPack: Do you need any help?

LittlePack: No thanks. I'm waiting on mom.

But wait a minute!

^2 means to multiply the base number by itself. Here, the base number is -5, or if you prefer (0-5). So, when you add the 0- in front of it you should get: (0-5) * (0-5) = 25. Otherwise, you are changing the equation.

If you put (0-5)^2 in excel you get 25, the same as you do when you enter -5^2. By changing -5^2 to 0-5^2 you are changing the equation. You are not multiplying -5 * -5 you are multiplying 5*5 then subtracting it from 0. That's a different equation altogether.
I could point out your mistake, but it might be more beneficial for you if I just say this... Accept that there's a problem in your logic. It has to do with order of operations. Find your error.
I haven't read the entire thread, but it seems that the mathematicians have determined the answer to be -25, which is contrary to what I thought. After reading the first few pages of "old math" (me) vs. "new math", I checked with my 8th grade honor student. He has been taught -5^2 = -5 * -5 = 25.
I hope he hasn't been taught that.
I've been thinking in computer terms so long that that is how I interpret all math problems, how a computer would. If I put this code into a program it returns 25. However, if I change it to 0-5^2 it returns -25. The question to me then is, does "negative x" always mean "zero minus x"?
Do you have a graphing calculator?

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