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Jay Foreman - what is up? (1 Viewer)

What has happened to this guy? Is there any news on where he will be next season?

Foreman was an overachiever in Houston in a scheme that favored him getting good stats. Depsite the stats, however, the team and others are not really impressed with is ability. Also keep in mind he went on IR last year for an ankle injury and IIRC it is coming along slow.The only rumor I have heard about him is the Bears who are looking for depth at LB. He might have a shot over Hillenmeyer at SLB but I doubt it.

ALAMEDA, Calif. (AP) -- The Oakland Raiders signed former Houston Texans linebacker Jay Foreman to a free-agent contract Thursday.

Foreman had 79 tackles last season despite missing five games with a sprained left ankle.

The Raiders were looking to beef up their linebacking corps after trading Napoleon Harris to Minnesota in a deal for Randy Moss in March.

Foreman came to Houston in a trade with Buffalo in 2002 and started for three seasons. He made a career-high 141 tackles in 2002 and had 135 the next season.

AP Story

OK, so what does this mean exactly. Will he play the middle? Will he start? I realize he's primarily a system guy so is this a good fit for him and if so, is he worth drafting late in a dynasty league? I start 4 LBs and currently have:


Mike Peterson

Antonio Pierce

Al Wilson

Cato June

Bench/Upside LBs:

Morlon Greenwood

Brad Kassell

Daryl Smith

What do y'all think?

Can the Foreman signing signal more time in the 3-4? Could the Morrison and Foreman moves signal a move outside for Danny Clark?Smells like 3-4 to me ... if not, real bad news for Travian Smith ...

Can the Foreman signing signal more time in the 3-4? Could the Morrison and Foreman moves signal a move outside for Danny Clark?

Smells like 3-4 to me ... if not, real bad news for Travian Smith ...
Definitely sounds like Clark and Foreman in the middle in a 3-4. Only other option is Clark slides back outside in a 4-3, which I've not heard about at all.Brayton and Burgess are bst suited as 4-3 ends, and Foreman is best suited for 3-4, so who the heck knows?

Solid signing by the Raiders. I think he'll compete with Kirk Morrison to be the primary backup to Danny Clark at MLB and will see some time at ILB when they go with a 3-4 front, but Foreman can also backup the OLB positions in a 4-3.I'd be surprised if they tried to go exclusively to a 3-4 front as it obviously didn't work very well for guys like Warren Sapp and Tyler Brayton last year.My best guess is that they want to able to use both to confuse offenses, but that the 4-3 will still be their base formation.

The Raiders are supposed to move back to a 4-3 almost exclusively this coming season. Personally I think Foreman is going to get a look at weakside LB and if he looks like a good fit then Oakland would slide Travian Smith to SSLB.


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