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"No Mercy" Great White Shark draft underway! (1 Viewer)

3.12 (Studs and Duds) Jones, Julius DAL RB4.01 (Studs and Duds) Jones, Kevin DET RBgutsiest move so far?

3.07 RB Staley, Pit

Yep, another RB. If Coles and Gonzo didn't already have health issues, I would have gone a different way here. This draft is taking place too early in the year for me to take on that kind of risk, so I needed to go in another direction. There were a few RB on the board that I felt were pretty much equal, including TJones.
I don't like this pick either. I would have definitley gone RB here though.
Staley will serve his purpose as the #3 RB. Hopefully he will only need to be used during bye weeks. I just think with Staley not being a "sexy" pick he had a good chance of falling to the next round. You kinda know what you're getting with staley. I would've gambled more on that pick. Hopefully it works out well for Purple.
We probably are thinking of the same RB's but I would think Duce had a better chance of slipping into the next round before the other guys.Better to swing for the fences on your #3 RB than someone like Staley who I doubt will score that many TD's with Bettis around. JMHO tho.
Looks like you could be right, as my guys just went off the board at 3.12/4.01. I really wanted to snag 3 safe/steady options before I "swing for the fences". It's still really early in the year for me to feel good about assuming that much risk with my 3rd rounder. But, either/both of the Jones boys could end up as solid second-rounders if their situations play out favorable in camp/exhibition action.I'm not too concerned about Bettis being much more then a goalline/short-yardage option at this time. I think it's clear that Staley is a much better back then Zereoue, and Amos was handed the starters' job on more then one occasion. Bettis had the role he did because of lack of viable options. That situation has changed, and I see Staley (along with Ward) being the primary focus of the Pitt offense.
Some of the WRs are going a bit earlier than I would have expected. Chad Johnson in the second -- not a bad pick, but earlier than I've seen in other drafts. Same with Derrick Mason in the third.Curtis Martin was someone I was targeting at 3.08. Hated to see him go at 3.05. There's one more RB I like. I'll either take him or someone else. (Does that give away too much?)
Well Chad Johnson might of been a bit of a reach but one of my great weakness last year was lack of a clear no 1 reciever. Maybe I am letting past experience colour my actions to much but we will see I guess.I debated between him and Owens. I think CJ's best seasons are ahead of him while I think Owens already had his.CheersInsurrection
I don't see this as a reach at all. I'm a strong believer in grabbing a surefire #1 WR in this format and Johnson was the best bet. You could go RB #2 by committee in rounds 3/4 and do just fine...This is actually the pattern I slip into almost every time in this format.Solid Pick :thumbup:
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We probably are thinking of the same RB's but I would think Duce had a better chance of slipping into the next round before the other guys.Better to swing for the fences on your #3 RB than someone like Staley who I doubt will score that many TD's with Bettis around. JMHO tho.
Looks like you could be right, as my guys just went off the board at 3.12/4.01. I really wanted to snag 3 safe/steady options before I "swing for the fences". It's still really early in the year for me to feel good about assuming that much risk with my 3rd rounder. But, either/both of the Jones boys could end up as solid second-rounders if their situations play out favorable in camp/exhibition action.I'm not too concerned about Bettis being much more then a goalline/short-yardage option at this time. I think it's clear that Staley is a much better back then Zereoue, and Amos was handed the starters' job on more then one occasion. Bettis had the role he did because of lack of viable options. That situation has changed, and I see Staley (along with Ward) being the primary focus of the Pitt offense.
I'm not sure Staley will be the same back in Pittsburgh that he was in Philly, Philly's offense caters much more to staley's style IMO. Bottom line is that I'm not sold on Staley this year.
We probably are thinking of the same RB's but I would think Duce had a better chance of slipping into the next round before the other guys.Better to swing for the fences on your #3 RB than someone like Staley who I doubt will score that many TD's with Bettis around. JMHO tho.
Looks like you could be right, as my guys just went off the board at 3.12/4.01. I really wanted to snag 3 safe/steady options before I "swing for the fences". It's still really early in the year for me to feel good about assuming that much risk with my 3rd rounder. But, either/both of the Jones boys could end up as solid second-rounders if their situations play out favorable in camp/exhibition action.I'm not too concerned about Bettis being much more then a goalline/short-yardage option at this time. I think it's clear that Staley is a much better back then Zereoue, and Amos was handed the starters' job on more then one occasion. Bettis had the role he did because of lack of viable options. That situation has changed, and I see Staley (along with Ward) being the primary focus of the Pitt offense.
Teams seem to be way too loyal to guys like Eddie and Bettis. Throw in a RB that I've never been crazy about to begin with (staley) and it reeks of a RBBC to me. Hopefully you wont have to rely on staley on a regular basis. I do hope the pick works out for you. I would've gambled on the unknown of Julius or Kevin thinking they will get 20 carries a game and the goal line stuff.
I'm not sure Staley will be the same back in Pittsburgh that he was in Philly, Philly's offense caters much more to staley's style IMO. Bottom line is that I'm not sold on Staley this year.
Hey, I could easily be wrong here. It's has been known to happen on occasion. ;) However, I just don't see why they would go out of their way to sign a RB that isn't a good mesh with their personnel/schemes. There were other options out there at that time, but they definately targeted Duce. I see Pitt modifying their philosophy somewhat to take advantage of what Staley brings to the table, especially if Roethlisberger gets significant time at QB. Staley could be huge as a safety valve, catching a lot of balls in the flat as a dump-off option.link
"It was obvious the Steelers really wanted Duce," said agent Derrick Harrison. "And it was pretty obvious, too, that Duce admires Jerome and wants to play with him. He thinks they'll make for a great twosome."Make no mistake about it, though -- the Steelers recruited Staley to be the starter. Not in three decades has the Pittsburgh ground attack been as pitiful as in 2003 and Staley will be counted upon to provide instant improvement. The Steelers traditionally have been a power running team and Staley's slashing style should make for a good fit.
This could easily be a pick I end up regretting - and later in the summer I might go a different way - but I think I did the best I could with the info available at the time.
I'm not sure Staley will be the same back in Pittsburgh that he was in Philly, Philly's offense caters much more to staley's style IMO.  Bottom line is that I'm not sold on Staley this year.
Hey, I could easily be wrong here. It's has been known to happen on occasion. ;) However, I just don't see why they would go out of their way to sign a RB that isn't a good mesh with their personnel/schemes. There were other options out there at that time, but they definately targeted Duce. I see Pitt modifying their philosophy somewhat to take advantage of what Staley brings to the table, especially if Roethlisberger gets significant time at QB. Staley could be huge as a safety valve, catching a lot of balls in the flat as a dump-off option.link
"It was obvious the Steelers really wanted Duce," said agent Derrick Harrison. "And it was pretty obvious, too, that Duce admires Jerome and wants to play with him. He thinks they'll make for a great twosome."Make no mistake about it, though -- the Steelers recruited Staley to be the starter. Not in three decades has the Pittsburgh ground attack been as pitiful as in 2003 and Staley will be counted upon to provide instant improvement. The Steelers traditionally have been a power running team and Staley's slashing style should make for a good fit.
This could easily be a pick I end up regretting - and later in the summer I might go a different way - but I think I did the best I could with the info available at the time.
The only problem with that pick is I would've loved to have gotten julius or kevin as my #3 RB with the hopes that they could challenge for the #2 RB spot eventually. I dont think with staley thats a reasonable expectation.Pitt needed someone to do the job better than Amos which I think he will do. I just dont see staley getting 20 carries a game like the Jones's.
The only problem with that pick is I would've loved to have gotten julius or kevin as my #3 RB with the hopes that they could challenge for the #2 RB spot eventually. I dont think with staley thats a reasonable expectation.

Pitt needed someone to do the job better than Amos which I think he will do. I just dont see staley getting 20 carries a game like the Jones's.
That was a combination of differing strategy, as well as tactical failure on my behalf. As I mentioned above, I'd like to have 3 'safe' RB options before I go high-risk. My RB2 has a pretty significant downside, and coupling that with another risky/unproven back would have left me feeling too exposed, and feeling like I needed another RB in the next couple rounds to cover myself.

Maybe I just need to learn how to play a little more free-and-loose and stop being so conservative up top.

In addition, I somehow thought there was a chance that one of the Jones boys might be there in the 4th. Not a great chance, but I figured better then the chance of Staley falling.

Believe me, it was a close call between the four (Staley and T/J/K Jones) and I went with the ol' gut, so I can't really justify taking who I did with anything more then that. I do agree that a consistent load of 20 carries a game is probably not realistic, but I can easily see 15 a game, plus 3-4 receptions. If it plays out that way, I'll be happy with Duce as my RB3.

Great discussion, everyone - I look forward to continuing on this level in subsequent rounds, when there really will be divergent opinions on many picks.

The only problem with that pick is I would've loved to have gotten julius or kevin as my #3 RB with the hopes that they could challenge for the #2 RB spot eventually. I dont think with staley thats a reasonable expectation.

Pitt needed someone to do the job better than Amos which I think he will do. I just dont see staley getting 20 carries a game like the Jones's.
That was a combination of differing strategy, as well as tactical failure on my behalf. As I mentioned above, I'd like to have 3 'safe' RB options before I go high-risk. My RB2 has a pretty significant downside, and coupling that with another risky/unproven back would have left me feeling too exposed, and feeling like I needed another RB in the next couple rounds to cover myself.

Maybe I just need to learn how to play a little more free-and-loose and stop being so conservative up top.

In addition, I somehow thought there was a chance that one of the Jones boys might be there in the 4th. Not a great chance, but I figured better then the chance of Staley falling.

Believe me, it was a close call between the four (Staley and T/J/K Jones) and I went with the ol' gut, so I can't really justify taking who I did with anything more then that. I do agree that a consistent load of 20 carries a game is probably not realistic, but I can easily see 15 a game, plus 3-4 receptions. If it plays out that way, I'll be happy with Duce as my RB3.

Great discussion, everyone - I look forward to continuing on this level in subsequent rounds, when there really will be divergent opinions on many picks.
I guess Alot depends on how you feel about Henry. I think the guy is a proven workhorse that will play with a broken leg. I think he comes into this year with a huge chip on his shoulder and in GREAT shape. I dont see him handing that job to mcgahee, And I dont think willis is ready to take it. Not this year anyway. I like the Henry pick alot and would've considered Henry at 1.12 instead of DD to be honest.
I guess Alot depends on how you feel about Henry. I think the guy is a proven workhorse that will play with a broken leg. I think he comes into this year with a huge chip on his shoulder and in GREAT shape. I dont see him handing that job to mcgahee, And I dont think willis is ready to take it. Not this year anyway. I like the Henry pick alot and would've considered Henry at 1.12 instead of DD to be honest.
I agree for the first 3/4 of the season or so. But, IF (big if) McGahee looks good in limited action in the beginning and middle of the year - I can see Buff sharply increasing his workload the rest of the way. If conventional wisdom holds, and Buff wants to move Henry in the off-season, they will need to be sure Willis can handle the load, and the only way to do that is to feature him (at least to an extent) down the stretch. If the Bills can remain in the playoff hunt, I think all this goes out the window and they run Henry till he drops, but there is no assurance that the team will be that competitive this year.
The Q Griffin pick is the biggest surprise so far to me.
I was as well. I am staying away from the Denver RB's this year. I got burnt way too many times in prior years.Cheers
Not necessarily. I drafted at 1.12 last year and took Harrison and Owens. 11 backs were gone. You don't get value with the 12th rated back at 1.12.
Mark, just curious... How did you finish in the league last year after making those your first 2 picks?
My team name is Drunk, not Stupid. Actually, it’s more of a mission statement for my team as well as my life but that’s another story...I was picking out of the 11 spot after rolling a 112 on a 1000 sided die. Cancelled my Vegas trip after that. Took the stress out of choosing a draft position though. I actually don’t mind the 11 spot, I’ve gotten my butt kicked from just about every draft position there is so where I start from isn’t a big deal. It just changes my strategy a bit. Drafting from the bottom makes me more reactive rather than the top of the order where I can be more proactive and plan who I want.The bottom of the order is the ‘best available talent’ territory for me. At least that was the plan...1.11 – BarlowI was not thrilled here. 10 RBs go off the board and I need to pick. I strongly considered Moss here and a follow up of Harrison or Holt at 2.2 but in the end I didn’t have the guts to wait until pick 35 to take my first RB. Just too much gamble for me. So I went with Barlow. I considered Faulk, Dillon, Rudi Johnson and Dom Davis but eventually felt Barlow was the safest pick with the best upside. A good combo in any pick. Overall I’m happy with my first pick.2.1 – HarrisonStrongly considered RB here too with Faulk and Rudi still there and I have a ‘gut’ feeling about Dillon in his new home and something to prove but in the end I just couldn’t pass on Marvin. He should battle Moss and Holt for the #1 WR and you gotta love that. Again, happy so far if not thrilled.3.11 – HornI actually had Julius Jones queued up as my pick and then went back and took Horn. I admit I am kicking myself a bit here. Jones has tremendous upside and should get every chance to prove himself but a nagging feeling about the Tuna bringing in a veteran or getting insane after Jones misses his 3rd blitz pick up assignment in the 1st quarter of the opener and benching him for Richie Anderson made me go with Horn. I really like Joe, He just keeps getting it done. He has an injury concern this year that bothered him all of last year and he is getting up there in age but I had him ranked alongside Hines in a tie for 4th on my board and loved seeing him there so I reached a bit. This could be the point my draft falls apart, so in keeping with that…4.2 – GriffinI took an enormous reach here. Dear God, what have I done? I gambled on ‘the Denver Bronco’s starting RB’ and will now drink heavily and pore over every written word coming out of Denver’s training camp for the next 2 months while cursing Shanahan and his lying, deceiving mouth...After taking Horn I felt I needed a RB and with the Jones boys both going ahead of me (damn, 2 RBs?) I looked at my board and there was Quentin. I briefly considered a QB or another WR here because I was not sold on Griffin but the prospect of waiting 20 picks for a RB was too frightening to bear so I limbered up, got on my tip toes, stretched my fingers and reached. In retrospect I should have taken Julius at 3.11 and picked up Horn at 4.2 where he surely would have been waiting for me. So I guess now we wait and see if Jones outperforms Griffin or if my stupidity, I mean drunkenness, pays off in the end.Oh well, I was happy for my first 2 picks, it can’t last forever, pass the beer.

In retrospect I should have taken Julius at 3.11 and picked up Horn at 4.2 where he surely would have been waiting for me. So I guess now we wait and see if Jones outperforms Griffin or if my stupidity, I mean drunkenness, pays off in the end.Oh well, I was happy for my first 2 picks, it can’t last forever, pass the beer.
It happens!! Their isn't a draft I've ever done where I didnt want a "do over" pick somewhere. :(
4.2 – GriffinI took an enormous reach here. Dear God, what have I done? I gambled on ‘the Denver Bronco’s starting RB’ and will now drink heavily and pore over every written word coming out of Denver’s training camp for the next 2 months while cursing Shanahan and his lying, deceiving mouth...After taking Horn I felt I needed a RB and with the Jones boys both going ahead of me (damn, 2 RBs?) I looked at my board and there was Quentin. I briefly considered a QB or another WR here because I was not sold on Griffin but the prospect of waiting 20 picks for a RB was too frightening to bear so I limbered up, got on my tip toes, stretched my fingers and reached. In retrospect I should have taken Julius at 3.11 and picked up Horn at 4.2 where he surely would have been waiting for me. So I guess now we wait and see if Jones outperforms Griffin or if my stupidity, I mean drunkenness, pays off in the end.Oh well, I was happy for my first 2 picks, it can’t last forever, pass the beer.
I like the Horn pick but would have gone Garner or Dunn over Griffin.
Powellsville Monkey Spankers-4.4- Santana MossI had a few guys rated the same but knew I needed a wr. I went with pure explosiveness at my #1 wr. He is a very talented wr with crazy speed. Bonus of maybe some return td's. So Far:RiwiRudiGonzoSantana

4.03 VCL took Anquan Boldin

1.10 Fred Taylor

2.03 Marshall Faulk

3.10 Laveranues Coles

4.03 Anquan Boldin

I really like him as my #2 WR. I was hoping for one of the Jones' to fall to me as I see a drop off in RB value after them. After the Jones', Boldin and Horn were the next two guys I was targeting so it was nice to get one of them.

103 receptions isn't a fluke in my mind. He'll get his targets and with them he'll make some things happen. I don't care how much of his numbers came in "garbage time" either. I don't see Arizona being a whole lot better than last year and expect them to be playing from behind again and needing to pass. I also think with the addition of Fitz, that may just help take a little pressure away from Boldin, if not, it's not like teams weren't focusing on him last year towards the end of the season and he did just fine. There was another WR I thought about at this spot but I wanted to take the chance with Boldin and go with what I felt was the higher upside pick. I'm not expecting 1377 yards and 8 TD's again from Boldin, but 1100+ yards and 7 TD's shouldn't be out of reach. I also liked his schedual vs. pass defenses down the stretch and that helped make up my mind as well.

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Florida Beer Guzzlers1.1 LT It was between LT and Holmes, couldnt really have gone wrong with either one so I went with the youth2.7 Corey Dillon Traded up here for 2 reasons. First there wasnt going to be a decent #2 back left on the board at 2.12 with all the RBs getting picked, plus I think Dillon is going to tear it up this year now that hes surrounded by talent and caoches who know what they are doing4.7 Steve Smith Damn it seemed like forever between picks. I had Smith as the top WR (#12) left on my board and I was happy to get a solid ( not stud) #1 wr here. But I was disappointed to see McNabb and Vick go the 2 picks right before this, as the QBs drop way down after the top 4.4.12 waiting.........................

Studs and Duds

1.12 - D. Davis - not a great pick, but I was under a little stress at time. Still, one of these picks had to be a RB. I was negotiating a trade for 4.01, and would have taken Moss here if I had gotten that done, but because I got a call from a hospital and had to rush to Burbank, I grabbed Davis> When I looked at the draft board afterwards, I decided against the trade and grabbed Moss instead.

2.01 - Moss could be in for a monster year. I was surprised he didn't go in the first round. He can score like a RB, giving me a lot of flexibility going forward. I can now draft 2 RBs back-to-back at the next turn.

3.12-4.01 The Jones boys. Obviously, I'm blowing off week 4, but nobody goes undefeated at this level. One of these rookies could explode, the other will be a good #3.

If you look at the way the draft went:

1st Round: 12 RBs

2nd Round: 6 RBS

3rd Round (up to my pick): 5 RBs

That's 23 RBs gone and I took 2 of the 3 remaining likely starters out of the draft. That means from here on, teh rest of the league has to deal with the RB situations with the Browns, Broncos, Raiders, Titans, Bucs Falcons and Cardinals. there are some possibilities there, but they'll have to guess right.


Aaron Brooks The years I do best are years where I can identify a "sleeper" QB. last year it was Hasselback. A few years ago it was Culpepper. This year, I'm betting Brooks will outperform his draft spot.

Charlie Rogers WR, TE or RB? Rogers is the safest bet on the board right now. 29 RBs taken in that last mini-run. I expect a WR run before I pick again. 10-12 Wrs could fall. Concern about having too many Lions, but I've about written off week 4 as I said.

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1.08 RB Jamal Lewis

He's a top 5 RB, IMO, who is falling in drafts because of his legal problems. I'm not overly concerned about them based on the quality of the evidence that's been made public. Lewis is my pick to lead the league in rushing again.

2.05 WR Torry Holt

I have the feeling I'll be taking a WR in the second round in many of my drafts this year. After Barlow and Faulk are off the board, I don't really like any of the RBs that are going in the second round. If I had gone RB here, it would have been Corey Dillon; but I'm more comfortable with Holt.

3.08 RB Thomas Jones

Thomas Jones and Curtis Martin are two third-round RBs that I like as much or more than a lot of the guys going in the second round. Jones is very underrated in terms of his talent, and I think he's finally in a good team situation where he'll be able to showcase his skills.

4.05 QB Donovan McNabb

I had Santana Moss pre-selected here, but he went just before my pick at 4.04. I considered Steve Smith, but I decided I'd rather get in on the front end of the QB run I'm expecting. I would have picked Michael Vick in most leagues, but with six points per TD I opted for McNabb. I love Terrell Owens's ability to run after the catch; I think he'll get McNabb a few extra TDs this year on his own.

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4.8 A. Johnson Was the last of 4 WRs one of which I hoped would fall her. Like him alot this year has top 10 potential.

At 4.11 Matt HasselbeckHmmm very unlike me to pick a QB before the 6th round. The way I saw it at this point in the draft he was by far the best value on the draft board. He's got a good O line, great receivers and a great RB situation and there is continuity in the offensive playbook. So I am looking to numbers similar to last year.I debated grabbing a WR here but among the ones left about 5 or 6 are equivalent to me so I might grab one on 5.02I also debated taking a RB 3 here but all picks come with substantial question marks so I decided to wait. The danger being by the time the draft rolls around to me I will be getting the crumbs.Cheers

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Beer Guzzlers4.12 Eric MouldsIf he can stay healthy this year getting him at the end of the 4th round will be a good deal. Best value at the time.5.1 Marc BulgerI was thinking...qb or rb #3...qb or rb#3. After 10 minutes of hemming and hawing I decided to beat the run on the 2nd tier of QBs because there will be slim pickings when 6.12 rolls around.

Beer Guzzlers4.12 Eric MouldsIf he can stay healthy this year getting him at the end of the 4th round will be a good deal. Best value at the time.5.1 Marc BulgerI was thinking...qb or rb #3...qb or rb#3. After 10 minutes of hemming and hawing I decided to beat the run on the 2nd tier of QBs because there will be slim pickings when 6.12 rolls around.
Both solid picks IMO.
Beer Guzzlers4.12 Eric MouldsIf he can stay healthy this year getting him at the end of the 4th round will be a good deal. Best value at the time.5.1 Marc BulgerI was thinking...qb or rb #3...qb or rb#3. After 10 minutes of hemming and hawing I decided to beat the run on the 2nd tier of QBs because there will be slim pickings when 6.12 rolls around.
Both solid picks IMO.
Yep. Very nice.
Beer Guzzlers4.12  Eric MouldsIf he can stay healthy this year getting him at the end of the 4th round will be a good deal.  Best value at the time.5.1  Marc BulgerI was thinking...qb or rb #3...qb or rb#3.  After 10 minutes of hemming and hawing I decided to beat the run on the 2nd tier of QBs because there will be slim pickings when 6.12 rolls around.
Both solid picks IMO.
Yep. Very nice.
I agree too. Good value and a real nice starting line-up so far.
Florida Beer Guzzlers4.7 Steve Smith Damn it seemed like forever between picks. I had Smith as the top WR (#12) left on my board and I was happy to get a solid ( not stud) #1 wr here. But I was disappointed to see McNabb and Vick go the 2 picks right before this, as the QBs drop way down after the top 4.
I had Smith all pre-drafted and everything and you stole him.I think I've had to switch gears every round since the first because my target went 1 or 2 picks ahead of me. It's made for a very interesting draft so far.
Beer Guzzlers4.12 Eric MouldsIf he can stay healthy this year getting him at the end of the 4th round will be a good deal. Best value at the time.5.1 Marc BulgerI was thinking...qb or rb #3...qb or rb#3. After 10 minutes of hemming and hawing I decided to beat the run on the 2nd tier of QBs because there will be slim pickings when 6.12 rolls around.
I like your picks. Especially Moulds who I was hoping would fall to me at 6.02, despite what I said in my prior post he was top WR on the board at that point.As a consolation prize I have Jimmy Smith. I guess the big questions mark here are his age and the play of his 2nd year QB.Still early but it seems Smith is in top shape, better than the last few years anyway. I think Leftwich will be average but that is perfectly acceptable as far as I am concerned.I am thinking 1100 yds and 6 TD's which makes him a solid #2.Cheers
Since touting McNair in a earlier post, I convinced myself I had to have him and wasnt sure he would last to my next pick. I hope he still has a few rushing TDs left in him.

This is a tough one.  I agree that there can be a lot of good discussion regarding drafts, at the same time, a dozen threads similar to this will show up in the next several weeks with only the rosters and "Who had the best draft?"As Rob said in a PM to me, he wouldn't post a random mock draft from Xpertsleagues, but to those not involved in No Mercy, it is the same thing.Rob,Get the Great White owners into this thread and give commentary on these picks and we can put it back in the Shark Pool.
so Ken, can I give you a ring next FEBRUARY when I'll be drafting my Misfits and Outlaws dynasty leagues---IV and V?we drafted Misfits-III this past Feb/March...when NOTHING was going on here...and got bumped to the Mock Draft Forumthere were somewhere around 6000 views on that thread--not like we weren't getting any trafficI'm all for leaving these threads in the Shark Pool in the off season, so that us FF junkies get our fix with real world dynasty drafts and the likeI'd just like some consistancy here, that's all
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This is a tough one.  I agree that there can be a lot of good discussion regarding drafts, at the same time, a dozen threads similar to this will show up in the next several weeks with only the rosters and "Who had the best draft?"As Rob said in a PM to me, he wouldn't post a random mock draft from Xpertsleagues, but to those not involved in No Mercy, it is the same thing.Rob,Get the Great White owners into this thread and give commentary on these picks and we can put it back in the Shark Pool.
so Ken, can I give you a ring next FEBRUARY when I'll be drafting my Misfits and Outlaws dynasty leagues---IV and V?we drafted Misfits-III this past Feb/March...when NOTHING was going on here...and got bumped to the Mock Draft Forumthere were somewhere around 6000 views on that thread--not like we weren't getting any trafficI'm all for leaving these threads in the Shark Pool in the off season, so that us FF junkies get our fix with real world dynasty drafts and the likeI'd just like some consistancy here, that's all
Ken,Get Some!! :excited:
1.08 RB Jamal Lewis

2.05 WR Torry Holt

3.08 RB Thomas Jones

4.05 QB Donovan McNabb

5.08 RB Charlie Garner

I wasn't really looking for another running back in round 5, but I couldn't pass on Garner at this point. Too much value.

Looks like I'm punting my week 5 and week 8 games.

You F'er Rob! I wanted Shockey!!! :cX: I don't care what kind of foot problem he has. Give that metro his f'n foot manicure and tell him to #### and play some football. Nice pick bro, what a steal! :thumbup:

You F'er Rob! I wanted Shockey!!! :cX: I don't care what kind of foot problem he has. Give that metro his f'n foot manicure and tell him to #### and play some football. Nice pick bro, what a steal! :thumbup:
1.08 RB Jamal Lewis

2.05 WR Torry Holt

3.08 RB Thomas Jones

4.05 QB Donovan McNabb

5.08 RB Charlie Garner

I wasn't really looking for another running back in round 5, but I couldn't pass on Garner at this point. Too much value.

Looks like I'm punting my week 5 and week 8 games.
Nice team MT :thumbup:
1.08 RB Jamal Lewis

2.05 WR Torry Holt

3.08 RB Thomas Jones

4.05 QB Donovan McNabb

5.08 RB Charlie Garner

I wasn't really looking for another running back in round 5, but I couldn't pass on Garner at this point. Too much value.

Looks like I'm punting my week 5 and week 8 games.
Good pick, he definitly lasted too long :thumbup:

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