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**** OFFICIAL **** LOST - The TV Series (3 Viewers)

DAMN!!! Just found this thread and wished I had months ago. The ideas you guys are putting out are awesome. I'm on board! Gotta be the best 'Lost' thread out there. We really are multi-faceted geeks aren't we?

BTW, what's with the scripts that are 'white out'? Does somebody w/knowledge of the writing of the story oversee? Who does this?
Just self-imposed courtesy so that those who don't want to see spoilers won't see them while those who want to read them can (use your mouse to highlight the "whiteouts" and they appear).
is this code button how?
Yes.. Use the QUOTE button and the COLOR tag. Pick any color, then manually type in "white".
The Chicago Tribune has a little nugget on Hurley (in Sunday's paper).They emailed co-creator/executive producer Damon Lindelof, inquiring WHY IS HURLEY'S GUT STILL THE SIZE OF A FLOATATION DEVICE, and got this answer from executive producer Carlton Cuse:"Hurley's inability to lose any significant weight, like many of the other things on the island, is shrouded in mystery. That mystery, however, will be definitely solved during February sweeps ... well, as definitely as anything ever gets solved on "Lost" anyway."

The Chicago Tribune has a little nugget on Hurley (in Sunday's paper).

They emailed co-creator/executive producer Damon Lindelof, inquiring WHY IS HURLEY'S GUT STILL THE SIZE OF A FLOATATION DEVICE, and got this answer from executive producer Carlton Cuse:

"Hurley's inability to lose any significant weight, like many of the other things on the island, is shrouded in mystery. That mystery, however, will be definitely solved during February sweeps ... well, as definitely as anything ever gets solved on "Lost" anyway."
Ah, because they feed the actors between takes?
The Chicago Tribune has a little nugget on Hurley (in Sunday's paper).

They emailed co-creator/executive producer Damon Lindelof, inquiring WHY IS HURLEY'S GUT STILL THE SIZE OF A FLOATATION DEVICE, and got this answer from executive producer Carlton Cuse:

"Hurley's inability to lose any significant weight, like many of the other things on the island, is shrouded in mystery. That mystery, however, will be definitely solved during February sweeps ... well, as definitely as anything ever gets solved on "Lost" anyway."
Ah, because they feed the actors between takes?
Seriously.It's a TV show you f'n morons.

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The Chicago Tribune has a little nugget on Hurley (in Sunday's paper).

They emailed co-creator/executive producer Damon Lindelof, inquiring WHY IS HURLEY'S GUT STILL THE SIZE OF A FLOATATION DEVICE, and got this answer from executive producer Carlton Cuse:

"Hurley's inability to lose any significant weight, like many of the other things on the island, is shrouded in mystery. That mystery, however, will be definitely solved during February sweeps ... well, as definitely as anything ever gets solved on "Lost" anyway."
Ah, because they feed the actors between takes?
Seriously.It's a TV you f'n morons.
Whats the over/under for this thread?


(I'd still take the over)
I'd take the Over, even if you'd said "200". This isn't going away any time soon, and the thread isn't season-specific. The only threat to 200 pages is if someone starts a separate Season Three thread.Edit: 106, baby! :thumbup:
:confused: I thought this was the thread for the 2nd season.Anyway, I think there is still a chance to get to 200 as there have only been 10 episodes so far.

Bump for tomorrow's episode...

Episode 11: The Hunting Party

Jack, Locke and Sawyer pursue a determined Michael after he heads into the jungle toward the dreaded "Others" in search of Walt. Meanwhile, Sun has a surprising reaction to Jin's desire to join the search party, and Hurley and Charlie commiserate over the age-old conundrum of "what women want."

What happened to 25 pages of this thread?

They just vanished?
Did you change the number of posts per page from 50 to 100?
Odd, my number of posts per page has changed. It used to 35, but now its 50. I swear I didn't do it though.... must've been the Others?
Hmmm. I had posts per page set to default, and I guess that changed to 50 all of a sudden.
Shick! added the ability to do 100 posts per page, so maybe he changed the default while he was at it...
Some spoiler tidbits from the recent Lost podcast:

Podcast with writers (Some Spoilers)

- Eko was on 815, and in fact was always planned to be. His character as the tie-in to the drug plane was the whole reason the Tailies were introduced.

- The monster and the smoke are the same, and it is capable of connecting to an 'ethernet' and 'downloading' people's memories

- The monster didn't attack Locke and Eko because they were not afraid of it.

- DHARMA is an acronym

- The shark and how it got it's logo may be connected to why the island seems 'hidden' from the outside world

- Strong indication that the Island is not invisible, and Jack's tattoo means nothing, although they did skirt around these questions.

This is a FULL blow by blow of tonights episode. Do not read unless your immune to spoilers as I am.


This is a synopsis of tonights episode if you don’t want to know what happens until it airs then read no further. If you’re new to these boards I see the episodes early this is not speculation. This is what happens tonight on The Hunting Party.


Both Jack and Dr Shepard (His dad), are in a meeting with a man who has a tumor resting on his spine. He and his daughter are trying to get them to operate on him he only speaks Italian she translates for him. (And she’s hot (Gabriele)) We’re sorry but we can’t operate it would take a miracle to save you. They insist they came here because Jack is the miracle doctor. Jack caves and says he will try.


Jack wakes up in bunker starts calling and looking around for locke.

He’s knocked out Mike sneaks up behind him with rifle and tells him he’s going to get his son. Says he has to do this alone.

Jack-“Are you gonna shoot me”

Mike-“no but I’ll shoot that computer”

Jack gives in and locks himself in the room with locke.

Locke wakes up and is concerned about button. They are on a 4 hour shift together.

Back on beach Kate awakes Sawyer so that he can go have his bandage changed by Jack.

Back at the bunker Kate punches in the numbers while Sawyer unlocks the door as locke tells him the combo. Right 25 left 29 the third number is hard to hear but I’m sure some of you won’t sleep until you figure it out.

Jack says were going after Mike and grabs guns Locke, Sawyer grab theirs. Kate can’t come.


Hospital- Jack is going over and over his patient Gabriele is there and mentions the time 4:30am. Jack goes home to wife and she’s lying awake. They chat a moment he’s sorry about coming home so late. She gets up says to him she took a pregnancy test but she wasn’t pregnant. Which apparently Jacks relief was upsetting to her.


Following Mikes trail Sawyer asks Jack “What did she do to you?” they argue a bit. Jack-“Yeah I know you love her”

Locke chimes in and asks Sawyer if the area looked familiar? What side was the ocean on when you came back to us? Mike was not going back East he was going North but seemed to know where he was heading.

Back on beach Sun and Jin moment, Kate talking to Hurley. Hurley tells Sun and Jin Mike went commando and he’s heading for the hatch.

Jin prepares to leave to follow and Sun doesn’t let him go.

Sawyer now asking them to slow down a bit Locke agrees Jack want to keep going.

Locke says who are we to tell Mike he can’t look for his son.


Gabrielle is signing the release form for the operation and there is some sexual tension starting. Dr. Shepard walks in and she leaves he says to Jack there is a fine line. Once you cross it you can’t go back.


Locke confronts Sawyer about his real name and wants to know where he got the name Sawyer from. Sawyer defensive and suddenly 7 shots ring out. The call out and find three shells from Mikes’ rifle. Jack asks Sawyer if he came for Mike or for revenge.


Locker room- Jack slamming lockers saying “I had it” apparently Gabrielle’s fathers heart gave out after 7 1/2 hours of operation. Jack-“I have to tell her” Dr. Shepard-“I already did” Jacks pissed about that.

Gabrielle meets Jack in the parking lot where she thanks him for trying and starts sobbing. He consoles and they share a kiss. He stops and says I can’t do this.


It’s dark and Sawyer and Locke want to turn back. Jack accuses Locke of not wanting to find Mike. The BOATMAN appears and tells him to listen to Mr. Locke and go back. Sawyer starts to approach him and is shot (don’t worry ladies he’s just grazed) Jack-“Where’s Mike” Boatman-Don’t worry he wont find us. The Boatman asks lock to make a fire so we can talk.


Bunker with Hurley and Charlie they talk about Claire and Hurley’s chances with Libby while looking at albums of Jeronimo Jackson. Sayid shows up and they fill him in on everything.

Back to the fire a lot of dialogue here I don’t have time to write it all. The boatman says when you go to someones house for the first time, do you take off your shoes and put your feet on there table and do you go to their refrigerator and help yourself? “This is Our island your only here because we’ve allowed you to live here.

Jack says I don’t think so, I think your out here with just one other guy If you had the kind of power you say then you wouldn’t have needed to spy on us with Ethan.

To this the Boatman responds LIGHT EM UP. Torches light up all around them from the others. He tells them to drop there guns and leave. Jack says no but the Others bring out a girl tied up with her head covered. It’s Kate our losties comply and drop there guns. The others drift back and disappear from sight.

Back at the beach Sun and Jin have a moment telling how neither of them like being told what to do. As the losties walk back to camp Kate is trying to get Jack to listen to her apology. Kate- “I’m sorry” Jack-“I’m sorry too Kate.”


Jack gets home to his wife after she had dinner with her mom he offers to help wash dishes she asked how Gabrielle took the bad news. Jack-“She kissed me and I kissed her back.” He goes on to apologize and make a long story short she’s been planning to leave him cause she’s been seeing someone else.


Locke to Sawyer-“Later James” Locke stops by Claire and baby as Charlie is looking on.

Anna Lucia is sharing her food with Vincent when Jack arrives and asks her some questions.

Jack-“Is it true you killed one of them?”

Anna Luc- “Who”

Jack- “Them”

AnnaLuc- “Yes”

Jack-“Sayid says you’re a cop”

AnnaLuc- “I used to be a cop”

Jack-“How long do you think it will take to train an Army?”

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Here's a randomly selected slice from the spoiler above. I didn't highlight or read any more of it than this:

...your shoes and put your feet on their table and do you go to their refrigerator and help yourself? “This is Our island...
:) It didn't spoil anything for me at all.
Watching Psalm 23 again, it really seemed like Eko sensed the monster coming before he told Charlie to climb the tree. He looks around frantically a number of times.


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