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MFL Dsicount for 2024? (2 Viewers)


Hello, just wondering if there wikk be a discount still. I ckick the link from FBG homepage under "more" and "get the nost out of your subscription" but that just take to MFL create a new league. I tried to then just go to my current league but no discount showed.

MFL just said they are raising prices 1 April so wanted to pay and lock un best price with FBG discount.

Thanks for any help.
An MFL Commissioner here, just updated my league and got this message:

The price of a league is increasing this season, but you can beat the price increase by purchasing your league early. The price of a regular league will increase by $10 next month. Note that the early bird discounts are still available, so you can save $10 if you purchase by August 1, and save $20 if you purchase by June 10th. Best of all, you can save $30 right now and lock in last year's pricing if you purchase your league by April 7th! Click here for full pricing information.

Hope that helps.
Hi Folks.

There have been some changes with MFL and we're looking to see there if they'll still be able to offer the discount as they have in the past. Hope to have an answer by end of next week.
Mike replied to my mfl ticket saying "Thanks for touching base. The FBG discount is no longer available..."
I hope Joe has some positive discussions over the next 2-3 days or I can see a 100+ leagues leaving MFL.
I think MFL has a new owner but the price point with increases has finally reached the tipping point IMO

fingers crossed
Just for background I've been on mfl for 20+ years but now have to ask my 10+ leagues to vote/move to sleeper either for 2024 or 2025
I'm paying $79.95 with early MFL payment for one league and $69.95 for two more for having extra leagues. I suspect that will increase by $10 next year, but because I paid early I'm paying the same as last year for 2024. I think they have been pretty good with their pricing over the years and one can only expect a small increase from time to time.
Hello, just wondering if there wikk be a discount still. I ckick the link from FBG homepage under "more" and "get the nost out of your subscription" but that just take to MFL create a new league. I tried to then just go to my current league but no discount showed.

MFL just said they are raising prices 1 April so wanted to pay and lock un best price with FBG discount.

Thanks for any help.
I'm SHOCKED. I thought last year, and the year before that, and the year before that... were 1-offs.
I'm paying $79.95 with early MFL payment for one league and $69.95 for two more for having extra leagues. I suspect that will increase by $10 next year, but because I paid early I'm paying the same as last year for 2024. I think they have been pretty good with their pricing over the years and one can only expect a small increase from time to time.
Especially considering CBS is $150. They will give it to your for $99 if you ask and threaten to move your league, but just saying, $80 isn’t bad.
Just for background I've been on mfl for 20+ years but now have to ask my 10+ leagues to vote/move to sleeper either for 2024 or 2025
We’re already decided to do that - i.e., switch from MFL to Sleeper this year. Which is a big thing for us having also been on MFL for over 20 years and having that much historical data.

Nothing against MFL, as I think their customer service has been very good over the years. It’s just that after having started another league this year on Sleeper, it’s much sleeker/more modern and the interface is superior. The cost difference doesn’t hurt either, although that’s secondary to us.
Just for background I've been on mfl for 20+ years but now have to ask my 10+ leagues to vote/move to sleeper either for 2024 or 2025
We’re already decided to do that - i.e., switch from MFL to Sleeper this year. Which is a big thing for us having also been on MFL for over 20 years and having that much historical data.

Nothing against MFL, as I think their customer service has been very good over the years. It’s just that after having started another league this year on Sleeper, it’s much sleeker/more modern and the interface is superior. The cost difference doesn’t hurt either, although that’s secondary to us.
I’ll probably stay on MFL until I die……..or until I don’t. They better not start to get ridiculous with rate increases, I would leave in a heartbeat.
Didn't want to move to sleeper until we did.

I'm sorry, but for the amount their charging, you can't have a UI as hideous and user-unfriendly as that.

Anyways, sleeper works perfectly fine, we had zero complaints. We'll do our first draft on it in a few weeks tho, we'll see how it goes
Didn't want to move to sleeper until we did.

I'm sorry, but for the amount their charging, you can't have a UI as hideous and user-unfriendly as that.

Anyways, sleeper works perfectly fine, we had zero complaints. We'll do our first draft on it in a few weeks tho, we'll see how it goes
As a commissioner, if the price is right I prefer familiarity. I can’t stress that enough.
Didn't want to move to sleeper until we did.

I'm sorry, but for the amount their charging, you can't have a UI as hideous and user-unfriendly as that.

Anyways, sleeper works perfectly fine, we had zero complaints. We'll do our first draft on it in a few weeks tho, we'll see how it goes

There are league formats that you can't do anywhere but MFL.
Didn't want to move to sleeper until we did.

I'm sorry, but for the amount their charging, you can't have a UI as hideous and user-unfriendly as that.

Anyways, sleeper works perfectly fine, we had zero complaints. We'll do our first draft on it in a few weeks tho, we'll see how it goes
As a commissioner, if the price is right I prefer familiarity. I can’t stress that enough.
I thought the same until I used sleeper this year - you’d be surprised how easy it is to adapt.
Didn't want to move to sleeper until we did.

I'm sorry, but for the amount their charging, you can't have a UI as hideous and user-unfriendly as that.

Anyways, sleeper works perfectly fine, we had zero complaints. We'll do our first draft on it in a few weeks tho, we'll see how it goes
As a commissioner, if the price is right I prefer familiarity. I can’t stress that enough.
I thought the same until I used sleeper this year - you’d be surprised how easy it is to adapt.
I don’t see the point as long as MFL is reasonably priced. As a commissioner, familiarity is more important to me. More important than “the look”. Now if someone else wants to take over I’m fine with it. I don’t see a lot to be gained.
Didn't want to move to sleeper until we did.

I'm sorry, but for the amount their charging, you can't have a UI as hideous and user-unfriendly as that.

Anyways, sleeper works perfectly fine, we had zero complaints. We'll do our first draft on it in a few weeks tho, we'll see how it goes
As a commissioner, if the price is right I prefer familiarity. I can’t stress that enough.
I thought the same until I used sleeper this year - you’d be surprised how easy it is to adapt.
I don’t see the point as long as MFL is reasonably priced. As a commissioner, familiarity is more important to me. More important than “the look”. Now if someone else wants to take over I’m fine with it. I don’t see a lot to be gained.

It's however much more money in the pot. And there's a mobile app, which a lot of us care about.

I'm not trying to doodoo on mfl, we used it for a long time. It just isn't missed now.
Didn't want to move to sleeper until we did.

I'm sorry, but for the amount their charging, you can't have a UI as hideous and user-unfriendly as that.

Anyways, sleeper works perfectly fine, we had zero complaints. We'll do our first draft on it in a few weeks tho, we'll see how it goes
As a commissioner, if the price is right I prefer familiarity. I can’t stress that enough.
I thought the same until I used sleeper this year - you’d be surprised how easy it is to adapt.
I don’t see the point as long as MFL is reasonably priced. As a commissioner, familiarity is more important to me. More important than “the look”. Now if someone else wants to take over I’m fine with it. I don’t see a lot to be gained.

It's however much more money in the pot. And there's a mobile app, which a lot of us care about.

I'm not trying to doodoo on mfl, we used it for a long time. It just isn't missed now.
There’s an app for MFL as well, but unfortunately it’s even more inferior than the website. Also don’t want to rain on MFL’s parade, but it is what it is.
Didn't want to move to sleeper until we did.

I'm sorry, but for the amount their charging, you can't have a UI as hideous and user-unfriendly as that.

Anyways, sleeper works perfectly fine, we had zero complaints. We'll do our first draft on it in a few weeks tho, we'll see how it goes
As a commissioner, if the price is right I prefer familiarity. I can’t stress that enough.
I thought the same until I used sleeper this year - you’d be surprised how easy it is to adapt.
I don’t see the point as long as MFL is reasonably priced. As a commissioner, familiarity is more important to me. More important than “the look”. Now if someone else wants to take over I’m fine with it. I don’t see a lot to be gained.

It's however much more money in the pot. And there's a mobile app, which a lot of us care about.

I'm not trying to doodoo on mfl, we used it for a long time. It just isn't missed now.
There’s an app for MFL as well, but unfortunately it’s even more inferior than the website. Also don’t want to rain on MFL’s parade, but it is what it is.

Iirc they dont have one for android. There were unofficial apps, but were garb as well
Didn't want to move to sleeper until we did.

I'm sorry, but for the amount their charging, you can't have a UI as hideous and user-unfriendly as that.

Anyways, sleeper works perfectly fine, we had zero complaints. We'll do our first draft on it in a few weeks tho, we'll see how it goes
As a commissioner, if the price is right I prefer familiarity. I can’t stress that enough.
I thought the same until I used sleeper this year - you’d be surprised how easy it is to adapt.
I don’t see the point as long as MFL is reasonably priced. As a commissioner, familiarity is more important to me. More important than “the look”. Now if someone else wants to take over I’m fine with it. I don’t see a lot to be gained.

It's however much more money in the pot. And there's a mobile app, which a lot of us care about.

I'm not trying to doodoo on mfl, we used it for a long time. It just isn't missed now.
How much more money? After discount of having more than one league in MFL it's only $69.95. If only one league, $79.95. Is sleeper $5 less?, $10 less?, $20 less? Spread out over 12 teams, what is that .41 cents more per team?, .84 cents more per team?, or $1.60 more per team on MFL? How much is Sleeper? Also, instead of wanting the commissioner to learn all new setups and do all the work, will you volunteer to be the commish and do the work to match all your league setups in the new site? It's easy to say this when you're along for the ride. Just sayin'
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Sleeper is free :shrug:
Anyone have a link to tour Sleeper? Free now, $80 next year? What if you go there and it doesn't handle all your league rules? I'm not so sure I want to go through the trouble it will entail to switch, but that's just me Might just let someone else take over if the league wants to move in 2025. Already paid up for MFL for 2024. People on here act as if it's no issue at all for commissioners. Let me tell you it requires work. It's not as if we're being paid for the job. I've been commish for free for over 20+ years and it isn't always an easy thing to do.
No idea, our league doesn't have any crazy settings. PPR, TE Premium dynasty. 30 man rosters. Some quirky scoring for kickers and DEF, but otherwise straightforward.

Commish said it took about an hour to make the switch, w rosters and scoring. But we've all been buddies for decades, so it's not a big ask and we don't bust his balls about anything. We vote and move on. Act like he does a **** job as a way of complimenting him
MFL's big selling point is you keep your history. We have a league that goes back to 2002.
If the new owners make the interface easier(league waivers) then I'll probably never leave.
MFL's big selling point is you keep your history. We have a league that goes back to 2002.
If the new owners make the interface easier(league waivers) then I'll probably never leave.
The league data history on MFL (we also go back around the same time on the site) is the only thing that’s giving any pause to switching. But at the end of the day, I’m not sure how much historical data we go back to that would make it worthwhile to stay.

Some of our rules (e.g, points against ranges for defenses) may need to be tweaked, but probably nothing too big.
MFL's big selling point is you keep your history. We have a league that goes back to 2002.
If the new owners make the interface easier(league waivers) then I'll probably never leave.
The league data history on MFL (we also go back around the same time on the site) is the only thing that’s giving any pause to switching. But at the end of the day, I’m not sure how much historical data we go back to that would make it worthwhile to stay.

Some of our rules (e.g, points against ranges for defenses) may need to be tweaked, but probably nothing too big.
The $80 fee is not a big deal. For the most part MFL is a good company and I like rewarding them.
CBS can go suck eggs with what they charge. I'm in six dynasty leagues in MFL. It's easier in one place.
Just for background I've been on mfl for 20+ years but now have to ask my 10+ leagues to vote/move to sleeper either for 2024 or 2025
We’re already decided to do that - i.e., switch from MFL to Sleeper this year. Which is a big thing for us having also been on MFL for over 20 years and having that much historical data.

Nothing against MFL, as I think their customer service has been very good over the years. It’s just that after having started another league this year on Sleeper, it’s much sleeker/more modern and the interface is superior. The cost difference doesn’t hurt either, although that’s secondary to us.

MFL is capable of being significantly sleeker. You can run this Script on an MFL webpage for free and get it looking a lot nicer.

I didn't realize this existed until this year and my league's homepage looks way nicer now.

Sleeper has much less customization than MFL. For example, I believe on Sleeper the only option for Dynasty is to let team's trade future draft picks three years out. MFL lets you pick how many years. I think it's like 1 to 5. I prefer to keep it to 1 for any league I commish to make sure that no one is able to orphan a team with no picks for the next 3 years.
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Didn't want to move to sleeper until we did.

I'm sorry, but for the amount their charging, you can't have a UI as hideous and user-unfriendly as that.

Anyways, sleeper works perfectly fine, we had zero complaints. We'll do our first draft on it in a few weeks tho, we'll see how it goes
As a commissioner, if the price is right I prefer familiarity. I can’t stress that enough.
I thought the same until I used sleeper this year - you’d be surprised how easy it is to adapt.
I don’t see the point as long as MFL is reasonably priced. As a commissioner, familiarity is more important to me. More important than “the look”. Now if someone else wants to take over I’m fine with it. I don’t see a lot to be gained.

It's however much more money in the pot. And there's a mobile app, which a lot of us care about.

I'm not trying to doodoo on mfl, we used it for a long time. It just isn't missed now.
There’s an app for MFL as well, but unfortunately it’s even more inferior than the website. Also don’t want to rain on MFL’s parade, but it is what it is.
The 3rd party app MFL Mobile is bad. A couple of years ago it didn't update the standings for half the year and currently trades aren't showing up.

The 3rd party app MFL Platinum isn't great but it's good enough in my opinion.

I will say I prefer doing dynasty on my web browser. I'm the guy who didn't get a smart phone until 2016.
No idea, our league doesn't have any crazy settings. PPR, TE Premium dynasty. 30 man rosters. Some quirky scoring for kickers and DEF, but otherwise straightforward.

Commish said it took about an hour to make the switch, w rosters and scoring. But we've all been buddies for decades, so it's not a big ask and we don't bust his balls about anything. We vote and move on. Act like he does a **** job as a way of complimenting him
So, they don't retain any history of the league.....bad....and I wonder how they deal with blind bid waivers, then back to first-come-first-serve and then back to blind bid waivers, both during the offseason and in-season? Calendar settings? Locking of players whose games have started on Thurs, but allow pickups of players before other players games have started? What about custom players for a DEVY league?
We have a salary/contract league that includes backloading/frontloading/restructuring/extension of contracts. With the API being open and MFL supporting custom coding I was able to create a dynamic contract report that allows each owner to view their contracts for 4 years out including adjusting contracts, cost of promoting players, cost of cutting players and effects that buyouts and IR having on their salary cap.

It's a big ask but would sleeper allow for something like that.

Here is my contract report in MFL to give you an idea of what I mean: contract report
Used to use MFL and loved it. Now using Sleeper and I'm shocked at how little I miss everything else. App and website both work fine for the past three seasons.

I do think MFL is priced reasonably, even with the increases. It's still not even $10 a team, even for a 10-team league. Good value and I support anyone who pays the increase. Only issue I have is, if the free product is that good, why bother with anything else?
We have a salary/contract league that includes backloading/frontloading/restructuring/extension of contracts. With the API being open and MFL supporting custom coding I was able to create a dynamic contract report that allows each owner to view their contracts for 4 years out including adjusting contracts, cost of promoting players, cost of cutting players and effects that buyouts and IR having on their salary cap.

It's a big ask but would sleeper allow for something like that.

Here is my contract report in MFL to give you an idea of what I mean: contract report
25-year-old me would have loved this league. Today's me wants to take a nap after looking at all of that. For a league like yours, stick with what works imo.
Used to use MFL and loved it. Now using Sleeper and I'm shocked at how little I miss everything else. App and website both work fine for the past three seasons.

I do think MFL is priced reasonably, even with the increases. It's still not even $10 a team, even for a 10-team league. Good value and I support anyone who pays the increase. Only issue I have is, if the free product is that good, why bother with anything else?
How does Sleeper deal with blind bid waivers, then back to first-come-first-serve and then back to blind bid waivers, both during the offseason and in-season? What about locking of players whose games have started on Thurs, but allow pickups of players before other players games have started? What about custom players for a DEVY league? Someone already said they don't retain league history.
Used to use MFL and loved it. Now using Sleeper and I'm shocked at how little I miss everything else. App and website both work fine for the past three seasons.

I do think MFL is priced reasonably, even with the increases. It's still not even $10 a team, even for a 10-team league. Good value and I support anyone who pays the increase. Only issue I have is, if the free product is that good, why bother with anything else?
How does Sleeper deal with blind bid waivers, then back to first-come-first-serve and then back to blind bid waivers, both during the offseason and in-season? What about locking of players whose games have started on Thurs, but allow pickups of players before other players games have started? What about custom players for a DEVY league? Someone already said they don't retain league history.

I'm assuming this is up to date, but I don't have a league on Sleeper so I can't confirm, but it seems to provide lots of info about the questions you have:

I contacted them about the FGB discount since I have been using it for 15 years and I have 9 leagues I commish so that adds up.

They said "No, the FBG discount is not available"
I contacted them about the FGB discount since I have been using it for 15 years and I have 9 leagues I commish so that adds up.

They said "No, the FBG discount is not available"

Not that it matters to me, but wonder how much traffic they lose because of this.
If you're jacking the price and removing a discount, I can see some folks saying sayonara.
I contacted them about the FGB discount since I have been using it for 15 years and I have 9 leagues I commish so that adds up.

They said "No, the FBG discount is not available"
How much was the discount beyond the early bird special?
I contacted them about the FGB discount since I have been using it for 15 years and I have 9 leagues I commish so that adds up.

They said "No, the FBG discount is not available"

Not that it matters to me, but wonder how much traffic they lose because of this.
If you're jacking the price and removing a discount, I can see some folks saying sayonara.

It's a $10 discount. In a 12-team league, that's 83 cents per team.
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I contacted them about the FGB discount since I have been using it for 15 years and I have 9 leagues I commish so that adds up.

They said "No, the FBG discount is not available"

Not that it matters to me, but wonder how much traffic they lose because of this.
If you're jacking the price and removing a discount, I can see some folks saying sayonara.

It's a $10 discount. In a 12-team league, that's 83 cents per team.
Or to look at it another way. Someone I know that is commish of 100+ leagues on MFL... When you look at a $10 increase and loss of this discount that's an extra $2000 out of the prize pools. He is trying to figure out budgets and what to do.

I think MFL has always missed a good opportunity to offer commish that host multiple leagues volume discounts. It's an easy way to lock up their loyalty.
I strongly dislike sleeper, not sure why it is getting alot of love here. I have been on it for 3 years and would try to move a league to yahoo before sleeper. I do quite a bite on my computer for fantasy football still, and the web site comes second to the app.

Little things like being able to tell when someone was last online or researching past years is not as easy in sleeper.
I contacted them about the FGB discount since I have been using it for 15 years and I have 9 leagues I commish so that adds up.

They said "No, the FBG discount is not available"

Not that it matters to me, but wonder how much traffic they lose because of this.
If you're jacking the price and removing a discount, I can see some folks saying sayonara.

It's a $10 discount. In a 12-team league, that's 83 cents per team.
Or to look at it another way. Someone I know that is commish of 100+ leagues on MFL... When you look at a $10 increase and loss of this discount that's an extra $2000 out of the prize pools. He is trying to figure out budgets and what to do.

I think MFL has always missed a good opportunity to offer commish that host multiple leagues volume discounts. It's an easy way to lock up their loyalty.
Not true. I host 3 MFL leagues that I commish and 2 of the 3 are at a $10 discount because I have more than one league.
I contacted them about the FGB discount since I have been using it for 15 years and I have 9 leagues I commish so that adds up.

They said "No, the FBG discount is not available"

Not that it matters to me, but wonder how much traffic they lose because of this.
If you're jacking the price and removing a discount, I can see some folks saying sayonara.

It's a $10 discount. In a 12-team league, that's 83 cents per team.
Or to look at it another way. Someone I know that is commish of 100+ leagues on MFL... When you look at a $10 increase and loss of this discount that's an extra $2000 out of the prize pools. He is trying to figure out budgets and what to do.

I think MFL has always missed a good opportunity to offer commish that host multiple leagues volume discounts. It's an easy way to lock up their loyalty.
What's the big deal? Just deduct 1st place by $10. Is someone not joining the league because the prize went down?

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