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***OFFICIAL 'The Walking Dead' TV Series Thread*** (5 Viewers)

I guess I'm just a stupid viewer who doesn't care where they found a silencer. I care what they do with it, and where they are going; but that's just me.
The opening scene made it emphatically clear that they've been roaming and ransacking for months. Carl pulling a can opener out of his bag was another way to emphasize that point. We don't need - or I don't need - to see every specific moment that happened in the months since the end of Season 2. It's clear they've been moving about and gathering supplies. At some point, Rick found a silencer. It hardly ruins the show's credibility for that to occur. Like you said, I don't need to see the exact moment when that occurred for it to be believable. It clearly occurred at some point and in no way does it defy logic for someone to believe it could have occurred.
Actually, it seems they figured out how to turn a flashlight into a silencer. Looks like a Maglite to me.Screenshot I took of my TV:http://imageshack.us/a/img593/2029/silencer.jpg
The thing is, many of the "complaints" I see aren't major gaping holes in the logic that poke a hole in the mask of self deception or however you want to phrase it. I see most of them as extremely petty and minor things that in no way, shape or form prevent me from enjoying the show. If that makes me a simpleton in someone's eyes, so be it. I love this show and last night's episode did not fail to disappoint. If others want to harp on what I consider to be insignificant aspects of the show that's their right. At no point during last night's episode was there anything on even the most minute level that caused me to say "WTF was that" and ruin or hamper the episode. I thought it was a great episode and a great start to the season.
Asked and answered.
'E Street Brat said:
Are you nuts fighting over realism in a zombie show?
For the millionth time...just because the show is about zombies doesn't mean it doesn't have to be realistic. The entire point of the show is "what would happen to real, everyday people if a zombie-o-clypse broke out? How would they survive? What kinds of societies would they form? How would it affect their sense of morality?" etc.Why not just forget about realism all together? Would you still watch the show if Rick had laser vision? Or if they found a wise-cracking, talking rabbit named Mr. Fartface? What if in the middle of every episode they broke into a Scooby Doo-like pop song montage? I guess it doesn't matter because it's a "zombie show".
OICThis is how you guys fish new viewers.Kindly remove the hook .
wtf are you talking about?
Let's concede that in a zombie show, the plausability of the storage rate of fossil fuels isn't necessarily the biggest bar to our suspension of disbelief.
I disagree. There is a big difference between asking the viewers to buy into the basic premise of the show (zombies) and asking us to accept very large lapses in logic and reality. This is a mistake I think a lot of screenwriters and directors make. If you want me to be invested in this show about something totally extraordinary happening in the real world you better make it realistic.
This guy knows what he's talking about.
The thing is, many of the "complaints" I see aren't major gaping holes in the logic that poke a hole in the mask of self deception or however you want to phrase it. I see most of them as extremely petty and minor things that in no way, shape or form prevent me from enjoying the show. If that makes me a simpleton in someone's eyes, so be it. I love this show and last night's episode did not fail to disappoint. If others want to harp on what I consider to be insignificant aspects of the show that's their right. At no point during last night's episode was there anything on even the most minute level that caused me to say "WTF was that" and ruin or hamper the episode. I thought it was a great episode and a great start to the season.
So you're saying it disappointed you?
The thing is, many of the "complaints" I see aren't major gaping holes in the logic that poke a hole in the mask of self deception or however you want to phrase it. I see most of them as extremely petty and minor things that in no way, shape or form prevent me from enjoying the show. If that makes me a simpleton in someone's eyes, so be it. I love this show and last night's episode did not fail to disappoint. If others want to harp on what I consider to be insignificant aspects of the show that's their right. At no point during last night's episode was there anything on even the most minute level that caused me to say "WTF was that" and ruin or hamper the episode. I thought it was a great episode and a great start to the season.
Asked and answered.
I'm cool with that. Why someone such as yourself would keep watching a show they clearly hate is rather odd. Like I said before, a lot of people obviously love this show. You don't. Nothing wrong with that. You know how you can avoid being so bothered by it? Watch something else? Or don't watch TV at all. I may be a simpleton in your eyes but at least I have enough sense to watch something I enjoy, rather than something I detest and then proceed to ##### about.Great work attache case on the screen shot showing the flashlight/silencer. Well done by you and Rick. :thumbup:

The thing is, many of the "complaints" I see aren't major gaping holes in the logic that poke a hole in the mask of self deception or however you want to phrase it. I see most of them as extremely petty and minor things that in no way, shape or form prevent me from enjoying the show. If that makes me a simpleton in someone's eyes, so be it. I love this show and last night's episode did not fail to disappoint. If others want to harp on what I consider to be insignificant aspects of the show that's their right. At no point during last night's episode was there anything on even the most minute level that caused me to say "WTF was that" and ruin or hamper the episode. I thought it was a great episode and a great start to the season.
Asked and answered.
I'm cool with that. Why someone such as yourself would keep watching a show they clearly hate is rather odd. Like I said before, a lot of people obviously love this show. You don't. Nothing wrong with that. You know how you can avoid being so bothered by it? Watch something else? Or don't watch TV at all. I may be a simpleton in your eyes but at least I have enough sense to watch something I enjoy, rather than something I detest and then proceed to ##### about.Great work attache case on the screen shot showing the flashlight/silencer. Well done by you and Rick. :thumbup:
Who said I hated the show? I enjoy watching it.

If you are in a real zombie apocalypse and have to clear out an entire house, not knowing what was inside, would you rather go with melee weapon (Ax, Machette, baseball bat..), a loaded 6 shot pistol, or a slow loading crossbow with 30 arrows?

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Who said I hated the show? I enjoy watching it.
So I'm a simpleton because I enjoy the show and you're not even though you also enjoy the show? Got it.
I have no idea why you're a simpleton. But you stated that you LOVE the show. You also said that you don't see certain things that happen on the show as "gaping holes in logic" when, IMO, they are.Why does it bother you so much if other people criticize the show?
Why does it bother you so much if other people criticize the show?
It doesn't. I simply find it odd that people would complain so much about a show they either don't like or profess to like. And as I said before, the complaints I've seen in this thread so far are so insignificant I can't believe people are getting bothered about them at all. Seems to me if stuff like that is detracting from your enjoyment of the show perhaps you either don't like the show as much as you profess or you're just looking for something to ##### about. As far as the alleged "gaping plot holes" would Rick's silencer be one of them? That seemed to be something that got some folks worked up but as the screen grabs show, it's pretty clear how he did that and it hardly constitutes a "gaping plot hole" that he now has it.

If you in a real zombie apocalypse have to clear out an entire house, not knowing what was inside, would you rather go with melee weapon (Ax, Machette, baseball bat..), a loaded 6 shot pistol, or a slow loading crossbow with 30 arrows?
I think something simple like T-Dog's fireplace poker. But I would worry about the barb/hook on the end. Somebody above said something about a spear made of rebar. That's not a bad idea but I'd fashion some sort of grip for it.If I could make something like a goedendag I would use that.

Why does it bother you so much if other people criticize the show?
It doesn't. I simply find it odd that people would complain so much about a show they either don't like or profess to like. And as I said before, the complaints I've seen in this thread so far are so insignificant I can't believe people are getting bothered about them at all. Seems to me if stuff like that is detracting from your enjoyment of the show perhaps you either don't like the show as much as you profess or you're just looking for something to ##### about. As far as the alleged "gaping plot holes" would Rick's silencer be one of them? That seemed to be something that got some folks worked up but as the screen grabs show, it's pretty clear how he did that and it hardly constitutes a "gaping plot hole" that he now has it.
Bottom line is that for a show that has so much going for it (and what has to be a pretty big budget) the writing can be sloppy as hell sometimes. I just don't understand putting that much effort into a show and then muck it all up with amateurish writing.
I guess I'm just a stupid viewer who doesn't care where they found a silencer. I care what they do with it, and where they are going; but that's just me.
The opening scene made it emphatically clear that they've been roaming and ransacking for months. Carl pulling a can opener out of his bag was another way to emphasize that point. We don't need - or I don't need - to see every specific moment that happened in the months since the end of Season 2. It's clear they've been moving about and gathering supplies. At some point, Rick found a silencer. It hardly ruins the show's credibility for that to occur. Like you said, I don't need to see the exact moment when that occurred for it to be believable. It clearly occurred at some point and in no way does it defy logic for someone to believe it could have occurred.
Except at the end of the last season they showed the group was about a mile away from the prison when they "zoomed out".Guess they wandered in a circle for a few months. ;)
I'll have to re-watch but I believe during the conversation at the car they made note of that didn't they? Didn't someone say they're starting to go around in a circle?
Yes, they did. Apparently some people aren't paying attention.
I guess I'm just a stupid viewer who doesn't care where they found a silencer. I care what they do with it, and where they are going; but that's just me.
The opening scene made it emphatically clear that they've been roaming and ransacking for months. Carl pulling a can opener out of his bag was another way to emphasize that point. We don't need - or I don't need - to see every specific moment that happened in the months since the end of Season 2. It's clear they've been moving about and gathering supplies. At some point, Rick found a silencer. It hardly ruins the show's credibility for that to occur. Like you said, I don't need to see the exact moment when that occurred for it to be believable. It clearly occurred at some point and in no way does it defy logic for someone to believe it could have occurred.
Except at the end of the last season they showed the group was about a mile away from the prison when they "zoomed out".Guess they wandered in a circle for a few months. ;)
I'll have to re-watch but I believe during the conversation at the car they made note of that didn't they? Didn't someone say they're starting to go around in a circle?
Yes, they did. Apparently some people aren't paying attention.
GAPING PLOT HOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you are in a real zombie apocalypse and have to clear out an entire house, not knowing what was inside, would you rather go with melee weapon (Ax, Machette, baseball bat..), a loaded 6 shot pistol, or a slow loading crossbow with 30 arrows?
I think something simple like T-Dog's fireplace poker. But I would worry about the barb/hook on the end. Somebody above said something about a spear made of rebar. That's not a bad idea but I'd fashion some sort of grip for it.If I could make something like a goedendag I would use that.
Nice.I think I would have to go with a Roman short sword.

Or maybe a DRACULA dagger.


GORE - check

VIOLENCE - check







Im happy with how this series is going and if the first show of this season is any indication of whats to come im going to be even MORE happy. :thumbup:

Why does it bother you so much if other people criticize the show?
It doesn't. I simply find it odd that people would complain so much about a show they either don't like or profess to like. And as I said before, the complaints I've seen in this thread so far are so insignificant I can't believe people are getting bothered about them at all. Seems to me if stuff like that is detracting from your enjoyment of the show perhaps you either don't like the show as much as you profess or you're just looking for something to ##### about.
And I find it odd that you are going on at length about how odd it is that people want to discuss or debate criticisms of the show. For many, it's a show that generates discussion and debate. I don't find it odd at all that people will be more interested in critizing aspects of a show they like than one they don't. If people don't like a show, they generally turn it off. There's plenty to like about this show. I enjoy it immensely. But when something doesn't make sense (IMO), I'm more likely to bring it up as a topic of debate, rather than simply post the things I liked about a particular episode, looking for affirmation.Take the yard-clearing example. Even among those who defend the sequence, there are competing theories. One is that the group really has developed into crack shot killing machines over the time that has elapsed since Season 2 ended. Another theory is that they're not crack shots at all, and that we are just being shown all the kill shots from an edited down engagement. That's an interesting debate, to me, at least.The other issues that were raised from the last episode don't really bother me at all. I did note a seeming disconnect between complaints about prior episodes (not enough zombie killing) and complaints early in the thread about last night's episode being boring.
I guess I'm just a stupid viewer who doesn't care where they found a silencer. I care what they do with it, and where they are going; but that's just me.
The opening scene made it emphatically clear that they've been roaming and ransacking for months. Carl pulling a can opener out of his bag was another way to emphasize that point. We don't need - or I don't need - to see every specific moment that happened in the months since the end of Season 2. It's clear they've been moving about and gathering supplies. At some point, Rick found a silencer. It hardly ruins the show's credibility for that to occur. Like you said, I don't need to see the exact moment when that occurred for it to be believable. It clearly occurred at some point and in no way does it defy logic for someone to believe it could have occurred.
Actually, it seems they figured out how to turn a flashlight into a silencer. Looks like a Maglite to me.Screenshot I took of my TV:

15 years ago, Steven Seagal made one from an empty 2 liter plastic pop bottleOn Deadly Ground

So it can be done because Steven Seagal did it

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And I find it odd that you are going on at length about how odd it is that people want to discuss or debate criticisms of the show.
If people respond to a post I've made I'll generally respond back. I don't believe that constitutes me "going on at length" about it. I'm just being polite. :)
Rick almost got shot... Do you want them to show every missed shot? Think of every head shot you see is the 5th or 6th attempt. They cut out the boring missed shots.
Rick almost got shot because people were taking precision shots only inches away from him. Why would they do this?
See above. So you want to watch people miss shots and reload all episode?
It would take literally fractions of seconds to show either of these things happening.
They found it in a gun shop they raided in one of the many towns... or someones house or in a van down by the river. Does it matter?
Kind of, since IRL, a pistol silencer is not something that would just be lying around at a gun shop or at a van down by the river. That's an item that would be incredibly hard to come by.
They found it in a gun shop they raided in one of the many towns... or someones house or in a van down by the river. they have already said they are running low. and got a new stock pile from the prison.
So houses have been raided to the point that dog food is a find, but gun shops supplies of ammo and pistol silencers have remained untouched? :confused:
You can reuse arrows...
To some extent, but it's ridiculous to think that he wouldn't have lost all of this arrows by now. Especially if they're raiding entire towns, house by house, as you seem to suggest.
Don't get sucked into the LOST type watching. Not everything has an answer and sometimes you need to make up your own. They don't show everyone taking a dump or wiping their ### but I'm pretty sure they still do.
Again, an enjoyable show, but come on.
Once home owners, gun nuts, survivalists, etc...realize from tv and news that something is going on in the world and also nearby with people coming back to life and eating others, they might pull out the stuff they have acquired, contact the guy who has a lot of guns and other survivalist gear, etc to purchase said things. Notice how not everyone has a silencer but only one legitimate one and one make shift one? BTW...I can go get one right now from a trap shooting partner if I need it. They aren't that hard to get.

I guess I'm just a stupid viewer who doesn't care where they found a silencer. I care what they do with it, and where they are going; but that's just me.
The opening scene made it emphatically clear that they've been roaming and ransacking for months. Carl pulling a can opener out of his bag was another way to emphasize that point. We don't need - or I don't need - to see every specific moment that happened in the months since the end of Season 2. It's clear they've been moving about and gathering supplies. At some point, Rick found a silencer. It hardly ruins the show's credibility for that to occur. Like you said, I don't need to see the exact moment when that occurred for it to be believable. It clearly occurred at some point and in no way does it defy logic for someone to believe it could have occurred.
Actually, it seems they figured out how to turn a flashlight into a silencer. Looks like a Maglite to me.Screenshot I took of my TV:

15 years ago, Steven Seagal made one from an empty 2 liter plastic pop bottleOn Deadly Ground

So it can be done because Steven Seagal did it
Nicholson's right hand man used a 2 liter silencer in The Departed as well.
Once home owners, gun nuts, survivalists, etc...realize from tv and news that something is going on in the world and also nearby with people coming back to life and eating others, they might pull out the stuff they have acquired, contact the guy who has a lot of guns and other survivalist gear, etc to purchase said things. Notice how not everyone has a silencer but only one legitimate one and one make shift one? BTW...I can go get one right now from a trap shooting partner if I need it. They aren't that hard to get.
That one screen cap definitely makes Carl's silencer look like a real silencer, but I recall seeing it at a different angle that made it look sort of conical and make-shift.
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If you are in a real zombie apocalypse and have to clear out an entire house, not knowing what was inside, would you rather go with melee weapon (Ax, Machette, baseball bat..), a loaded 6 shot pistol, or a slow loading crossbow with 30 arrows?
I think something simple like T-Dog's fireplace poker. But I would worry about the barb/hook on the end. Somebody above said something about a spear made of rebar. That's not a bad idea but I'd fashion some sort of grip for it.If I could make something like a goedendag I would use that.
Nice.I think I would have to go with a Roman short sword.

Or maybe a DRACULA dagger.
I would go with an old fashioned
. Ideally, I'd have one made of titanium prior to the zombie apoc.
Once home owners, gun nuts, survivalists, etc...realize from tv and news that something is going on in the world and also nearby with people coming back to life and eating others, they might pull out the stuff they have acquired, contact the guy who has a lot of guns and other survivalist gear, etc to purchase said things. Notice how not everyone has a silencer but only one legitimate one and one make shift one? BTW...I can go get one right now from a trap shooting partner if I need it. They aren't that hard to get.
That one screen cap definitely makes Carl's silencer look like a real silencer, but I recall seeing it at a different angle that made it look sort of conical and make-shift.
Aluminum bat imo.
Once home owners, gun nuts, survivalists, etc...realize from tv and news that something is going on in the world and also nearby with people coming back to life and eating others, they might pull out the stuff they have acquired, contact the guy who has a lot of guns and other survivalist gear, etc to purchase said things. Notice how not everyone has a silencer but only one legitimate one and one make shift one? BTW...I can go get one right now from a trap shooting partner if I need it. They aren't that hard to get.
That one screen cap definitely makes Carl's silencer look like a real silencer, but I recall seeing it at a different angle that made it look sort of conical and make-shift.
Flashlight. Someone posted a screen shot of it in this thread

If you are in a real zombie apocalypse and have to clear out an entire house, not knowing what was inside, would you rather go with melee weapon (Ax, Machette, baseball bat..), a loaded 6 shot pistol, or a slow loading crossbow with 30 arrows?
I think something simple like T-Dog's fireplace poker. But I would worry about the barb/hook on the end. Somebody above said something about a spear made of rebar. That's not a bad idea but I'd fashion some sort of grip for it.If I could make something like a goedendag I would use that.
Nice.I think I would have to go with a Roman short sword.

Or maybe a DRACULA dagger.
I would go with an old fashioned
some +4 mithril armor and you are good to go
Once home owners, gun nuts, survivalists, etc...realize from tv and news that something is going on in the world and also nearby with people coming back to life and eating others, they might pull out the stuff they have acquired, contact the guy who has a lot of guns and other survivalist gear, etc to purchase said things. Notice how not everyone has a silencer but only one legitimate one and one make shift one? BTW...I can go get one right now from a trap shooting partner if I need it. They aren't that hard to get.
That one screen cap definitely makes Carl's silencer look like a real silencer, but I recall seeing it at a different angle that made it look sort of conical and make-shift.
Flashlight. Someone posted a screen shot of it in this thread
That was Ricks. Carl has a different one.
Once home owners, gun nuts, survivalists, etc...realize from tv and news that something is going on in the world and also nearby with people coming back to life and eating others, they might pull out the stuff they have acquired, contact the guy who has a lot of guns and other survivalist gear, etc to purchase said things. Notice how not everyone has a silencer but only one legitimate one and one make shift one? BTW...I can go get one right now from a trap shooting partner if I need it. They aren't that hard to get.
That one screen cap definitely makes Carl's silencer look like a real silencer, but I recall seeing it at a different angle that made it look sort of conical and make-shift.
Flashlight. Someone posted a screen shot of it in this thread
That was Ricks. Carl has a different one.
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Once home owners, gun nuts, survivalists, etc...realize from tv and news that something is going on in the world and also nearby with people coming back to life and eating others, they might pull out the stuff they have acquired, contact the guy who has a lot of guns and other survivalist gear, etc to purchase said things. Notice how not everyone has a silencer but only one legitimate one and one make shift one? BTW...I can go get one right now from a trap shooting partner if I need it. They aren't that hard to get.
That one screen cap definitely makes Carl's silencer look like a real silencer, but I recall seeing it at a different angle that made it look sort of conical and make-shift.
Flashlight. Someone posted a screen shot of it in this thread
That was Ricks. Carl has a different one.
Yeah, that looks makeshift to me. Maybe there are some suppressors that are that shape, though.
Once home owners, gun nuts, survivalists, etc...realize from tv and news that something is going on in the world and also nearby with people coming back to life and eating others, they might pull out the stuff they have acquired, contact the guy who has a lot of guns and other survivalist gear, etc to purchase said things. Notice how not everyone has a silencer but only one legitimate one and one make shift one?

BTW...I can go get one right now from a trap shooting partner if I need it. They aren't that hard to get.
That one screen cap definitely makes Carl's silencer look like a real silencer, but I recall seeing it at a different angle that made it look sort of conical and make-shift.
Flashlight. Someone posted a screen shot of it in this thread
That was Ricks. Carl has a different one.



Yeah, that looks makeshift to me. Maybe there are some suppressors that are that shape, though.


If you are in a real zombie apocalypse and have to clear out an entire house, not knowing what was inside, would you rather go with melee weapon (Ax, Machette, baseball bat..), a loaded 6 shot pistol, or a slow loading crossbow with 30 arrows?
I think something simple like T-Dog's fireplace poker. But I would worry about the barb/hook on the end. Somebody above said something about a spear made of rebar. That's not a bad idea but I'd fashion some sort of grip for it.If I could make something like a goedendag I would use that.
Nice.I think I would have to go with a Roman short sword.

Or maybe a DRACULA dagger.
I would go with an old fashioned
:lol: Some guy is already making titanium battle maces. Not the style I'd want for real battle though.

Once home owners, gun nuts, survivalists, etc...realize from tv and news that something is going on in the world and also nearby with people coming back to life and eating others, they might pull out the stuff they have acquired, contact the guy who has a lot of guns and other survivalist gear, etc to purchase said things. Notice how not everyone has a silencer but only one legitimate one and one make shift one?

BTW...I can go get one right now from a trap shooting partner if I need it. They aren't that hard to get.
That one screen cap definitely makes Carl's silencer look like a real silencer, but I recall seeing it at a different angle that made it look sort of conical and make-shift.
Flashlight. Someone posted a screen shot of it in this thread
That was Ricks. Carl has a different one.



Yeah, that looks makeshift to me. Maybe there are some suppressors that are that shape, though.
They're planning a flashback episode where they meet MacGyver.
Once home owners, gun nuts, survivalists, etc...realize from tv and news that something is going on in the world and also nearby with people coming back to life and eating others, they might pull out the stuff they have acquired, contact the guy who has a lot of guns and other survivalist gear, etc to purchase said things. Notice how not everyone has a silencer but only one legitimate one and one make shift one?

BTW...I can go get one right now from a trap shooting partner if I need it. They aren't that hard to get.
That one screen cap definitely makes Carl's silencer look like a real silencer, but I recall seeing it at a different angle that made it look sort of conical and make-shift.
Flashlight. Someone posted a screen shot of it in this thread
That was Ricks. Carl has a different one.



Yeah, that looks makeshift to me. Maybe there are some suppressors that are that shape, though.
I guess I'm just a stupid viewer who doesn't care where they found a silencer. I care what they do with it, and where they are going; but that's just me.
The opening scene made it emphatically clear that they've been roaming and ransacking for months. Carl pulling a can opener out of his bag was another way to emphasize that point. We don't need - or I don't need - to see every specific moment that happened in the months since the end of Season 2. It's clear they've been moving about and gathering supplies. At some point, Rick found a silencer. It hardly ruins the show's credibility for that to occur. Like you said, I don't need to see the exact moment when that occurred for it to be believable. It clearly occurred at some point and in no way does it defy logic for someone to believe it could have occurred.
Except at the end of the last season they showed the group was about a mile away from the prison when they "zoomed out".Guess they wandered in a circle for a few months. ;)
I'll have to re-watch but I believe during the conversation at the car they made note of that didn't they? Didn't someone say they're starting to go around in a circle?
Yes, they did. Apparently some people aren't paying attention.
GAPING PLOT HOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So they're in this same general area for several months. They're starving. They're driving several vehicles on these roads looking for food apparently (raiding homes and the like). On these roads, they never see a sign for the GIANT prison which can't be more than a mile or two away from where they end season 2? They never happen to drive by it or see it down the road a spell? A one off "welp, it appears we've gone in a bit of circle, guys" is enough to explain this for you? Then, they find it by stumbling through the woods? It's idiocy.
Why are we assuming there's a huge sign that says PRISON? Even if there was one before the zombie apocalypse why would we automatically assume it would still be there? Things have changed a bit.

Why are we assuming there's a huge sign that says PRISON? Even if there was one before the zombie apocalypse why would we automatically assume it would still be there? Things have changed a bit.
Seems like a safe assumption to me. Plenty of signs around prisons and other large institutions like that, they can't all be gone. Seems to me you're just willing to look at any scenario and find some kind of off-the-wall explanation for it in your zombie la-la land. Why do you want to defend lazy writing?

If you are in a real zombie apocalypse and have to clear out an entire house, not knowing what was inside, would you rather go with melee weapon (Ax, Machette, baseball bat..), a loaded 6 shot pistol, or a slow loading crossbow with 30 arrows?
I think something simple like T-Dog's fireplace poker. But I would worry about the barb/hook on the end. Somebody above said something about a spear made of rebar. That's not a bad idea but I'd fashion some sort of grip for it.If I could make something like a goedendag I would use that.
Nice.I think I would have to go with a Roman short sword.

Or maybe a DRACULA dagger.
I would go with an old fashioned
OMG that is just sick.

The only problem would be the swing radius, with a sword you are still slice and stab.

Great first episode.

Not sure if this has already been posted--I didn't want to sift all the way back through the wave of posts nitpicking about technicalities--but the opening sequence was some fantastic television. I loved the lack of dialogue; instead the director just the visuals tell us everything we need to know.

Can't wait for episode #2.

The thing is, many of the "complaints" I see aren't major gaping holes in the logic that poke a hole in the mask of self deception or however you want to phrase it. I see most of them as extremely petty and minor things that in no way, shape or form prevent me from enjoying the show. If that makes me a simpleton in someone's eyes, so be it. I love this show and last night's episode did not fail to disappoint. If others want to harp on what I consider to be insignificant aspects of the show that's their right. At no point during last night's episode was there anything on even the most minute level that caused me to say "WTF was that" and ruin or hamper the episode. I thought it was a great episode and a great start to the season.
:goodposting: :hifive:
Seems to me you're just willing to look at any scenario and find some kind of off-the-wall explanation for it in your zombie la-la land.
And it seems to me you're nitpicking in order to find anything to ##### about. Cuts both ways.
Not really, love the show, there's just some brutally silly stuff. How many posts do I have in here complaining?
Don't know. Not counting. I just don't find it silly or an example of lazy writing that they were traveling for months and didn't come across the prison until now - especially when they had a scene essentially explaining why that would have been possible.

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