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My fridge crapped out. Need a new one, suggestions? (1 Viewer)

Harry Frogfish

I've never bought one before and know nothing. What I do know is it's for a part-time vacation rental so durability is key. I also want quality but without too many bells and whistles. Simple would be better. An astute repairman once told me that a lot of electronics and the like can be a real hassle in the end. When they break, they're harder and more expensive to fix. I also don't want something that guests have to learn (they won't) and/or don't know how to operate. At the same time, it needs to be higher-end, as it's something they use regularly and we want them impressed with the kitchen, it's an important part.

Do they even make a higher-end, but more basic fridge these days for a home? No clue. Have yet to search, but figured what better place to start, right?

Thank you.
Purchased a number of brands and fridges over the years. I would avoid Fridgedaire (since you were looking higher end). I'd also avoid Samsung which was considered higher end when we were looking 13+ years ago. I have an LG currently and it has held up pretty well, far out lasting the previous 2 Samsungs. At the time Bosch was considered the highest rated fridge (as priced as such), without going into custom/subzero type.
Whatever you do, dont waste money on the ones that have the fancy screen. We never ever use any of that.

It has a camera and function that lets you see on the screen what is in your fridge. You know, kind of like how just opening the door would do exactly the same thing. Useless technology.
Okay yeah, that's funny, stuff like that. The only thing I can think of is some selling point that tries to convince you how much money you lose by opening up the fridge and looking around "all the time". Um, sure, where's my piggybank?

That reminds me of the new Toyota Tacoma. Great vehicle, no doubt, but they have this new souped-up version that is probably in the 80K range I'll guess, and get this, there is an exhaust pipe that goes up the side of the passenger door (between the window and windshield) in case you'll be crossing through a river on the way to work. Amphibious! I mean come on, this isn't the Serengeti.

And the best part? At higher speeds you can hear the humming from wind resistance. LOL, oops!
Greetings Harry, I miss your avatar

-Mrs and I bought a new fridge about 2-3 years ago and the one that broke was a freezer on the bottom, top part was the fridge
I did loads of research on YT and talked to repairmen and they all say the same thing, most of these are made to break and the more options you have the more things there are to break

We opted to get a very basic but very good quality Maytag
It's as simple as they make them, we opted for the light in the freezer or maybe that's the way they come.
I did not want an ice maker, they don't serve much purpose for us and they just end up going south at some point.
The doors can open either way or either side, it's built to fit into whatever the set up is

We could have spent $2,500+ on a fridge, money wasn't the driving factor although I will tell you we paid a lot less, maybe $800 but it's been at least 2-3+ years
I think these come with a 10 year warranty, I doubt it craps out for at least 15-20
Look for sales or possibly a brick and mortar might have it

-Sidenote: When we had it delivered, the delivery men did not know what they were doing and they scraped it up before they even got it in the door
Maytag picked that one up and dropped off a brand new one with drivers more committed to making sure it wasn't damaged, absolutely no hassle about it either
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Whatever you do, dont waste money on the ones that have the fancy screen. We never ever use any of that.

It has a camera and function that lets you see on the screen what is in your fridge. You know, kind of like how just opening the door would do exactly the same thing. Useless technology.
Lol .. I can't imagine ever using that. But I had it explained to me that it's primary function is for when you're shopping- to see what's there and what you need. If only there was a list one could make for that kind of thing....
Greetings Harry, I miss your avatar

-Mrs and I bought a new fridge about 2-3 years ago and we the one that broke was a freezer on the bottom, top part was the fridge
I did loads of research on YT and talked to repairmen and they all say the same thing, most of these are made to break and the more options you have the more things there are to break

We opted to get a very basic but very good quality Maytag
It's as simple as they make them, we opted for the light in the freezer or maybe that's the way they come.
I did not want an ice maker, they don't serve much purpose for us and they just end up going south at some point.
The doors can open either way or either side, it's built to fit into whatever the set up is

We could have spent $2,500+ on a fridge, money wasn't the driving factor although I will tell you we paid a lot less, maybe $800 but it's been at least 2-3+ years
I think these come with a 10 year warranty, I doubt it craps out for at least 15-20
Look for sales or possibly a brick and mortar might have it

-Sidenote: When we had it delivered, the delivery men did not know what they were doing and they scraped it up before they even got it in the door
Maytag picked that one up and dropped off a brand new one with drivers more committed to making sure it wasn't damaged, absolutely no hassle about it either
Thanks for all that. I went and found a Maytag online at HD just now. But dimensions didn't work. Which is going to be a problem I think, after going through their inventory. Damn.

Oh, and I will find a good Frogfish avatar for you to enjoy. When I get time.
I've had the same LG going on 19 years. Thing is a rock.
What's not awesome is when it dies in the next couple years and you'll have to replace it with one that will likely last 5 years instead.
Why you got to go and say stuff like that

And Raiders says I've got another 20 years and that guy knows things
Sorry man. New appliances suck.

To the op... Not sure if Miele gets too pricey, but other than subzero that's the one my uppity clients usually request or end up with
I’ve had this one for almost 2 years, pretty happy with it

Good link, thanks, gave me an idea. They show "open box" items on there in various conditions. Some are quite a bit cheaper and while there only is one fridge left in some instances, that tells me these may have been Black Friday deals that got sent back. So now they're even cheaper. I would not buy the ones in "Fair" condition that could be missing parts or are more dinged up, but the "good" or definitely the "like new" ones seem fine to me.

There is an open box $2200 LG that is down to $1200, which would work. Deal ends in like 12 hours, so they say. Delivery is only 39 bucks. Install and haul away 69, fine by me.

I had kind of forgot about Best Buy but there's one nearby so this may do it for me. Thanks.
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Purchased a number of brands and fridges over the years. I would avoid Fridgedaire (since you were looking higher end). I'd also avoid Samsung which was considered higher end when we were looking 13+ years ago. I have an LG currently and it has held up pretty well, far out lasting the previous 2 Samsungs. At the time Bosch was considered the highest rated fridge (as priced as such), without going into custom/subzero type.
i invented a similar solution for those of us who arent living in penthouses up on the top of ocean cliffs sitting high and mighty on wicker furniture what you do is take a 6 inch hole saw and punch a hole right in through the front of your frigerator door and then you build a little round door sort of like a porthole cover and use a drywall screw to attach it at the top of the hole so that is sort of pivots over the hole you drilled and then when you want to use the screen you just swing that baby off to the side and look inside to see what is about to be cookin and yeah it will let a little cold out but since it looks like a porthole you just go full on pirate and say shiver me chicken timbers and then close it up and that my friends is another riddle solved by the old swcer about how to live the high life on a factory budget take that to the bank bromigos
Purchased a number of brands and fridges over the years. I would avoid Fridgedaire (since you were looking higher end). I'd also avoid Samsung which was considered higher end when we were looking 13+ years ago. I have an LG currently and it has held up pretty well, far out lasting the previous 2 Samsungs. At the time Bosch was considered the highest rated fridge (as priced as such), without going into custom/subzero type.
i invented a similar solution for those of us who arent living in penthouses up on the top of ocean cliffs sitting high and mighty on wicker furniture what you do is take a 6 inch hole saw and punch a hole right in through the front of your frigerator door and then you build a little round door sort of like a porthole cover and use a drywall screw to attach it at the top of the hole so that is sort of pivots over the hole you drilled and then when you want to use the screen you just swing that baby off to the side and look inside to see what is about to be cookin and yeah it will let a little cold out but since it looks like a porthole you just go full on pirate and say shiver me chicken timbers and then close it up and that my friends is another riddle solved by the old swcer about how to live the high life on a factory budget take that to the bank bromigos
Buy a 20 year old one. It will last 20 years longer than anything you buy new

We have a 1993 sub zero that came with the house. What is important about that year is that it was the last year that allowed real freon. There have only been a couple issues in the 11 years we have owned it and it is simple enough that a couple of those times i was able to diagnose the issue and replace the part.

I think we are committed to keeping it running as long as possible, even if that means a total rebuild which has a ~1500 part cost and probably about the same in labor. I watched the videos on how to rebuild a sub zero, but you need some specialty gear.

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