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****OFFICIAL**** 2008 Washington Redskins Off Season Thread! (1 Viewer)

I can only hope that this means that Williams is the guy and that he approved this hire, because otherwise this is looking a lot like the beginning of a giant cluster- well, you get the idea.
Isn't Zorn one of the guys Fassel wanted? Could mean Fassel is on his way in. Or it could simply underscore Snyderato's idiocy in hiring an OC before the HC. I have a bad feeling about this whole thing.
Yes, at least per the reports. He was supposedly part of the staff that they were trying to hire under Fassel. I'm just extending irrational hope for what I believe is the best option for the team: Williams. :confused:
ESPN reporting Zorn is the new OC?

edit: Done deal.

:tfp: I can only hope that this means that Williams is the guy and that he approved this hire, because otherwise this is looking a lot like the beginning of a giant cluster- well, you get the idea.
if the reports are true that Snyder/Cerrato havn't talked to Gregg in over a week, I won't hold out much hope. If it's not Williams, I think it's quite clear that the new coach will have about zero power.

Anyone else get the feeling that watching Al Davis right now is like looking into a crystal ball for what's in store for the Redskins?


A little off-subject but ... having followed the Bullets/Wizards since the mid-80s, I used to think Abe Pollin was arguably the worst owner in professional sports. Not anymore. He's not even the worst owner in D.C., not with Dan Snyder running the Redskins. At least Pollin finally made the call to hire an expert (Grunfeld) to make personnel decisions and got out of the way, granted it was after years of sheer incompetence with Wes Unseld at the helm. But Pollin took his lumps, eventually learned his lesson and look at the Wizards now. Everyone in the world except Danny and Vinny knows that the Skins need a real GM. I hope Snyder figures this out eventually but I have my doubts. He seems to have an unlimited ego and an arrogant, do-it-yourself, screw-all-the-naysayers business style, whereas Pollin has always come across as a good-hearted, clueless guy who could admit to his own mistakes and try to do better next time. But the Bullets/Wizards had to stink it up for 20 years before he finally learned that it all starts with a savvy personnel guy leading the front office. Danny, take a look at the other team in town and get a friggin clue.

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From JLC

Posted at 5:53 PM ET, 01/25/2008

Zorn Deal is True

This is from Jason Reid: We've confirmed an ESPN report that Jim Zorn has been hired as the Redskins' new offensive coordinator even though a head coach has not been named. We reported a couple days ago that Zorn was at the top of Jim Fassel's list of potential offensive coordinators and is very highly regarded by Gregg Williams as well.

The hiring of Zorn likely means that associate head coach -- offense Al Saunders is finished with the team. Owner Daniel Snyder and vice president of football operations Vinny Cerrato were privately critical of the offense's performance under Saunders the past two seasons. The two were especially concerned, sources said, about the development of young quarterback Jason Campbell, whose progress is the organization's top priority.

UPDATE II: A source with knowledge of the situation said this evening that Saunders has been told to look for work elsewhere and that he does not expect to return to the team in any capacity.

Word of Zorn's hiring comes a day after Joe Gibbs called Redskins assistant coaches to tell them that the search for his replacement is likely to take several more weeks.

"They haven't told us anything [about Zorn]," one Redskins assistant said. "I heard about it on the radio. I have no idea what it means for us."

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nittanylion is a Skins fan, I think.phillyfan72, who is currently posting, is, no doubt, here to make fun of us.

As an Eagle fan, this makes me smile. Who would hire an offensive coordinator before hiring a head coach? Snyder and Cerrato will never succeed together and I can't wait until this all blows up and the team is 6-10 next year.

As an Eagle fan, this makes me smile. Who would hire an offensive coordinator before hiring a head coach? Snyder and Cerrato will never succeed together and I can't wait until this all blows up and the team is 6-10 next year.
If I am not mistaken didnt the Cowboys hire their OC before Wade came in? Howd that work out? I mean aside from the loss in rd 2 of the playoffs......Does Saunders become a hot commodity or does his Wash days diminish his star from the KC days?
As an Eagle fan, this makes me smile. Who would hire an offensive coordinator before hiring a head coach? Snyder and Cerrato will never succeed together and I can't wait until this all blows up and the team is 6-10 next year.
If I am not mistaken didnt the Cowboys hire their OC before Wade came in? Howd that work out? I mean aside from the loss in rd 2 of the playoffs......Does Saunders become a hot commodity or does his Wash days diminish his star from the KC days?
I can tell you this. Where ever he goes T Collins will be following!
As an Eagle fan, this makes me smile. Who would hire an offensive coordinator before hiring a head coach? Snyder and Cerrato will never succeed together and I can't wait until this all blows up and the team is 6-10 next year.
If I am not mistaken didnt the Cowboys hire their OC before Wade came in? Howd that work out? I mean aside from the loss in rd 2 of the playoffs......Does Saunders become a hot commodity or does his Wash days diminish his star from the KC days?
Saunders will have a job. Honestly, do you think that people are going to blame this on Saunders, or on Snyder? He'll be just fine I'm sure.
Fenty Ponders Plan to Lure Redskins With a Stadium, Perhaps at RFK Site

By David Nakamura

Washington Post Staff Writer

Friday, January 25, 2008

Mayor Adrian M. Fenty said yesterday that D.C. government officials will consider preparing a proposal to lure the Washington Redskins back to the city.

Fenty told WRC (Channel 4) that he is open to having staff members put together a proposal for how a football stadium could be built, probably at the site of RFK Stadium. The Redskins played at RFK before moving in 1997 to a new stadium, FedEx Field, in Landover.

Mayoral aides stressed that Fenty (D) and Redskins owner Daniel Snyder have not discussed a move.

"What we plan to do since the season is just ended is to see if there is a proposal that can be put together," Fenty said. "I actually think it makes a ton of sense, but I think it would be great for the District to put it down on paper for them to have something to respond to."

Fenty initially was asked about the team during a news conference yesterday in which the city announced the return of Radio One, the nation's largest African American radio broadcaster. The company will build a headquarters in its home town after being based in Maryland for a decade.

D.C. Council member Jack Evans (D-Ward 2), who had lunch yesterday with the city's chief financial officer, Natwar M. Gandhi, about unrelated matters, said he raised the stadium issue briefly with Gandhi. But Evans said talks are in the preliminary stages.

The subject of winning the team back has surfaced periodically over the years among city officials. Last year, it was reported that Snyder and officials from the previous city administration had spoken quietly about the possibility.

Gandhi confirmed yesterday that he spoke to Evans about it but said: "I have not seen a plan or figures or numbers. Nobody has asked me to put together a proposal. We're willing to do that. We'd have to look at the city's overall financing."

Snyder has built one of the most profitable NFL franchises in the 90,000-seat FedEx Field, the league's largest stadium. But D.C. officials believe he would be willing to listen to an offer of a stadium of equal or larger size that would include a roof and be able to host a Super Bowl, which Snyder covets.

Fenty, when he was a council member, voted against public financing for the $611 million Washington Nationals stadium. Last summer, he broke off informal talks with D.C. United for a new soccer stadium, largely because he thought the public subsidy was too costly.

Gandhi has warned that the city is in danger of overextending itself on the credit market and urged officials to limit public borrowing.

At the Radio One news conference, however, Evans joked about the joy of wooing back businesses, even ribbing Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) of Maryland. "Anytime I can lure a corporation from Maryland back into the District, I will do whatever it takes," he said. "I'm very pleased with O'Malley . . . and his sales tax and property tax increases. . . . It has made it more affordable to live in D.C. than in Maryland."

Staff writer Anita Huslin contributed to this report.
I didn't hear this for myself, I just read it on ES, so take it for what it's worth:

ESPN Radio just reported (through Chris Mortenson) that Gregg Williams is not a candidate anymore for head coach. This is due to Snyder's impression that Williams had differing philosophies with Joe Gibbs which apparantly was tantamount to disrespect.Again Gregg Williams will not be the head coach of the Washington Redskins
We're totally going to get stuck with Fassel.

The previous interview talks between Williams, Snyder, and Cerrato were friendly according to reports, not "icy" as rumored.

Gibbs talked to each member of the coaching staff yesterday to let them know what was going on. He told them about no upcoming hirings.

Then the front office hired Zorn as OC, even though there is no head coach yet.

Saunders has been told to look for work elsewhere.

The front office is leaking word that Williams is no longer being considered as head coach since he supposedly "disrespected" Gibbs during the interview process. Williams denies doing this.

Where are the clowns? There ought to be clowns.

Sally Jenkins column

Maybe Dan Snyder's got a big hire in his back pocket. Maybe he knows something nobody else does, including his own coaches, players, and fans, whose patience he has exhausted. But the Washington Redskins still don't have a head coach, and meantime they've got too many assistants with fancy titles and big contracts, including the newly hired Jim Zorn. Maybe Snyder has a master plan, but at the moment it looks like nonsense, something a little boy would draw in crayon while he waits for the ice cream truck.

You know how sometimes kids stare in their food and see a face in it? Maybe that's how Snyder will make a head coaching hire; he'll see the face of the next coach in a grilled cheese sandwich.
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Mortensen on ESPN

Williams out of running for Redskins' coaching job

By Chris Mortensen, ESPN.com

What appeared obvious is now official: Gregg Williams is no longer under consideration for the Washington Redskins head coaching vacancy, high-ranking team and league sources have told ESPN's Chris Mortensen.

However, Williams said Friday night that he has yet to be informed of that decision and strongly rebutted any notion that he criticized former Redskins coach Joe Gibbs during the interview process, as team and league sources claimed Friday.
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Washington Times

Zorn's hiring indicates that power at Redskin Park has shifted from the coaching wing of the building, where the now-retired Joe Gibbs served as the team's coach and president the last four seasons, to the front office, where Snyder promoted Cerrato this week and gave him control of the roster.

The new coach — whether it's Redskins assistant head coach-defense Gregg Williams, former New York Giants coach Jim Fassel, defensive coordinators Steve Spagnuolo of the Giants, Ron Meeks of Indianapolis and Jim Schwartz of Tennessee or New England offensive coordinator Josh McDaniels — would have no control over who will be running the offense.
Washington Times

Zorn's hiring indicates that power at Redskin Park has shifted from the coaching wing of the building, where the now-retired Joe Gibbs served as the team's coach and president the last four seasons, to the front office, where Snyder promoted Cerrato this week and gave him control of the roster.

The new coach — whether it's Redskins assistant head coach-defense Gregg Williams, former New York Giants coach Jim Fassel, defensive coordinators Steve Spagnuolo of the Giants, Ron Meeks of Indianapolis and Jim Schwartz of Tennessee or New England offensive coordinator Josh McDaniels — would have no control over who will be running the offense.
Did the last four years even happen? I feel like it's Groundhog Day and we're back in December 2003, and Spurrier has just phoned in his resignation from the golf course. :D
Washington Times

Zorn's hiring indicates that power at Redskin Park has shifted from the coaching wing of the building, where the now-retired Joe Gibbs served as the team's coach and president the last four seasons, to the front office, where Snyder promoted Cerrato this week and gave him control of the roster.

The new coach — whether it's Redskins assistant head coach-defense Gregg Williams, former New York Giants coach Jim Fassel, defensive coordinators Steve Spagnuolo of the Giants, Ron Meeks of Indianapolis and Jim Schwartz of Tennessee or New England offensive coordinator Josh McDaniels — would have no control over who will be running the offense.
Did the last four years even happen? I feel like it's Groundhog Day and we're back in December 2003, and Spurrier has just phoned in his resignation from the golf course. :shrug:
Posted this in the Greg Williams thread. He's gone now, along with Saunders.http://www.nfl.com/news/story?id=09000d5d8...mp;confirm=true

So, Zorn and Blache. Awesome. Just say no to Fassel.
Maybe it will all work out, but it doesn't mean it was done right. I've made up my mind on Snyder after having been led down his primrose path for eight years. I detest the man. I'll always love the Redskins, but I detest Snyder. No decent person smears a loyal coach just to make his decision more palatable. The void in real leadership for that team is as disgraceful as it is pathetic. :rolleyes:
Washington Times

Zorn's hiring indicates that power at Redskin Park has shifted from the coaching wing of the building, where the now-retired Joe Gibbs served as the team's coach and president the last four seasons, to the front office, where Snyder promoted Cerrato this week and gave him control of the roster.

The new coach — whether it's Redskins assistant head coach-defense Gregg Williams, former New York Giants coach Jim Fassel, defensive coordinators Steve Spagnuolo of the Giants, Ron Meeks of Indianapolis and Jim Schwartz of Tennessee or New England offensive coordinator Josh McDaniels — would have no control over who will be running the offense.
Did the last four years even happen? I feel like it's Groundhog Day and we're back in December 2003, and Spurrier has just phoned in his resignation from the golf course. :X
I posed this is the Gregg Williams thread as well, but it's a really good read by Thomas Boswell in Wash Post about how if they don't go with Williams it is kind of a waste on all that Gibbs achieved... I tend to agree... Thomas Boswell Article
I wanted Williams, but I wasn't going to flip out if it was Fassel. It seemed to me that either one could underperform as a head coach or have learned as a head coach. If Vinny and/or Snyder really were smearing Gregg with this "disrespecting Joe" crap, however, then that's going to be awfully hard to take.

If there's a silver lining to all of this, it's that my sources tell me that this episode may have attracted some attention at the palatial BradyFan83 headquarters.

why did they fire Greg Williams when he did such a great job with the D this year? Especially after losing their best player. I just don't get Snyder...


Williams, assistant head coach - defense, had a meeting with owner Dan Snyder this morning acccording to his agent Marvin Demoff, and is no longer a part of the organization. The sides mutually ageed that he was no longer a candidate, Demoff said, and will move on.

The meeting was pleasant and productive, Demoff said, and Williams intended to withdraw from their coaching search Tuesday. At the urging of Joe Gibs he stayed in the process. He reached out to Gibbs again Thursday and Friday and was asked to stay in, Demoff said. So he did.

In today's meeting Williams asked Snyder about media reports that he had disrespected Joe Gibbs. "Both Snyder and Cerrato agreed that that had never occurred and those reports were totally false," Demoff said. "They wished each other well in the future and the sides parted."
"slimy" and "immature" are the best words I can come up with to describe the actions of Cerrato and Snyder.
Washington Redskins linebackers coach Kirk Olivadotti, whose contract was set to expire this week, has signed an extension and is among the assistants expected to remain with the team, league sources said Saturday.

Williams and Saunders have been released, but management hopes to retain the majority of former coach Joe Gibbs's staff, according to sources. Olivadotti, 33, is highly regarded by Williams and former defensive line coach Greg Blache, who has been promoted to lead the Redskins' defense.

Despite his relative inexperience, Olivadotti's ability to identify opponents' tendencies and provide tips for Redskins defenders has helped to make him a key contributor on a coaching staff among the league's most experienced. Olivadotti also is popular with players.

UPDATE 1: Jason LaCanfora reports that the Rams and Raiders have asked the Redskins for permission to speak with Saunders about jobs and the Rams and Titans have asked for permission to speak to Williams about jobs, sources said. Apparently, teams still must do this because the two remain under contract.

Update II: Jason Reid reports that: assistant Bill Lazor, who coached the team's quarterbacks, has been fired, league sources said.

Lazor worked with Washington's quarterbacks the last two seasons. He developed a strong relationship with young quarterback Jason Campbell, whose development is a top priority for the organization.
From Jason Reid: Just got off the phone with new Washington Redskins offensive coordinator Jim Zorn, who said he's excited about the potential of young quarterback Jason Campbell and eager to get started. As for who will be the Redskins' next head coach, Zorn said he's eager to find out as well.

"The quarterback situation is one of the reasons that I want to be there and work with Jason," said Zorn, who formerly coached the Seattle Seahawks' quarterbacks. "Focusing in on the QB is important to me. Now, I'll have the opportunity to focus on the entire offense as well as the QB, so I'm excited about that."

Zorn said he didn't want to discuss the Redskins' search for a head coach because "I really don't know what's going to happen there." ... The main thing for me is that I think the Redskins are in really good shape. I think it's a great football team. I'm really looking forward to this."
JLC's blog
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UPDATE 1: Jason LaCanfora reports that the Rams and Raiders have asked the Redskins for permission to speak with Saunders about jobs and the Rams and Titans have asked for permission to speak to Williams about jobs, sources said. Apparently, teams still must do this because the two remain under contract.
It would be a tremendous irony if Williams and Saunders, who supposedly had such different philosophies that they couldn't work together, both end up working for the Rams, and especially if the Rams outperform the Redskins in 2008. :thumbup:
Its overshadowed by Gibbs leaving, but I am going to miss Williams. He was a tough, hard nosed coach and landed this team to the top 10 defensively 3 years I believe. I have little doubt that he'll succeed elsewhere. I'm surprised that Blache is stepping in now, given that he's said in the past that he doesn't have aspirations to be a defensive coordinator. Hopefully that mindset has changed. I don't doubt Blache, he's been great with the hands he's been dealt on the DL, and I am excited to see what he can do as a coordinator.

As a sort of side, I'm mildly surprised that reports still say the team plans on interviewing Josh McDaniels after the super bowl. With Zorn here as the offensive coordinator, why would an offensive coach want to come here? My gut tells me that if Spags impresses on his interview, the job is his. They have really paused on Fassel and GW is out. Then again, it looked like Williams at first and then Fassel, so maybe it looking like Spags is not such a good thing for him.

Gregg Williams morphed from a valued employee into dead weight in less than two weeks, and there is no justifying how it all went down.
Mike Wise article, worth reading.
Then there's the matter of the "smear," as Williams's agent Marvin Demoff, royalty among NFL agents, put it. Three media outlets, in a span of about eight hours, credited team sources in reporting Williams was out as a candidate because he had been disrespectful to Gibbs. This came at about the same time Blache was signing on to replace Williams, a fact few outside the team knew.
For a franchise always accused of never grasping the significance of how to behave at an important moment -- public perception changed in a matter of months. With how Williams's firing was handled, it took less than two weeks to undo all the unifying feelings that emerged from the Taylor tragedy.
Washington Times

The Danny & Vinny Show has destroyed 66 percent of Joe Gibbs' master plan, which had the Williams-Saunders-Campbell trio leading the Redskins into the future — in a mere 18 days. The moves also have diminished Gibbs' impact on the franchise.

When he returned to the NFL in January 2004, Gibbs wanted to win, but just as importantly, he aimed to stabilize a franchise that had defined "turbulent" since Snyder seized control of the team in 1999. And during Coach Joe's four seasons, the coaching staff remained largely intact (only one coach was fired) and in Week 1, 14 of their 22 starters were in at least their third season with the Redskins. The win-loss record was below average (31-36, including playoffs), but at least the Redskins twice reached the playoffs, had young players in place at several key positions and had embraced a youth movement on defense.

Now, the Redskins will be partly starting over. A third offensive system in four years could slow Campbell's development. Some new wrinkles to the defense, even though Blache was on the Redskins staff, will require a transition, a theory that gets chucked if the Redskins opt for Giants defensive coordinator Steve Spagnuolo.

(Interlude: Yesterday's news puts Fassel back in play. He was involved in the Zorn wooing earlier in the week, and like Gibbs, he's offense-first so he would give the keys to Blache. Why would Spagnuolo be interested in the job since both of the coordinators are already on board?)

The past two-plus weeks not only ruined much of Coach Joe's labor, it should torque him off. Why should he, now in the vague role of "special advisor" care what the Redskins do now, after his opinions were ignored? The franchise is now back in the same state of disarray Gibbs encountered four years ago, only with somewhat better talent on the roster.
Earlier this week, when told of Cerrato's promotion, an NFC executive couldn't stop laughing. "It gives the rest of us a better shot," he said. "I'm sure the rest of the NFC East is breathing easier."
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Houston Chronicle

It is difficult to tell which organization is more of an embarrassment — Washington or Oakland.

Atlanta had moved in front, but with the hiring of Patriots scouting director Tom Dimitroff as general manager and Jaguars defensive coordinator Mike Smith as head coach, normalcy seems to have returned to the Falcons.

The Redskins and Raiders are running neck-and-neck to see which organization can become the most embarrassing in the NFL............

..................With Snyder and Cerrato running amok, longtime Redskins fans are reminded of the Steve Spurrier era. Snyder and Cerrato controlled everything, and the Redskins were 12-20 over two seasons.
Interesting opinion piece on MVM

(Are they a Redskin-controlled new outlet? It's far less interesting if they are.)

First of all, Snyder already has his guy. How can I be so sure you ask? I know, because he’s hired both of his coordinators already. And by ‘he’, I don’t mean Snyder, and I don’t mean Cerrato, I mean ‘he’, the next head coach of the Redskins...........

.........it seems ridiculous that Spagnuolo or McDaniels could be the next head coach of the Redskins. Heck, they haven’t even interviewed, and the team never even declared an interest in them. Neither Spagnuolo or McDaniels ever received any reasonable play for this job. They were never candidates. What we’ve got here, is the typical smokescreen, and the perfect excuse to think the search is still going on. Don’t buy it. Cross them off the list. That leaves us with Fassel, Schwartz, and Meeks..........

..........the Redskins absolutely had every opportunity to offer Fassel the job. And when Ryan declared that he was staying in Baltimore, Snyder backed off. Shortly thereafter, Jim Zorn was announced as the offensive coodinator, and today, Greg Blache was hired as DC. Does it make one lick of sense that Jim Fassel would push for an internal defensive coordinator? Didn’t think so...........

.........the Rams and Titans have asked for permission to speak to Williams about jobs, sources said.............

............The Titans don’t even have an opening on the defensive side of the ball. Gregg Willams won’t be interviewing for head coach, Jeff Fisher’s got that position. The only logical reason the Titans would be interviewing Williams is if they thought there was going to be an opening at the coordinator position. The Titans have a defensive coordinator, and his name is Jim Schwartz. The only logical reason for the Titans to be lining up a replacement for Schwartz is if he has informed them that he plans to take another position. If he plans to take another position, then he could have been intericately involved in that team’s assistant coaching hires.

It all makes sense now. I predict that Jim Schwartz accepts the position as Head Coach of the Washington Redskins two days after Super Bowl XLII.
Washington Times

The Danny & Vinny Show has destroyed 66 percent of Joe Gibbs' master plan, which had the Williams-Saunders-Campbell trio leading the Redskins into the future — in a mere 18 days. The moves also have diminished Gibbs' impact on the franchise.

When he returned to the NFL in January 2004, Gibbs wanted to win, but just as importantly, he aimed to stabilize a franchise that had defined "turbulent" since Snyder seized control of the team in 1999. And during Coach Joe's four seasons, the coaching staff remained largely intact (only one coach was fired) and in Week 1, 14 of their 22 starters were in at least their third season with the Redskins. The win-loss record was below average (31-36, including playoffs), but at least the Redskins twice reached the playoffs, had young players in place at several key positions and had embraced a youth movement on defense.

Now, the Redskins will be partly starting over. A third offensive system in four years could slow Campbell's development. Some new wrinkles to the defense, even though Blache was on the Redskins staff, will require a transition, a theory that gets chucked if the Redskins opt for Giants defensive coordinator Steve Spagnuolo.

(Interlude: Yesterday's news puts Fassel back in play. He was involved in the Zorn wooing earlier in the week, and like Gibbs, he's offense-first so he would give the keys to Blache. Why would Spagnuolo be interested in the job since both of the coordinators are already on board?)

The past two-plus weeks not only ruined much of Coach Joe's labor, it should torque him off. Why should he, now in the vague role of "special advisor" care what the Redskins do now, after his opinions were ignored? The franchise is now back in the same state of disarray Gibbs encountered four years ago, only with somewhat better talent on the roster.
Earlier this week, when told of Cerrato's promotion, an NFC executive couldn't stop laughing. "It gives the rest of us a better shot," he said. "I'm sure the rest of the NFC East is breathing easier."
:lmao: I've changed my thinking on this. I want Spagnuolo, McDaniels and even Fassel to reject my team's overtures to become the head coach. I want Snyder and Co. to be embarrassed that they're a month into a search and high and dry.

It's like dealing with an addict. You need for them to bottom out before you can begin recovery. Let's bottom out.

I've changed my thinking on this. I want Spagnuolo, McDaniels and even Fassel to reject my team's overtures to become the head coach. I want Snyder and Co. to be embarrassed that they're a month into a search and high and dry. It's like dealing with an addict. You need for them to bottom out before you can begin recovery. Let's bottom out.
If they even interview Spagnulo and McDaniels, I'd guess those 2 would turn down the job. It's sure death for a first-time HC to come into a job where someone else picks all your coordinators. It seems more like a job that would appeal to a failed veteran coach, or to a first-time coach who actually picked those coordinators behind the scenes. Fassel, Schwartz, Meeks.
I've changed my thinking on this. I want Spagnuolo, McDaniels and even Fassel to reject my team's overtures to become the head coach. I want Snyder and Co. to be embarrassed that they're a month into a search and high and dry. It's like dealing with an addict. You need for them to bottom out before you can begin recovery. Let's bottom out.
If they even interview Spagnulo and McDaniels, I'd guess those 2 would turn down the job. It's sure death for a first-time HC to come into a job where someone else picks all your coordinators. It seems more like a job that would appeal to a failed veteran coach, or to a first-time coach who actually picked those coordinators behind the scenes. Fassel, Schwartz, Meeks.
I hope they all turn him down.
He offers real good money. Many people are whores. They're not all going to turn him down.

I'm not arguing with your sentiments at all, in fact I agree. I'd like to see Snyder and Cerrato publicly embarrassed and left high and dry. But being realistic, the amount of money involved precludes that.

Just read that Saunders is out in Washington... that seems a little crazy. Didn't this guy help turn the Skins around? What are your thoughts :goodposting: 's on Saunders' tenure?


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