Downside to Behind the Scenes / Night tour is I am working until 3pm, changing, then we are getting on the ferry at 4:45 and not coming back until 9:30. Not really time for dinner aside from a quick street food grab before the ferry. Guessing it's BYOFood on the island. I have to be up at 5am the next Morning so a 10:00-midnight dinner is not an option.
Boston area born and raised.... lived in Memphis the last 20yrs or so. However I travel pretty extensively so favor lots of different cuisines (Cajun/Creole, french, Japanese, thai, Vietnamese, Cuban, etc.). I love good seafood as well, but understand it will be exhorbitantly priced in SF area.
Yeah.... We will have been traveling for 7.5hrs with a considerable amount of baggage (have some work #### too), so navigating the unwashed masses on public transport then lugging several bags through a half mile guantlet of city pedestrians isn't worth the $10 to me. Assuming Uber of Lyft picks up at SFO that will be the play.