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FBG Staff vs Message Board's Best (3 Viewers)

If I picked a team of message board guys it would be as follows:






Gridiron Assassin








That motley crew would p\/\/n the staff.
6 people from Survivor II. :thumbup: After having already been through the toughest league there could be, playing against staff would be like the Super Bowl winner scrimmaging a Division III school. :D
PuhleazzzzzeeeeClayton, Chase and myself would have mopped the floor with you.
Well since Survivor II has been mentioned...It is interesting to note that Boston Fred, GregR and I all mopped up the new footballguys: Aaron Rudnicki and Marc Levin.

Give me my choice of five others in Survivor II and we would MOP any six of the FBG...and I mean MOP. I saw the Survivor I draft, as a matter of fact I critiqued it...trust me FBG has a little bit of homework to do before they tangle with some of the top fellas on the messageboard.
Please note that LHUCKS actually liked my draft last year.
Here is an Idea, not sure if it could work, but i would like to see it happen:12 Staff vs 12 Highly Touted MB vs 12 MB that normaly would not be given a shot Instead of two leagues with 6 each there could be three leagues with 4 each. I think the Staff would be suprised how well me and 11 other MBers that are not highly known will do. -So the ball is in your court staff, I volunteer to lead the team of rookie MBers in the quest for greatness.Not sure how the money prizes would break down, but I what if the 3rd group of people could not win prizes, prizes would be limited to the Staff and top MBers, but what the third group would win is respect on the boards, if they did well in the league. *Just an Idea! *Give the little people a chance*-This third group of people could include 6 little known people and 6 people that are well known in the Free For All boards-
IMO, this is a great idea.
Back from class, and thought i would check in.-Do we know when the Captain for the MB shall be selected?-I am currently in 2 leagues, one with my friends at College that i am Commishing, and one Zealots league (Z16). I would love to be in one more competive league.
Hey - is the FBG Dynasty so insignificant that it doesn't even rate an off-hand mention? :P
It is interesting to note that Boston Fred, GregR and I all mopped up the new footballguys: Aaron Rudnicki and Marc Levin.
dude, I finished 5th and got eliminated by like 1 point or less that week. Get over yourself. ;)

If I picked a team of message board guys it would be as follows:






Gridiron Assassin








That motley crew would p\/\/n the staff.
6 people from Survivor II. :thumbup: After having already been through the toughest league there could be, playing against staff would be like the Super Bowl winner scrimmaging a Division III school. :D
LHUCKS takes over for Drugrunner and you guys have yourselves a great team.
however, i won't be helping out LHUCKS this year if he drafts his first three players with the same bye week.you're on your own this time. ;)
Interesting how that didn't seem to hurt me as I handed it to you as well...I understand, you're bitter. :D
I like the idea and I'd love to get in on this. I'm pretty confident that the message board guys can outperform the staff, though the captain will have to choose wisely.

It is interesting to note that Boston Fred, GregR and I all mopped up the new footballguys: Aaron Rudnicki and Marc Levin.
dude, I finished 5th and got eliminated by like 1 point or less that week. Get over yourself. ;)
panties are officially bunched
The only way I get into the league is through the American way, BRIBERY.I have 0 qualifications, I am very unarticulate, I hate writing long essays on my FF strategies, and I rarely post.Whoever the Captain is, pick me and i'll Paypal ya $20. Yes that's right, I am pathetic enough to buy my way into the league.How can the eventual captain not take free money, and please don't throw out the morality card, money is money.Who is gonna outbid me?

i haven't read this thread and dont care to, but the staff here only knows how ban people, i doubt they have any real ff acumen, and use random bannings as a sort of message board kool-aid. :rant:

If I picked a team of message board guys it would be as follows:






Gridiron Assassin








That motley crew would p\/\/n the staff.
How quickly some forget Survivor II - lots of your names were entered, but I don't think any of them won. Refresh my memory. I do remember the guy who did win was a FF dynamo - pulling one spectacular pick after another. Quite a snazzy dresser to boot. Who was that again?

let's face it. This thing needs to be a 3-way.FBG Staff (soon to be 3rd place)Shark Pool (renamed guppies after taking 2nd)FFA (it will be VERY sweet to win this thing)Make it so.

It is interesting to note that Boston Fred, GregR and I all mopped up the new footballguys: Aaron Rudnicki and Marc Levin.
dude, I finished 5th and got eliminated by like 1 point or less that week. Get over yourself. ;)
Put a smile on Aaaron, you know you're a target once you turn over to the dark side(FBG) :D If I were you I would pray that I'm not selected... to get beat down publicly in back to back years...now that would be tough to endure. :boxing:

i haven't read this thread and dont care to, but the staff here only knows how ban people, i doubt they have any real ff acumen, and use random bannings as a sort of message board kool-aid. :rant:
League scores 6 points per banning.
Also, I think Salmonstud and I deserve some consideration for being very active advice-givers on the Asst. Coach forum. Unfortunately, that probably won't count for much since in general, guys like Unlucky don't post questions there :-(
Thanks for the vote Tick. I'm guessing I won't make the cut given I haven't slept with Unlucky. If selected, I would be willing to catch a few fish and grill them up for him. Landing a 30lb salmon is difficult, beating the FBG staff would be a cake walk :boxing: Dodds took Brunell in the 8th round in the FF Index draft....how hard can it be to beat the staff?
Back from class, and thought i would check in.-Do we know when the Captain for the MB shall be selected?-I am currently in 2 leagues, one with my friends at College that i am Commishing, and one Zealots league (Z16). I would love to be in one more competive league.
Hey - is the FBG Dynasty so insignificant that it doesn't even rate an off-hand mention? :P
To correct my self, I am in 3 leagues, the third being Football guys dynasty league, but i took over a team in that league and did not do the drafting my self, so i dont take credit for the team i have, only the rookies i picked this year.
let's face it. This thing needs to be a 3-way.FBG Staff (soon to be 3rd place)Shark Pool (renamed guppies after taking 2nd)FFA (it will be VERY sweet to win this thing)Make it so.
you should apply for Sandbagger's FBG Challenge League then.BTW, Shark Pool owned the FFA last year!and I am the reigning champ
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If I picked a team of message board guys it would be as follows:






Gridiron Assassin








That motley crew would p\/\/n the staff.
6 people from Survivor II. :thumbup: After having already been through the toughest league there could be, playing against staff would be like the Super Bowl winner scrimmaging a Division III school. :D
PuhleazzzzzeeeeClayton, Chase and myself would have mopped the floor with you.
Well since Survivor II has been mentioned...It is interesting to note that Boston Fred, GregR and I all mopped up the new footballguys: Aaron Rudnicki and Marc Levin.

Give me my choice of five others in Survivor II and we would MOP any six of the FBG...and I mean MOP. I saw the Survivor I draft, as a matter of fact I critiqued it...trust me FBG has a little bit of homework to do before they tangle with some of the top fellas on the messageboard.
We have "early exit" RIL, now, too.I wouldn't say y'all mopped up Aaron considering he made the final 5, and it was the DRAFT that was tough, the play was the luck of the way the year went. I can't recall another draft I was involved in where the talent level simply eroded in 24 picks - one minute I'm looking at a nice three- receiver rotation, the next minute my best option is Todd Piinkston in the 7th round!

If I picked a team of message board guys it would be as follows:






Gridiron Assassin








That motley crew would p\/\/n the staff.
6 people from Survivor II. :thumbup: After having already been through the toughest league there could be, playing against staff would be like the Super Bowl winner scrimmaging a Division III school. :D
PuhleazzzzzeeeeClayton, Chase and myself would have mopped the floor with you.
Those guys, yes. But isn't the champ conspicuously absent from that list?
i haven't read this thread and dont care to, but the staff here only knows how ban people, i doubt they have any real ff acumen, and use random bannings as a sort of message board kool-aid. :rant:
Chemical Flex rules :cX:
I would like to put a vote in for Eastbay Funk & Tick. Tick has been very active in dishing out critiques in the Assistant Manager and Eastbay Funk despite his love of Reggie Williams over Roy Williams is usually right on target.

Here is an Idea, not sure if it could work, but i would like to see it happen:12 Staff vs 12 Highly Touted MB vs 12 MB that normaly would not be given a shot Instead of two leagues with 6 each there could be three leagues with 4 each. I think the Staff would be suprised how well me and 11 other MBers that are not highly known will do. -So the ball is in your court staff, I volunteer to lead the team of rookie MBers in the quest for greatness.Not sure how the money prizes would break down, but I what if the 3rd group of people could not win prizes, prizes would be limited to the Staff and top MBers, but what the third group would win is respect on the boards, if they did well in the league. *Just an Idea! *Give the little people a chance*-This third group of people could include 6 little known people and 6 people that are well known in the Free For All boards-
IMO, this is a great idea.
Any one else think this is a good idea, so far Preds and I are down for representing the little people, anyone else?
If the Captain is from the FFA, wouldn't it be 12 staff against 1 MB then after the Captain picks his 11 aliases?

Here is an Idea, not sure if it could work, but i would like to see it happen:

12 Staff vs 12 Highly Touted MB vs 12 MB that normaly would not be given a shot

Instead of two leagues with 6 each there could be three leagues with 4 each.

I think the Staff would be suprised how well me and 11 other MBers that are not highly known will do.


Not sure how the money prizes would break down, but I what if the 3rd group of people could not win prizes, prizes would be limited to the Staff and top MBers, but what the third group would win is respect on the boards, if they did well in the league.
Good idea if it's workable.
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I would like to put a vote in for Eastbay Funk & Tick. Tick has been very active in dishing out critiques in the Assistant Manager and Eastbay Funk despite his love of Reggie Williams over Roy Williams is usually right on target.
If I picked a team of message board guys it would be as follows:






Gridiron Assassin








That motley crew would p\/\/n the staff.
How quickly some forget Survivor II - lots of your names were entered, but I don't think any of them won. Refresh my memory. I do remember the guy who did win was a FF dynamo - pulling one spectacular pick after another. Quite a snazzy dresser to boot. Who was that again?
His name was gatorman, although he one the first one with a lot of guys saying oh ##### after every one of his picks..as for last year f U james stewart (in multiple leagues)

Unluckycj purplehaze67 all would do well.As for me, I'll just continue to beat the FBG staff guys in No Mercy. I've yet to lose to one there.
Thanks for the support, Kleck. Doubt I'll end up making the cut, but we will see how it goes. Please don't hurt me again in NM this year, willya? :D
Here is an Idea, not sure if it could work, but i would like to see it happen:

12 Staff vs 12 Highly Touted MB vs 12 MB that normaly would not be given a shot

Instead of two leagues with 6 each there could be three leagues with 4 each.

I think the Staff would be suprised how well me and 11 other MBers that are not highly known will do.


Not sure how the money prizes would break down, but I what if the 3rd group of people could not win prizes, prizes would be limited to the Staff and top MBers, but what the third group would win is respect on the boards, if they did well in the league.
Good idea if it's workable.
So fatness, Preds, and I would like to see this put into action, any of the staff care to comment if this could happen, or are we just wasting our breath?
This is so overwhelming. Gosh. Thanks SO much for the invitation in this historic event. Thanks you for giving me the opportunity to thank you as well. First off I would like to thank God for making this all possible. Thanks Homie :points to the sky: Next I would like to thank my parents, for believing in me. When I was a little boy you recognized my passion and guided me. I love you guys. I would like to thank my dog ELI for licking my face when I was down. And helping me pick myself up off the ground.I would like to thank, Bob Marley for giving the Inspiration to Get Up, Stand Up, and the Beastie Boys for the teaching me how to Fight for my right to Parrrrrrrrte'. I would like to thank Zippy for giving me inspiration to post. Joe Bryant for showing off his fro'd out avatar. Dodds for support my $1 at a time dream. jplver for the cornhole pics. Joe T for unitentional comedy at its finest. I would like to thank Ken Maxwell for figuring me out. I will still deliver flying mustard seed slap to you and to All FBG Staff. Wood for ending CHEERS. Shuke for his knack for naming different kinds of meats on a stick. I would like to thank Mr. Pickels for being a wize ### and abcking it up. MacArtist for just being herself. Kilgore trout for :smellsbloodinthewater: Posty for his passion for America's past time. Go GIANTS. JZilla for uh, not sure. Smoo for helping realize that I never want to go to Canada, eh. Hipple, Gagliano for being Tough as Nails. General Malaise for hours of "who flung poo" fun. Oh- I'm running out of time. Real quick - To all the other FBG guys and staff I have forgotten. Thanks so much. tgunz - your my boy. And lastly I would like to thank the FBG's. Not only for helping through the mid-day duldrums but for giving me the opportunity to thank you. So thank you, and thank you for giving me the opportunity to thank you, as well. Thank you and God Bless :pointstosky: (WTYM) gll peas

If I picked a team of message board guys it would be as follows:






Gridiron Assassin








That motley crew would p\/\/n the staff.
How quickly some forget Survivor II - lots of your names were entered, but I don't think any of them won. Refresh my memory. I do remember the guy who did win was a FF dynamo - pulling one spectacular pick after another. Quite a snazzy dresser to boot. Who was that again?
I hope that you guys keep scoring all teams throughout the whole season, even after the team is eliminated. Last year I would have liked to be able to see how teams did in total points vs where they were eliminated, but once a team was knocked out they weren't scored at all.And all trash talking aside, I still say Survivor II was a coin flip, the draft was so tight. I can't imagine this draft ending up any different.Well, wait, except for the league Maxwell is in. There should be plenty of extra value to be had in that draft. ;)

Here is an Idea, not sure if it could work, but i would like to see it happen:

12 Staff vs 12 Highly Touted MB vs 12 MB that normaly would not be given a shot

Instead of two leagues with 6 each there could be three leagues with 4 each.

I think the Staff would be suprised how well me and 11 other MBers that are not highly known will do.


Not sure how the money prizes would break down, but I what if the 3rd group of people could not win prizes, prizes would be limited to the Staff and top MBers, but what the third group would win is respect on the boards, if they did well in the league.
Good idea if it's workable.
So fatness, Preds, and I would like to see this put into action, any of the staff care to comment if this could happen, or are we just wasting our breath?
let's face it. This thing needs to be a 3-way.FBG Staff (soon to be 3rd place)Shark Pool (renamed guppies after taking 2nd)FFA (it will be VERY sweet to win this thing)Make it so.
In all seriousness...I vote for Twilight. He's run the MBSL's for the past couple of years...and those were based off of the FBG Survivor leagues. So he know which of us have finished in the top 4 for each year :D Twilight in 2004!

I would like to nominate George Jefferson!!!! :excited:

"With the 3rd overall pick, i, George Jefferson, will select Cleveland RB, William Green."

Just kidding :D

I throw a vote in for Eastbayfunk as captain.

Also, this team would be incomplete withOUT one Burning Sensation!!!

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If I picked a team of message board guys it would be as follows:






Gridiron Assassin








That motley crew would p\/\/n the staff.
How quickly some forget Survivor II - lots of your names were entered, but I don't think any of them won. Refresh my memory. I do remember the guy who did win was a FF dynamo - pulling one spectacular pick after another. Quite a snazzy dresser to boot. Who was that again?
His name was gatorman, although he one the first one with a lot of guys saying oh ##### after every one of his picks..as for last year f U james stewart (in multiple leagues)
Oh, you mean that little prelim thingy from 2002? Yeah, I think you might have won that one - but who was really trying then? The 2003 version was the true test of FF skill, and those results are what really matter today...

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