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Did you have a live band at your prom? (1 Viewer)

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    Votes: 6 12.0%
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    Votes: 44 88.0%

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It seems like every movie with a prom in it has a live band but I don't think this happens much in real life. What say you? I'm pretty sure we just had a Boyz II Men tape on loop.

It seems like every movie with a prom in it has a live band but I don't think this happens much in real life. What say you? I'm pretty sure we just had a Boyz II Men tape on loop.
I've thought about this before. No way did we have a live band. Total DJ. And the bolded is 


rockaction said:
I've thought about this before. No way did we have a live band. Total DJ. And the bolded is 

Yeah another :lol: here.  Cheesy early 90's hip-hop / RB from some clowny DJ.

We tried to get a Molly Hatchet tribute band to play at my HS reunion but couldn’t afford it.

So we got Molly Hatchet instead.

That is actually a Larry the Cable Guy joke. He can be funny.

My sister dated one of the members of The Flaming Lips. A few of the members came to an after party at my house. They played a few acoustic songs. It was lit!

I was a  :nerd:  and shy around girls. They scared me...They don't scare me now, just confuse the helloutofme
Same here, really. Very shy, and cool on the outside but so darn terrified.  But they were, too, and when you're young, you don't realize that. And they were also young and inexperienced all around. That guy can't be an art freak and dork. He plays hockey!

Furrealz? How was it? 

Oh, too cool for school, mon frere. 

I didn't want to go to mine, either. Girlfriend dragged me.  
The DJ was good but I didn't do much dancing as because I was still not 100% even though I was in Remission from B-Cell Lymphoma. It was still fun several months early I couldn't even have imagined even experiencing it.

The DJ was good but I didn't do much dancing as because I was still not 100% even though I was in Remission from B-Cell Lymphoma. It was still fun several months early I couldn't even have imagined even experiencing it.
Wow, man. It had taken me a minute to realize that you'd had cancer as my eyes didn't really process the handle and avatar well earlier. l'm thrilled for you that you got to go to prom. Are you cancer-free now? I'm ignorant about the disease, so bear with me if I word something wrong or display my ignorance. 

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Wow, man. It had taken me a minute to realize that you'd had cancer as my eyes didn't really process the handle and avatar well earlier. l'm thrilled for you that you got to go to prom. Are you cancer-free now? I'm ignorant about the disease, so bear with me if I word something wrong or display my ignorance. 
No problem. Yes I had B-Cell Lymphoma and at the end of March my scans were clear after going 18 months of treatments. So I am in remission and my hair is coming back and I am gaining weight back. 

No problem. Yes I had B-Cell Lymphoma and at the end of March my scans were clear after going 18 months of treatments. So I am in remission and my hair is coming back and I am gaining weight back. 
Awesome. That's really nice to hear. Gaining weight back. That must be so odd, taking weight as a measure of health -- and not in the overweight but underweight sense. Our culture is so...big, let's call it, that underweight is a tough condition and indicia of something up. Good to hear you're in remission and getting your body back.  

Awesome. That's really nice to hear. Gaining weight back. That must be so odd, taking weight as a measure of health -- and not in the overweight but underweight sense. Our culture is so...big, let's call it, that underweight is a tough condition and indicia of something up. Good to hear you're in remission and getting your body back.  
Considering that during my worst I was about 70 pounds I feel like my health is come a long way in the past several months. My stamina has improved tremendously and i have been able to do many more things I enjoy like attending music concerts.

Considering that during my worst I was about 70 pounds I feel like my health is come a long way in the past several months. My stamina has improved tremendously and i have been able to do many more things I enjoy like attending music concerts.
Wow, that's pretty thin no matter the height. Well, that's good that you're able to put weight on. 

Cool about the concerts. Who'd you see? 

Wow, that's pretty thin no matter the height. Well, that's good that you're able to put weight on. 

Cool about the concerts. Who'd you see? 
I have seen Madison Beer, Halsey, and Bea Miller. 

Yes there was a period of time where I was hospitalized and had to have a tube fed when I was extremely ill and going through heavy treatment. I lost a lot of weight then. 

Whoa. That must have been terrifying. Do you remember it or were you so in pain you floated in and out of consciousness? 

As for the music, I've only heard of Halsey. The Bieber cover she did. Heard that. 

Whoa. That must have been terrifying. Do you remember it or were you so in pain you floated in and out of consciousness? 

As for the music, I've only heard of Halsey. The Bieber cover she did. Heard that. 
I remember before I was diagnosed my abdomen was in so much pain I couldn't stand it and they first diagnosed me with pancreatitis and I was in the hospital for 3 days and given antibiotics and than sent home with Jaundice. I then remember 3 days later still in extreme pain going into my parents bedroom at 5 in the morning after being awake all night and saying to them I have to go to another ER and get this figured out. They took me to another ER and after what seemed like a million tests a Doctor came in and sat down and held my hand and I knew something was wrong. He said I had Lymphoma. I said is that Cancer and he said yes. He than explain to me and my parents how it was treated and showed us the scans and what organs it was in and how I was going to beat it. That is how it all began for me. That night I was put on Morphine and the pain went away. Two days later I told my Mom I wanted to shave my long hair and not let the Cancer and Chemo get it. So I was on so much pain medicine during that process to be in much pain.

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Wow. That must have been quite disorienting. I've had pancreatitis, but it's gone away. No pain associated with it for me. Then again, I did not have lymphoma. 

You're a senior in high school, right? 

Wow. That must have been quite disorienting. I've had pancreatitis, but it's gone away. No pain associated with it for me. Then again, I did not have lymphoma. 

You're a senior in high school, right? 
No, I graduated. It took me extra time till the beginning of August as I had to complete my Senior year online because of treatments and in and out of the hospital but I did it. My High School was great though as they still let me participate in Prom and also honored me with a Senior Award for the Most Inspirational Student at the Senior Banquet. i just recently started at a local Community College with just basic courses. 

Rock, dude. 

That's awesome. You know, when you're out of school, you forget the month sometimes. Should have guessed you'd already made your way out if you'd already been to prom. I'm not too sharp today. Also forgot what month it is? How? Well, I live in SoCal. 

I can wake up and tell you:

Weather - Sunny

Temperature - 90

#### never wavers out here. I miss seasons. But I don't miss ten below and snow.  

So there are tradeoffs.

Yeah I have come along way, but still have a way to go. I take it one day at a time. I wish I could figure out how to post photos to show you the difference of then and now. It is only moving forward for me. 

The seasons out here are great and I absolutely love the Fall season that is come up.

That's good that you're taking it one day at a time. You can't make it all back up in a week, so, gradual and cool, right?

Oh, dude. I see you're from MD under "Location." I lived in MD for five years. Used to work in D.C., fresh out of college. 

Ravens, huh? From around Baltimore?

That's good that you're taking it one day at a time. You can't make it all back up in a week, so, gradual and cool, right?

Oh, dude. I see you're from MD under "Location." I lived in MD for five years. Used to work in D.C., fresh out of college. 

Ravens, huh? From around Baltimore?
Yes from MD. I live about 45 minutes away from M & T Bank Stadium in Baltimore.

Cool. I used to live in Silver Spring/Laurel, right over the border of Silver Spring iinto Laurel. Commuted down to D.C. Also spent a lot of time in B'More. I liked the area. I can see why you'd like fall. It gets over one hundred and is humid all the time, and then...ah...cool. Anyway, anything exciting coming up for you? Shows, trips etc.? 

Heck, any good movies you've seen or books you've read?

What gets you movin'?

Cool. I used to live in Silver Spring/Laurel, right over the border of Silver Spring iinto Laurel. Commuted down to D.C. Also spent a lot of time in B'More. I liked the area. I can see why you'd like fall. It gets over one hundred and is humid all the time, and then...ah...cool. Anyway, anything exciting coming up for you? Shows, trips etc.? 

Heck, any good movies you've seen or books you've read?

What gets you movin'?
Well like I said I just started Community College so I am getting adjusted to all of that. I am taking English 101, Psychology 101, Speech 100, and Health 101.That will keep me busy. I do want to see Christopher Robin in the movie theaters but have yet to see it. No music concerts set up for now. I also play the piano and love singing so that gets me going in my spare time. I also have two great best girlfriends that we love going shopping and hanging out.

English and Psych sound fun.  I remember taking those. 

Yeah, taking classes -- that will take up some time, huh? 

Christopher Robin? Winnie The Pooh and friends? Too cool. 

And playing piano and singing. That's...well, that's nice. I love pianos. Can't play a lick, but enjoy hearing them.  

English is a lot of writing papers. Psych will be fun and Speech is doing presentations. Health sounds the easiest of them all.

Yes, Christopher Robin with Winnie The pooh and friends.

I am not that great at the piano. I have been singing since I was young though. I love it. 

English is a lot of writing papers. Psych will be fun and Speech is doing presentations. Health sounds the easiest of them all.

Yes, Christopher Robin with Winnie The pooh and friends.

I am not that great at the piano.   I have been singing since I was young though. I love it. 

Too funny. You're talking to somebody in their forties. Please allow me to let you in on a secret. You might have experienced things people can't even fathom, but guess what? You are still young. And it's awesome to be so.  

As far as the papers go, no, that doesn't sound too fun. Reading? Fun. Papers and regurgitation and analysis? Sometimes edifying and clarifying; otherwise, a drag. Speech sounds kinda cool. 

For some reason, your avatar and handle made me think of this. 


It's tragically unhip, but enjoy!


Too funny. You're talking to somebody in their forties. Please allow me to let you in on a secret. You might have experienced things people can't even fathom, but guess what? You are still young. And it's awesome to be so.  

As far as the papers go, no, that doesn't sound too fun. Reading? Fun. Papers and regurgitation and analysis? Sometimes edifying and clarifying; otherwise, a drag. Speech sounds kinda cool. 

For some reason, your avatar and handle made me think of this. 


It's tragically unhip, but enjoy!
My parents are in their forties so I certainly don't find that old. Many people much older have told me that I am an inspiration when I volunteer on Children's Cancer Units and have told my story at churches and at the Girl Scouts and such and I tell them I am just a kid that came down with a terrible disease and would have done the same thing as anyone else who had the same thing happen to them and that was fight as hard as they could to beat it. I live my life as a kid and I love being one.

Writing papers is going to be a hassle. That is probably going to be the hardest thing for me this semester. Speaking in front of people is not a problem because I have done it and I also have sung in front of people. I also enjoy reading, but text books are a lot more boring than regular books. 

I have listened to Survivor by Destiny's Child a lot and it is an awesome song. 

My parents are in their forties so I certainly don't find that old. Many people much older have told me that I am an inspiration when I volunteer on Children's Cancer Units and have told my story at churches and at the Girl Scouts and such and I tell them I am just a kid that came down with a terrible disease and would have done the same thing as anyone else who had the same thing happen to them and that was fight as hard as they could to beat it. I live my life as a kid and I love being one.

Writing papers is going to be a hassle. That is probably going to be the hardest thing for me this semester. Speaking in front of people is not a problem because I have done it and I also have sung in front of people. I also enjoy reading, but text books are a lot more boring than regular books. 

I have listened to Survivor by Destiny's Child a lot and it is an awesome song. 
As for the bolded in the quote box, that's great! But sadly, true. It's fine, I'm still smiling. 

As for the next sentence, you must indeed be an inspiration, especially to children that are suffering from a terrible disease they did not ask for nor cause. That is awesome that you volunteer and give precious time and moments to them. I bet just by seeing you, even if there's no interaction, you've made a difference just by virtue of your being, especially there, close to them. All these abstract notions of death and life and survival are coming pretty fast at these children, and you concretize success and life in their minds. They must love it. I'm glad you do that.

That's also cool that you live your life as a kid. There's a wonder and innocence people often lose, and sometimes it takes something unduly significant for them to remember how to be a bit carefree, a bit loose around the cuffs, as it were. 

I can relate to the book thing. Textbooks are often unspoken encyclopedias, dry and too fundamental. Fundamentals in all walks of life, including sports (especially if you have spirit) are difficult to master because one must exercise discipline over their faculties or their body. So, yeah, I can dig how you might not like textbooks.  But hey, there's consolation. It's good for you. :)

So, anyway, glad you liked Destiny's Child. Not a huge fan myself, but I dig the song. Just clicked in my head. And on that note, I indeed have a dinner I must go to, so I will see you later. Stay around the boards, tool around, and write whenever the mood strikes. 

As for the bolded in the quote box, that's great! But sadly, true. It's fine, I'm still smiling. 

As for the next sentence, you must indeed be an inspiration, especially to children that are suffering from a terrible disease they did not ask for nor cause. That is awesome that you volunteer and give precious time and moments to them. I bet just by seeing you, even if there's no interaction, you've made a difference just by virtue of your being, especially there, close to them. All these abstract notions of death and life and survival are coming pretty fast at these children, and you concretize success and life in their minds. They must love it. I'm glad you do that.

That's also cool that you live your life as a kid. There's a wonder and innocence people often lose, and sometimes it takes something unduly significant for them to remember how to be a bit carefree, a bit loose around the cuffs, as it were. 

I can relate to the book thing. Textbooks are often unspoken encyclopedias, dry and too fundamental. Fundamentals in all walks of life, including sports (especially if you have spirit) are difficult to master because one must exercise discipline over their faculties or their body. So, yeah, I can dig how you might not like textbooks.  But hey, there's consolation. It's good for you. :)

So, anyway, glad you liked Destiny's Child. Not a huge fan myself, but I dig the song. Just clicked in my head. And on that note, I indeed have a dinner I must go to, so I will see you later. Stay around the boards, tool around, and write whenever the mood strikes. 
I appreciated it so much when my friends, family, teachers, and even strangers visited me when I was in the hospital. I tell you it brightens up a day where all you do is take a treatment and watch TV, Color, Read, or Play Board Games when you are not terribly sick. So just seeing a smiling face is great and that is what I try to provide.

Like I said I live my life day to day because I never know what the next day will be bringing me. My type of Cancer is not the type where they can go in and cut out a tumor and say they got it all and it is likely gone for good. My type develops in the Lymphatic System and the Lymph Nodes and could always return so I get regular scans to check and I will for the remainder of my life. So I live my life to the fullest I can each day. 

I would much rather read a Novel than a textbook, but also understand the importance of the information in a textbook. 

Well Destiny's Child is where Beyonce came from and she is a legend.

Not for prom, but Oingo Boingo played at our high school dance in 1980.

Holy hell.  Awesome. Saw them in concert twice cirracha 1981.  Just amazing.
Saw them a ton between 82-86. From small clubs to day on the green- one of my favorite live bands from then.

Early/mid 80s HS for me... All the schools in my county just N of SF had bands. I went to two of ours- the year ahead had The Untouchables (fun LA based ska band). My year had The Uptones (local ska band). 

We had a band, can’t remember who.  Ten years prior, an up-and-coming band named Styx played at my school’s prom


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