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*** Official Russia vs. Ukraine Discussion - Invasion has begun *** (2 Viewers)

Germany's 180 was 10000000000000000% never expected by Putin, and he's likely crapping himself right now. 

Momentous. What a turning point. 
How do you deliver this stuff?  Amazon prime?
In the other thread, we were trying to figure out how much of a presence the Russian military has in western Ukraine, especially in the border areas with Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania. Information is very scant, understandably so.

Maybe telling, maybe not: FWIW, Israeli consular staff working in Lviv, Ukraine have been driving into Polish territory every evening to spend the night -- ~40 mile drive one way. Then they return to Lviv in the mornings to work. So some kinds of crossings are taking place.

Ukraine seems to be holding the western portion of their country:

Ukraine security service denies Russian attack in Lviv region (Reuters)

That's "denies" as in "refutes earlier reports of an attack", not "denies" as in "repelled an attack".

So ... maybe stuff can still get into western Ukraine for the time being.
There is no evidence that I have seen that Russia has any control, or even presence, on the non-Belarus border. 

Turn on the TV people. See all those people pouring into Poland? That's not a one way street. 

Multiple sites now seem to be confirming the special ops group from Chechnya has lost control of the eastern airfield to the UKA alpha team and has been "eliminated" including one of the top Chechnya commanders.  Apparently the photos are gruesome so gonna refrain linking 


Captured Russian soldier:

The guy says the name, his origin city and unit. The cameraman asks why he is here and he says that he came here for training and he didnt want to come to Ukraine. He was told they would only ride the border

This story repeats all over the place, and I've read articles that quote Russian mothers with the same story.

Young conscripts, fulfilling their military requirement, get sent to border for training, next thing they know they are in Ukraine. 

Pretty easy to feel bad for the young Russian grunts that are getting sent to the front. 

Multiple sites now seem to be confirming the special ops group from Chechnya has lost control of the eastern airfield to the UKA alpha team and has been "eliminated" including one of the top Chechnya commanders.  Apparently the photos are gruesome so gonna refrain linking 
These guys?

Russian brands are running scared. Stoli tries to claim it’s not Russian:

With regard to us being Russian.  We are absolutely NOT a Russian company.  We are a global organization with a significant portfolio of spirits and wine brands from around the world, with Stoli’s European Global HQ based in Luxembourg.  Stoli Premium and Elit aremanufactured and bottled in Riga, Latvia.  We are registered with the US TTB (Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau) as a Latvian product.  

Operations continue uninterrupted and we do not anticipate any disruption, with solid contingency plans already in place and being executed.

We are inspired by the Russian people who have taken to the streets calling for an end to this attack on a sovereign nation. For decades, Stoli Group has supported the marginalized and those at risk of unwarranted aggression. We stand now with all Ukrainians and Russians calling for peace. 
Sununu Banned all Russian products and Russian-labeled products from liquor stores.

start hiding Tito's

It's a trip to me that if one wanted to they could get between Africa, Europe and Asian by driving their car.
when i was camping in the pyrenees, i camped next to some guys that had driven from south africa.   :eek:   i think they had been on the road for 2 months

Ukrainian officials report changes in radiation levels after Russian forces capture Chernobyl nuclear plant

Ukrainian officials have reported higher levels of radiation after Russian troops captured the Chernobyl power plant, the site of one of the world’s worst nuclear accidents, Reuters reports. The plant is located approximately 60 miles (97 km) north of the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv. Podolyak said the status of the plant and storage facilities is “unknown." White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said the US was "outraged by credible reports" of hostages being held at the facility.

It's a trip to me that if one wanted to they could get between Africa, Europe and Asian by driving their car.
I’ve heard that an epic road trip would be from South Africa over to the eastern tip of Russia(well, not now at least), but for me, that sounds like a nightmare.

This is certainly possible, but it's also one of those bridges that we'll just have to cross when we get there.  For right now, we have a nuclear power led by a crazy person who decided to launch a blitzkrieg-style invasion of a neighboring country in Europe just because.  This needs to be dealt with, preferably without escalating things militarily.  If that means that we marginally speed up a move to blockchain, fine.
My underlying point is that blocking them from SWIFT actually hurts the US and the dollar long term. If you are playing the long game here, it will eventually backfire. The reason we are seeing these issues in Ukraine and Taiwan is because our leaders are so shortsighted (we'll cross that bridge when...) and make decisions based on 4 year election cycles, whereas China and Russia are constantly playing the long game. This isn't a crazy guy acting impulsively. This is a highly calculated move that was probably in planning for well over a decade. No one should like this move but he made it and now we need to react in a way that secures our future as the global superpower. And the biggest piece on the board right now is on the other side of the world in Taiwan.

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Multiple sites now seem to be confirming the special ops group from Chechnya has lost control of the eastern airfield to the UKA alpha team and has been "eliminated" including one of the top Chechnya commanders.  Apparently the photos are gruesome so gonna refrain linking 

what time is the football (soccer) match scheduled for?

The biggest shock in this whole thing is finding out that not one single person in Ukraine knows how to turn their phone sideways.

@nexta_tv⚡️ Ukrainian Security Service: Kadyrov's convoy crushed near #Gostomel

This is reported by Channel 24, citing its own sources in the Ukrainian Security Service


Disgusting they are showing the Grand Prix of St Petersburg on TV in spite of the Russian invasion.

Damn Oligarchs in jorts are probably drinking Moscow Mules.


I saw that a few days ago, and so far he seems to be right. Despite bigger numbers, Russia is getting its show run by the Ukraine, and Putin looks like a clown.
How does he, and Russia, ever regain any measure of world acceptance and respect?  Not to mention alienating many of the Russian people.  The self-inflicted damage he's doing will resonate for a generation, IMO.  

And as each day goes on, Belarus has be thinking, "oh, man, we're on the wrong side of this thing."  

How does he, and Russia, ever regain any measure of world acceptance and respect?  Not to mention alienating many of the Russian people.  The self-inflicted damage he's doing will resonate for a generation, IMO.  

And as each day goes on, Belarus has be thinking, "oh, man, we're on the wrong side of this thing."  
I don’t know how firm his grip is on power at the individual level, but I think the people are obviously unhappy with this, because they’re on the same internet we are, without much in the way of censorship(that I know of, anyway), and can see what’s happening there. I think Belarus is going down the “in for a penny, in for a pound” route, but that’s their leader’s fault as well.

How does he, and Russia, ever regain any measure of world acceptance and respect?  Not to mention alienating many of the Russian people.  The self-inflicted damage he's doing will resonate for a generation, IMO.  

And as each day goes on, Belarus has be thinking, "oh, man, we're on the wrong side of this thing."  
Nah, they're a vassal state to the Motherland. They're all in at Minsk.

Russian forces: 'We don’t know who to shoot, they all look like us' (ABC News, 2/26/2022)

A senior U.S. official told ABC News they've heard a Russian soldier on a radio call saying, “We don’t know who to shoot -- they all look like us.”

The official also said some Russian forces are disoriented, realizing the battles against Ukrainians are harder than they thought.
I think this is significant. A big part of the military brainwashing is based on dehumanizing the enemy. These people are cut from the same cloth and were fellow countryman not long ago. How could they possibly launch an attack on innocent civilians that look just like their families at home.

Eff Putin hard.


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