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Obama will leave his party in its worst shape since Great Depression (1 Viewer)

Laugh now, but you'll see later.

History will judge Obama well because history is written by the victors. With the seismic shift in American demographics, the Democrat Party will become stronger nationally and the Republican Party will fade. Further, most history texts used in college and gushed over by the media are written by authors who are sympathetic to Progressive policies. The prevailing narrative will be that Obama was a highly successful President.

And even if you disagree with the policies that President Obama has enacted, it's hard to argue that he hasn't been one of the more active Presidents in both enacting new policies and changing existing policies. History favors the bold and Obama is bold.
This is what I've been telling people. The GOP losses are piling up. They're down to only controlling the House and the Senate, along with the majority of Governorships and state legislatures. Sad really.
That's because the two major groups that led Obama to win twice are too stupid to vote in those elections. The 25 and under dummies that don't know their ### from their elbow and the deadbeats that just wanted handouts. Will an old white lady inspire those two normally too lazy to vote groups to come out next November? If yes she wins, if no get ready for President Trump baby, lol.

Funny to see Republicans talking about the other party being a mess. Good one. Your front-runner is Tony Clifton.
I don't think EITHER party has much ground to stand for mocking the other based on their candidates.

The GOP has a clown leading the pack and the DNC has a corrupt, inept (or both) and untrustworthy candidate leading theirs.

Obama is a very bad and divisive President unless you are a lefty...the fact the GOP has made these gains when much of the party is run by imbeciles like Boehner and McConnell should frighten the dems...right now I look at the two parties this way...the GOP is inept and the dems are dangerous...if the GOP can find a leader like Reagan (doubtful right now) they could really be in great shape...unfortunately too many are "campaign consevatives" (heard that term in an interview by Ted Cruz and he is dead-on) who forget everything they ran on once elected which is why a guy like Trump can make so much noise...

Laugh now, but you'll see later.

History will judge Obama well because history is written by the victors. With the seismic shift in American demographics, the Democrat Party will become stronger nationally and the Republican Party will fade. Further, most history texts used in college and gushed over by the media are written by authors who are sympathetic to Progressive policies. The prevailing narrative will be that Obama was a highly successful President.

And even if you disagree with the policies that President Obama has enacted, it's hard to argue that he hasn't been one of the more active Presidents in both enacting new policies and changing existing policies. History favors the bold and Obama is bold.
This is what I've been telling people. The GOP losses are piling up. They're down to only controlling the House and the Senate, along with the majority of Governorships and state legislatures. Sad really.
That's because the two major groups that led Obama to win twice are too stupid to vote in those elections. The 25 and under dummies that don't know their ### from their elbow and the deadbeats that just wanted handouts. Will an old white lady inspire those two normally too lazy to vote groups to come out next November? If yes she wins, if no get ready for President Trump baby, lol.
The Dems are kind of up #### creek with Hillary or Bernie. I can't see black people caring enough about either one of them to get out and vote (not to mention that they will be disheartened with the process because after 8 years with a black president they are still poor and getting murdered more than ever), and Hillary is so unlikable she will scare away the young voters and the hippies. Bernie will pull well from that crowd but it won't be enough. Biden is looking like their best shot at this point.

The Dems are kind of up #### creek with Hillary or Bernie. I can't see black people caring enough about either one of them to get out and vote (not to mention that they will be disheartened with the process because after 8 years with a black president they are still poor and getting murdered more than ever), and Hillary is so unlikable she will scare away the young voters and the hippies. Bernie will pull well from that crowd but it won't be enough. Biden is looking like their best shot at this point.
How about when Obama comes out and tells the people who voted for him to vote for Hillary?

Obama has campaigned with liberal rhetoric for sure. Yet his actions in office have been moderate by any reasonable measure.

And the article doesn't tell the whole story. The GOP is also at its weakest since the 1930s- despite its victories in 2014. Americans seem to be turning away from the leadership in both

By what measure is the GOP weakest since the 30s? Certainly not in terms of holding office at a state and federal level which is the focus of the article.

Obama doubled the stock market while he's been in office, George W dropped it by 40% during his term. So how will the republicans save the economy?
The market did very well under Clinton, too. It crapped out under both Bush presidencies, though. :2cents:


Democratic Blues By JEFF GREENFIELD

As historians begin to assess Barack Obamas record as president, theres at least one legacy hell leave that will indeed be historicbut not in the way he would have hoped. Even as Democrats look favorably ahead to the presidential landscape of 2016, the strength in the Electoral College belies huge losses across much of the country. In fact, no president in modern times has presided over so disastrous a stretch for his party, at almost every level of politics.

Legacies are often tough to measure. If you want to see just how tricky they can be, consider the campaign to get Andrew Jackson off the $20 bill 178 years after he left the White House. Working class hero? How about slave owner and champion of Native American genocide? Or watch how JFK went from beloved martyr to the man whose imperial overreach entrapped us in Vietnam, and then back to the president whose prudence kept the Cuban Missile Crisis from turning into World War III.

Yet when you move from policy to politics, the task is a lot simplerjust measure the clout of the presidents party when he took office and when he left it. By that measure, Obamas six years have been terrible.

Under Obama, the party started strong. When Obama was elected in 2008, Democrats were at a high water mark, says David Axelrod, who served as one of Obamas top strategists. Driven by antipathy to George W. Bush and then the Obama wave, Democrats had enjoyed two banner elections in 06 and 08. We won dozens of improbable congressional elections in states and districts that normally would tack Republican, and that effect trickled down to other offices. You add to that the fact that we would take office in the midst of the worst recession since the Great Depression, and it was apparent, from Day One, that we had nowhere to go but down.

The first signs of the slowly unfolding debacle that has meant the decimation of the Democratic Party nationally began earlywith the special election of Scott Brown to Ted Kennedys empty Senate seat in Massachusetts. That early loss, even though the seat was won back eventually by Elizabeth Warren, presaged the 2010 midterms, which saw the loss of 63 House and six Senate seats. It was disaster that came as no surprise to the White House, but also proved a signal of what was to come.

The partys record over the past six years has made clear that when Barack Obama leaves office in January 2017 the Democratic Party will have ceded vast sections of the country to Republicans, and will be left with a weak bench of high-level elected officials. It is, in fact, so bleak a record that even if the Democrats hold the White House and retake the Senate in 2016, the partys wounds will remain deep and enduring, threatening the enactment of anything like a progressive agenda across much of the nation and eliminating nearly a decades worth of rising stars who might help strengthen the party in elections ahead.

When Obama came into the White House, it seemed like the Democrats had turned a corner generationally; at just 47, he was one of the youngest men to be elected as president. But the party has struggled to build a new generation of leaders around him. Eight years later, when he leaves office in 2017 at 55, hell actually be one of the partys only leaders not eligible for Social Security. Even as the party has recently captured more young voters at the ballot box in presidential elections, its leaders are increasingly of an entirely different generation; most of the partys leaders will fade from the national scene in the years ahead. Its two leading presidential candidates, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are 67 and 73. The sitting vice president, Joe Biden, is 72. The Democratic House leader, Nancy Pelosi, is 75; House Whip Steny Hoyer is 76 and caucus Chair James Clyburn is 75, as is Harry Reid, the Senate Democratic leader, who will retire next year. Its a party that will be turning to a new generation of leaders in the coming yearsand yet, there are precious few looking around the nations state houses, U.S. House or Senate seats.


Barack Obama took office in 2009 with 60 Democrats in the Senatecounting two independents who caucused with the partyand 257 House members. Today, there are 46 members of the Senate Democratic caucus, the worst showing since the first year after the Reagan landslide. Across the Capitol, there are 188 Democrats in the House, giving Republicans their best showing since Herbert Hoover took the White House in 1929.

This is, however, the tip of the iceberg. When you look at the states, the collapse of the partys fortunes are worse. Republicans now hold 31 governorships, nine more than they held when Obama was inaugurated. During the last six years the GOP has won governorships in purple and even deep blue states: Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Maryland, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, New Mexico, Nevada, Ohio. In the last midterms, only one endangered Republican governorTom Corbett in Pennsylvaniawas replaced by a Democrat. (Sean Parnell in Alaska lost to an independent.) Every other endangered Republican returned to office.

Now turn to state legislaturesalthough if youre a loyal Democrat, you may want to avert your eyes. In 2009, Democrats were in full control of 27 state legislatures; Republicans held full power in 14. Now? The GOP is in full control of 30 state legislatures; Democrats hold full power in just 11. In 24 states, Republicans control the governorship and both houses of the legislaturegiving them total control over the political process. That increased power at the state level has already led to serious consequences for Democrats, for their political future and for their goals.

Its almost a crime, Democratic Party Vice Chair Donna Brazile says. We have been absolutely decimated at the state and local level.

Taken as a whole, these six years have been almost historically awful for Democrats. You have to go back to the Great Depression and the Watergate years to find so dramatic a reversal of fortunes for a party. And this time, theres neither a Great Depression nor a criminal conspiracy in the White House to explain what has happened.

Some of the partys national erosion may well have been inevitable. The transformation of the South from a one-party Democratic region to a (virtual) one-party Republican region accounts for some of the losses to the Democratic ranks. That 2010 election gave Republicans in nine states control over redistricting, which gave them more seats in the U.S. House and state legislatures four years later. And the dramatic fallout in support from white working-class voters can be explained, in some progressives eyes, by a failure to address the plight of what was once the partys base.

These voters, pollster Stan Greenberg wrote recently in the Washington Monthly, are open to an expansive Democratic economic agendato more benefits for child care and higher education, to tax hikes on the wealthy, to investment in infrastructure spending, and to economic policies that lead employers to boost salaries for middle- and working-class Americans, especially women. Yet they are only ready to listen when they think that Democrats understand their deeply held belief that politics has been corrupted and government has failed. Championing reform of government and the political process is the price of admission with these voters.

Whatever the explanations, there is an unsettling reality for Democrats: While they may warm themselves over presidential prospectsdemographic shifts and a Republican Party deeply at war with itself and consumed by a chaotic primary highlighted by the debate earlier this month, starring Donald Trump at the center of the stagethe weather where so much of our politics and policies will be shaped looks distinctly chiller.

We are fooling ourselves, says one well-placed Democratic operative, if we think we can advance a progressive agenda in Washington, if half the Congress and half the states are controlled by a Republican Party enthusiastically working to undo every trace of progressive policy.


In facing midterms headwinds, every two-term president has had to reckon with his partys misfortune. The six-year itch, when voters punish the presidents party with congressional losses, has afflicted every president since Theodore Roosevelt with just one exception: Bill Clinton in 1998. In Clintons case, though, voters had dealt Democrats a crushing midterm loss four years earlier, capturing the Senate andfor the first time in 40 yearsthe House of Representatives as well. And since 1928, only one presidentRonald Reaganhas managed to leave the White House in the hands of an elected successor of the same party.

This historical record, however, offers little comfort to todays Democrats or to Obamas down-ballot legacy. No two-term president in recent times has seen his party clobbered in both midterm elections. In one casethe 1986 midtermsReag

ans Republican Party did relatively well in the House, losing only five seats. But it lost the Senate when seven GOP seats turned over, some by very narrow margins. Democrats gained five House seats in 1998, even though their president was in the middle of a major scandal. And while only Reagan saw his party hold the White House, three other presidentsEisenhower, Johnson, Clintonall saw their partys nominee come within a whisker of victory. Not only did Gore win the popular vote, but Democrats in 2000 picked up five Senate seats.

Wait, you are asking: Dont Democrats, with the demographic wind at their backs, have a good chance of holding the White House? Doesnt the Senate map give them a real shot at retaking the Senate? Dont national polls show that the GOP is far more unpopular than the Democratic Party?

Yesand a third term for Democrats along with a recaptured Senate would clearly affect Obamas political legacy. Even with those victories, however, the afflictions of Democrats at every other level would ensure enduring political trouble.

Looking out across the national landscape, the Democratic Party has a notably weak bench of top-level candidates. The losses of U.S. Senate seats and gubernatorial offices across the country have left the party starved for next generation leaders; stars like Californias Kamala Harris and New Jerseys Cory Booker are few and far between, and red-state success stories like Kentuckys Steve Beshear or Arkansass Mike Beebe are hardly household names.

There is no Unified Field Theory that accounts for all the Democrats woes, according to observers on both sides of the aisle. Even as the party has powered through to strong victories at the presidential level, Democrats down-ballot over the past six years have been hit with economic uncertainty, the realignment of many congressional districts and a midterm electorate that increasing looks different than the voter base of presidential elections.

The historic voter dropoff from presidential to non-presidential years, when most state elections are held, only compounded the challenge, Axelrod says. The electorate in non-presidential years generally is a third smaller, and the majority of the dropoff is among Democratic-leaning votersminorities, the poor, the young.

For longtime Democratic operative Joe Trippi, the problems began at the end of the 1980s, when Republicans, after decades in the minority, put everything in their energy and funding towards solving their problems in winning the House of Representatives. And [in 1994] it worked. And they also recruited for state raceswe didnt. None of the Washington committees of the Democratic Party really gave a damn who was running for attorney general or secretary of state.

For many Democrats, the 2010 results help explain 2014; when Republicans took over nine state legislatures after the first midterms, they took with them the power to redraw legislative and congressional districts; and that, in turn, guaranteed them more seats at both the federal and state level. That explanation, though, only goes so far. The big GOP gains in the House came in 2010, when Democrats lost 64 House seatsthe worst midterm showing for a party since 1894. Moreover, in 2014, the Republicans won nine Senate seatsand you cant gerrymander a state. (What did make things worse was the spate of retirements; likely Democratic holds in West Virginia, South Dakota, Montana and Iowa all fell to Republicans.) Nor can Democrats take comfort in the constitutionally mandated structure of the Senate, where every state has two senators. Contrary to the assumption that this favors the GOP, the 10 least populous states are evenly divided10 Republicans and 10 Democrats (counting Angus King and Bernie Sanders). And among the 10 largest states? The split is exactly the same: 10 and 10.

For Republicans, the explanation for Democratic travails is more straightforward: Voters dont like what Obama and his party has been doing. Today, the greatest problem Obama has is that the economy has not gotten better in the Obama years, except for those at the top. For most people, its either the same or worse, says Stuart Stevens, who piloted Mitt Romneys 2012 campaign. And, he adds, the signature achievement of the president, Obamacare, proved so unpopular in 2014in large part thanks to the disastrous website rolloutthat Democratic candidates were wary of even raising it.

As just one example, Stevens points to the 2014 Alaska Senate race, where one-term Democratic incumbent Mark Begich narrowly lost his reelection bid. Begich ran ads defending many of the provisions of the law, but they never used Affordable Care Act or Obamacare, Stevens says. Anytime youre trying to defend something but wont use its name, youre in a tough spot.

Its a point given a nonpartisan spin by Norm Ornstein, whos been observing Washington from his perch at the American Enterprise Institute for decades and argues that the Obama administration has done a remarkably poor job selling even its top accomplishments to the American people. My puzzlement goes back to 2009, he says. From the beginning, it was clear that the Republicans had crafted the agenda. And Obama never offered a sense of what the stimulus did, or what his administration was doing. Its remarkable that a campaign with incredible communications skills more or less abandoned them; its not that theres magic in presidential communication, but they did nothing that was not related to the ordinary way of doing things.

And, Ornstein adds, the failure early on to haul at least one banker into court helped to trigger the populist uprising.

Beyond all of these explanations, however, does lie one key factor: In 2010 and 2014, the Republicans and conservatives reaped the harvest from years of effort at the state and local levelsan effort the Democrats simply did not bother to match until very recently.

Five years ago, as a revelatory New Yorker article by Jane Mayer chronicled, Republicans began to invest time and money in capturing state legislatures. In North Carolina, a multimillionaire named Art Pope channeled unprecedented sums into a series of races; enough to turn North Carolinas Legislature from blue to red for the first time in a century. It was an effort replicated throughout the country that year by Project REDMAP, the REDistricting MAjority Project, a GOP campaign that helped the party win 21 legislative majorities. That effort to reshape politics at the state level has accelerated over time. During the 2014 cycle, for example, the Republican Governors Association spent $170 million; the Democratic Governors Association spent $98 million. (The DGA has belatedly begun an effort to put governors in states where the chief executive has a voice in redistricting, in order to blunt the impact of gerrymandering).

I would be the first to concede that we had failed to build a sturdy infrastructure for Democrats from the bottom up, David Axelrod says. The Republican Party and supporting oligarchs like the Koch Brothers have invested exponentially more time and resources into building electoral strength from the grass roots up, concentrating on down ballot state offices, legislative raceseven school board and City Council races. This has helped turn more than a few legislatures from blue to red, and also had created a larger pool of potential candidates for higher offices in the future.

More than a decade agoyears before the successive midterm disastersone prominent Democrat sought to address his partys grass-roots weaknesses. In 2005, former Vermont governor and presidential candidate Howard Dean became chair of the Democratic National Committee, and pronounced a fifty state strategy, looking to find candidates and foot soldiers even in deepest red America. It was a strategy that brought Dean into direct conflict with Rahm Emanuel, then head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, who wanted resources targeted to the most winnable districts. In the short run, Emanuels approach worked; Democrats won back control of the House in 2006. In the long run, however, it left the party virtually disarmed against a determined GOP drive to win state and local contests,

For his part, Deanwho left the DNC chairmanship in 2009-told Governing Magazine back in 2013, It would be a terrible mistake to leave even one state out of a basic package of training, IT and staffing, he said. I dont advocate putting a zillion dollars into Alaska, but I do advocate having a competent, well-run Democratic Party in place, because you never know where lightning is going to strike.

The political consequences of the grass-roots Democratic weakness are clear. State control means a determined party can enact laws that severely weaken the opposition. Gerrymandering is just one example. If newly Republican legislatures undo a series of laws to make voting easierno more same-day registration, fewer early-voting days, more stringent voter ID lawsthe impact will be felt most among likely Democratic voters. If states like Wisconsin weaken the power of public employee unions, or free public and private workers from paying union dues, it will mean fewer union dollars and fewer union foot soldiers for future Democratic campaigns. Politics, however, is only part of the storyand not the most important. Republican domination of state legislatures and state houses means an approach to tax policy, corporate regulation, education, the environment and abortion that is at least as consequential as the proclaimed views of a future Democratic president.

There are signs that the Democratic Party has begun to respond to its grass-roots woes. Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe and EMILYs List President Stephanie Schriock have launched an effort to raise a multimillion dollar campaign chest to elect governors in states where the chief executive has a legal role in drawing congressional lines. (A governors veto over GOP-drawn district lines could put such disputes into the courts). And Donna Brazile has joined with Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear and others to form a task force to address what Brazile calls a decade-long neglect of the grass roots. Democrats, she says, are like cicadas; they come out every four years. The midterms, the state and local elections, theyre just not sexy enough.

Whatever these efforts, they come very late, making prospects for a sustained turn in the next decade a long shot at best. Come January 2017, the Democratic Party may find that celebrating its third straight presidential victory comes with a distinctly hollow ring.
jesus people, don't ####### quote huge passages
its annoying
OK, enough already.

Obama doubled the stock market while he's been in office, George W dropped it by 40% during his term. So how will the republicans save the economy?
The economy and the stock market aren't the same thing.The stock market is basically at all time highs while the number of Americans who aren't working and are underemployed are at all time highs.

The market is at all time highs because the Fed refuses to raise interest rates. And by refusing to raise interest rates people put their money in the only place they feel they can get a return since savings is paying 0%.

If the economy was healthy interest rates wouldn't be at zero.

It is kind of like why housing prices go up when interest rates get so low (though there isn't a 100% correlation). When interest rates go up...and at some point they will, home prices will get hammered.
:goodposting: Even Bernie Sanders says the real unemployment number is 10%. Which only makes sense with 93 million people not working.

The Dems are kind of up #### creek with Hillary or Bernie. I can't see black people caring enough about either one of them to get out and vote (not to mention that they will be disheartened with the process because after 8 years with a black president they are still poor and getting murdered more than ever), and Hillary is so unlikable she will scare away the young voters and the hippies. Bernie will pull well from that crowd but it won't be enough. Biden is looking like their best shot at this point.
How about when Obama comes out and tells the people who voted for him to vote for Hillary?
And what if they say things have not gotten better under you Barry....

Obama doubled the stock market while he's been in office, George W dropped it by 40% during his term. So how will the republicans save the economy?
The economy and the stock market aren't the same thing.The stock market is basically at all time highs while the number of Americans who aren't working and are underemployed are at all time highs.

The market is at all time highs because the Fed refuses to raise interest rates. And by refusing to raise interest rates people put their money in the only place they feel they can get a return since savings is paying 0%.

If the economy was healthy interest rates wouldn't be at zero.

It is kind of like why housing prices go up when interest rates get so low (though there isn't a 100% correlation). When interest rates go up...and at some point they will, home prices will get hammered.
:goodposting: Even Bernie Sanders says the real unemployment number is 10%. Which only makes sense with 93 million people not working.
Might want to check your math, or your sources, or both.

The Dems are kind of up #### creek with Hillary or Bernie. I can't see black people caring enough about either one of them to get out and vote (not to mention that they will be disheartened with the process because after 8 years with a black president they are still poor and getting murdered more than ever), and Hillary is so unlikable she will scare away the young voters and the hippies. Bernie will pull well from that crowd but it won't be enough. Biden is looking like their best shot at this point.
How about when Obama comes out and tells the people who voted for him to vote for Hillary?
And what if they say things have not gotten better under you Barry....
Only a moron would say something like that.

Young people are turning out for Bernie. And slowly people of color are starting to get to know him. He has spoken at several very high profile civil rights organizations recently and will continue to reach out. Not worried about the minority vote too much just look at what the GOP goons are doing and saying.

Laugh now, but you'll see later.

History will judge Obama well because history is written by the victors. With the seismic shift in American demographics, the Democrat Party will become stronger nationally and the Republican Party will fade. Further, most history texts used in college and gushed over by the media are written by authors who are sympathetic to Progressive policies. The prevailing narrative will be that Obama was a highly successful President.

And even if you disagree with the policies that President Obama has enacted, it's hard to argue that he hasn't been one of the more active Presidents in both enacting new policies and changing existing policies. History favors the bold and Obama is bold.
This is what I've been telling people. The GOP losses are piling up. They're down to only controlling the House and the Senate, along with the majority of Governorships and state legislatures. Sad really.

The Dems are kind of up #### creek with Hillary or Bernie. I can't see black people caring enough about either one of them to get out and vote (not to mention that they will be disheartened with the process because after 8 years with a black president they are still poor and getting murdered more than ever), and Hillary is so unlikable she will scare away the young voters and the hippies. Bernie will pull well from that crowd but it won't be enough. Biden is looking like their best shot at this point.
How about when Obama comes out and tells the people who voted for him to vote for Hillary?
And what if they say things have not gotten better under you Barry....
Only a moron would say something like that.
Sorry...forgot it was heresy to think that African Americans should do anything but blindly do what they are told and pull the lever for the dems...

The Dems are kind of up #### creek with Hillary or Bernie. I can't see black people caring enough about either one of them to get out and vote (not to mention that they will be disheartened with the process because after 8 years with a black president they are still poor and getting murdered more than ever), and Hillary is so unlikable she will scare away the young voters and the hippies. Bernie will pull well from that crowd but it won't be enough. Biden is looking like their best shot at this point.
How about when Obama comes out and tells the people who voted for him to vote for Hillary?
And what if they say things have not gotten better under you Barry....
Only a moron would say something like that.
Sorry...forgot it was heresy to think that African Americans should do anything but blindly do what they are told and pull the lever for the dems...
No, it's moronic to think things have not gotten better under 'Barry'.

The Dems are kind of up #### creek with Hillary or Bernie. I can't see black people caring enough about either one of them to get out and vote (not to mention that they will be disheartened with the process because after 8 years with a black president they are still poor and getting murdered more than ever), and Hillary is so unlikable she will scare away the young voters and the hippies. Bernie will pull well from that crowd but it won't be enough. Biden is looking like their best shot at this point.
How about when Obama comes out and tells the people who voted for him to vote for Hillary?
And what if they say things have not gotten better under you Barry....
Only a moron would say something like that.
Sorry...forgot it was heresy to think that African Americans should do anything but blindly do what they are told and pull the lever for the dems...
No, it's moronic to think things have not gotten better under 'Barry'.
Please google blacks under Obama and I am sure you will find plenty of evidence that this is not moronic...

Laugh now, but you'll see later.

History will judge Obama well because history is written by the victors. With the seismic shift in American demographics, the Democrat Party will become stronger nationally and the Republican Party will fade. Further, most history texts used in college and gushed over by the media are written by authors who are sympathetic to Progressive policies. The prevailing narrative will be that Obama was a highly successful President.

And even if you disagree with the policies that President Obama has enacted, it's hard to argue that he hasn't been one of the more active Presidents in both enacting new policies and changing existing policies. History favors the bold and Obama is bold.
This is what I've been telling people. The GOP losses are piling up. They're down to only controlling the House and the Senate, along with the majority of Governorships and state legislatures. Sad really.

This should worry Democrats way more than the "We're the Party of the Future" excites them.

Obama doubled the stock market while he's been in office, George W dropped it by 40% during his term. So how will the republicans save the economy?
The economy and the stock market aren't the same thing.

The stock market is basically at all time highs while the number of Americans who aren't working and are underemployed are at all time highs.

The market is at all time highs because the Fed refuses to raise interest rates. And by refusing to raise interest rates people put their money in the only place they feel they can get a return since savings is paying 0%.

If the economy was healthy interest rates wouldn't be at zero.

It is kind of like why housing prices go up when interest rates get so low (though there isn't a 100% correlation). When interest rates go up...and at some point they will, home prices will get hammered.
Meh. If an R was in office....R's wouldn't be saying that. I remember during the waning years of the Bush Presidency, Hannity was chomping at the bit about how the U-6 was irrelevant for a number of reasons.

Not reading past first post because I already know how this thread will turn out, like all of the rest of the political threads.

Decades from now Obama will be celebrated as a top ten President. Possibly top five.
Laugh now, but you'll see later.History will judge Obama well because history is written by the victors. With the seismic shift in American demographics, the Democrat Party will become stronger nationally and the Republican Party will fade. Further, most history texts used in college and gushed over by the media are written by authors who are sympathetic to Progressive policies. The prevailing narrative will be that Obama was a highly successful President.

And even if you disagree with the policies that President Obama has enacted, it's hard to argue that he hasn't been one of the more active Presidents in both enacting new policies and changing existing policies. History favors the bold and Obama is bold.
Wow. I wouldn't put him as the top two black president we have ever seen.....

I agree with Olaf that Obama will be judged pretty well by history. Personally, I think a lot of the criticism that Bush got was unwarranted, but the fact is that he's going to go down as a failed president. It also looks like we're destined to have either a lying crook or a complete bozo in office after Obama leaves. By way of comparison, I think he's going to look really good. The last eight years are going to be remembered as a period of economic recovery (not as strong as Obama would have liked, but still), relative peace, and no scandals. Obama is going to benefit by having his administration bookended by some real doozies.

Not top 5 certainly -- that's crazy talk. But solidly above-average.

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Laugh now, but you'll see later.

History will judge Obama well because history is written by the victors. With the seismic shift in American demographics, the Democrat Party will become stronger nationally and the Republican Party will fade. Further, most history texts used in college and gushed over by the media are written by authors who are sympathetic to Progressive policies. The prevailing narrative will be that Obama was a highly successful President.

And even if you disagree with the policies that President Obama has enacted, it's hard to argue that he hasn't been one of the more active Presidents in both enacting new policies and changing existing policies. History favors the bold and Obama is bold.
This is what I've been telling people. The GOP losses are piling up. They're down to only controlling the House and the Senate, along with the majority of Governorships and state legislatures. Sad really.
Everything you wrote pertains to the present, yet I'm clearly talking about the future. I don't deny that Republicans dominate Governorships, state legislatures, and the federal legislature now, but give it time (much like Obama's reputation) and you'll see a different result. I see the the Republican stronghold on the aforementioned positions as a last stand because their historic base is dwindling and their power is slipping away. As the demographics continue to change and older white voters continue to die off, the Republican party will recede as the Democrat Party grows.

I could be wrong, but I highly doubt it.
We've heard all of this before when the Democrats steamrolled the 2006 elections. The left danced with glee and proclaimed to the heavens that the GOP was dead. And yet here we are in 2015 with the situation described by GoFishTN, with the GOP stronger than ever.

You're wrong, and I don't doubt it.

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Not reading past first post because I already know how this thread will turn out, like all of the rest of the political threads.
Tim hasn't brought up his thoughts on water temperatures in the Atlantic Ocean vs Pacific in this thread like he did in the Hillary thread.

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I agree with Olaf that Obama will be judged pretty well by history. Personally, I think a lot of the criticism that Bush got was unwarranted, but the fact is that he's going to go down as a failed president. It also looks like we're destined to have either a lying crook or a complete bozo in office after Obama leaves. By way of comparison, I think he's going to look really good. The last eight years are going to be remembered as a period of economic recovery (not as strong as Obama would have liked, but still), relative peace, and no scandals. Obama is going to benefit by having his administration bookended by some real doozies.

Not top 5 certainly -- that's crazy talk. But solidly above-average.
Um, Edward Snowden wasn't a big deal?

I agree with Olaf that Obama will be judged pretty well by history. Personally, I think a lot of the criticism that Bush got was unwarranted, but the fact is that he's going to go down as a failed president. It also looks like we're destined to have either a lying crook or a complete bozo in office after Obama leaves. By way of comparison, I think he's going to look really good. The last eight years are going to be remembered as a period of economic recovery (not as strong as Obama would have liked, but still), relative peace, and no scandals. Obama is going to benefit by having his administration bookended by some real doozies.

Not top 5 certainly -- that's crazy talk. But solidly above-average.
Um, Edward Snowden wasn't a big deal?
In what sense?

I'm confused. Pew just came out showing the GOP is at like 32% and the Dems 48%.

How is the Dem party at the "worst point ever" - and how can someone be proud of "this" GOP and the mess of a circus of ideologues and theologues trying to out ruin the country each other.

I'm confused. Pew just came out showing the GOP is at like 32% and the Dems 48%.

How is the Dem party at the "worst point ever" - and how can someone be proud of "this" GOP and the mess of a circus of ideologues and theologues trying to out ruin the country each other.

I'm confused. Pew just came out showing the GOP is at like 32% and the Dems 48%.

How is the Dem party at the "worst point ever" -

and how can someone be proud of "this" GOP and the mess of a circus of ideologues and theologues trying to out ruin the country each other.
Perhaps reading the article will clear things up for you as it pertains to the amount of positions held at the federal, state and local level.

I'm confused. Pew just came out showing the GOP is at like 32% and the Dems 48%.

How is the Dem party at the "worst point ever" - and how can someone be proud of "this" GOP and the mess of a circus of ideologues and theologues trying to out ruin the country each other.
Don't pay attention to the socialist currently at #2...
LOL. Ok, so I didn't read. Nice to throw out comments that couldn't be more off base.

As to this issue, of which I am aware, its likely a cyclical phenomenon not unlike most. That said, Obama's disaster of a first term - not many victories, let the GOP paint the few he had as stalemates as best, and just a naivete about how to move things through Washington, IMO, is the domino that was the affect to this result. It takes time to trickle to local, but the rise of the Tea Party and growing dismay with Liberalism in general created the environment at the local level in which we live today. All that exacerbated by a long great recession and structural economic changes from which certain population segments never have and likely never will, bounce back.

With all the above, it doesn't help that we have abhorrent gerrymandering (but let's be honest, whoever is in power will do that. Shameful and disgraceful, but hardly a GOP thing) designed to retain status quo politics rather than serve the needs of the people.

The last 18 months have really been pretty amazing. Continued economic growth even if not what we want/expect. And the continued push of "NO" from the right I believe is now being felt in the sound bites of this election. Could you IMAGINE Bernie Sanders getting ANY traction 4 years ago at the height of the tea party?

In summary, I don't disagree that Obama has had a dark effect on local Dem positions - it's evident here as it is most places (Long Island, NY). However, the pendulum appears to be swinging back, starting at the head (Presidential politics), which will then reverberate (or not) come congressional elections and we will see if any coattails (from either party's candidate) to see where this goes next.

I'm confused. Pew just came out showing the GOP is at like 32% and the Dems 48%.

How is the Dem party at the "worst point ever" - and how can someone be proud of "this" GOP and the mess of a circus of ideologues and theologues trying to out ruin the country each other.
Don't pay attention to the socialist currently at #2...
PS... did a lot of "socialists" vote for Gary Johnson?

Also, do you mean economic socialism or governmental?

Or are you trying to use a word that, honestly, has no negativity unto itself (socialism CAN be a great form of governance, and economy, depending on your personal perspective and politics. It's not for me at all, but I recognize that our system has PLENTY of socialist aspects even so)?

Like "Liberal" became a "slur" - it's sad that you have to disparage another legitimate viewpoint to somehow prop up your own.

Sadder yet that you try to use it as a blanket term to cast aspersions on anyone who you think disagrees with you. Doesn't exactly show a real faith in your own beliefs, nor character.

Forget political parties for a moment. Since Obama took over, are we as a nation more liberal or more conservative?

Gay marriage, Obamacare, diplomatic relations with Cuba and a deal with Iran, higher taxes- I would say that in every measurable way we are more liberal than we were.

Forget political parties for a moment. Since Obama took over, are we as a nation more liberal or more conservative?

Gay marriage, Obamacare, diplomatic relations with Cuba and a deal with Iran, higher taxes- I would say that in every measurable way we are more liberal than we were.
No question that the march of history is in that direction. I still feel it's sad that Gay Marriage is anyone's "issue" - I'd think a conservative who respects the rights and freedoms of the individual above gov't restriction of those rights and freedoms would begrudgingly recognize what a hypocritical stance it is to want gov't to impose laws to restrict Liberty.

Then again, maybe it's not really a true conservatism we are talking, but other things lurking afoot.

FWIW, while the direction is that way, I'm not sure the Iran or Cuba deal is "Liberal" per se, either, just has that side of support and the other has to take the other. FWIW, I am strongly against the deal from what I've heard (from LIBERALS like Steve Israel)

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A 1 percent annual drop in China's economy translates into just a 0.2 percent pinch to America's economy, according to Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Analytics.

Likewise, a China pullback of that size would slow annual growth in the 19-country eurozone by only 0.10 percent to 0.15 percent, according to UniCredit Research.
A 1 percent annual drop in China's economy translates into just a 0.2 percent pinch to America's economy, according to Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Analytics.

Likewise, a China pullback of that size would slow annual growth in the 19-country eurozone by only 0.10 percent to 0.15 percent, according to UniCredit Research.
Yeah and the subprime fallout was contained.

i mean, when your TOP choices for President are a) 67 yr old White grandma alcoholic felon b) 73 old White grandpa socialist c) 66 yr old White grandma fake Indian

you're pretty much scraping the barrel at that point.

I find it more interesting that young people continue to be deceived by old white folks into voting for a party that doesn't do anything for them except take away their rights and their money to fund their overly lavish government entitlement & pensions.

People would NEVER fall for a black candidate promising Hope & Change.

i mean, when your TOP choices for President are a) 67 yr old White grandma alcoholic felon b) 73 old White grandpa socialist c) 66 yr old White grandma fake Indian

you're pretty much scraping the barrel at that point.

I find it more interesting that young people continue to be deceived by old white folks into voting for a party that doesn't do anything for them except take away their rights and their money to fund their overly lavish government entitlement & pensions.
They tried being deceived by Hope & Change and the promise that they could default on their student loans with impunity. That didnt work out too well.

i mean, when your TOP choices for President are a) 67 yr old White grandma alcoholic felon b) 73 old White grandpa socialist c) 66 yr old White grandma fake Indian

you're pretty much scraping the barrel at that point.

I find it more interesting that young people continue to be deceived by old white folks into voting for a party that doesn't do anything for them except take away their rights and their money to fund their overly lavish government entitlement & pensions.
who is the alcoholic felon?
It used to be when you went to a party and were in bad shape when it was over, it meant it had been a pretty good party. :shrug:

i mean, when your TOP choices for President are a) 67 yr old White grandma alcoholic felon b) 73 old White grandpa socialist c) 66 yr old White grandma fake Indian

you're pretty much scraping the barrel at that point.

I find it more interesting that young people continue to be deceived by old white folks into voting for a party that doesn't do anything for them except take away their rights and their money to fund their overly lavish government entitlement & pensions.
who is the alcoholic felon?
Who is the fake Indian?

Oh i almost forgot, the guy warming the bench and about to enter the game for the dems as their starter is being escorted off the field in handcuffs, is another 72 yr old white grandpa pathological liar/gaffe machine.


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