Packer fans - GREAT MOVE!!! Sherman sucked!! ANYBODY can't be any worse!
Non homers - Huh? You replaced Sherman with THIS unknown shmuck?
Fine, Sherman was a lousy GM. So what? Many coaches have tried their hand at being GM and failed miserably but have otherwise been solid head coaches. Take away his GM job and just make him be coach-what's the problem with that?
As a Niners fan, I'd be 100% ok with a head coach who ran every assistant off, so long as he kept winning games.
Sherman may not be an "elite" coach but he's sure as Hell one that's above average. McCarthy might turn out to be a steal but nobody here can honestly say the guy has a good track record. I understand if cheeseheads didn't like Sherman but I'm totally stumped if they're happy with the alternative.
Some homer will likely respond to this post by insulting me and saying I just don't get it, without explaining what makes this move so good.