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How much do you care about an Entertainer's personal views? (1 Viewer)

How much do you care about an Entertainer's personal views?

  • I don't care at all about their views.

    Votes: 81 68.6%
  • I care a little about their views.

    Votes: 30 25.4%
  • I care a good bit about their views.

    Votes: 6 5.1%
  • I care a lot about their views.

    Votes: 1 0.8%

  • Total voters
first part... yeah, sure. for the most part, hinging on the scale of how disgusting/deplorable I think of what they said and tbh how much I like their art.

somebody mentioned Beck... always been a fan, and will continue to enjoy the music I've listened to over the years. but finding out he's a scientologist has swayed me a little bit away from his recent music (recent in terms of post-finding out he's a whackadoodle). I don't find myself as eager to search it out and listen to it... which is likely a result of learning that bit of news. but if it sounds good when I do, I'll still listen to it.

and I don't the question was whether they should or do occupy a higher more important plane of existence. they obviously do.*

eta* pm shuke for details
@shuke is busy sifting through young coconut emails at this time


I don't pay attention to any of that stuff. I know whats going on generally but not sure I could tell you any "views" of people I enjoy.

I still watch Cosby, Spacey movies the whole gammit.

They can be disgusting indviduals that are good actors.  I also dont care about my athletes being scumbags :shrug:

But I don't really pay attention to them anyway.  I'm not looking at anyone of them to be role models for my kids.

My daughter won a Ben Roethlesberger poster at school a long time ago.  She has no idea about his past.   

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I don't pay attention to any of that stuff. I know whats going on generally but not sure I could tell you any "views" of people I enjoy.

I still watch Cosby, Spacey movies the whole gammit.

They can be disgusting indviduals that are good actors.  I also dont care about my athletes being scumbags :shrug:

But I don't really pay attention to them anyway.  I'm not looking at anyone of them to be role models for my kids.

My daughter won a Ben Roethlesberger poster at school a long time ago.  She has no idea about his past.   
What if Roethlisberger killed a baby.

If you don't care about their views, then why are you consuming their art?  The results are bizarre to me.

I get not caring about the views of folks in pure entertainment like blockbuster movies and such, but I care very much about the views of most artists I enjoy. The alternative seems so empty.
Are you putting musicians in with "artists?"  I hardly ever care about what the lyrics actually are in a song.  I care about how the singer sounds, and the melody., etc., but the actual message of the song usually doesn't resonate (explicit exceptions of course).  I can't tell you how many times I've sung along to a song a thousand times before I realized what the words were actually saying. :shrug:  

A little.

Most of the time, never. But once in awhile someone says or does something so insufferable you notice.

I find it pretty ironic that the people on Facebook that are the most outspoken about celebrities expressing their political views are the same people that flood Facebook with their political views non-stop.

I'm not a big enough fan of any celebrity to be bothered by their political opinions.

Then again, I suppose I might be more likely to buy a Ted Nugent CD if he wasn't a draft dodging child molester.

for the most part, I don't care and I wouldn't go out of my way to find out.  But I can't see that it doesn't affect me a little.  I do think about it if there is something by Cosby, Woody Allen, Polanski and it probably would influence me if I choosing among multiple things.  I find Allen difficult because of the subject matter of a few of the films with older men lusting after young women, even though I do like Annie Hall.  Just feels a bit creepy.

true, although I would think that there would be plenty of anti-establishment overlap to bride the gap.
True,I love this wikipedia description of their lyrics/politics:

"...sloganeering leftist rants against corporate America, cultural imperialism, and government oppression into a Molotov cocktail of punk, hip-hop, and thrash." Their lack of want for authority often relates to anarchism.

I said I don’t care because I made an assumption that the question really is do I care enough to not watch them.  I somewhat care because those views impact people but I don’t care enough to actually not watch them.

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A little bit?

For example, Harvey Weinstein is a scumbag, and I like Inglorious Basterds. Do I have to dislike the film because of what he did? 

Like I said: I’m likely to separate the art from the artist. 
No effing way is a producer an artist


I don't pay attention to any of that stuff. I know whats going on generally but not sure I could tell you any "views" of people I enjoy.

I still watch Cosby, Spacey movies the whole gammit.

They can be disgusting indviduals that are good actors.  I also dont care about my athletes being scumbags :shrug:

But I don't really pay attention to them anyway.  I'm not looking at anyone of them to be role models for my kids.

My daughter won a Ben Roethlesberger poster at school a long time ago.  She has no idea about his past.   
Most golf fans really care about their athletes being scumbags.  My FIL's judged every golfer on how nice he seemed.  If he heard a rumor of bad tipping or stiffing a kid on an autograph, that pro was dead to him.  

There have been rare instances where I find it difficult to separate a performer from their views.  In those rare instances I will avoid supporting that person with my dollars.  Even more rare is my non-support stance being so strong that I would seek to impose that on others in social situations. While I may avoid an entertainer, if my wife really wants to see something I will put my distaste aside to accommodate the wishes of someone I love. 
This is where I am I guess. The only person who I truly loathe is Jane Fonda. I simply cannot separate or forgive her for her Vietnam activity. She has a show that my wife watches and really enjoys. My wife has tried repeatedly to talk me into watching, and I just can't do it, but I don't try to dissuade her from watching.

I voted that I care a little.  Usually I don't care, but there are two exceptions.  One is if I perceive their views to be harmful to the public.  Jenny McCarthy is a good example of this, and I became very anti-Oprah when she kept giving her a voice many years ago.  The other is if I find their views offensive.

I'm not a big enough fan of any celebrity to be bothered by their political opinions.

Then again, I suppose I might be more likely to buy a Ted Nugent CD if he wasn't a draft dodging child molester.
First sentence is where I’m at. I don’t care about someone’s views as long as they’re not hurting anyone / anything. 

I have a harder time reconciling my appreciation of someone’s work after you find out what actions they have committed that makes them terrible people. I haven’t watched these movies recently, but can I still enjoy The Usual Suspects or LA Confidential because Spacey is a rapist?  I suppose there’s enough art to keep moving to different and new things, but I still have a copy of those on my dvd rack. 

bigmarc27 said:

I have a harder time reconciling my appreciation of someone’s work after you find out what actions they have committed that makes them terrible people. I haven’t watched these movies recently, but can I still enjoy The Usual Suspects or LA Confidential because Spacey is a rapist?
I am less bothered by personal opinions than by who you are as a person. I don't care if a musician is conservative or liberal politically, but if that musician is an unapologetic draft dodger and underage-girl-molester who refers to elected officials with violent imagery and frequently espouses racial rhetoric, then I'm going to be much less interested in following your career.

As for actors like Kevin Spacey, I can still enjoy a movie like "The Usual Suspects" because it was a collaborative effort and I can focus on appreciating the art that was created by everyone else but him. But I don't have much interest in watching "American Beauty" or "Beyond The Sea" or other movies where Spacey's talent drives the film.

Can't watch or support Mel Gibson projects anymore. Which is a shame because he was a great actor and has been in lots of great films.

I really don't care.  Just don't preach to me.  I paid money to see you do something else.  Like sing, act, play a sport, whatever.  Saw Ted Nugent once and the endless NRA commercials were a total turn off.  He was the opening act and I almost walked out.

Gr00vus said:
I don't know that these guys are good comparisons. They've all performed as musicians as well as producers.
ANd Harvey Weinstein not exactly known for his on screen acumen....

Brony said:
Most golf fans really care about their athletes being scumbags.  My FIL's judged every golfer on how nice he seemed.  If he heard a rumor of bad tipping or stiffing a kid on an autograph, that pro was dead to him.  
some truth here... maybe I care a little.... maybe I won't root for a guy but I won't stop watching the team if that makes sense

Keith R said:
Actors/actresses - not at all

Singers/bands -a little to more than a little, depending how overt they are in their music
I think this is a good point. If someone is injecting their politics into their art, I generally don't care for it, whether it's on the Right or Left. If it's addressing social issues and doing it in a good way that is meant to enlighten, I can be onboard, but if it's simply to harass/mock/dehumize people with opposing viewpoints, then I'm out.

I don’t care too much about their personal views, but I do care if they aren’t tolerant of other views that might not align with their views. 

I can't see depriving myself of something I like just because I don't agree with the viewpoint of some of the people involved in the project.

It's like letting them win.


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