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Directv NFL Ticket.... (1 Viewer)

What exactly does this email say?  Does it have a special phone number to call?  Am I just supposed to call and give the code word?
No one seems to have the actual email in the other thread. There was a number listed to call. Just say you got an email is what I am doing. Mine shuts off tonight, I'll make the call tomorrow and report back here. 

Alright, so here's the deal. After calling last night to schedule my cancellation for Friay, I got a call from Directv (local number) this morning. The lady asks why I cancelled and I mentioned I'm primary watching Netflix and will buy an HD antenna. She asked me about football and I aid while I like SNT, I would just go to my local barb to see Pats games. She first offered me $30 off choice for 24 months. I declined and said I had to get going. She asked if I could wait for her supervisor and I said sure.

A gentleman came on and asked if I'd be willing to come back. I said not really unless you blow me away with an offer. He then offered me (which I accepted):

$50 off per month for 12 months

Free Sunday NFL ticket max

$200 visa gift card

One year commitment 

Sweet deal! The key is I called to cancel but asked to delay the turn off. They called me the next morning. Good luck! 


Alright, so here's the deal. After calling last night to schedule my cancellation for Friay, I got a call from Directv (local number) this morning. The lady asks why I cancelled and I mentioned I'm primary watching Netflix and will buy an HD antenna. She asked me about football and I aid while I like SNT, I would just go to my local barb to see Pats games. She first offered me $30 off choice for 24 months. I declined and said I had to get going. She asked if I could wait for her supervisor and I said sure.

A gentleman came on and asked if I'd be willing to come back. I said not really unless you blow me away with an offer. He then offered me (which I accepted):

$50 off per month for 12 months

Free Sunday NFL ticket max

$200 visa gift card

One year commitment 

Sweet deal! The key is I called to cancel but asked to delay the turn off. They called me the next morning. Good luck! 

This is the best deal you can get and alot of people including myself have gotten this.  You must cancel or set the cancel date 

CheeseCurds said:
I set up a cancellation for the 15th as well while still in a contract (possible $240 penalty).  I will wait a few days then call in with the big deal story telling them that I don't have the email in front of me....  Blah - blah - blah...

what at do I have to lose???

ill report back...  
Just as has been written about on this site.  You MUST CANCEL!  I had a year left on my contract and cancelled.  

I got the BIG DEAL email today.  I called the number in the email and got this:

for 12 months

Free Sunday NFL ticket max

$200 visa gift card

One year commitment 

DONT ACCEPT THEIR FIRST OFFER when you call - that is $50 off and Sunday Ticket only.  I said "Well it would still be cheaper monthly with Time Warner Cable - she tried to justify by saying what a great value it was and how "I wouldn't have to change"...  She then came with the $200 gift card...

zed2283 said:
Just called and talked to Retention.  They gave some pitiful offers so I went ahead and set up cancellation for next Monday 8/15 as recommended.

*fingers crossed*
No call or email yet...  :scared:


Just wing it.  Say you got the email.  They won't call your bluff.  Push for everything.  50 bucks off per month.  Gift card.  Free Sunday ticket.  Bend them over and they will love it.


Just wing it.  Say you got the email.  They won't call your bluff.  Push for everything.  50 bucks off per month.  Gift card.  Free Sunday ticket.  Bend them over and they will love it.
Went ahead and called, said I got an email telling me to ask about the Big Deal.  I got:

Free Sunday Ticket Max

$47 off/month for 12 months

Free movie channels for 3 months

$200 Visa gift card

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Went ahead and called, said I got an email telling me to ask about the Big Deal.  I got:

Free Sunday Ticket Max

$47 off/month for 12 months

Free movie channels for 3 months

$200 Visa gift card
I was skeptical but figured I've got nothing to lose so I tried this too - and got exactly the same deal :)

I called today and set my cancellation for Saturday.   Been a customer since 2002.  They basically didn't care.  I will call back tomorrow and tell them I got the Big Deal email...

Went ahead and called, said I got an email telling me to ask about the Big Deal.  I got:

Free Sunday Ticket Max

$47 off/month for 12 months

Free movie channels for 3 months

$200 Visa gift card
I cancelled last night, cutoff date for the 25th.  Called 855-407-3110, said I got an email about the Big Deal.  A few minutes of questions about my families TV viewing habits and got the offer for the following:

$47 off/month for 12 months

Free Sunday Ticket Max

$200 Visa gift card

1 year contract

They wouldn't give me free movie channels for 3 months - I currently have (and kept) HBO - but I'm cool with the deal I got.  

To people that have gotten the $200 Visa gift card.  Does it automatically come, or do I have to do something to receive it?  I read mixed things online, but I cannot find a consensus.

To people that have gotten the $200 Visa gift card.  Does it automatically come, or do I have to do something to receive it?  I read mixed things online, but I cannot find a consensus.
I was told I'd receive it in 6-8 weeks. I also got the exact same deal the last few people posted. I called about 5 days before and made today my cancellation date. But I called last night and mentioned the "big deal" email and after several questions about what my family liked/viewed, was offered everything except the $200 gift card. I then said I had a piece of mail (which was true) from AT&T that offered a $200 gift card, he said he would add that too. So you may have to ask for it. 

Just as has been written about on this site.  You MUST CANCEL!  I had a year left on my contract and cancelled.  

I got the BIG DEAL email today.  I called the number in the email and got this:

for 12 months

Free Sunday NFL ticket max

$200 visa gift card

One year commitment 

DONT ACCEPT THEIR FIRST OFFER when you call - that is $50 off and Sunday Ticket only.  I said "Well it would still be cheaper monthly with Time Warner Cable - she tried to justify by saying what a great value it was and how "I wouldn't have to change"...  She then came with the $200 gift card...
I have on year left and called and set the 25th as my cancel date today. I sure hope I can score the same deal. Which number was in the email? 

I was told I'd receive it in 6-8 weeks. I also got the exact same deal the last few people posted. I called about 5 days before and made today my cancellation date. But I called last night and mentioned the "big deal" email and after several questions about what my family liked/viewed, was offered everything except the $200 gift card. I then said I had a piece of mail (which was true) from AT&T that offered a $200 gift card, he said he would add that too. So you may have to ask for it. 
It was offered to me, so I know I'm getting it.  I just read online about some people going online to register for it, and others saying it just arrived at their house after a month or so.  

It was offered to me, so I know I'm getting it.  I just read online about some people going online to register for it, and others saying it just arrived at their house after a month or so.  
Pretty sure you need to register. I did a year ago. Even then they didn't have record i did and it took like 3 months ti finally get it.

Score!   Called today, told them I got the Big Deal email (which I didn't) and got the following:

$50/month for 3 months, then drops to $45/month for the next 9 months

Free ST Max

$200 Visa gift card

Be warned that your programming might get turned off immediately, even if you set a cancel date in the future. This happened to me last year, it was a pain to get everything back to how it was. In the end got a great deal for a year, but wasn't as smooth as hoped. 

Be warned that your programming might get turned off immediately, even if you set a cancel date in the future. This happened to me last year, it was a pain to get everything back to how it was. In the end got a great deal for a year, but wasn't as smooth as hoped. 
What do you mean by that? DVR keeps its programs and settings right?

Sitch, or others, did you get hooked up without ever setting a cancel date?
I called on Wed and set the cancellation date for Saturday night.  Called back yesterday and said I got the email and they gave me everything.  It couldn't have been any easier...

Taking a couple classes so signed up for the $25 a month student internet version. No directv in my apt building.

Posted earlier about getting free NFL ST Max and $40.00 off my bill with 3 months remaining on my contract when threatening to cancel.  Got my bill today and was charged for the NFL ST Max and had $25.00 of rebates dropping off which made my net gain $15.00.  Rep kind of pulled a bait and switch when it came to reducing my contract by $40.00 a month.

Called DTV and had to get transferred to three different people since no one had the authority to give NFL ST Max free except retention dept.  Retention Rep stated the previous one who gave me the free NFL ST Max did not have the authority too but since he put notes in they would honor it.

Moral of the story...ask the rep to put notes in.  I won't know how this turns out until next billing cycle since the online bill doesn't show the NFL ST Max for free, just says I have it.  

Posted earlier about getting free NFL ST Max and $40.00 off my bill with 3 months remaining on my contract when threatening to cancel.  Got my bill today and was charged for the NFL ST Max and had $25.00 of rebates dropping off which made my net gain $15.00.  Rep kind of pulled a bait and switch when it came to reducing my contract by $40.00 a month.

Called DTV and had to get transferred to three different people since no one had the authority to give NFL ST Max free except retention dept.  Retention Rep stated the previous one who gave me the free NFL ST Max did not have the authority too but since he put notes in they would honor it.

Moral of the story...ask the rep to put notes in.  I won't know how this turns out until next billing cycle since the online bill doesn't show the NFL ST Max for free, just says I have it.  
Did you ever actually cancel?

What drives me nuts is that you can never get a copy of anything discussed.  Your conversations are always supposed to be in "the notes".  I just called to set my cancellation date for August 21st.  I will report back if I get a call and may call with the Big Deal pitch next week. 

What do you mean by that? DVR keeps its programs and settings right?
I mean that they messed up. My programming was off the next day after the call, even though we set a cancel date for a week into the future. So simply be careful with the fake cancel dates if there is something you really wanted to watch. 

I don't remember on the DVR, we went to the genie so lost the old stuff anyways. Good question though, can anyone confirm that they were actually turned off for a short amount of time and that their recorded shows and recording options/settings were still intact when turned back on?

I mean that they messed up. My programming was off the next day after the call, even though we set a cancel date for a week into the future. So simply be careful with the fake cancel dates if there is something you really wanted to watch. 

I don't remember on the DVR, we went to the genie so lost the old stuff anyways. Good question though, can anyone confirm that they were actually turned off for a short amount of time and that their recorded shows and recording options/settings were still intact when turned back on?
Mine was disconnected and back on this morning. Seems fine.

Called about an hour ago. The guy wasn't very smart. I sat on the phone with him for 10 minutes before he was able to pull up my account, then says his system is down, can I call back in 10 minutes and ask for him. So I did. I get him again, I give him the phone # on the account, he says he was able to pull up my account, then puts me on hold. I sat on hold for 20 minutes. I had to go back to work, so I hung up, after I hit option 2 to ring him back with no answer both times. Im going to try again when I get off and tell them of this experience. Joke.

kylechoffman said:
What drives me nuts is that you can never get a copy of anything discussed.  Your conversations are always supposed to be in "the notes". 
you pretty much need to record the entire phone call with these companies..... a long time ago DTV had a free HD for life promotion that we signed up for and were told by the CSR we were getting.  Well first invoice comes around and the $10HD fee was on the invoice.  Spent over a month going back and forth with DTV, eventually some manager told us they listened to our conversation from the original order phone call and that we were wrong with our claims... we asked to hear it ourselves... they said no.  we got a 1 paragraph letter telling us we wont be getting the promotion and that was that.

you pretty much need to record the entire phone call with these companies..... a long time ago DTV had a free HD for life promotion that we signed up for and were told by the CSR we were getting.  Well first invoice comes around and the $10HD fee was on the invoice.  Spent over a month going back and forth with DTV, eventually some manager told us they listened to our conversation from the original order phone call and that we were wrong with our claims... we asked to hear it ourselves... they said no.  we got a 1 paragraph letter telling us we wont be getting the promotion and that was that.
Everyone should call directv via Skype and record the call.

Don't they record them? 
Most customer service lines say they may record the call for training purposes. Key word being "may"... so if it's a situation that makes them look bad/isn't in line with their promotions/etc... well I can't imagine those recordings would ever "exist" if you know what I mean. If you're really worried about something like this, then record it... although be sure to check your state's laws because recording a conversation without a party's consent could be a crime.

Most customer service lines say they may record the call for training purposes. Key word being "may"... so if it's a situation that makes them look bad/isn't in line with their promotions/etc... well I can't imagine those recordings would ever "exist" if you know what I mean. If you're really worried about something like this, then record it... although be sure to check your state's laws because recording a conversation without a party's consent could be a crime.
Geez, they are the ones in charge not supervisors, what could go wrong there?

I once got a return call from a retail store after calling in about an issue with an appliance. Someone listened in on my call and admitted they couldn't believe how many wrong things the rep told me. 

Here is an approach for anyone who might have ATT phone or Internet service. 

I wasn't getting anywhere with DTV despite being a customer for 10 years. Have gotten the  Sunday ticket free for the last 6 years along with some other perks but they were digging in this year. Scheduled to cancel my service but no call or email. 

Called ATT since they partner with DTV and my phone service is with them. They are treating me as a new customer.  Reduced my monthly bill by $40 and locked that price in for two years. Free Sunday ticket package for 2016 with red zone and $200 Visa card. They didn't offer the Visa card until I asked for it and then tried to give me just $100, but caved pretty easy when I said I wanted $200. Free HBO etc for 3 months as well. They are also upgrading my equipment and sending my old equipment back for me. 

I like the fact that the price is locked in for two years.  One of the things I hate about them is the way they give discounts for a short period of time and then pricing changes throughout the year.  

Just thought I would share this  

Did any of you who "cancelled" this year also "cancel" a year ago? Curious if they care that you are pulling the same routine each year. 

Ive got discounts and free ST for 7 or 8 years now, but this year was the first time I actually had to cancel. Service was shut off for about 12 hours before I made the call and got hooked back up.

My sister set up a shut off date the other day, DTV called her about 4 hours later and gave her $45 off/month, the $200 gift card and NHL Center Ice package (shes not a football fan and asked for Center Ice instead of ST MAX and they gave it to her). Her service never got shut off. Shes only been a DTV customer for 3 years, Ive been one for 13+ years. WTF. lol

got it free this year but I get it free most years. I have been with the since 1995. I get all channels and my bill is set on auto pay, this helps


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