Some of this is familiar to me, as is the overall "I keep going downhill" trend and trying to deal with it.brohans i really appreciate the nice words i guess now i feel embarassed because my post comes across as whoa is me and i didnt intend to do that more i was looking for advice from others who have dealt with bodies just flat breaking down and how the deal but all the same i am really humbled by all of the kind words i mean it thanks gang anyhow so they think a disc did something at a level they have already operated on to be specific l45 or l5s1 and now it is impacting the nerve root on the right side which is funny because everything for years has been left sided anyhow i let my guys know i am out for our end of year fishing trip in the driftless which stinks but the trout will be there come spring i go back for a complete mri of my hips and then one of my lumbar spine on thursday so basically i am single handedly keeping the greater milwaukee brewtown medical industry afloat anyhow reading these this morning sort of did exactly what you guys tried to do and picked me up and i appreciate it take that to the bank brohans
2019 -- in an instant I completely lost my natural sense of balance. After that I had to hang onto things or at least touch a wall or furniture to be sure I was steady. No tests ever revealed a cause. Obviously I had to re-learn how to walk again, using sensory stuff instead of relying on an internal gyroscope that was lying to me. My brain would be screaming "lean left, you're gonna fall, lean left now" when my eyes and feet told me I was OK. So I was gradually doing that but...
...Learning to walk again has gotten interrupted a million times. My legs started swelling which made walking harder, and just to make it more fun I started losing feeling in my legs. I changed blood pressure medications which let the swelling gradually go down. I got numerous tests done, among them being an MRI of my lower spine, and when I reviewed the results with the neurologist I could not see how I had any ability at all to move my legs. My spinal cord was just squashed, in the L4 - L5 -S1 area. Saw a neurosurgeon quickly who said I needed surgery ASAP. Got the results reviewed by a second neurosurgeon who agreed, got all the pre-op tests you have to get to prove to them that you won't die during surgery, and finally had spinal fusion on 8/15/22. They removed parts of 3 vertebrae, removed part of some discs, and bolted my 3 vertebrae together since they might be too weak after surgery to support me. I would have been in a wheelchair in 1-3 months had I not had surgery.
Since then it's been dealing with random nerve pains (some of which left me screaming in pain) , physical therapy, getting injured twice during physical therapy, severe hip pain requiring an injection, muscle atrophy and weakness in both legs, severe knee pain requiring an injection, failed attempts at walking as far as I used to, getting "graduated" from physical therapy, and trying to treat myself at home with just an elliptical machine and a treadmill.
I miss fishing really bad. I fished a whole lot for 25 years or so from shorelines or while wading, walked where I shouldn't walk, and did most of it with one dog, and then after she died with another dog. I can no longer fish. And I can no longer be a dog owner living up to how I think a dog should be treated -- taking them places and doing stuff with them. I'm not optimistic about how things will go for me, but on the other hand it's been a bunch of years of bad mobility and I've only had 2 mornings where my first thought, literally, was "I don't want to be awake today", and I just left those thoughts sit there and didn't feed them. And I'm still trying. Not succeeding much, but trying.
Your post isn't "woe is me". It's a man dealing with some serious problems that can unexpectedly define his life. Take every test seriously, and every test result, and review them with more than 1 person if you're in doubt. MRI's see so much more than X-rays do, and you need to sit down with a doctor who will slide by slide review them so you understand what your situation is. And if you think it's necessary review them with with a second doctor.
You're a good man going through a tough situation with no guarantee of success. I wish you the best. Keep doing the best you can do.
*blows out* Please don't respond in the thread about me or my health. Please. This is @SWC 's topic.