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Is this a treasonous act? (1 Viewer)


In the comments it was mentioned how this guy was nowhere to be found the day of these treasonous acts. EDIT: I guess in fact he opened the door for the protestors.

That is exactly what Trump did on January 6th. He got in his car and drove in the opposite direction of the Capital. There are four hundred plus people awaiting criminal charges for what transpired on that awful day--Trump is not one of them, and he has not lifted a finger to help a single person. 

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Yeah I'm not sure I'm comfortable with this. I'm not sure if this is treason or not, though.
Thanks.  That’s basically where I’m at with it (though I probably fall more to being sure I’m not comfortable with it) and why I’m asking the group.  

It's not a crime to say that someone else's door is unlocked.

It might be a crime, however, to unlock that door, open it, and invite criminals inside.

This guy let people in, he had no idea want Antifa was going to do. Stop with this crap. 
Hey slow down. I was asking (nicely I might add) for your opinion. I’m willing to listen hence the reason for my asking. I didn’t attack you or your views.  

So a few questions about your statement. In your first post you said he only gave info.  That doesn’t appear to be the case. And prior to letting these people in he laid out a plan, one that included them texting him when they got they and what door they were at, so he could let them in. Do you find that odd or problematic? Also where do you get ANTIFA from?  

Some very interesting Twitter responses on your link:

George Takei


In August, I’ll be reinstated as Helmsman of The Enterprise. What? That’s what they’re saying in the chat rooms. So it must be true, no?

Anthony Scaramucci


Trump is not our President. And never will be again.

Nikki Fried


Elected Republicans will do whatever harm it takes to stay in power. But we have the numbers to save our democracy. All we have to do is vote.


Mr. Sulu, The Mooch and my gal Nikki know what's goin' on. You bet your biscuits that was treasonous.

Hey slow down. I was asking (nicely I might add) for your opinion. I’m willing to listen hence the reason for my asking. I didn’t attack you or your views.  

So a few questions about your statement. In your first post you said he only gave info.  That doesn’t appear to be the case. And prior to letting these people in he laid out a plan, one that included them texting him when they got they and what door they were at, so he could let them in. Do you find that odd or problematic? Also where do you get ANTIFA from?  
Why try to reason with the 3 monkeys? Hear no evil. See no evil. Speak no evil.

"Intentionally betraying one's allegiance by levying war against the government or giving aid or comfort to its enemies"

Personally, I believe that being a member of ANTIFA is treason.

This guy let people in, he had no idea want Antifa was going to do. Stop with this crap. 
I have you on ignore for obvious reasons but feel compelled to call you out - I reported you and I’m tagging @FBG Moderatorhere.  You and the other trolling aliases have basically ruined the PSF.  What exactly is your problem - why do you get off on lying and trolling?  As you so insecure in the political group you affiliate with that you have to make stuff up or is this just some big joke to you?

To the mod who shows up - feel free to hide this, give me a TO, whatever - there’s little point showing up to the PSF when this guy, Noonan and several others troll the threads to get replies and folks attempt to engage them in conversation - it’s pointless.  

How about QAnon?
Tell me the difference between the two.

I know that one has been rioting in the streets and burning things down for 4 years.....to what end?
I know that the other believes that there is a "dark state" that is truly running things.....to what end?

I know that QANON has some (not all) really bizarre theories...but what is the goal of each?

I know that one of them is against the other side....while the other, is against the U.S. as a whole.

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Tell me the difference between the two.

I know that one has been rioting in the streets and burning things down for 4 years.....to what end?
I know that the other believes that there is a "dark state" that is truly running things.....to what end?

Exactly what are the goals of each group?
I have no idea. I only follow the Rays.

I don't have the brainpower to make sense out of the video this morning and I'm not really familiar with the law around treason...but if he let people in to the capital and instructed people on the inner workings of the capital security, etc...I'd like to see him in prison. 

I have you on ignore for obvious reasons but feel compelled to call you out - I reported you and I’m tagging @FBG Moderatorhere.  You and the other trolling aliases have basically ruined the PSF.  What exactly is your problem - why do you get off on lying and trolling?  As you so insecure in the political group you affiliate with that you have to make stuff up or is this just some big joke to you?

To the mod who shows up - feel free to hide this, give me a TO, whatever - there’s little point showing up to the PSF when this guy, Noonan and several others troll the threads to get replies and folks attempt to engage them in conversation - it’s pointless.  
Thanks!  Now do @dozer, @squistion and @sho nuff!

My point being that if you're going to be consistent, you shouldn't just report trolls that aren't on your side of the aisle.  You either want all the trolls out, or none of them.  There is no middle ground.  What's it going to be?

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Thanks.  That’s basically where I’m at with it (though I probably fall more to being sure I’m not comfortable with it) and why I’m asking the group.  
I FEEL like it's NOT treason, but is certainly something seedy and malicious.  I'm not even sure what he did was even criminal in the eyes of the law.  Seems to be a gray area here.

I have you on ignore for obvious reasons but feel compelled to call you out - I reported you and I’m tagging @FBG Moderatorhere.  You and the other trolling aliases have basically ruined the PSF.  What exactly is your problem - why do you get off on lying and trolling?  As you so insecure in the political group you affiliate with that you have to make stuff up or is this just some big joke to you?

To the mod who shows up - feel free to hide this, give me a TO, whatever - there’s little point showing up to the PSF when this guy, Noonan and several others troll the threads to get replies and folks attempt to engage them in conversation - it’s pointless.  

Not sure whats in the water but it seems the past month has been bad (more bad than the normal bad lol).  Honestly, there are probably less than 10 posters that I look forward to reading and most of them seem to be taking a break / posting less.

Treason is tricky.  

But I definitely think there's a very strong case for insurrection which is clearly outlined in title 18 of the U.S. Code:

"Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

Treason on the other hand:

"Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

I think the enemy part is key here.  I always think of Treason in terms of double crossing/betraying one's country.  I don't think there are any "enemies of the United States"  in this case.  He helped American citizens.  We're walking a very slipper, dangerous slope if U.S. Citizens are going to be defined/viewed as enemies of the U.S.

Not sure what falls under treason, but this dude should have already faced prosecution for opening the door for those people.  The video clearly shows it was intentional.  Now with this evidence to add to the conspiracy, how is this guy not in jail?

Not sure what falls under treason, but this dude should have already faced prosecution for opening the door for those people.  The video clearly shows it was intentional.  Now with this evidence to add to the conspiracy, how is this guy not in jail?
Yeah, I mean if he helped someone breach the building then at the very least he's complicit or an accomplice in breaking and entering.

Treason on the other hand:

"Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

I think the enemy part is key here.  I always think of Treason in terms of double crossing/betraying one's country.  I don't think there are any "enemies of the United States"  in this case.  He helped American citizens.  We're walking a very slipper, dangerous slope if U.S. Citizens are going to be defined/viewed as enemies of the U.S.
I read the definition of, "intentionally betraying one's allegiance by levying war against the government or giving aid or comfort to its enemies."

The question is...is any administration considered to be "the U.S.A."?
My allegiance is to the United States.
I hold no allegiance to any political party.

Besides being a hero to history, would a German who assassinated Hitler be treasonous to Germany...or to the Nazi Party...or both?
(not comparing anyone to Hitler...just saying)

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I have you on ignore for obvious reasons but feel compelled to call you out - I reported you and I’m tagging @FBG Moderatorhere.  You and the other trolling aliases have basically ruined the PSF.  What exactly is your problem - why do you get off on lying and trolling?  As you so insecure in the political group you affiliate with that you have to make stuff up or is this just some big joke to you?

To the mod who shows up - feel free to hide this, give me a TO, whatever - there’s little point showing up to the PSF when this guy, Noonan and several others troll the threads to get replies and folks attempt to engage them in conversation - it’s pointless.  
This,imo, seems like an overreaction and slanted in one direction . The aliases are clearly a two way street

This,imo, seems like an overreaction and slanted in one direction . The aliases are clearly a two way street
You very well could be right - I honestly don’t know but the threads are unreadable right now.  There are some left leaning posters that have shown up recently that don’t seem to have been around much or at all and all they do is argue and maybe troll too.  I’m very liberal (pun intended) with my ignore list and if it was skipping by hidden posts then no big deal.  But 75% of the replies are to people I have on ignore.

"Intentionally betraying one's allegiance by levying war against the government or giving aid or comfort to its enemies"

Personally, I believe that being a member of ANTIFA is treason.
Thank you. Now how about the video I posted?

I wouldn’t call that treason, but he should be locked up for putting the lives of those officers in danger.

Also, this guy...

Is a total wackadoo

perfectly represents today’s GOP.

I recall when this happened. Crazy, first of all, it’s just way over the top anti-democracy behavior. Is it treason? I don’t know the law well enough. This is a state issue, no? 

I read the definition of, "intentionally betraying one's allegiance by levying war against the government or giving aid or comfort to its enemies."

The question is...is any administration considered to be "the U.S.A."?
My allegiance is to the United States.
I hold no allegiance to any political party.

Besides being a hero to history, would a German who assassinated Hitler be treasonous to Germany...or to the Nazi Party...or both?
(not comparing anyone to Hitler...just saying)
These are great questions Opie and basically the reason for my posting this topic.  I’m struggling with clearly defining it. Obviously if you helped ISIS or the like it’s pretty clear, but if your helping other Americans in their attempt to over throw the government (be it local or national) it feels like that gets far more murky. 

I recall when this happened. Crazy, first of all, it’s just way over the top anti-democracy behavior. Is it treason? I don’t know the law well enough. This is a state issue, no? 
That’s what I find so fascinating. If the people he had let in had allegiance to Al-Qaeda or Isis or Canada then it’s a no brainer right.  But because they have different beliefs it’s not?  Or is it because they’re American citizens? And if that’s the case then there’s no treasonous acts when partnering with other Americans?  

@rockaction For some reason I get the feeling you have some insight to my OP.  Thanks

Hey, dkp993, I really don't have any insight into what constitutes treason or imprisonment for insurrection.

If ever there was an "aiding and abetting" charge that went along with insurrection, this would surely fall under it. Conspiracy to commit insurrection, maybe. I don't know. I passed the bar in NY, but would not know this information. A constitutional lawyer or federal prosecutor would be your best bet to have an inkling about it.

I am sure as heck uncomfortable with what this sounds like (haven't watched the video). Sounds like an instruction manual. Kind of like the Anarchist's Cookbook used to be considered verboten and only disreputable places sold it. We shouldn't take treason or insurrection lightly at all. One wonders: Exactly what way of life is threatened by Democrats? Is it the right to a pious life? To a "freer" one? Why not meet at the table and see if we can't hash things out?

Political violence and civic unrest that is based on division with two factions disrupts a whole lot of lives that can't afford to be disrupted. Unless one is demonstrably oppressing the other, the violence and division almost always seems senseless in retrospect, and almost always, in my limited historical knowledge, we wind up with citizens that have much less freedom and governments that are less transparent and workable (not to mention more authoritarian) than the ones operating before the unrest and division.

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Hey, dkp993, I really don't have any insight into what constitutes treason or imprisonment for insurrection.

If ever there was an "aiding and abetting" charge that went along with insurrection, this would surely fall under it. Conspiracy to commit insurrection, maybe. I don't know. I passed the bar in NY, but would not know this information. A constitutional lawyer or federal prosecutor would be your best bet to have an inkling about it.

I am sure as heck uncomfortable with what this sounds like (haven't watched the video). Sounds like an instruction manual. Kind of like the Anarchist's Cookbook used to be considered verboten and only disreputable places sold it. We shouldn't take treason or insurrection lightly at all. One wonders: Exactly what way of life is threatened by Democrats? Is it the right to a pious life? To a "freer" one? Why not meet at the table and see if we can't hash things out?

Political violence and civic unrest that is based on division with two factions disrupts a whole lot of lives that can't afford to be disrupted. Unless one is demonstrably oppressing the other, the violence and division almost always seems senseless in retrospect, and almost always, in my limited historical knowledge, we wind up with citizens that have much less freedom and governments that are less transparent and workable (not to mention more authoritarian) than the ones operating before the unrest and division.
You should watch the video...

”Security camera footage showed Nearman exit the building through a door with protesters visible just outside and leave the door open long enough for them to enter. Some managed to enter an outer vestibule, where they confronted and pepper-sprayed police but were ultimately turned away.”


You should watch the video...

”Security camera footage showed Nearman exit the building through a door with protesters visible just outside and leave the door open long enough for them to enter. Some managed to enter an outer vestibule, where they confronted and pepper-sprayed police but were ultimately turned away.”

Sounds odious. I'm really not sure what people thought they had to gain by all of this, that's for sure.

14 minutes ago, dozer said:
You should watch the video...

”Security camera footage showed Nearman exit the building through a door with protesters visible just outside and leave the door open long enough for them to enter. Some managed to enter an outer vestibule, where they confronted and pepper-sprayed police but were ultimately turned away.”

Sounds odious. I'm really not sure what people thought they had to gain by all of this, that's for sure.
Far more odious is the first part of the video is him meeting with them planning out how they were going to do it with him having plausible deniability.  The whole thing is rotten to its core.  


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