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I reached my daily limit of likes? WTH? (1 Viewer)

Anybody have any idea why I can't see who liked particular posts? I can't find any setting that's doing it.

It took me a long time to realize everyone else was seeing something I'm not, but I noticed it when I happened to be temporarily logged in with a different username.

Anybody have any idea why I can't see who liked particular posts? I can't find any setting that's doing it.

It took me a long time to realize everyone else was seeing something I'm not, but I noticed it when I happened to be temporarily logged in with a different username.
Wait... you have a different username? Is that allowed?

Anybody have any idea why I can't see who liked particular posts? I can't find any setting that's doing it.

It took me a long time to realize everyone else was seeing something I'm not, but I noticed it when I happened to be temporarily logged in with a different username.


Nobody likes your posts, that's why you can't see them.



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