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Help snip and clip a feral colony (1 Viewer)

I'd contribute for a Shotgun Fund to exterminate the vermin.
I remember when you hit and killed an owl with your car, and it was stuck in your car grill or something like that. You took pictures of it, and then went to an owl website full of owl lovers and purposely antagonized them, and you thought it was funny. You have a mean side to you, dude.
Impressive notebook.

1) Hitting the owl was complete and total accident. Not sure how you could intentionally hit a bird with a moving vehicle :lol:

2) I didn't antagonize them... I was asking for assistance in identifying it as it was somewhat mangled.

I think people take themselves too seriously sometimes. :shrug: It's life... nobody's getting out alive. Let's shake loose a bit and have some fun with it.
I know you didn't hit the owl on purpose, but you loved the fact you were upsetting the people at the owl site. You kept reporting back in the FFA about how upset you were making them, and you made fun of them, and you went back for more. The thought it was funny. I thought it was mean. :shrug:

I'd contribute for a Shotgun Fund to exterminate the vermin.
I remember when you hit and killed an owl with your car, and it was stuck in your car grill or something like that. You took pictures of it, and then went to an owl website full of owl lovers and purposely antagonized them, and you thought it was funny. You have a mean side to you, dude.
Impressive notebook.

1) Hitting the owl was complete and total accident. Not sure how you could intentionally hit a bird with a moving vehicle :lol:

2) I didn't antagonize them... I was asking for assistance in identifying it as it was somewhat mangled.

I think people take themselves too seriously sometimes. :shrug: It's life... nobody's getting out alive. Let's shake loose a bit and have some fun with it.
I know you didn't hit the owl on purpose, but you loved the fact you were upsetting the people at the owl site. You kept reporting back in the FFA about how upset you were making them, and you made fun of them, and you went back for more. The thought it was funny. I thought it was mean. :shrug:

krista4 said:
I forgot to tell you when we messaged earlier about my avatar, but Fuzzy was an indirect result of TNR. We were helping a restaurant owner in Memphis that had a feral colony, and our first night when we showed up to put the traps out, we noticed a new cat that no one had ever seen. Well, he wasn't exactly feral, as he literally jumped in our car when we opened the door. Once he came home with us, we didn't let him go.
I always wondered where your avi came from. Cute cat.
Thanks. :) I had told myself that if the Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup last year, I would change from my Blackhawks-related avatar. Sadly I used this one because the little guy had just died very young (4-5 years old), but I'm going to change it to something else early next month. Didn't want it forever but was my small way of dealing with the loss.

Do you know how many birds they kill each week?
This is no schtick.


Fine, I understand having a pet. And they kill birds, but there is a reason why people have pets, and I think those reasons are valid.

But feral cats??? Doesn't anybody care about thousands, even millions of birds?
1 billion birds die each year following collisions with buildings. Say yes to suburban sprawl and say no to bird genocide.
Bs. Cats >>>>>Birds. Birds are largely annoying. I'd rather hang out with cats. Both eat tons of bugs and grubs and #### too.

Time for an update. The mass trappings were this past weekend, and I think it went very well. The total of all ferals caught, spayed, and neutered over the last month 1/2 is 33. Based on doing a head count of the cats during that time, I think we got them all. Some of the cats that have been there over the past year have disappeared. There is also 5 that were already fixed, so that makes 38 accounted for. If I do spot any I missed, I will get them eventually.

Thanks again to all of you that helped me accomplish my goal of getting this colony spayed and neutered. It makes me really happy, and although the colony hates my guts right now for catnapping them briefly, they will be happier too. :heart:

Time for an update. The mass trappings were this past weekend, and I think it went very well. The total of all ferals caught, spayed, and neutered over the last month 1/2 is 33. Based on doing a head count of the cats during that time, I think we got them all. Some of the cats that have been there over the past year have disappeared. There is also 5 that were already fixed, so that makes 38 accounted for. If I do spot any I missed, I will get them eventually.

Thanks again to all of you that helped me accomplish my goal of getting this colony spayed and neutered. It makes me really happy, and although the colony hates my guts right now for catnapping them briefly, they will be happier too. :heart:
Good work!! And they will get over hating you...maybe. Lol :thumbup:

Five of the cats refused to go in a regular trap. A vet at the SPCA loaned me her Drop Trap incase I needed it. Two weeks prior to the mass trappings I let them get use to it being around where they eat. I would put food under it, and many eventually started going under it to eat. I caught those 5 holdouts using the Drop Trap early in the morning and during the evening over the weekend. The last holdout did not want to go under the Drop Trap, but he was so hungry. I sat in my car about 25 feet from the Drop Trap with my window down so i could pull the string if he went under the trap, and he would get closer, and then stop and stare at me. He kept changing his mind, and he would run away, and then come back again, and get closer, and stare at me some more. He did this for three hours. He finally decided to go under the trap once he saw his buddy underneath it eating, and nothing bad was happening to her. I pulled that string, and both of the cats went bonkers in the trap. I threw a sheet over it to try and calm them down. One of them I had already had spayed last month, but I had to drop it on her too in order to get him. I was able to separate him from her, and get him in the smaller regular trap, and I let her go. She is mad at me again.

There are still two at the FCPA, which is the place that fixed them. I was supposed to pick them up late this afternoon, but they called and said they would like to keep them another day. One is a female siamese (named Flash), and she has thin tissue around her uterus lining, and they are scared she will bleed if she is too active. A male tuxedo (named Chubster) has some battle wounds, and they are giving him antibiotics. I'm now supposed to get them late afternoon tomorrow. If the weather is real bad, they can spend the night in my garage, and I'll release them the next morning. My nephews have names for most of the cats.

I'm glad it went well, and those of you that helped me out helped to make it all possible. Even those that didn't help out monetary wise, but gave positive support, I appreciate that too. From me and the cats to all of you, :thanks:

Thanks for the update! Those of us who donated appreciate it, but your hard work and long hours spent trapping far outweigh our monetary efforts! Good job!!! :thumbup:

Did you use a raccoon trap? long square shaped box with a pressure plate at the closed end that closes the door behind the cat/raccoon when they get down there. We used one to "rescue" our current cat- worked great with some stanky cat food at one end to lure them in.

El Floppo said:
Did you use a raccoon trap? long square shaped box with a pressure plate at the closed end that closes the door behind the cat/raccoon when they get down there. We used one to "rescue" our current cat- worked great with some stanky cat food at one end to lure them in.
Yes, those were the traps used. I put a little bit of bait near the inside front of the traps just to get them interested, and a cat that was altered a few years ago kept going halfway in the traps, and eating the front bait. He is a big orange tabby we call Jerry. He is the only cat that will let me pet him, and it has to be on the head only. This is Jerry.

Five of the cats refused to go in a regular trap. A vet at the SPCA loaned me her Drop Trap incase I needed it. Two weeks prior to the mass trappings I let them get use to it being around where they eat. I would put food under it, and many eventually started going under it to eat. I caught those 5 holdouts using the Drop Trap early in the morning and during the evening over the weekend. The last holdout did not want to go under the Drop Trap, but he was so hungry. I sat in my car about 25 feet from the Drop Trap with my window down so i could pull the string if he went under the trap, and he would get closer, and then stop and stare at me. He kept changing his mind, and he would run away, and then come back again, and get closer, and stare at me some more. He did this for three hours. He finally decided to go under the trap once he saw his buddy underneath it eating, and nothing bad was happening to her. I pulled that string, and both of the cats went bonkers in the trap. I threw a sheet over it to try and calm them down. One of them I had already had spayed last month, but I had to drop it on her too in order to get him. I was able to separate him from her, and get him in the smaller regular trap, and I let her go. She is mad at me again.

There are still two at the FCPA, which is the place that fixed them. I was supposed to pick them up late this afternoon, but they called and said they would like to keep them another day. One is a female siamese (named Flash), and she has thin tissue around her uterus lining, and they are scared she will bleed if she is too active. A male tuxedo (named Chubster) has some battle wounds, and they are giving him antibiotics. I'm now supposed to get them late afternoon tomorrow. If the weather is real bad, they can spend the night in my garage, and I'll release them the next morning. My nephews have names for most of the cats.

I'm glad it went well, and those of you that helped me out helped to make it all possible. Even those that didn't help out monetary wise, but gave positive support, I appreciate that too. From me and the cats to all of you, :thanks:
Well done,, my friend. :lol: I'm picturing you with camo & burnt cork on your face, maybe pretending to read a newspaper whenever he looks at you and "Mission Impossible" playing in the background.

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