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League Disagreement (1 Viewer)


Had a disagreement with my LM and wanted to know if I'm being petty or is he in the wrong?

Our we limit is set to 5 and I have Christian Wattson on my ir this week and I can'tadd him since hes ineligible. I also have 3 wr on bye week 10 and I cant have a full lineup since its a 3 wr league.

Because of these reasons I asked LM if we could have a league poll to have the limit removed to which he agreed. I then established with him that I would drop someone to make space for the ir player (I was going to do this anyway since I can't trade or make waiver moves) A couple hours after this he goes on a rant saying I was stashing wrs that I picked up on the waivers and that there wasnt a league vote anymore, I had until Saturday and he would make a decision for me on who to drop.Yet the two receivers I picked up since the start of the season I had in my starting lineup last week.

Now Im kind of just holding the player on IR until Saturday out of spite because I feel like hes going on a power trip. If he forcefully drops any of my players Im definitely quitting the league
First off, changing positional limits part way into the season should never happen. Teams will plan for that and draft accordingly so doing it now is not right to everyone. This shouldn't even have gone to vote.

Now as far as what actually happened, I cannot decipher your post. You picked up two extra WR's after the league vote? Did you have more than the 5 WR original limit at some point? I am not really sure what is happening.
First off, changing positional limits part way into the season should never happen. Teams will plan for that and draft accordingly so doing it now is not right to everyone. This shouldn't even have gone to vote.

Now as far as what actually happened, I cannot decipher your post. You picked up two extra WR's after the league vote? Did you have more than the 5 WR original limit at some point? I am not really sure what is happening.
He picked up two WR off the waiver wire earlier in the season. They are both on bye as is another WR. His 4th WR is ineligible, maybe. He can't play 3 WRs this week unless he drops some of his other players. He doesn't want to do that so he is asking that the league vote to change the rules.
a) Rules about how many of each position you can roster are dumb -- other than you have to have enough of each to field a legal lineup. Let people build their rosters the way they want to.

b) Rules should not be changed in midseason.

c) Your writing style makes it difficult to discern what else is going on here exactly.
also, why is watson still on IR? he should have been a mandatory add last week.
I picked up Nico Collins last week and started him insteas of activating Watson. I felt like the other wrs I had on my roster were undroppable
This is a rule that should be addressed after the season. Once Watson is cleared to play, you should have to decide on him. Right now you are stashing players.
While I agree that roster limits on position is dumb, if the limit is 5 and 3 of yours are on a bye the same week, that is on you for not planning well. Like others have said, changing the rules in the middle of the season SHOULD NOT be done.
First off, changing positional limits part way into the season should never happen. Teams will plan for that and draft accordingly so doing it now is not right to everyone. This shouldn't even have gone to vote.

There may be a remedy to you, but this shouldn't be it.
also, why is watson still on IR? he should have been a mandatory add last week.
I picked up Nico Collins last week and started him insteas of activating Watson. I felt like the other wrs I had on my roster were undroppable
It sounds like you very likely violated a rule with the bold. You should have had to activate Watson (unless your league had some length of time on IR requirement - but based on the way you make it sound like you have a choice that doesn't sounds like the case).
also, why is watson still on IR? he should have been a mandatory add last week.
I picked up Nico Collins last week and started him insteas of activating Watson. I felt like the other wrs I had on my roster were undroppable
It sounds like you very likely violated a rule with the bold. You should have had to activate Watson (unless your league had some length of time on IR requirement - but based on the way you make it sound like you have a choice that doesn't sounds like the case).
In the platforms I’ve played on, you can normally leave players in an ir slot even if they are technically ineligible, but you will have no ability to add or drop anyone until you reconcile that.

it seems like this guy is trying to stash him and add more players to skirt the IR rule and change the positional limits because of poor planning. I think this guys picture is in the dictionary next to the word chutzpah
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also, why is watson still on IR? he should have been a mandatory add last week.
I picked up Nico Collins last week and started him insteas of activating Watson. I felt like the other wrs I had on my roster were undroppable
It sounds like you very likely violated a rule with the bold. You should have had to activate Watson (unless your league had some length of time on IR requirement - but based on the way you make it sound like you have a choice that doesn't sounds like the case).
In the platforms I’ve played on, you can normally leave players in an ir slot even if they are technically ineligible, but you will have no ability to add or drop anyone until you reconcile that.

it seems like this guy is trying to stash him and add more players to skirt the IR rule and change the positional limits because of poor planning. I think this guys picture is in the dictionary next to the word chutzpah
Right, you can do that on Yahoo. Unfortunately, it sounds like our OP/hero is trying to skirt this rule.
also, why is watson still on IR? he should have been a mandatory add last week.
I picked up Nico Collins last week and started him insteas of activating Watson. I felt like the other wrs I had on my roster were undroppable
It sounds like you very likely violated a rule with the bold. You should have had to activate Watson (unless your league had some length of time on IR requirement - but based on the way you make it sound like you have a choice that doesn't sounds like the case).
In the platforms I’ve played on, you can normally leave players in an ir slot even if they are technically ineligible, but you will have no ability to add or drop anyone until you reconcile that.

it seems like this guy is trying to stash him and add more players to skirt the IR rule and change the positional limits because of poor planning. I think this guys picture is in the dictionary next to the word chutzpah
Not at all, I was going to drop someone and activate him before waiver claims today as I lost the poll anyways until LM said he would forcefully remove one of my players. I'm not really sure how stashing an ineligible player would be beneficial towards me in any way asbI cant make trade offers or waiver claims
How the hell can you remove the position limit in the middle of the season just because you can’t cover a bye? Or really for any reason.
A year ago we had a vote that changed rb limit like 3/4 quarters through the season. The league is fine with it so why not 🤷
I would try a poll to change the draft. Maybe change how you generate points. Just keep changing rules. Sounds like a sweet league.
A year ago we had a vote that changed rb limit like 3/4 quarters through the season. The league is fine with it so why not 🤷
Just because the league did a stupid thing last year doesn't mean it should do a stupid thing this year.

And, if you are over the limit of WR's then just drop one and move on.
also, why is watson still on IR? he should have been a mandatory add last week.
I picked up Nico Collins last week and started him insteas of activating Watson. I felt like the other wrs I had on my roster were undroppable
It sounds like you very likely violated a rule with the bold. You should have had to activate Watson (unless your league had some length of time on IR requirement - but based on the way you make it sound like you have a choice that doesn't sounds like the case).
In the platforms I’ve played on, you can normally leave players in an ir slot even if they are technically ineligible, but you will have no ability to add or drop anyone until you reconcile that.

it seems like this guy is trying to stash him and add more players to skirt the IR rule and change the positional limits because of poor planning. I think this guys picture is in the dictionary next to the word chutzpah
Not at all, I was going to drop someone and activate him before waiver claims today as I lost the poll anyways until LM said he would forcefully remove one of my players. I'm not really sure how stashing an ineligible player would be beneficial towards me in any way asbI cant make trade offers or waiver claims
Why would the commish be choosing which wr to drop from your team in the first place?
we’re living in a society. you can’t just flaunt the rules because they are inconvenient. this really hits home for me and i am deeply offended by the actions taken in response to this malfeasance. essentially, i need to see league roosters to make a better determination. if you venmo me $50 however, i would take your side.
we’re living in a society. you can’t just flaunt the rules because they are inconvenient. this really hits home for me and i am deeply offended by the actions taken in response to this malfeasance. essentially, i need to see league roosters to make a better determination. if you venmo me $50 however, i would take your side.
take it up with your commish Hoss
While I agree that roster limits on position is dumb, if the limit is 5 and 3 of yours are on a bye the same week, that is on you for not planning well. Like others have said, changing the rules in the middle of the season SHOULD NOT be done.
Having a start 3 wr with position limit of 5 seems like a bad combination.
It is. But, as previously iterated above, you can't change this rule midseason but the smarter owners very much factored this into their respective drafts and they should be rewarded for doing so.
we’re living in a society. you can’t just flaunt the rules because they are inconvenient. this really hits home for me and i am deeply offended by the actions taken in response to this malfeasance. essentially, i need to see league roosters to make a better determination. if you venmo me $50 however, i would take your side.
this isn't 'nam, chem, there are rules.
If I was commish and someone asked for a rule change midseason because they did not plan things right, and then put up drama and threatened to leave the league, I’d be happy to see them go and probably send them this.
Lots of non-serious replies in here so I'll try to be nice and help you out.

If the league manger does as he says he will and drops one of your players on Saturday I would absolutely quit the league.

And then go we, we, we, all the way home.
also, why is watson still on IR? he should have been a mandatory add last week.
I picked up Nico Collins last week and started him insteas of activating Watson. I felt like the other wrs I had on my roster were undroppable
This is why we can't have nice IRs.

If I was commish and someone asked for a rule change midseason because they did not plan things right, and then put up drama and threatened to leave the league, I’d be happy to see them go and probably send them this.
There is no drama with the rule change at all it is what it is. The drama starts when he said he would forcefully remove one of my players. Whats the point of me being the owner of the team if hes making the decision?

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