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Hurricane Florence - Now with better spelling (1 Viewer)

Hunting for gas right now. My town is on empty
Good luck man! My parents thought about making the 10 hour drive down to their beach house to board up,but decided if it hits as a cat 4 with a big surge, it won't matter anyway and they would have serious trouble getting gas to get back.

I'm in SC, but north of Greenville.  Still worried about winds and the amount of rain we'll be getting.    

Talked to a guy today who owns two homes on Oak Island.  He didn't even bother to go board up, just said they won't exist in a couple of days.

obviously i know lots of people with beach property.  i am particularly worried for my friends at bald head island and holden beach.  i suspect those properties may not be around after this one.  

obviously i know lots of people with beach property.  i am particularly worried for my friends at bald head island and holden beach.  i suspect those properties may not be around after this one.  
Bald Head was evacuated right? Can’t imagine the rebuild process there having to bring all materials over by ferry. 


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