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Miles Austin this week - Are you starting him and over whom? (1 Viewer)



- Goose eggs hurt a lot so I am sure all Austin owners are miffed at his 0 last week despite a great match up against Red skins.

- Emergence of Terrance Williams as someone who Romo will throw the ball to

- Hammy - how bad is it still?


- He has had one more week to heal his hammy and is listed as full participant in practice yesterday and today

- Match up is awesome given Philly is awful and especially against the 2nd WR.

- Despite his goose egg last week, he got 4 targets and one was in the end zone where he could have had a TD if the ball was thrown more accurately

- Boys will need to pass to win. Starting RB is out and Ware being out means Eagles will score on the Boys pass D (which was suspect to begin with)

What are you Austin owners doing? Starting with confidence? if yes, over whom.....

I am still holding him on my bench in one league.

Starting Hartline, Torrey Smith and DeAndre Hopkins over him.

Unfortunately, I'm in show-me mode with Austin right now.

Starting him in one league because D Moore and Colston are both off this week and I just lost Cobb. Not expecting much so anything over 50 yards will be a win IMO.

dropped him. Starting Williams this week and anticipating a good day. Just can't trust Austin anymore.

ETA: I should note that I've been starting Williams and have held onto Austin since week 1. Finally dropped him last week after the 0. He'd not gonna do much this year IMO-at least I don't see the upside that he used to possess..

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I have him and am keeping him on the bench until he shows he is capable of even being a wr3. In his stead I will either start Finley or Terrance Williams as my wr3 until I figure out a better option. Losing Cobb turns out to be a bigger problem than I anticipated. Going into the season I had Cobb, Austin, and Wallace as my wr1-3. Now I sit with Wallace. Witten and a crapshoot.

He's on my bench in one league. Starting Andre Johnson, Antonio Brown, and Harry Douglas. Have to wait til he produces again first.

dropped him. Starting Williams this week and anticipating a good day. Just can't trust Austin anymore.

ETA: I should note that I've been starting Williams and have held onto Austin since week 1. Finally dropped him last week after the 0. He'd not gonna do much this year IMO-at least I don't see the upside that he used to possess..
Ditto -

Starting Williams with confidence.

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He was just dropped in my league. Is he even worth a roster spot at this point? Did he officially lose the #2WR role?

He appears to be the 5th target in Dallas now behind Dez, Witten, Williams, and Beasely. Disappointing. I expected him to have a rebound year. But he appears done.


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