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[DYNASTY] Startup draft underway..14 teams (1 Viewer)

Midway Monsters1. Steve Smith2. Gates3. Brady4. Parker5. Witten6. Bears7. Ahman8. Leftwich9. Santonio Holmes10. Moulds
:confused: I couldnt find the :headscratchinggraemlin:
We just started our 14 team MFL draft today.


Same rules except start 3 WR, 2RB, 1Flex, 1PPR

Might wanna suggest to your commish that he/she expose "reports" to non owners so we can see the results...as of right now it requires a login...
The commish exposed it to non-owners, sorry about that :D
One guy here got Caddy and Ronnie at 1.10 and 1.11. Amazing in a dynasty draft.
We just started our 14 team MFL draft today.


Same rules except start 3 WR, 2RB, 1Flex, 1PPR

Looks like "Quezilla" is off to a nice start. Brown & Caddy in a dynasty? Good work.
I just traded up a few spots to secure Thomas Jones. The poor guy gets no respect for his prouction. Caddy, Brown, and TJ are a good foundation IMHO. Lets just hope I can find a few good WR with my next picks.
rookies going to high

If an owner wanted to draft to win now they would draft a team that would be older but in line to compete to win the first 2 or 3 years

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I'm Boyz 2 Men

14 teams

We start 1 rb, 2wrs ,1te, 2flex(rb,wr,te)1k, 1TD

1 ppr for wrs

.5 ppr for rbs

1.5 ppr for TEs!!! :eek:

4 pts per ptd

Check it out

Started day before NFL draft

Your thoughts :popcorn:

Marvin Harrisson in 3rd round? The guy is 34 years old...
I got Harrison for the 11th wr off the board. He should give me 3 seasons of top 20 wr production with Manning at the helmAny other thoughts on my team...first time dynasty drafter :popcorn:

Draft completed


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