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*** FBG Complaint Thread *** (1 Viewer)

I also find it amazing that one week of football can cause a player to jump up or down dynasty rankings. Outside of a major injury creating a new role for someone or ending anothers' career, that doesn't make a lot of sense. It is ONE game. Dynasty rankings are for the long term.
ghee,this is a very fair critique. When I examine my dynasty rankings after each week of play, my first priority is reflecting injuries and depth chart changes, but "what I learned" about players during that week's games also plays a big role in my re-ranking. Of course this opens me up to be too greatly swayed by too small a sample of play.On the other hand, I am committed to my rankings being somewhat close to "real time" and one element of that is "buzz" because general perception of a player affects his trade value, which is a somewhat objective factor to measure.When Addai ran for 4 TDs, his trade value rose in a real way. The owner committed to his evaluation may not have changed his long term expectations of Addai, but that game definitely left an impression on enough owners to affect his trade value in the short term.When we get to the offseason, my rankings will settle into more of an "initial dynasty draft" mode, where my personal long view carries an even larger weight than during the season, when trade value's importance is increased because trade value gives more room to make in season adjustments and get better production NOW.I have weighed the pros and cons of updating at longer intervals, so that my changes are based on more reflection, versus simulating "real time" rankings, and lurching about during the season, and decided that on the whole, people are consulting my rankings more for trade evaluation. There has been a suggestion to keep separate sets of rankings for contending teams and rebuilding teams as the season goes on, and I am open to answering questions along these lines during the season.I know this is rambling, but rest assured that I put a lot of thought into adjustments for the rankings - but also know that they are based somewhat on gut feeling and talent evaluation, which is based on perception. Sometimes a player performs so well or so badly that you see him in a new light. I am constantly discovering things about players when I watch games, and I *hope* that my open mind leads to my ranking being better than if I was more stubborn about my talent evaluation.Thanks for tuning in and I hope Im helping everyone out there improve their teams.
i like the real time feel of the rankings, im a big bloom beleiver, but i kind of wished other staff members maintained their rankings more frequently during the season........a good dynasty owner is making moves and ww pickups constantly, not just in preseason
I don't understand why it would be so hard to have Dodds do the work and then have three FBG staffers examine it and alter the rankings as they see fit based on whatever knowledge or insight they have.
Sorry to beat a dead horse...but Dodds' ranking ties to his projections which tie to his game predictor. It's not as simply as manipulating the order since everything Dodds' does ties into everything else. I like the fact that he takes a stand on the entire upcoming week in a numerical fashion. If the staff alters the QB rankings, then the WR/TE rankings would have to follow suit. From there the defensive rankings would have to be altered also.
Usually don't complain, and I know it's the holidays, but it is Sunday morning of the Fantasy Championships and all the matchup infos read "Detailed analysis coming soon."

footballguys really let me down this week. Biggest week of the year and everything was posted slow. The lack of detailed analysis really bothers me. I had a couple big decisions to make and some unbiased information to make my decisions would have really helped.

footballguys really let me down this week. Biggest week of the year and everything was posted slow. The lack of detailed analysis really bothers me. I had a couple big decisions to make and some unbiased information to make my decisions would have really helped.
I almost got mad enough to throw myself down a flight of stairs this week.
I wish the Sunday Updates would continue for the afternoon and evening games as well. Now it stops at 1 when the first game kicks off. Some of us can still activate or bench players who's games haven't started yet.

(meant to post this here...please remove from NFL talk)

My Grandma always used to say "If you don't have something good to say about someone, come over here and sit next to me". Of course, there is alot of good things to say about FBG.com and I'll start this post out with what I believe are the best of the best.

The GOOD - Any of these alone would be worth the subscription cost:

- The $50,000 Subscriber's Contest. This is what I call some pretty serious added value.

- Freelance Submissions. The inclusion of these articles greatly broaden the "flavor" of information provided to the subscribers during the ever important Draft research period.

- Pre-season Expert Rankings. Always current; listed by FBG (so we can weight our reactions based on the source); very strong collective assessment you can take into your draft and dominate.

- Speaking of draft domination, the Draft Dominator. Thanks a million, Bruce (and please accept my thanks again every August).

- Doug Drinen's stat tools (and football reference site). If this list was a ranking, how could Doug not be at the top for the statheads among us. Dude, you're a Fantasy HOF entry five years from the day you retire your abacus.

- Bob Henry's Depth Charts. I imagine a huge switchboard at Bob's desk with guys like Andy Reid and Mike Holmgren calling Bob up a few minutes prior to shuffling their lineup. Now if you could just get Shanahan to subscribe.

Honorable mentions: Fantasy Roundtable, Reading the Defense, Random Shots, Chris Smith's views on Faceoffs.


- The Weekly Projections. This is the part that really hamstrings my faith and probably is the reason I'm posting this in the Complaint thread rather than in the Appreciation thread. I've "lost it" twice this season and for the first time actually sent an email to David in the middle of one of my patented nervous breakdowns. Instead of focusing on the many small events that have led to my displeasure, I'll use one example -LaDainian Tomlinson. Looking back at the last 8 weeks of the season, LT was projected to score between 1.1 and 1.7 TD's. I think someone should step up to the plate and say he's a sure shot to bring in 2 TD's - or let's get really crazy and throw 3 on the board. Revamp the system and stick your neck out a little; show some seperation between the players rather than continue with a system that projects the top QB at 14.1 points and QB23 at 12.2. In my opinion, the way things are just isn't good enough. I point to Hector & Victor, FF Today and The Huddle as examples of similar services that put more "kahunas" behind their predictions while offering individual insight into WHY they are projecting the numbers they are expecting you to bank on. This is the thorn on the rose for me.

The downright UGLY

- IDP Projections. "I've got a monkey at home that could pick IDP's better...."

- Rudnicki's animated gif photo.

- Kickermania. Sometimes, the reasoning behind these rankings make me laugh more than Random Shots.

Happy Holidays to all!

Jeff in Evansville, IN

(Currently 4th in the FBG Writer's League. Hats off to Steve Addersley.. the guy deserves a backwards-hat photo on the FBG staff animation)

player updates down? Jets/Miami game coming up and we still have no update on the status of the RB's in New York. I get it that it's xmas but this is my championship game and I have a Minor/Houston/Washington dilema. Of course if Westy punches it in then nothing will matter as I will be out of reach.

1. This is probably my biggest complaint particularly as, outside of the Shark Pool, I think it's also FBG most important, high-profile service. The Cheatsheets and the Rushing/Passing matchups are insufficient, fundamentally flawed and/or counter-intuitive. As much respect as Dodds gets for all the work he does (well deserved), the Cheatsheets are the opinion of one man and as a result, occasionally wildly wrong. The adage "two heads are better than one" definitely applies here. And for FBG, it could be 10 heads are better than one. In the run-up to fantasy drafts, FBG produces a ranked draft list by position that's a compliation of FBG staff opinion. The Cheatsheets should be a similar compilation. For example, no way should Pennington have been ranked the #23 QB last week against Minnesota. But Dodds felt he should be. If two other guys rank Pennington at #10, his ranking moves from #23 to a more reasonable #14. There is strength in numbers. Maybe there's a way to weight the ranking assigned by staff members who are more accurate week after week.
Personally I totally disagree with this opinion. Dodds is a full time employee and devoting much of his attention to doing weekly projections. I don't want them watered down by staffers who work a full day defending criminals or flipping burgers thowing together a ranking sheet in 20 minutes to meet a deadline. What you're asking for is a college football coaches poll. :yuck: I want the best opinion possible, not a consensus. If someone can consistantly outproduce Dodds, then they should replace Dodds.
The amount of work that goes into the weekly projections probably is too much for anyone who doesn't do it full-time. JMHO. In addition to having to have a system that accounts for all the statistical trends, you have to factor in every piece of news on every player.
I hope that by now Dodds spends zero of his time each week on running the statistical trends system and all of his time accounting for player news. However, over the years I have read that Dodds took 20 some hours to load projections (load, not make) into the VBD Excel Application and then the infamous 8 hours to run the subscriber contest two years ago. This is inexcusable in 2006. If Dodds is manually running calculations, formatting pages, using Excel as a database, etc., etc. then please tap into the talent on the boards to automate these menial tasks and let Dodds do what he does best with his time - play poker.
I don't understand why it would be so hard to have Dodds do the work and then have three FBG staffers examine it and alter the rankings as they see fit based on whatever knowledge or insight they have.
Sorry to beat a dead horse...but Dodds' ranking ties to his projections which tie to his game predictor. It's not as simply as manipulating the order since everything Dodds' does ties into everything else. I like the fact that he takes a stand on the entire upcoming week in a numerical fashion. If the staff alters the QB rankings, then the WR/TE rankings would have to follow suit. From there the defensive rankings would have to be altered also.
I'm hearing you. What I'm looking for is for Dodds to do whatever he does, and then for about three other FBG staffers to come along and either use their own system to make up a series of rankings, or look at what Dodds has done and tweak it. I *want* them to alter all the rankings; getting different perspectives is the key.
By far the best service on the Internet. However, the high ratings of Randy Moss killed a few of my money leagues where I ended up with his sorry behind in a couple. FBG took me to one championship out of five though I hardly ever miss any playoffs I missed two this season (mainly due to Moss eating up an early round pick and the injury of ShaunA).

While I enjoy the site and use some of the tools, I no longer use any of FBGs rankings/projections. I know that their rankings are just opinions and over the years I have grown to trust my own opinions more then the FBGs.

I will buy their magazine again simply because its good reading material when your on the can, however I am not sure if I will pay for the subscriber content next year.

2. Improve the site map and navigation. For example, to get to the Dynasty Rankings, I have to scroll to the bottomo to go to Pre-Season and then search that page for Dynasty Rankings. There needs to be an easy way to find pre-season content.

3. Have a Dynasty Page with Dynasty Rankings, Dynasty Articles, Draft Stuff, etc. Should be an easy tab to find.

4. Grade your projections. You guys should be willing to post how you did. Saying that you only have to look forward is lame. Develop a simple program that evaluates each projection and spits out a score. I think you'll find that you have tools to answer your critics or to improve your own performance.

5. Get out some more content earlier. I'd love to see Buy Low/Sell High, Kickermania, etc. on Tuesday.

9. Add college stats to player pages. I was debating between Schaub and Tarvaris Jackson and it would be nice to see their college stats.

10. Targets listed each week should be sortable by targets per game.
:thumbup: and great suggestions...I would also add that outside of Bloom and sometimes Jeff, no one updated their dynasty rankings. Now, I will be the first to say that FBG has increased its volume dedicated to dynasty in the last year, but it still could improve as it is many of us that are on the site year round and in the offseason.


Just a little more timeliness on content on weeks with Thursday games - I often couldn't stay up late enough on Wedensdays, and our new web / email policies at work restrict non work related internet activities. I often arrived home after the Thursday games were underway.

edit - I would also like to see a little more dynasty / auction content

Otherwise, phenominal work here. Well worth the $$$

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I always want more out of team previews in the mag.I just read something by Woodrow that was very well done then it was "see FBGs for more" at the bottom and that bugged me. I understand your intention to land customers but just giving ya feedback. I turned the page wanting more articles like that.
:thumbup: I hate to say it, because I like the magazine, but I'm probably skipping the hardcopy next year. It's only $6-$8 but the better info is online already.-- Lax
Overall its great - in the spirit of suggestion (not a flame)

The Prophet has to go - 2 years in a row he has sucked.

The previous suggestion of a subscriber only board may have merit

IDP stuff is great preseason (especially customizable cheatsheats), but I would like to see a combined IDP list for the season cheatsheats

I have suggested this for the last couple of years and i will again this year.


What I was wondering is if you guys could create an APP that alows us to plug in our scoring sytems just like your preseason VBD APP, but then it would generate a "cheatsheet" (so to speak) showing where every player actually ended up ranking for the 2006 season?

I think this would be extremely helpful for several reasons:

1. We could compare it to the predraft cheatsheet and see where guys actually ended up compared to where we thought they would end up at the beginning of the season.

2. It would allow us to see where we made good, bad, and ugly picks during our drafts.

3. It would not only reinforce good strategies, but also help us see where we made mistakes.

4. We would quickly be able to see how good you guys really are by comparing the preseason sheet to the post season one.

5. It would allow us to plug in different scoring systems since many of us play in a variety of leagues.

6. It would help those of us that are going to be joining/starting/taking over a team in a new league. We would be able to plug in the new scoring system for the league that we are getting ready to enter and see who the best players in that particular league were from the year before. (eventually it might be great if the APP was able to generate a "cheatsehet" showing the players ranked over say the last 3 years for that particular scoring system).

EXAMPLE: In one of my leagues, Cadillac Williams was ranked 11th at his position and 14 th overall on my predraft VBD cheatsheet. We are pretty sure he did not end up being ranked that high. But where did he end up? How many guys finished ahead of him? Who could/should I have taken instead? I think this would be a powerful tool to reinforce the good things that we did during our drafts, but to also teach ourselves some lessons on what to do and maybe what not to do the next year.

I do not know if an APP like this is even possible, but I thought it might be something that you guys could look into since you already have the starting point of your current APP.

Lastly, the purpose of this APP would not be to solely see how good you guys are. Although this tool would let us see where you guys hit and where you missed very quickly. Obviously there are reasons for each individual players performance or lack of performance, but isn't that what we try to shoot for....to be ahead of the curve....to try to get as many hits (F. Gore) as we can....and as few misses (Jordan/Moss)...as we can? I think this tool would help us see the hits and the misses and help us in the future.

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yup I like the site.

Fix the link to week 5 stats. I get week 6 stats when i click it.

I would like download able stats in excel format, ok this only saves me the trouble of a copy and paste.

no biggie.

the format of the final week stats...

Include the matchup, with home/away "@" indicated. (like the projected stats dobbs does)

The ability to download target end of the year stats, the whole year would be helpfull also.

The profit is horrible, he has to go. I say next year your hold a contest for your subscribers to pick games against the spread and the winner of the contest takes over for the profit in 2008. You guys need someone who can pick better then 50%. I have been posting my picks here for the past five weeks and am picking much better then him.

Can't have one without the other. Any and all feedback appreciated. We're interested in improving.
If you were able to update the individual player pages as the year went along and added dynasty value on the pages from the beginning it would be a great help. An example would be Brandon Marshall - the information under outlook still says about value will increase if they get rid of Lelie (I know it was from preseason) but it would be great to see that kind of information updated after the 1st 4 games then after 8 games (or if their situation changes) and say how the player is developing during the season. There are several threads that the information is being posted by the staff so why not update players page so that we could look someone up and have your most recent thoughts about those players. A good example would have been Reggie when he started out slow and how his season has changed. I know that I have seen staff on several occasions posting information about his situation and his outlook but it would be much easier to check on his player page and get you latest thoughts. Searching for Reggie or Bush brings up so many posts where teams have him listed at the bottom of the page on their roster. It has come to the point that searching for player information has become a waste of time.Some guys could use a spell check on the message board.
Overall great job, and I signed up for the 3 year deal since I saw myself subscribing each year anyways.I would like to see relevant message board topics linked to player pages better. I know it is done a little, but probably manually (?) - maybe something that scans for threads longer than X posts that are a result of a search for the exact player name automatically get linked to the player pages.Along the same lines, the player page search right now has no tolerance for error - you can type just a few characters and get all the names that start with that set of characters, but if you mistype a character it won't return "close" results. (like typing "Shef" instead of "Schef" for Tony Scheffler should return Scheffler as a possible result.) I think the player pages are very good overall for the offense. The IDP player pages need to be updated more frequently however, IMO.I wouldn't mind seeing a "dyansty outlook" section of the player pages also, instead of putting dynasty stuff in the main parts of the pages.I also don't know if the forums can handle this or not, but automatic checking for tag formatting - quote tags especially - if the above suggestion about quoting just the one post by default isn't implemented, then something to help fix the broken quotes would be nice. This is something individuals could be better at also - if your post is messed up, edit it and fix it, it isn't that hard.I had heard last year that a redesign of the site was going to happen in '07, and if so, that would be great, as the current design feels a little dated. But, please keep the design focused on the users and making information easy to find, and not just something that "looks" cool but is a pain to use. I did encounter a number of broken links this year, so maybe that is something that can be looked into, redesign or not.Overall though, great experience - just offering some suggestions to make it even better.
Just offering some suggestions to make it even better.
Good stuff here guys. Really appreciate the feedback. :shrug: I started this thread on my own. Not sure if Joe or David has seen it. I will make sure I point it out to them when the regular season ends.
Another idea:

Player similarity scores: This is a Bill James concept (see baseball-reference.com). A formula is used to compare a player's career stats to date against past players and show who he is most "similar" to. This is a great tool for fantasy baseball as you can see whether the guy is similar to a future hall-of-famer or a run-of-the-mill #5 starter. Word is that Drinen has his own formula for this. And I know that footballoutsiders has one as well (http://www.footballoutsiders.com/stats/similarity.php). It would be AWESOME to have similarity scores as part of each player page. It would GREATLY assist player projections and evaluation. I think it would make for very lively discussion in the Shark Pool as well.


Better tools for helping subscribers come up with their own projections. Check out baseballprospectus.com - they have a toolbox for projections. This year was a good first step - the ability to average out projections from many sources - but it is still lacking. I need a tool that lets me set the NYG rushing yards for the year at 2000 and then say that Tiki gets 75% and Jacobs 25%. Then, if I change the team's yards, it changes the yards for each player. This is just an example.

The programming for the Projection Tool was pretty clunky. I'd rather have had a simple Excel spreadsheet like the VBD app.

You guys are headed in the right direction. Happy new year!

VBD is a top notch application that uses some sound statistical concepts to generate draft values. Methodolgy is explained and is sound. On the other hand, the process for generating auction values is murky and is not explained anywhere on the site. See Forrest Johnson's Freelance submission titled "Correcting Auction Calculations in the VBD Application" dated 8/30/06 for some of the problems with your current system. Mr. Johnson's method is sound and is the method I've used since first seeing this technique introduced by Professor Thomas Griffith in his "Fantasy Basketball Guide" published by Brio Books in 1993.

Please fix the application or provide a detailed explanation of your current VBD auction methodology so that informed readers may critique your methods and make an informed decision as to the merits of your system. Thank you.

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VBD is a top notch application that uses some sound statistical concepts to generate draft values. Methodolgy is explained and is sound. On the other hand, the process for generating auction values is murky and is not explained anywhere on the site. See Forrest Johnson's Freelance submission titled "Correcting Auction Calculations in the VBD Application" dated 8/30/06 for some of the problems with your current system. Mr. Johnson's method is sound and is the method I've used since first seeing this technique introduced by Professor Thomas Griffith in his "Fantasy Basketball Guide" published by Brio Books in 1993. Please fix the application or provide a detailed explanation of your current VBD auction methodology so that informed readers may critique your methods and make an informed decision as to the merits of your system. Thank you.
I don't mean to hijack but, a hoops auction draft used VBD in 1993?
Bri said:
bidiot said:
VBD is a top notch application that uses some sound statistical concepts to generate draft values. Methodolgy is explained and is sound. On the other hand, the process for generating auction values is murky and is not explained anywhere on the site. See Forrest Johnson's Freelance submission titled "Correcting Auction Calculations in the VBD Application" dated 8/30/06 for some of the problems with your current system. Mr. Johnson's method is sound and is the method I've used since first seeing this technique introduced by Professor Thomas Griffith in his "Fantasy Basketball Guide" published by Brio Books in 1993. Please fix the application or provide a detailed explanation of your current VBD auction methodology so that informed readers may critique your methods and make an informed decision as to the merits of your system. Thank you.
I don't mean to hijack but, a hoops auction draft used VBD in 1993?
Not exactly but Griffith's book provided me with my first exposure to marginal values as opposed to absolute values and how they apply to auction values in a fantasy hoops auction. In an auction, VBD is of little use as it is based upon an expected drop-off in value at a given position between consecutive picks. In an auction, every owner has an opportunity to bid on every player thus accurate valuation of performance is paramount. My overall point is really this; If I'm going to pay money for FBG's auction product, I want to know the methodology behind their values rather than simply trusting them.
bidiot said:
VBD is a top notch application that uses some sound statistical concepts to generate draft values. Methodolgy is explained and is sound. On the other hand, the process for generating auction values is murky and is not explained anywhere on the site. See Forrest Johnson's Freelance submission titled "Correcting Auction Calculations in the VBD Application" dated 8/30/06 for some of the problems with your current system. Mr. Johnson's method is sound and is the method I've used since first seeing this technique introduced by Professor Thomas Griffith in his "Fantasy Basketball Guide" published by Brio Books in 1993. Please fix the application or provide a detailed explanation of your current VBD auction methodology so that informed readers may critique your methods and make an informed decision as to the merits of your system. Thank you.
:o Yeah, I don't bother using the VBD auction values. In fact, I hope that owners in my auction leagues use the FBG $ values. They end overbidding on the high-end players, and run out of money quickly. It's not really that hard to right a better formula.
1) The format for the weekly recaps is great - so why not use it for weekly matchups? Roll the "matchups," sleepers, projections, SOS numbers, outlooks, "Players in the news," and any other assorted data/opinion into a single page that gives both data and opinon for the week.

2) Add a "roll-the-dice," "from-the-gut," or "upside/downside" factor to the projections for players, using something like # of thumbs up/down. Perfect example: Ron Dayne vs. IND - the projections said one thing, but the "roll-the-dice" potential would have been much larger.

3) Stand-alone team pages that include the data mentioned above - not just news blurbs.

4) A good explanation somewhere of what data gets factored into and produced by projections/cheatsheats. i.e. what does 0.3 TDs mean, and how do you arrive at that number?

5) Combining all of the apps into one, and making player transactions easier (e.g. DD jumps to the next "drafting" team when you perform a player change)

6) Subscriber-only forums

I think that's a long enough list for next year.


Nothing is more misleading than the box score for a NFL preseason game because one guy played vs. the starting D and one guy played against the 4th string.

I would like to see detailed game information for the PRESEASON. Recruit and staff the non-staff writers

earlier and get that data to the subscriber base before the regular season starts.

This will also give some potential subscribers insight to the weekly content they will get if they join.


I'd love to see Joe go the whole year without referencing quotes from the Matrix (1999) or Ferris Bueler (1986). Also, the Hard Luck awards are a large session of what woulda, shoulda, coulda been. Skip the research time on this useless data and write a few more (NEW) jokes.

1. This is probably my biggest complaint particularly as, outside of the Shark Pool, I think it's also FBG most important, high-profile service. The Cheatsheets and the Rushing/Passing matchups are insufficient, fundamentally flawed and/or counter-intuitive. As much respect as Dodds gets for all the work he does (well deserved), the Cheatsheets are the opinion of one man and as a result, occasionally wildly wrong. The adage "two heads are better than one" definitely applies here. And for FBG, it could be 10 heads are better than one. In the run-up to fantasy drafts, FBG produces a ranked draft list by position that's a compliation of FBG staff opinion. The Cheatsheets should be a similar compilation. For example, no way should Pennington have been ranked the #23 QB last week against Minnesota. But Dodds felt he should be. If two other guys rank Pennington at #10, his ranking moves from #23 to a more reasonable #14. There is strength in numbers. Maybe there's a way to weight the ranking assigned by staff members who are more accurate week after week.The Passing/Rushing matchups are only interesting in the sense that they are fantasy content...something to read but little more. But it could be something better. They're only a look at an offensive matchup assigned a prospect (good, neutral, tough, etc...) based on the strength of the defense (San Diego has a "TOUGH" rushing matchup vs. the Denver defense). I don't care how qualifiers and explanations FBG puts in the email, this product is misleading. Another example, Week 12 Houston Texans has a GREAT rushing matchup vs. New York Jets. The Texans rushed for 25 yards...total. Besides, few if anybody plays Team rushing. I don't care how the Chargers running game is going to do against Denver. I want to know how LT is going to do. There's a better product here. First, break down runningbacks, not team running games. There is no reason to discuss Cleveland running game. Second, forget discussing the top tier of RBs. Just put a note at the beginning stating "If you have Tomlinson, Jackson, Gore, Johnson, etc. START THEM). Third, break down the next tier in some detail. Give us pros and cons to starting each RB in the Cleveland running game. Or take the Jets. An example off the top of my head:Cedric Houston vs. the Miami DefensePros: Appears to have won the starting position after Barlow was listed inactive last week and Leon Washington is wearing down given his rookie status and unfamiliarity with a full NFL season. Houston can catch the ball quite well, so one could expect some catches and yards through the air as well.Cons: Houston still hasn't demonstrated ability to take a game over and it's possible Barlow will be reactivated. Washington has also stolen goal-line carries on occasion. Recommendation: Expect Houston to finish in the lower-tier of runningbacks this week. The prospect of a breakout game is very low given that the Miami defense has only allowed 2 rushing TDs the entire season and pass-catching running backs don't do well against Miami's fast linebackers. Anyway, I am rambling a bit too much here but the point is, the Rushing and Passing Matchups could be a lot better. And the writing could be better. More concise, less wordy.2. FBG offers a lot of different fantasy content via email. Some I don't care for like the Random Shots. Make the email content "opt in" and allow me to select which emails I receive. Even consider separating redraft vs. dynasty content. If I am only in redraft leagues, why do I care about dynasty content?
Damn :wall:
Custom cheatsheets are a great addition so that you can customize QB, RB, WR and TE but it doesn't factor in any settings or projections for PK or TD.

Custom cheatsheets could add an option for return yards. I started using return yards (1/25 return, 1/25 passing, 1/10 rush/rcv) as a way to boost WR scoring and add depth to the WR pool to bring it closer in value and depth to the RB's.

Might be nice to also have a saved settings on custom cheatsheets so you don't have to enter the custom settings each time (similar to the saved player info on MyTeam).

Can't remember if custom cheatsheets were used in the preseason for projections but that would be a nice benefit as well.

250 forward would also benefit from a customized option since although I enjoyed it as entertainment and one extra peice of info, I didn't consider it to be an accurate tool or helpful for the settings in my league.
You can do this the first week of the season, or any other week. I do it for all of my leagues at the beginning of the year. Just make a new folder titled "Cheatsheets" do an "Add to favorites" (Add to "Cheatsheets" folder and change the name to "bjabrads donkeys". Now evey week you come back to it, the updated cheatsheets are there with your saved league variables.
The downright UGLY

- Kickermania. Sometimes, the reasoning behind these rankings make me laugh more than Random Shots.
:goodposting: Let me quote Dodds in his Perfect Draft article.......

"Place Kickers

Who cares right? Well...kind of right."

Nobody wins or looses their league on the PK position, yet we have a weekly report on PKs and a staff writer dedicted to the position. :shrug:

Sorry Mike, but your data and weekly report are useless to almost everyone here. I'd love to see the page hit results for this site to see how many actually look at that page each week. I'd bet it is very low. I know I never read it.

Improved Search feature - I guess you can't open up every three letter word, but it would be nice if, as an example, we could get hits returned on "+Eli +SomethingElse.

Another example is FF draft position - the capability to use 1.XX while searching.

Cheatsheets should come out sooner and dont' have Prelim Cheatsheets, just stick w/ one version.
Someone should issue a report card based on the predictions by the better known members ( LHUCKS, Bloom etc), who've made top 25 lists per position and published them in the Pool. I'd also like to see someone do a full scale critique on Dodds' predictions..I believe the numbers will reveal that Dodds' predictions were absolutely horrible. So, if in fact his predictions about stats were way off their mark, why do we have Dodds' weekly predictions in the members-only area? Perhaps Dodds needs to put down the number crunching machine(s) and get back to basics, back to fundamentals of prognostication, by looking at a matchup and trying to figure out what he believes will happen by noticing trends, coaching matchups, etc, rather than using fuzzy math to support his claims. :shrug: Honestly, I found the information in the Shark Pool to be quite helpful, while a good percentage of the members-only data is nothing more than just pure FLUFF..Bob Henry is dead-on, Bloom is big time fantasy football guy, and they deserve credit for a job well done! I love the sleepers/busts and that matchup previews that are emailed to members!But someone has to cut thru the FLUFF at FBG's..I'm not sure we need a weekly player ranking system, I mean, if I have AJ, and he's ranked 8th this week because he's facing a 'good' secondary, wouldn't the golden rule of 'never bench your studs' trump this ranking? I'm not benching AJ for ANYTHING. I find the weekly rankings to be 100% useless..who cares where a guy like Larry Johnson is ranked, or Phil Rivers, or Jeremy Shockey, you're starting them REGARDLESS, so its worthless to rank them, IMO..
Mister CIA said:
Improved Search feature - I guess you can't open up every three letter word, but it would be nice if, as an example, we could get hits returned on "+Eli +SomethingElse. Another example is FF draft position - the capability to use 1.XX while searching.
:lmao: To expand:Mods should change titles to reflect player names too so searching is more comprehensive.If I do a search for "Gonzalez" I am not going to get the threads that have "Gonzo" in them. A mod should change Gonzo to Gonzales, DJax to Darrell Jackson, LT to Tomlinson, AJ to Andre Johnson, etc. The goal is to creat easy access to all information available.
Need a full, posted definition of the differences between "Re-draft", "Keeper" and "Dynasty" leagues. Follow this up with tabbed separation on the website to house the separated content. A corporate re-organization should parallel all this with the executive org chart looking something like this:



VP - Re-draft Content

VP - Keeper Content

VP - Dynasty Content

Staff Reporters


In most cases, a re-drafter's FF interest does not start until July or August. A Dynasty player's interest window is open much more often with peaks in FF drafting season (July/Aug) but also in NFL Combine season (Feb) as well as NFL drafting season (Apr). A Keeper players interest would fall somewhere in between.

Whatever you do, PLEASE do not assume a Dynasty players interests are too similar to that of the Keeper player to separate the content. The Keeper players interests are VERY different from the Dynasty players and in fact a are probably more similar to that of the Re-drafter.

Otherwise, all is well and I will return next season as I fear what FF life would be like without FBG info. :goodposting:

Love the dynasty rankings. Love the draft dominator. Hate that they can't be used together.

I will be doing an initial dynasty auction next season and would love to be able to take my rankings or the footballguy dynasty ranking consesus and plug them into the draft dominator but unless I am willing to spend 100 hours manually adjusting the projections for 2007 in the dominator to make the resulting rankings match my 3-5 year outlook on players this is impossible.

A dynasty league draft dominator would be the biggest and most innovative addition possible for 2007. This tool would once again differentiate footballguys from the competition. While most sites are only begining to even address the concept of dynasty leagues, footballguys would be combining the best dynasty league analysis (Bloom, Pasquino, etc.) with the greatest draft day tool ever created.

Footballguys always comes back to the idea of helping you dominate your league. It is this attitude that has allowed footballguys to dominate the fantasy football information and analysis market. Adding a dynasty league draft dominator wouldn't dominate footballguys competition it would flat out destroy them.

Love the additions to the site this year especially the preseason comparison component. The quick hit of strengths & weakness with projections comparisons was instremental to my draft.

Would love to see:

1) More timely info, especially the top 250 to be able to utilize for pick ups

2) More Keeper info and start earlier in the season. You can't have a winner every year and earlier info to help rebuild the following year would be helpful. Not just long term dynasty but also short term (next year) potential studs.

3) In season fantasy spin on articles (similar to off season)

4) Customizable fantasy pts/game based on weekly & year to date stats


I don't understand why it would be so hard to have Dodds do the work and then have three FBG staffers examine it and alter the rankings as they see fit based on whatever knowledge or insight they have.
Sorry to beat a dead horse...but Dodds' ranking ties to his projections which tie to his game predictor. It's not as simply as manipulating the order since everything Dodds' does ties into everything else. I like the fact that he takes a stand on the entire upcoming week in a numerical fashion. If the staff alters the QB rankings, then the WR/TE rankings would have to follow suit. From there the defensive rankings would have to be altered also.
If I might be permitted to continue beating this dead horse......Like it or not, I really believe that the most important thing in a fantasy football website/service to your average fantasy football participant, are both the draft and weekly rankings/projections. People who don't have the time to do their own research or who are too lazy to do it themselves simply want to pay for advice from "experts" on who to draft and who to start each week. The fact of the matter is that while an FBG's subscription provides you with a host of "expert" opinions re draft rankings/projections, you get basically one person's (i.e. Dodd's) weekly and redraft rankings throughout the year. While Bass & Brew's comment is true that it doesn't make sense to have other staffers altering DD's rankings (since they are related to DD's other projections), I have never quite understood why at least 2-3 other staffers can't provide their own weekly and/or redraft rankings throughout the year along side of Dodd's -- much like happens at the beginning of the year. With such a wealth of fantasy football knowledge on the FBG staff, I'd like to see more people contributing to what I strongly believe is probably the thing that most current (and certainly most prospective) subscribers come here for. In all in all, FBG is still the best fantasy football resource on the Net.

Anybody who comes into this thread complaining about projections or rankings being incorrect on a weekly basis has a great life with little worries. These are statistics that are in no way to be accurately predicted in any given week.

Now, if people are complaining about when rankings/projections get released via Tuesday vs. Wednesday that is a legit issue to complain about. On the same note though, if rankings/projections are out on Wednesday there should be no complaining that they are not updated fully after that... say on Saturday as well. Once a week is good enough... the question is do the posters want them early in the week or later? Most likely later.

Anybody who comes into this thread complaining about projections or rankings being incorrect on a weekly basis has a great life with little worries. These are statistics that are in no way to be accurately predicted in any given week.

Now, if people are complaining about when rankings/projections get released via Tuesday vs. Wednesday that is a legit issue to complain about. On the same note though, if rankings/projections are out on Wednesday there should be no complaining that they are not updated fully after that... say on Saturday as well. Once a week is good enough... the question is do the posters want them early in the week or later? Most likely later.
Bass N' Brew polled on this earlier, more than half of FBG users ran weekly waivers earlier than projections came out...On to the first point, though, if we're not to be critical of accuracy of projections, why pay for subscriber content? The preseason free material (including a fully working version of Draft Dominator) is good enough for most anyone to dominate a draft of any but the most shark-infested leagues. If weekly content is expected to be incorrect, and isn't worth complaining about, what are the subscriber benefits exactly?

Anybody who comes into this thread complaining about projections or rankings being incorrect on a weekly basis has a great life with little worries. These are statistics that are in no way to be accurately predicted in any given week.

Now, if people are complaining about when rankings/projections get released via Tuesday vs. Wednesday that is a legit issue to complain about. On the same note though, if rankings/projections are out on Wednesday there should be no complaining that they are not updated fully after that... say on Saturday as well. Once a week is good enough... the question is do the posters want them early in the week or later? Most likely later.
Bass N' Brew polled on this earlier, more than half of FBG users ran weekly waivers earlier than projections came out...On to the first point, though, if we're not to be critical of accuracy of projections, why pay for subscriber content? The preseason free material (including a fully working version of Draft Dominator) is good enough for most anyone to dominate a draft of any but the most shark-infested leagues. If weekly content is expected to be incorrect, and isn't worth complaining about, what are the subscriber benefits exactly?
How can someone complain about statistics not being correct when there is no way of knowing what a player will get? If FBG's predicts Harrison to gain 100 yards and 1 TD and he gets 30 yards and no TD's how can someone complain that FBG's should have seen that coming or should have known he would only get 30 yards? That is an impossibility.It would be possible but not greatly accurate to simply put into projections that Harrison may get more yards than Wayne this week or that Wayne should get more due to DB matchups. But, people for some reason want the improbable and that is for FBG to put numbers to their thoughts.

I have seen people complain about how they thought FBG should have seen Moss' bad season coming... or Alexander's injury and then blame FBG for having that prediction wrong. What point is there to complain about either of those? There simply is no reason.

The best articles FBG puts out are the debates about players with poster feedbacks. Threads can become overridden with garbage but the subscriber content for the preseason is top notch when discussing players and their respective teams. I just think it is rather pointless to point fingers at FBG's for getting statistics wrong on a weekly basis because nobody is ever correct in that respect.

Anybody who comes into this thread complaining about projections or rankings being incorrect on a weekly basis has a great life with little worries. These are statistics that are in no way to be accurately predicted in any given week.

Now, if people are complaining about when rankings/projections get released via Tuesday vs. Wednesday that is a legit issue to complain about. On the same note though, if rankings/projections are out on Wednesday there should be no complaining that they are not updated fully after that... say on Saturday as well. Once a week is good enough... the question is do the posters want them early in the week or later? Most likely later.
Bass N' Brew polled on this earlier, more than half of FBG users ran weekly waivers earlier than projections came out...On to the first point, though, if we're not to be critical of accuracy of projections, why pay for subscriber content? The preseason free material (including a fully working version of Draft Dominator) is good enough for most anyone to dominate a draft of any but the most shark-infested leagues. If weekly content is expected to be incorrect, and isn't worth complaining about, what are the subscriber benefits exactly?
How can someone complain about statistics not being correct when there is no way of knowing what a player will get? If FBG's predicts Harrison to gain 100 yards and 1 TD and he gets 30 yards and no TD's how can someone complain that FBG's should have seen that coming or should have known he would only get 30 yards? That is an impossibility.It would be possible but not greatly accurate to simply put into projections that Harrison may get more yards than Wayne this week or that Wayne should get more due to DB matchups. But, people for some reason want the improbable and that is for FBG to put numbers to their thoughts.

I have seen people complain about how they thought FBG should have seen Moss' bad season coming... or Alexander's injury and then blame FBG for having that prediction wrong. What point is there to complain about either of those? There simply is no reason.

The best articles FBG puts out are the debates about players with poster feedbacks. Threads can become overridden with garbage but the subscriber content for the preseason is top notch when discussing players and their respective teams. I just think it is rather pointless to point fingers at FBG's for getting statistics wrong on a weekly basis because nobody is ever correct in that respect.
Calm down, I agree. The projections aren't that great. The question is what value does a subscription have if most of the best content is either released for free in the preseason or from the posters right here on the boards. Everyone seems to say that the in-season content isn't worth reading.
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I sent Joe an email about this, but why can't FBG make the subsciber contests open to ALL paid subscribers and not exclude those of us who live in states with stupid laws. It is entirely differrent if the contest is a benefit to a subscription versus an online contest with an entry fee (at least from what I have been told and the fact that other sites do not restrict us from winning prizes).

I sent Joe an email about this, but why can't FBG make the subsciber contests open to ALL paid subscribers and not exclude those of us who live in states with stupid laws. It is entirely differrent if the contest is a benefit to a subscription versus an online contest with an entry fee (at least from what I have been told and the fact that other sites do not restrict us from winning prizes).
Because FBG lawyers advised them that they'd be risking spending the next 5-10 as Bubba's new toy.You can be my "room mate" and use my PO Box for a cut of your winnings.
Can't have one without the other. Any and all feedback appreciated. We're interested in improving.
I would like to see you guys use a better scoring system that includes 6 points for thrown TD's and does NOT include PPR as that is artificial.Also, a post analysis on VBD would be nice to see. Who should have been the best picks based on how they performed.

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