Just about maintenance free from my experience. The salt water goes through a cell where the Sodium is released from the chlorine (NaCL) due to electrical current which puts free chlorine in the pool. Eventually the Sodium and Chlroine find happiness and get together again in the pool so you don't have to keep adding. Sweet spot is around 3300 PPM but I keep mine anywhere between 3000-3600.Why a salt water pool? I know nothing of these
You'll end up having circuit board issues and cell issues along the way, but I have an outside non-screened pool in central Florida and other than a bag of salt here and there, I do almost nothing to the pool year round other than a little vacuuming here and there. In the 12 years I've had the pool, I've probably spent $1000 total in parts and cells for replacement, but I do all the work myself and troubleshoot so it keeps costs down. I did replace the pump before necessary to take advantage of better efficiency. Also did that myself.