I was gone off the forums for many years. If not for the pandemic, odds are I wouldn't have returned.
I never posted in the PSF before that time. Never. I do remember though when politics would literally invade the FFA and sabotage/ruin nearly every last thread in it. When I came back into the PSF, what I noticed was that it was
@jon_mx ,
@BladeRunner ,
@Max Power,
@NorvilleBarnes and a few others getting constantly swarmed and battered.
A few times I've replied to jon, hoping to lead him away from some discussions, because I could literally see the swarm trying to bait him into something to get him banned, and I like jon, he's a good poster, so I don't want him to be banned.
Every time I've been attacked or there's been some pathway to try to silence me, I've raised my level of participation and depth behind it. I encourage all Conservatives and Republicans here to do the same. If they feel they are being personally attacked, sealioned, gaslit or whatever else, count them. Count each instance and that's how many top level threads they should create. A new one every 24 hours. One that's invested in and invites practical substantive political discussion. And it will probably lean Conservative in nature. If all Conservatives do that, the attacks on Conservatives would all end.
The point of attacking Conservatives is just trying to silence us here. And out there. And everywhere.
So don't be silent.
If 20 Conservatives here started a new top level thread topic every 24 hours for two weeks. I'm talking introspective practical current political discussion generated. That's 280 thread topics in half a month. All likely Conservative in nature. Do you think that would stop the attacks? I would. And why would that be a bad thing? Because that's the first accusation the radical left here will make. If people are willing to invest into turning this place into a Grantland style hub for political discussion, and raising the level of discourse, why is that a bad thing at all?
I don't tell people to do things I won't do myself. Every day and a half or so, I start a new top level thread topic. And I don't post cheap. Some people here don't like my politics or formatting or viewpoint, but I'm not lazy. And I'm just one person and I fully believe I've made an impact here in the last year and a half. But I suppose it makes some of the low effort radicals here angry that a retired geriatric is setting the pace.
So my suggestion to jon is if people want to argue with you for sport to hunt you down, then fill the place with more democracy. Fill it with more free speech. Fill it with more Conservatism.
High value posting always wins. Raising the level of discussion always wins. Creating more high information based voters always wins. Defending your boundaries always wins. This is how Conservatism wins. This would be the truth even if I was the only Conservative here.
"Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth." - Gandhi