Won by Team KovaxStill the greatest draft of FFA history.Update?
Look away every 10-15 minutes. It helps. GBSame thing happened to me from chronic masturbation. But from now on, my story is also "too much time looking at frogs." Sweet.Of course, I've gone nearly blind from lookign at frogs, so hey...who knows.
I've been re-reading this entire draft for the first time in almost a decade and this is the line that made me laugh out the loudest.I got an appendage lopped off my first round pick for a delay of under two hours. Either fasteddie's pick should get maimed, or my croc should get some kind of prosthetic device.I'm hear, but heading home now....will pick by 6pm. Gimme some slack fellas. Not all of us get a computer all day at work -fe
in case youre wondering. It takes about 7 hours to re-read this entire thread. I just did it and worth it. Wish i copied and pasted some of the lols
this is some solid smacktalkNot magical, my friend - but able to swim, much like most other big cats (except the lion). The byproduct of living in rainforest regions. And the only way "Gepetto" can handle my leopard is if the poor cat is doubled over from laughing at his name. Besides, I think these two will not be going up against each other - it'll have to be a later-round sea-creature pick that does that. Face it, K-man - with the 3-sea creature rule, you just took Tony Gonzalez in the first round.You are kidding me right? That sounds more like fantasy- everyone knows that just about every type of cat out there hates water. Even if you magical cat did like water- there is no way he would be able to handle Gepetto..... jump 30 feet into the ocean to land easily on top of your silly Great White.
this link still works, but now is a primate. That's odd, no?####. This was seriously going to be my first pick.I really wanted to pull a shocking pick but I am hoping this one falls to me in round 2. I know there is no way that a monster like this last more than a few pick so I therefore choose. http://www.curtbusse.com/okavango/page5/oka089.jpg The Cape Buffalo.
Mr.SquidwardFootballguyLOL. It is a literary reference. I plan on naming all my animals as I will be their God. Thats right.We are drafting animals- not footballguys with more than 1000 posts. Therefore I am not concerned with any of my picks wearing womens clothing.Scary stuff... http://www.gepetto.com/Gepetto maker of women's apparel featuring rhinestones, studs, embroidery, and applique.Gapetto will have a self image problem that will render it useless in combat. I can see it now...Please stop, my slip is showing and I have a run in my pantyhose.Wow. Some serious smack talk during this draft. I'll let Gepetto do the talking.That would equate to Terrell Owens at 1.4.Although buffalo can reach top speeds of 35 mph (56 kph) and can outrun Detroit Lions if given a head start, they are slow to accelerate and are thus vulnerable to the ambush tactics of the Gruden.Check that first statement, this equates to Keyshawn Johnson at 1.4.
He's breaking one of NCCommish's arms This is a tough league....Pursuant to the clearly written and painstakingly conceived rules for this event:
I hereby claim NCCommish in violation of a duplicate pick (after seven... jeez, how hard to keep up)?Your choice for Round One is declared THE FINGER MONKEY.Also, pursuant to section 2 of the above rule, I am breaking one of his arms.Good LuckTake note, this is important. If someone makes a pick that is against the stated rules (e.g., T Rex or 50 ants), I will not only replace their pick with some thing lame (like Bambi), but as a further penalty, I will also incapacitate one of their earlier picks... maybe a broken jaw for their hippo or sever hemerroids on their baboon... something really nasty and devistating.There are not that many rules and all the dunderheads that can't take the time to read them will PAY.
Attention Drafters!
Looking ahead to the actual matchups and realizing the major advantage for the team with the best Photoshop/Flash staff?
Are you in need of an Assistant Coach in charge of graphics and animation?
I can provide the most advanced and visually stimulating simulations of battles between any animal, including Hippos VS armless Finger Monkeys!*
PM me if interested with offers of beer and/or food!
Your Pal,
*offer ends soon, not valid in canada or north or south carolina. simulations may or may not be realistic fighting techniques, victory is not guarenteed, nor is the sobirety of the artist - anyone using a gila monster gets extra credit points - beer, liquor, drugs must be delivered before animation and graphics are placed on line - cactus accepts no responsibility of damage toward animal rights groups, vegetarians, and STFM (save the finger monkey) associations - all victory earnings must be split evenly with the artist - yes, even jenny mccarthy's soiled panties - tax and handling not included.
poetryBut a group of drunk Russian sailors saw one back in 1965. I don't need any further verification than that.The lion pick is very overrated. I bet Admiral Fuzzybuns doesn't feel so bad about taking the black cat- there is at least one other animal he can defeat now.I am calling into question the legitimacy of the giant squid pick. Are we going to allow animals whose only pictures are when they are dead?If that is the case- the guy who does that photoshop work will come in handy for me......I say all animals must have photos taken of them alive. For verification purposes of course.
It's been all downhill for me since this draft.fasteddie_21 said:One of the highlights of my iLife. Seriously thoug, 10 ####### years ago?!?