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Jets sign Buf C Trey Teague (1 Viewer)


Didn't see it mentioned - sorry if it is a HONDA

ESPN/Jet boards report that Jets signed Buffalo Center Trey Teague to a 2 yr deal - specifics weren't disclosed but it is reportedly for a reasonable contract.

Another solid move by team Tangini - with Dyson, Kassell and Teague they are covering all their "needs" so they can get the best available player instead of reaching as was common during the Badaway error....er era. Also weakens a division rival.

Should be an interesting Jet draft!

glll with him...he's not very good
From the reports I read and few Buffalo games I watched he seems to be a solid player - maybe not spectacular - but certainly a hold the fort guy who can do well while grooming a replacement. Now the JEts do not have to blow the 29th pick on Mangold - maybe see if Isslinger (sp?) drops.
glll with him...he's not very good
From the reports I read and few Buffalo games I watched he seems to be a solid player - maybe not spectacular - but certainly a hold the fort guy who can do well while grooming a replacement. Now the JEts do not have to blow the 29th pick on Mangold - maybe see if Isslinger (sp?) drops.
IMHO, he was very often the weakest link on a disappointing Buffalo offensive line
This is a good hold the fort kind of signing for the Jets. Kendall was plain awful at center last year, and it buys the new CS a year to see what they have in Katnik (the USC center in 2005) who they reportedly like a lot. Teague only got a two year contract. He also offers some depth at the other tackle positions.

I don't see Eslinger fitting into any "other than zone" blocking scheme in the NFL.... DeGory would be a nice mid-round pickup. I think drafting Mangold can be ruled out now.... but the Jets are still desperate for a run blocking RT. That is where they may burn one of their high picks.... 1.29 or 2.4.

I have to admit, I never paid much attention to Teague before now, so I don't have an original opinion on him.... just what I've read. On the up side.... it's an FA, and didn't cost the Jets a pick the way Cleveland's Faine would have.

glll with him...he's not very good
From the reports I read and few Buffalo games I watched he seems to be a solid player - maybe not spectacular - but certainly a hold the fort guy who can do well while grooming a replacement. Now the JEts do not have to blow the 29th pick on Mangold - maybe see if Isslinger (sp?) drops.
IMHO, he was very often the weakest link on a disappointing Buffalo offensive line
and that's why Denver got rid of him
I'm missing why everyone thinks this is a good signing. No one here has posted anything positive about Teague's ability. Would you be this happy about any C the Jets signed?

glll with him...he's not very good
From the reports I read and few Buffalo games I watched he seems to be a solid player - maybe not spectacular - but certainly a hold the fort guy who can do well while grooming a replacement. Now the JEts do not have to blow the 29th pick on Mangold - maybe see if Isslinger (sp?) drops.
IMHO, he was very often the weakest link on a disappointing Buffalo offensive line
Take it from 2 Bills homers...Teague signing with the Jets is even better for Buffalo than the Bills releasing Teague. :excited: :excited: :excited:
I'm missing why everyone thinks this is a good signing. No one here has posted anything positive about Teague's ability. Would you be this happy about any C the Jets signed?
The Jets didn't HAVE a center. Teague is an experienced vet, who has been a starter for years, so just that alone makes it a good signing. Like I said, all I know is what I've read.... and those reports are somewhat conflicting.... Aaron doesn't have a high opinion of him, and I'd tend to put more credence into his analysis than Pat Kirwan's. Kirwin thinks he's solid.... good pass blocker, sort of a meh run blocker. So, to answer the question, YES.... any veteran starting center is a good signing. It allows the Jets to develop Katnik, and maybe take another center they like on day two of the draft. Kendall had NO clue who to block as a center last year.... he almost got the fith Jets QB killed against Miami. This signing puts Kendall back at guard, where he is still pretty good. Teague is a hold the fort body.... the Jets are rebuilding, but they still have to put a team on the field. That makes it a good, cheap, two year contract signing.

Teague is consistently overpowered by stronger DTs. Since nearly every DT in the league is stronger than him, most will have their way with him. He's probably not the worst center in the league so he's an upgrade over what the Jets had (i.e., nothing), but I'm not at all sorry to see him gone from Buffalo.

He's put together some stretches where he was decent, and the Jets aren't going to be a contender anytime soon, so he should be enough to hold them over for a year or two. If you surround him with quality players, he won't stand out that much. Unfortunately, the Bills weren't really able to do that in the past few years.

There were some reports of people who liked Teague (I think Pasquarelli liked him), but I'd be worried about how long it took for him to sign. If he was any good, I think he would have been in more demand and likely found a job much sooner than now. Maybe the change to a new team will help him....I just wouldn't get too excited about this signing.

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I think he's a guy who can backup a few positions and he's insurance in case Mangold is gone....

Another good, cheap FA signing in a transition year.

From ESPN.com.

"He's intelligent, has good leadership skills and calls a good game. He is tall and has long arms. He is athletic and mobile. Has quick feet and shows good agility. He's at his best in space. He does a great job of helping his OG's in the running and passing games. However, Teague lacks ideal bulk and strength. He's at his best when uncovered. Will have trouble in matchups versus massive NT's. Is tall and has trouble staying low. Lacks ideal leg strength and base. Won't push the pile in the running game. Is more of a position-and-wall-off type. Lacks explosive upper body strength. Does not show explosive power in his initial punch. Gets pushed around too much by stronger DL that bull rush him in pass pro. Will get driven back into the QB occasionally vs. elite NT bull rushers."

I'm missing why everyone thinks this is a good signing. No one here has posted anything positive about Teague's ability. Would you be this happy about any C the Jets signed?
The Jets didn't HAVE a center.
That's what I said.... Kendall is NOT a center. Katnik appears to be a project for at least one year, unless he surprises. It's all relative.... I mean, if they made Ramsey play center, does that make him one?
I'm missing why everyone thinks this is a good signing. No one here has posted anything positive about Teague's ability. Would you be this happy about any C the Jets signed?
The Jets didn't HAVE a center.
That's what I said.... Kendall is NOT a center. Katnik appears to be a project for at least one year, unless he surprises. It's all relative.... I mean, if they made Ramsey play center, does that make him one?
Teague is a turnstile.
Again.What it does is give the Jets some insurance when it comes to the draft depending on who falls to them and where.....

I'd think they still go OL heavy in the draft and a guy like Teague is good cuz he can fill in at a number of different positions and he has experience reading and calling the signals...

He's a good, Cheap signing in a transition year and a good guy to help teach some of the younger guys.

I'm with Rovers - I think they should skip over Brick and go after a Good Run Blocking RT - Hopefully add Mangold as well and what you have is a good combination of youth and Vets and the begining of an OL forming, again in a transition year - Then next year you analyze it and hopefully only need to upgrade 1 spot while continuing to add depth.

No One's here talking like the Jet OL problems are solved and we need to rush over to the Best OL thread to preach about the great new Jets Center....

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why not Brick AND Mangold?
I had this opinion and I talked to Rovers as well and both of us feel that Jones is much better suited to be a LT as is Brick.... Both guys are good Pass Blockers and below average Run Blockers - Both guys were smaller and are packing on weight.... We both feel the Jets need a bigger, stronger run blocking RT.So, drafting Brick may cause a problem with the Jets still needing a RT.

Plus that's the spot where we get SUPER MARIO (see avatar) ;)

why not Brick AND Mangold?
That does little to nothing in re-establishing the running game. How about a QB, Whitworth and Gilles? Or Mario Williams and two run blocking O linemen? When was the last time the Jets could punch one in on short and Goal? Lotsa fade passes.... no physical presence on the O line at all. Ferguson just doesn't improve the running game.
I'll I know is that Ty Warren absolutely abused Teague in both games last year whenever he was lined up against him. It wasn't pretty.


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