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Game Thread Monday Night--Miami vs San Diego (1 Viewer)

Dave Dodson

Will Ricky finally get loose this season?Will Boston explode on Monday night?Will LT2 showcase his prime time skills on prime time TV?Let's go!

Easy to score with that field position. What's up with the hometeam in AZ wearing dark? I know the sun's not out...but still...

Impressive that they got the Charger logo stenciled into the endzone. I was expecting to see ASU.

Damn! I need over 25 points at least from the Dolphins D to win, and scoring a couple defensive TDs there would've REALLY helped. Instead, just two INTs.

Although I realized this before tonight's game, it still gives me that sickly feeling watching Ricky and thinking what a fool I was to pass up Priest in the draft to grab rasta man. :yucky:

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I'm surprised to see that there is a full stadium there, but what do you expect with free admission? Word probably got around Tempe pretty quick.

That last screen pass that Brees threw out of bounds should have been intentional grounding...he was out of the tackle box, but the ball never passed the line of scrimmage! Yes, I have Miami -6 tonight, but still, rules are rules! :P

That last screen pass that Brees threw out of bounds should have been intentional grounding...he was out of the tackle box, but the ball never passed the line of scrimmage! Yes, I have Miami -6 tonight, but still, rules are rules! :P
He had a WR there...threw it over his head so didn't matter if it didn't go past the line...
If Marty called that "play" on the field goal, I retract my previous statement of him being an idiot for calling a TO to kick a FG. Genius move!

in Madden video game football, when the QB gets to the 5th pick, he used to say its time to take him out. After a third early INT, I suspect we're gonna see Flutie before the nite is done.

Easy TD to a WR with 2 steps on the defender on a slant. I am hoping to see Flutie ASAP.

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well with the Dolphins dominating like this, maybe they will throw it to Boston regularly in the second half. Fingers crossed.

Griese worth a pickup. :thumbup:
Before this game he was. Probably won't be worth much next week. Let's see if the Fins give him another chance against a better team next week. :rolleyes:
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Griese worth a pickup. :thumbup:
Maybe on general principle, but it's hard to get excited about any Qb's performance against SD. Even Byron Leftwich lit them up, and he'd throw three picks if eleven of us lined up against him.
Griese worth a pickup. :thumbup:
Jay Fiedler = Wally PippAnybody else think that Fiedler has lost his starting job? Griese has total command of that offense right now, and his throws have been perfect. I guess he just needed to get out of Elway's wake.Flutie has just gotta be going nuts on the sideline. Three picks in the first half for Brees? You know the little general is just dying to get in there. :cool:
Do the Pats play the Chargers??With the way they are playing, it would be a good game to pad the stats.
Nope.Chargers last games:mad: ChicagoMinnesota@ DenverCincinattiKansas City (Can't wait for that one)@ DetroitGreen Bay@ PittsburghOakland
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I liked the halftime interview with the Commish. I was riveted and on the edge of my seat the entire time as Paul dropped bombshell after bombshell. Madden was even at a loss for words. He didn't say a single thing!

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Not to say that Brees is good (lord knows THAT would be a hard case to make), but the play calling for the Chargers makes it a LOT harder on him than need be. LT on 1st down, LT on 2nd down, 3rd and long; repeat until the Bolts are down by at least 3 touchdowns. Is there any possibility that the Phins might be guessing there is a pass coming on 3rd down. Good grief, let him throw down field on a play action pass on 1st down every once in while! Hell, it might even help LT out if the opposing team didn't KNOW that he was going to get the ball every time on 1st down and about 95% of the time on 2nd down as long as the game is in doubt.


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