If he ends up with the numbers he might get in, but I bet he has to wait a few years AFTER eligibility. Perhaps if he apologizes for being such an arsehole and admitting that he put himself before his team etc...he will get in sooner. All in all it would not hurt my feelings if he does not ever get in. Guys like him are bad for the league. THERE IS NO I IN TEAM!!!
What do you guys think the great coaches in history would have done with him? I say TO rides a lot of bench for the Halas', Lombardi's, Landry's etc.
Bottom line: TO would not have survived in the league BEFORE free agency took over. He would have been told to keep his mouth shut and support his team or get used to the bench. Now a days any player that is not getting what he wants can basically get a trade instead of grow up and handle their business like men.