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***Official 1/6 Select Committee thread*** (1 Viewer)

& how are you going to know?  no cross examination.  this is a staged kangaroo court & "court" is probably not the right term.   this is the furthest thing from bipartisan as you can get.  both Repubs on this were appointed by Pelosi.  Both people voted to impeach Trump.  the people suggested by the minority leader of the house to serve on this committee were dismissed by Pelosi breaking long standing precedent.  the recent testimony is I heard it from this guy.  Not admissible in anything but a partisan clown show.

get your jollies when you can I guess.  reminds me of another thread that went 2400 pages that involved

good luck ladies & gents but unless I hear cross examination from the other side I'd rather watch anything.
Not exactly true.   Pelosi rejected Jim Jordan, who is likely a co-conspirator, and Jim Banks, who voted against certifying the election results.   Because McCarthy couldn't get Jordan on the committee he pulled the rest of his nominees.   GOP leadership has been pretty critical of his "take my ball and go home" approach.

Yes, the Meadows staffer is going to risk a serious perjury charge in order to (checks notes) make his boss look bad. Because people lie all the time.

 "Why can't I just have a different opinion?"

McCarthy named seven people to be on the committee. Five were accepted. The two with obvious conflicts of interest were rejected, as they obviously should have been. So McCarthy pulled the other five back instead of replacing the two who were rejected. That's not the Democrats' fault.

And that was all after the non-partisan independent commission was rejected by Republicans.
Methinks he's not really interested in the truth and is using this as an excuse to dismiss the entire thing. 

Not exactly true.   Pelosi rejected Jim Jordan, who is likely a co-conspirator, and Jim Banks, who voted against certifying the election results.   Because McCarthy couldn't get Jordan on the committee he pulled the rest of his nominees.   GOP leadership has been pretty critical of his "take my ball and go home" approach.
 Lol, out of more than 200 Republicans in the House McCarthy couldn't think of five who could perform professionally in a critical investigation. I don't know who looks worse there but McCarthy screwed up big time.

Of course, in his defense, Trump's actions didn't give him a lot of maneuvering room. How do you defend the indefensible?

Tribal loyalty would be listening to a person say "I heard from someone who heard from someone said that..." And take it as fact. 
Under oath

I think I figured the problem.  To Trump and his followers taking a oath is sort of like not telling the DMV you gained ten pounds since your last renewal.  It's no big deal. Nobody is double checking or cares.   Elected officials and enlisted military involved took an oath to defend the Constitution, not Trump or Biden/Obama/Bush/Clinton but the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.   They however are loyal to Trump and Trump alone. That's scary. 

 Lol, out of more than 200 Republicans in the House McCarthy couldn't think of five who could perform professionally in a critical investigation. I don't know who looks worse there but McCarthy screwed up big time.

Of course, in his defense, Trump's actions didn't give him a lot of maneuvering room. How do you defend the indefensible?
He could think of five.  The thing is, he didn't want people that were going to act professionally.

Do you believe in the peaceful transfer of power?

I plead the Fifth.   

This is an actual former general.   Who just happened to get a pardon from Trump.
not an important job or anything, just the National Security Adviser

I think I figured the problem.  To Trump and his followers taking a oath is sort of like not telling the DMV you gained ten pounds since your last renewal.  It's no big deal. Nobody is double checking or cares.   Elected officials and enlisted military involved took an oath to defend the Constitution, not Trump or Biden/Obama/Bush/Clinton but the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.   They however are loyal to Trump and Trump alone. That's scary. 

This is who you are dealing with:

"If you're a Republican, you can't even lie to Congress or lie to an FBI agent or they're coming after you," Gohmert said in a Friday interview on NewsMax. "They're going to bury you, they're going to put you in the DC jail and terrorize and torture you and not live up to the Constitution there."

McCarthy named five people to be on the committee. Three were accepted. The two with obvious conflicts of interest were rejected, as they obviously should have been. So McCarthy pulled the other three back instead of replacing the two who were rejected. That's not the Democrats' fault.

And that was all after the non-partisan independent commission was rejected by Republicans.

Sure but if he didn't pull them all he couldn't blame the democrats and call it a sham Kangaroo court, which he knows 100% of MAGA will believe. 

Click the link to see which liberal rag published this.

Trump proven unfit for power again
Former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson’s Tuesday testimony ought to ring the death knell for former President Donald Trump’s political career. Trump is unfit to be anywhere near power ever again.

Hutchinson’s resume alone should establish her credibility. The 25-year-old had already worked at the highest levels of conservative Republican politics, including in the offices of Sen. Ted Cruz (TX) and House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (LA), before becoming a top aide for former Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows.

In short, Hutchinson was a conservative Trumpist true believer and a tremendously credible one at that. She did not overstate things, did not seem to be seeking attention, and was very precise about how and why she knew what she related and about which testimony was firsthand and which was secondhand but able to be corroborated.

What Hutchinson relayed was disturbing. She gave believable accounts of White House awareness that the planned Jan. 6 rally could turn violent. She repeated testimony that Trump not only knew that then-Vice President Mike Pence’s life had been credibly threatened that day but also that he was somewhere between uncaring and actually approving of Pence’s danger.

She also told, in detail, that Trump repeatedly insisted that he himself should join his supporters at the Capitol — even after being informed the crowd contained armed elements and that it was breaching the perimeter against an undermanned U.S. Capitol Police force.

Also distressing to hear were Hutchinson’s accounts of Trump’s repeated fits of rage, including dining table contents overturned and ketchup dishes thrown violently across the room. The worst by far, though, was that people immediately returning from being with Trump in the presidential vehicle told of the president trying to grab the wheel of the car to force it to be driven to the Capitol and then violently reaching for the neck of Secret Service agent Bobby Engel, who headed the president’s protective detail.

Hutchinson’s testimony confirmed a damning portrayal of Trump as unstable, unmoored, and absolutely heedless of his sworn duty to effectuate a peaceful transition of presidential power. Considering the entirety of her testimony, it is unsurprising that Hutchinson said she heard serious discussions of Cabinet members invoking the 25th Amendment that would have at least temporarily evicted Trump from office.

Trump is a disgrace. Republicans have far better options to lead the party in 2024. No one should think otherwise, much less support him, ever again.

McCarthy named five people to be on the committee. Three were accepted. The two with obvious conflicts of interest were rejected, as they obviously should have been. So McCarthy pulled the other three back instead of replacing the two who were rejected. That's not the Democrats' fault.

And that was all after the non-partisan independent commission was rejected by Republicans.
And Pelosi named the other two soon to be out of a job members.

Not exactly true.   Pelosi rejected Jim Jordan, who is likely a co-conspirator, and Jim Banks, who voted against certifying the election results.   Because McCarthy couldn't get Jordan on the committee he pulled the rest of his nominees.   GOP leadership has been pretty critical of his "take my ball and go home" approach.
Just a procedural move with no chance of overturning the election as far as I am concerned. 

At least that is what I was told by a fact checker about Bennie Thompson. 

The people testifying are going to have to be consistent with their statements when they talk to the nice folks at DOJ. The people in a position to rebut the testimony are taking the FIF. Not good for the Trump gang.

So the secret service is wanting to have the two agents that were present during the suv event testify that Hutchinson’s telling of the suv event is not correct.  

If allowed this would have to cast some doubt on this panel’s investigation.

if their was an defense panel or cross examination by a defense team was allowed to people testifying this would really be a gong show.  I have no pony in this show.
This gets mildly interesting in terms of 'legitimacy" if they two come back and say there was no real incident in the car and Trump wasn't all that angry etc.  If they come back and validate that yes he was pissed and was cussing people out etc, then the "error" here becomes as meaningful as identifying to sauce on the wall as ketchup when it was BBQ sauce.  The ONLY thing interesting about this event would be a determination on how insistent Trump was on going to the Capitol.

This entire episode is a mere anecdote compared to the rest of the things we learned in Hutchinson's testimony.

I think I figured the problem.  To Trump and his followers taking a oath is sort of like not telling the DMV you gained ten pounds since your last renewal.  It's no big deal. Nobody is double checking or cares.   Elected officials and enlisted military involved took an oath to defend the Constitution, not Trump or Biden/Obama/Bush/Clinton but the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.   They however are loyal to Trump and Trump alone. That's scary. 


This is who you are dealing with:


"If you're a Republican, you can't even lie to Congress or lie to an FBI agent or they're coming after you," Gohmert said in a Friday interview on NewsMax. "They're going to bury you, they're going to put you in the DC jail and terrorize and torture you and not live up to the Constitution there
What kind of world are we living in where you can’t even lie to congress or the FBI.  Those are exactly who you should be able to lie to. I mean come on, if you can’t lie to them who can you lie too!!

While I fully support these hearings and find them very important here’s what I do know for sure…..

Nothing will ultimately come of them. Trump will skate by like he has for 70+ years and be held accountable for nothing, as usual. His supporters will dig in deeper and his detractors will only feel more frustrated. But at the end of the day not a damn thing will change. All of you expecting something to come of this need to steel yourself against the inevitable disappointment to come, it’s patiently obvious where this is headed.  

theyre gonna get him THIS TIME!!!!!!!!


it’s the classic GOP move.

the last thing they want is a bipartisan committee

the last thing they want is gas prices to go down

the last thing they want is for inflation to decrease 

until mid-November

& how are you going to know?  no cross examination.  this is a staged kangaroo court & "court" is probably not the right term.   this is the furthest thing from bipartisan as you can get.  both Repubs on this were appointed by Pelosi.  Both people voted to impeach Trump.  the people suggested by the minority leader of the house to serve on this committee were dismissed by Pelosi breaking long standing precedent.  the recent testimony is I heard it from this guy.  Not admissible in anything but a partisan clown show.

get your jollies when you can I guess.  reminds me of another thread that went 2400 pages that involved

good luck ladies & gents but unless I hear cross examination from the other side I'd rather watch anything.
Who specifically would you want "cross examining"  ?

News: Sean Dollman, who worked for former President Trump’s 2020 campaign as chief financial officer, testified behind closed doors today before the Jan. 6 committee, CNN has learned.
Dollman spoke for several hours w/ the committee over video conference. 

-Follow the money…

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While I fully support these hearings and find them very important here’s what I do know for sure…..

Nothing will ultimately come of them. Trump will skate by like he has for 70+ years and be held accountable for nothing, as usual. His supporters will dig in deeper and his detractors will only feel more frustrated. But at the end of the day not a damn thing will change. All of you expecting something to come of this need to steel yourself against the inevitable disappointment to come, it’s patiently obvious where this is headed.  

theyre gonna get him THIS TIME!!!!!!!!

At the very least it appears to be removing him from enough Republican’s list as a potential candidate.

There is an anonymous person who claims that there are two secret service agents who would refute Hutchinson's claim. At this time there is no "secret service wanting to have two agents testify" 
the inability of some to distinguish between these two things is just….staggering.

"I think it's really important to note that another White House staffer Alyssa Farah...has said publicly that she testified to the committee about something that Tony Ornato said to her that was damning to the president and Ornato, she said, falsely denied that as well," Honig said. "If I have to decide between Cassidy Hutchinson and Alyssa Farah...and Tony Ornato, I'm coming out on Hutchinson and Farah's side."


Be way more cool if you come back.
FYI i didnt report  pantherclub  in case anyone wants to draw a line ,i feel bad he was suspended ,i have thick skin so what he said didnt bother me as much as it must have bothered others. Unfortunately these discussions get heated and we get frustrated as we just chase our tails in here trying to win some crazy point . I hope   pantherclub  comes back ASAP

FYI i didnt report  pantherclub  in case anyone wants to draw a line ,i feel bad he was suspended ,i have thick skin so what he said didnt bother me as much as it must have bothered others. Unfortunately these discussions get heated and we get frustrated as we just chase our tails in here trying to win some crazy point . I hope   pantherclub  comes back ASAP

Sure, but it's in the playbook for both sides.  We are both trying to irritate the other to a point where we lose our cool and then "SOMEBODY" smashes the report button.  Of course it is NEVER you, just happenstance.

My tribe - take a page from Michelle Obama and please take the high road.  All the Zados of this iWorld are trying to do is get us to type something that will get us whacked.  He succeeded today.  Don't fall into the trap. It's all their tribe has left at this point.  

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At the very least it appears to be removing him from enough Republican’s list as a potential candidate.
I’m not sold.  If they try and move off him, he will go scorched earth.  Run as a third party and submarine the GOP in the general.  He is easily narcissistic and vindictive enough to do it.  

Im waiting for anyone to actually challenge him before I’ll believe doesn’t still hold the reigns. 

I’m not sold.  If they try and move off him, he will go scorched earth.  Run as a third party and submarine the GOP in the general.  He is easily narcissistic and vindictive enough to do it.  

Im waiting for anyone to actually challenge him before I’ll believe doesn’t still hold the reigns. 
Part of me would enjoy this quite a bit. 

DeSantis is definitely jumping in. Once that happens a ton more will I think. 


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