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Liberal Intolerance (2 Viewers)

I'm certainly not laughing at the election results or the voters for Hillary that lost.   I did chuckle though on election night about just how wrong the establishment pundits on both sides were.  Disappointed now at the mostly paid protests by the left.   News Alert:  Election is over.  Now lets get the border secure for terrorist reasons, reduce or eliminate our involvement in wars, pass a budget,  control the debt, & if our trade agreements are really detrimental to us, get them changed.  Social issues will/should settle themselves & quit calling conservative white people racists. 

I didn't cry on election night, but I was terribly disheartened. It's over now though. You guys won. You've won everything. You're in charge. And yet you're still whining about the left. The left can't do ####. It's up to you guys now. Good luck.
Oh come on. You cried. We won't think less of you if you admit it.

With the Supreme Court justices he choses, yes eventually Row Vs Wade will get overturned. I am personally against this.

But all that means is each STATE instead of the Federal Government will make abortion decisions. 

Jeebus learn something. Abortion bans are only concerning the Federal Government not the states.
It has been in place for decades with a conservative controlled court. It will not be overturned. 

Dear God, I hope he's just saying this to not immediately piss off the religious republicans. I don't care if he says "it goes to the states", it shouldn't even be a discussion.  

I understand the argument about federal funding for planned parenthood and extremely late term abortions, but yes, you shouldn't go back on a 43yo abortion law. 
That law isn't getting overturned. Supreme Court Justices do NOT take precedent lightly, regardless of their political leanings. 

It's the same thing with the 2nd Amendment, it's not getting abolished. 

As someone pointed out above - Roe has been law for 43 years and has survived conservative leaning courts. That isn't changing in our lifetimes. 

Roe ain't getting overturned. He replaces Scalia with another Scalia. He'll have to make 2 more replacements for it even to be a possibility and I still doubt it happens. 

But- states like Texas will continue to make abortions more difficult and the SC won't stop it as I think they should. 

someone should tell beavs about Trump's comment....I was met with a "talk to the hand" sort of comment when I suggested he'd probably leave gay marriage alone.  I like a good rant as much as anyone, so I just let her go.

Naw I just think hypocrisy is pretty funny. That is why this is getting the traction it is. All of the deplorables were going to flip out, and now the irony is tasty. 
To a certain extent I agree with you. But there is a small difference- the deplorables were going to freak out because Trump told them that the results, if he had lost, were illegitimate. That is very dangerous for a free society, IMO. Those protesting now (mostly spontaneous from what I can see though you're right that some is organized) are doing so mainly because they don't like Trump's stated views on a variety of issues. That is very healthy for a free society, IMO. 

Roe ain't getting overturned. He replaces Scalia with another Scalia. He'll have to make 2 more replacements for it even to be a possibility and I still doubt it happens. 

But- states like Texas will continue to make abortions more difficult and the SC won't stop it as I think they should. 
I will tell you this Tim. If I thought it was even remotely possible I would not have voted for Trump. It is a red herring designed to scare little snowflake girls. 

Things not getting overturned. Womens right to vote, slavery, internment camps, abortion, gay marriage, prohibition. 

If President Trump gets these things overturned I will join you. 

To a certain extent I agree with you. But there is a small difference- the deplorables were going to freak out because Trump told them that the results, if he had lost, were illegitimate. That is very dangerous for a free society, IMO. Those protesting now (mostly spontaneous from what I can see though you're right that some is organized) are doing so mainly because they don't like Trump's stated views on a variety of issues. That is very healthy for a free society, IMO. 
Lots out there playing the "but she won the popular vote" shtick.  That's not all that different at the "illegitimacy" shtick if you're looking at it objectively.  

Lots out there playing the "but she won the popular vote" shtick.  That's not all that different at the "illegitimacy" shtick if you're looking at it objectively.  
Not a lot are doing this. And certainly not Hillary herself. Most of the protest aim seeing is centered around Trump's statements as a candidate. 

I will tell you this Tim. If I thought it was even remotely possible I would not have voted for Trump. It is a red herring designed to scare little snowflake girls. 

Things not getting overturned. Womens right to vote, slavery, internment camps, abortion, gay marriage, prohibition. 

If President Trump gets these things overturned I will join you. 
And if Trump turns out to be a good and effective President I will join you. 

There were louder mouths than Tim saying Repubs would never win a national election again. SHIFTING DEMOGRAPHICS!!!!!
I've been one of those louder mouths because I've regularly made that same argument.  It didn't play out that way this election, but it may still play out that way going forward given that the demographic groups that vote heavily in favor of the Democrats are growing (Hispanics, Asians, Arabs, etc.) while the only demographic group that votes heavily in favor of the Republicans (non-Hispanic whites) is declining.

Voting patterns can change, but I'm not optimistic that they'll change dramatically.

Lots out there playing the "but she won the popular vote" shtick.  That's not all that different at the "illegitimacy" shtick if you're looking at it objectively.  
Not a lot are doing this. And certainly not Hillary herself. Most of the protest aim seeing is centered around Trump's statements as a candidate. 
Guess it's just around here and around me IRL....consider yourself lucky

Guess it's just around here and around me IRL....consider yourself lucky
Well let me be clear on my end: if anyone thinks Trump won this election illegitimately they're being foolish and wrong, and it's dangerous for the nation if this idea becomes wide spread. Period, end of story. 

The protests are being funded by Soros.  He is paying people $15/hour to yell "#### the Police" in the very parts of the country that likely voted 3-1 for Clinton.  and the media (who is also funded heavily or owned by Soros) says nothing.    

Screw this guy.  Bannon named as an advisor fits right into the narrative to diminish (or arrest) Soros for inciting riots.  

I posted the petition in the Trump thread.  It's up to 4.3 million signatures.
Continuing the "participation trophy" theme - these are also the kids that get to take tests over and over again until they pass.

Maybe the next election will be open book?

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The protests are being funded by Soros.  He is paying people $15/hour to yell "#### the Police" in the very parts of the country that likely voted 3-1 for Clinton.  and the media (who is also funded heavily or owned by Soros) says nothing.    

Screw this guy.  Bannon named as an advisor fits right into the narrative to diminish (or arrest) Soros for inciting riots.  
The Russian Times news segment regarding Soros as a major funder of the anti-Trump protests we have seen and are continuing to see:


The protests are being funded by Soros.  He is paying people $15/hour to yell "#### the Police" in the very parts of the country that likely voted 3-1 for Clinton.  and the media (who is also funded heavily or owned by Soros) says nothing.    

Screw this guy.  Bannon named as an advisor fits right into the narrative to diminish (or arrest) Soros for inciting riots.  
1. What evidence do you have that George Soros is paying anyone? 

2. What media does George Soros own or fund heavily? And what is your evidence for this? 

Continuing the "participation trophy" theme - these are also the kids that get to take tests over and over again until they pass.

Maybe the next election will be open book?
Taking this one step further...does anyone really believe that these "safe spaces" and having kids use canyons to fight thru adversity is not a complete and utter embarrassment...I mean seriously, you think this will lead to a well-rounded adult...anyone who believes this should be drummed right out of the education field...

Taking this one step further...does anyone really believe that these "safe spaces" and having kids use canyons to fight thru adversity is not a complete and utter embarrassment...I mean seriously, you think this will lead to a well-rounded adult...anyone who believes this should be drummed right out of the education field...
How are these people going to get and keep a job? 

1. What evidence do you have that George Soros is paying anyone? 

2. What media does George Soros own or fund heavily? And what is your evidence for this? 

You were too lazy to read WikiLeaks, so I doubt you want the truth here either.  These would be a good start.





For a guy who follows politics I find it odd Timmy didn't know this...it is common knowledge...I guess that is what happens when you rely on The New York Times to get your news...

I read all these, and your subsequent post. I can't find anything in there that directly relates Soros to paying the protestors apart from the claims of those writing these articles. Maybe I missed it. Can you show, explicitly, facts that display Soros paying these people to protest?

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I read all these, and your subsequent post. I can't find anything in there that directly relates Soros to paying the protestors apart from the claims of those writing these articles. Maybe I missed it. Can you show, explicitly, facts that display Soros paying these people to protest?

I read all these, and your subsequent post. I can't find anything in there that directly relates Soros to paying the protestors apart from the claims of those writing these articles. Maybe I missed it. Can you show, explicitly, facts that display Soros paying these people to protest?

MoveOn.org is organizing all of these protests.  Soros is a huge backer of this organization.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MoveOn.org (See Financial section). 

The first link and the 4th link are to the same article; the 2nd and 3rd link are pretty angry opinion pieces. 

But I don't see any evidence here that Soros is paying anybody, and I don't see any evidence here that he owns the media. What media does he own exactly? What newspaper or TV station? 

Roe ain't getting overturned. He replaces Scalia with another Scalia. He'll have to make 2 more replacements for it even to be a possibility and I still doubt it happens. 

But- states like Texas will continue to make abortions more difficult and the SC won't stop it as I think they should. 
I don't know, man.  I wouldn't be so cavalier. The SC has been chipping away at Roe for the last 3 or 4 opinions.  And even if it isn't an outright overturn, there are still some ways that the SC can be extremely harmful to reproductive rights, including abortion rights. Lots of judges out there never liked the reasoning underlying Roe.  It's not so sacred. 

I'm actually more interested in the charge that Soros owns the media, because this sort of charge continually shows up in anti-Semitic material. If an FBG administrator is going to repeat it here I would really like to see some evidence. 

Whether Soros or someone else, paying people to protest (and bussing them to the city of choice) is lame to say the least.  When it turns bad, it should be prosecuted as inciting a riot:


Especially when the media goes out of their way to cover it.  

I lie this footage of the busses:  http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-11-13/blocks-anti-trump-protest-buses-caught-tape

Fake protests don't deserve media coverage.  Especially when this same media completely ignored the real protests outside of the DNC.

I'm actually more interested in the charge that Soros owns the media, because this sort of charge continually shows up in anti-Semitic material. If an FBG administrator is going to repeat it here I would really like to see some evidence. 
oh god, please slow down. 

Right,  the media that gave Trump billions of free advertising and preserved reportial balance to drive a horse race in the campaign, is going sit back now and not report the protests.

I'm actually more interested in the charge that Soros owns the media, because this sort of charge continually shows up in anti-Semitic material. If an FBG administrator is going to repeat it here I would really like to see some evidence. 

Anti-Soros does not equal Anti-Semetic.  Anti-Globalist does not equal Anti-Semetic.  

I like this Soros clip on 60 minutes. 


and of course Hillary got a bunch of money from this guy.  #### him and his fake protests. 

Anti-Soros does not equal Anti-Semetic.  Anti-Globalist does not equal Anti-Semetic.  

I like this Soros clip on 60 minutes. 


and of course Hillary got a bunch of money from this guy.  #### him and his fake protests. 
No you're correct. None of that equals antisemitism. 

But when you accuse a Jewish billionaire of "owning the media" that's when it comes close to antisemitism. You made that claim; I'm asking you to back it up with some kind of evidence, please. 

That article doesn't claim he owns or controls anything. 

OK I am going to drop it. You believe what you want to believe. If you want to believe that George Soros owns the media I'm not going to change your mind. 
Everyone believes this.......but you of course.


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